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Showing posts from February, 2023

What is outside the universe?

    What is outside the universe?  So is a universe in the middle of emptiness? The fact is: emptiness and vacuum are relative. Because we are in the middle of the universe. We cannot measure things that are outside the universe. If we want to measure differences between two systems. We must see both of those systems.  We can think that water is one system and the air is another system. Also, space around the earth and finally the universe are systems. And if we are in the middle of a swimming pool we cannot measure the pressure. Or actually, there is no absolute pressure. We can measure the differences in the pressure by comparing them with some other systems. Or some other pressures.  We think the universe is a bubble in the middle of total emptiness. In our models' universe is the bubble in a vacuum that pulls energy or wave movement travels away from it. And that causes cosmic inflation. So in the universe is overpressure that pushes wave movement to the vacuum around it. And t

NASA discovered organic molecules from asteroid Ryugu.

"This conceptual image illustrates the types of organic molecules found in the sample of asteroid Ryugu collected by Japan’s Hayabusa2 spacecraft. Organics are the building blocks of all known forms of terrestrial life and consist of a wide variety of compounds made of carbon combined with hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and other atoms. However, organic molecules can also be created by non-living processes, such as chemical reactions in asteroids. Credit: NASA/JAXA/Dan Gallagher" ( Discovers Organic Molecules on Asteroid Ryugu, Bolstering Theory of Extraterrestrial Life Ingredients) There are organic molecules in samples that NASA and the Japanese space agency brought from asteroid Ryugu. That thing boosts theories about the origin of life in space. And one of the most fundamental things in the search for extraterrestrial lifeforms is that nobody laughs. It's the possibility that even in our solar system are some kind of primitive lifeforms more

"Santa Claus" machines and nanotechnology.

Image: scientists 3D print objects with “acoustic holograms” Acoustic holograms can make the "Santa Claus" machine possible.  "The team was able to use their technique to print 3D objects from solid microparticles, hydrogel beads, and even biological cells — contact-free (bar the sound waves, of course)". ( scientists 3D print objects with “acoustic holograms) The acoustic pressure systems can use to model metals or ceramics. In the most conventional versions, the LRAD systems can use air as the hammer that models the ceramics or even metals and carbon fiber.  Acoustic holograms are 3D-shaped pressure fields created by high-accurate sound waves. Those pressure fields act like hydraulic presses. And they can create physical merchandise by pressing the plastic foam or plastic fog created by using high-temperature systems.  The acoustic holograms can make things even from metal dust or metal vapor in extremely high temperatures. I

Quantum entanglement can also transport information in binary systems.

    Quantum entanglement can also transport information in binary systems.  The binary system can use quantum teleportation. As well as quantum systems can use the same thing. The binary system can use the system where two energy levels are determined as zero and one.  But there is another way to make a binary system that can transport data. The idea is that the system uses two frequencies. The frequency one means zero. And frequency two means one. And how the system can sort the zero and one in the right order?  The idea is that when electricity is on in wire one that means zero for the computer. And when the electricity is cut. That means that the data sequence is ending. Every zero and one is equipped with a serial number.  *************************************************** "Researchers at the University of Rochester developed a new method for manipulating information in quantum systems by controlling the spin of electrons in silicon quantum dots. Electrons in silicon experien

Acoustic and electromagnetic wormholes are interesting communication tools.

In the beginning, I must say one thing. The term Faster-than-light communication means that photons are traveling faster than usual. In underwater conditions, the system can make acoustic channels through the water. And in that case, even an electron can travel faster than it travels in water.  Researchers made acoustic and electromagnetic wormholes in laboratories. In those situations, the wormhole means a channel where liquid water or some kind of electromagnetic radiation like magnetic fields are forming a channel through the air or some other medium. There is the possibility that the wormhole is made through the liquid like low-pressure ultra-cold water by making the acoustic channel through the liquid and then the magnetic tornado is drilled through that channel.  The idea is that when the power of another magnet is lower than another it creates a situation where information travels like in wormholes. The system can create this electromagnetic part of a "wormhole" by usi

Boullée's tomb.

 Boullée's tomb.  Boullée, Cénotaphe à Newton (1784) Boullée's sphere is one of the most remarkable architectural plans. But this structure remained as drawings. It was never finished. But that shape lives in nuclear reactor's geometrical safe buildings.  Étienne-Louis Boullée's (1728-1799) plans for a tomb for Isaac Newton was the ball-shaped monument building that ever made. That tomb is planned as being a ball-shaped structure and one sure thing. I don't know. Did Boullée realize that the echoes from the walls can form an acoustic ball in the middle of the structure?  The Boullée's tomb was not complete in real life. It was only paper on the desk. There is one problem with spherical houses which form echoes. Those ball structures can form an acoustic black hole in the middle of them.  An acoustic black hole means a situation where symmetrically coming soundwaves are impacting and that thing causes a situation, where the air cannot fill that point. So the acou

Dark energy and the shape of the universe.

Could the universe be egg-shaped?  Could the cosmic microwave background explain some errors and anomalies in calculations? We can see two symmetrically cold areas that are in line at the left and right sides of the image. That could tell that there is a giant black hole in the middle of the universe. That hyper-massive black hole could form when just after the Big Bang part of the material dropped back. And that material formed an enormous black hole in history. The cosmic gamma- and X-ray backgrounds tell that there could be a point where that radiation leaves.  And those cold points seem to be in line with gamma- and X-ray radiation. If the source of those gammas- and X-rays are black holes, where they are leaving from their poles, that radiation could turn the universe into a little bit of egg-looking structure. And that means we are at the equator of that hypothetical black hole. So could that thing cause us to overestimate some distances? That means we thought that the visible un

The event horizon is a standing gravitational wave.

The event horizon is the point around the black hole where escape velocity reaches the speed of light. But what is the event horizon, and what it's form is? If we think. Gravitational waves are reflecting wave movement the source is in the middle of the black hole, we can say that the event horizon is the impact point, where radiation that drops behind the event horizon collide with gravitational radiation that comes from inside the black hole. That forms the standing gravitational wave.  The black hole's gravitational field is enormous. Even light cannot escape from those most extreme objects in the universe. The point where escaping velocity reaches the speed of light is called the event horizon. The black holes are forming gravitational waves. That thing means that there is wave movement in the black hole. But there still are the waves in the black hole.  Image 2 introduces how seismic waves travel inside Earth. All wave movement travels similarly. Seismic waves form on Eart

JWST discovered galaxies that should not exist.

How galaxy can be older than it should be? Are there some massive objects behind the distant galaxies? If the black hole is behind the star or galaxy it can stretch the light. That means the redshift of those galaxies seems stronger than it is. And that thing can make galaxies seem more distant than they are.  How galaxy or star can be older than it should be? There is the possibility that light travels slower from those objects than it should. The speed of light is the cosmic constant. But the speed of light depends on the gravitation, quantum fields, and scattering effect.  So if there are some very massive objects like black holes behind those galaxies. That thing makes light travel slower than it should. And massive objects behind distant galaxies can make galaxies virtually older than they are. But what that invisible and powerful effect could be? There is a possibility that this kind of effect is proof of the multiverse.  At this moment, I must say that light travels past multipl

Artificial skin can be useful in next-generation touch screens and robot sensing.

 Artificial skin can be useful in next-generation touch screens and robot sensing. Artificial sense of touch can use in burglary alarms. And it can also use in submarine shells. If submarine has sense. It can feel as if somebody try to connect mine to it. If an artificial sense of touch has got enough high accuracy, that thing makes it possible to use it as fingerprint recognition. We could make artificial touch by using layers where are lots of nano-size lasers. Those layers can detect the place where the finger is moving.  Or the screen-size CCD chip can detect the point where a person moves their hand. In that case, the system measures the distance between the sensors and the object. And it can use an image detector to separate the objects that are touching it from the background. In that case, the optical system acts like the sense of touch.   Today artificial sense is used in touchpads. Two layers touch each other or touch causes a tunneling effect that makes electricity travel to

Physicists isolated and made pairs of ultracold atoms to research the P-wave interaction.

Above this text is an image of the seismic wave travel on Earth. When incoming seismic waves impact two points on the Earth's shell. They cause a situation. where waves travel against each other. That effect forms the standing wave between those points. And all wave movement acts the same way.  This is the story of the P and S wave interaction in seismology. When Earthquake waves impact the earth's shell that thing causes the S and P waves. S waves are transverse waves. And P waves are longitudinal primary waves. All wave movement is similar. There are also S- and P waves in magnetic fields. The same things that are causing earthquakes are limiting the time of quantum entanglement.  "Plane P wave" (Wikipedia / Pwave) "Representation of the propagation of a P wave on a 2D grid (empirical shape)" (Wikipedia / P wave) Diagram 1 (a and b)shows the movement of P waves.  "Plane shear wave" Wikipedia /S wave) "Propagation of a spherical S wave in a 2

What happens when a black hole is forming?

When a supernova explosion happens. The shockwave starts to travel out from the star. A Supernova explosion is a case where fusion fills the entire star during that process. Energy impacts the middle of the supernova with enormous power. The shockwave forms an electromagnetic vacuum. So we could say that the supernova is like a giant vacuum bomb.  And when the power of that shockwave decreases the electromagnetic vacuum around the nucleus of the star starts to fill. At least in this stage in the supernova explosion energy that drops in that electromagnetic vacuum smashes against the material that is in the middle of the star. The energy impact smashes electrons in the atom's nucleus.  And if that impact is powerful enough it just smashes all elementary particles, quarks, and electrons into one entirety called a singularity. That material is extremely thick. And when some kind of electromagnetic radiation impacts that thing, that radiation reflects from the object.  That reflection

The auroras on the skies of Jupiter's moons can tell that there is an ocean under those moon's icy shells.

Above: Galilean moons.  Many times people ask how icy moons can have water. The reason for that is the magnetic field. Those moons are quite small things, and that's why people think that there is not enough radioactive material that keeps their nucleus warm and that causes a loss of the magnetic field.  But the magnetic field doesn't need to have a melted nucleus. The magnetic nucleus and fast-rotating cloud of magnetic crystals can turn the icy moon into a generator, even if the nucleus of the moon is solid. In that model water that rotates the magnetic nucleus acts like a generator if there are magnetic iron bites in that liquid.  That model requires that there is a water layer around the nucleus. And that water must rotate the entire nucleus. Then the iron bites that are in the water turn the structure into the generator.  And the aurorae of Jupiter's moons prove that there is a magnetic field. The low gravitation and tidal forces keep water liquid. And that makes the m

Why AI is so good in the things like physics and mathematics?

AI is the big thing. And the AI gets the best results when it should handle precise and logical information that is introduced clearly and follows a certain type of information. When information is in text form. And it contains things like a precisely introduced source list that is easy to detect, the AI is more effective than humans.  The effectiveness doesn't mean that the AI understands what it should do. It just uses some parameters for selecting words that it connects. This is one of the most critical things for AI. When AI searches for information from the net, it seems to be very smart.  ChatGPT answered physics examinations like C-grade students. And that thing is one of the most interesting things in the world. ChatGPT would answer exams better if the questions are mathematical. And that is one of the biggest values that this AI has.  The ChatGPT will make the report by connecting words. And one of the most interesting things it could do is connect new modules to itself. T

The tunneling effect can also explain the mysterious spherical kilonova.

When neutrons are impacting, that causes an effect called neutron fusion.   It's possible that when high-speed neutrons impact. When another neutron's north pole is against another neutron's south pole. That causes an impact even if the speed of those particles would be low. But those particles' impact speed in colliding neutron stars is very high. In some models impacting neutron stars form neutron vapor when their interaction pulls particles off their shells.  The impact speed of those neutrons is high. That thing turns them into energy. That kind of neutron fusion is possible in high energy and strong gravitational environment. That means the impacting neutrons between neutron stars could form the spherical energy impulse.  When neutron stars collide they turn the opposite poles against each other. That thing causes an extremely strong electromagnetic effect. That effect loads energy to neutrons that are starting to act like ions. Neutrons with a high energy load mak

Are there rivers and lakes in other worlds?

"This composite image shows an infrared view of Saturn’s moon Titan from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, acquired during the mission’s “T-114” flyby on November 13, 2015. Titan has lakes and rivers on its surface, but they are made out of methane and ethane. Credit: NASA" ( Asked a NASA Scientist: Are There Rivers and Lakes on Other Worlds?) When we describe the river as the flow of liquid and the lake as a small place where is liquid, we must say that rivers and lakes might be quite usual in the universe.  As an example, the Sarurn's giant moon Titan has lakes and rivers on its surface. But there is no water in those lakes and rivers. There are hydrocarbon oceans with extremely cold methane and ethane. Weak gravitation is also one reason why methane stays liquid on the Titan moon.  The temperature on that moon is -179 degrees Celsius. Tidal forces keep methane moving. But the melting point of that gas is -182 degrees Celsius. And that means methane can exis

Mysterious kilonova formed a symmetrical sphere.

In some models, the anti-electrons or positrons can cover the entire neutron star. And that forms the situation where an energy blast hits to neutron star around it. That form a similar effect to an implosion (nuclear) bomb. The energy travels in the middle of the neutron star. And then that energy impulse reflects from the nucleus back to the surface.  The term kilonova means colliding neutron stars. The mysterious thing about that new kilonova is that the collision created a fully symmetrical sphere. For a symmetrical sphere's forming, the energy impulse should come from the middle of the neutron star. The thing that forms the sphere are neutrons that turn the same poles outward.  That causes an energy impulse that forms a symmetrical shockwave outside the neutron star. But the question is how the energy impulse comes from the middle of the neutron star or the middle of the kilonova. There is the possibility that just when neutron stars collide between them travels the neutrino b

There is no "second law" of quantum entanglement.

There is no "second law" of quantum entanglement.  Above this text is an image of the Pleiades star cluster. That star cluster is one version of the system.  In the quantum world, all systems' existence depends on other systems. In the matryoshka model, systems form internal entirety like matryoshka dolls.  The largest of known quantum systems is the Universe.  And all other systems are its subsystems. Smaller or internal systems' existence is not possible without larger systems. And the term system means the group of actors. That observer can separate from another entirety. If the larger system's existence ends. The smaller, or internal system tries to fill that hole. That thing is seen as energy flow. Energy always travels from the higher energy system to the lower energy system. If the existence of internal systems ends. Energy from a larger system tries to fill the place of an internal system.  The biggest problem with thermodynamics in the quantum world is th

Scientists turned dead birds into drones that can fly.

Researchers turned stuffed birds into robots. Bird-shaped robots can observe humans and other animals. Stuffed animals are quite easy to turn into robots. Things like deer's skin can also use to cover the robot. And that skin or fur can dress on a four-leg robot. Stuffed fish and stuffed snakes can also use as robots.  But as I wrote earlier, the dead bird turned to the flying drone. And that thing is one of the most powerful tools in the world. The animal-shaped drones and robots can observe other humans or animals. Researchers can use animals like rats and crows as covers for the surveillance robots. Researchers could use some common animals that have only a few enemies. That makes those robots invisible.  Those animal-shaped robots can have multiple sensors. They can have microphones, laser microphones, sonar systems, and CCD cameras. They also can carry chemical detectors like plasma spectrometers. So those sensor packs make those robots effective.  The animal-shaped robots can

The new material can switch superconductivity on and off. describes new material this way: "MIT physicists have found a new way to switch superconductivity on and off in magic-angle graphene. This figure shows a device with two graphene layers in the middle (in dark gray and in inset). The graphene layers are sandwiched in between boron nitride layers (in blue and purple).  "The angle and alignment of each layer enables the researchers to turn superconductivity on and off in graphene with a short electric pulse. Credit: Courtesy of the researchers. Edited by MIT News" ( Physicists Discover Way To Switch Superconductivity On and Off in “Magic-Angle” Graphene) ********************************** The new material is graphene which can switch its magic angle. And when those magic angles are in line. Graphene is in superconducting form. When graphene turns its magic angles into nonlinear formation. That will destroy its superconductivity.  That material can be suitable for next-generation microchi