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Showing posts from July, 2023

Is X-37B some kind of nuclear bomber?

The space shuttle is a modular system. It is always suitable for military and civil missions.  GLSDB (Ground-Lauch Small Diameter Bomb) type systems can give missiles pinpoint accuracy even in intercontinental range. AI-based optical seekers can make it possible that small-diameter bombs can destroy individual vehicles or other targets in extremely long-range. And the same weapon used in GLSDB can install even in intercontinental boosters like Minuteman or Trident missiles.  Dream Chaser X-37B X-37B is a miniature shuttle. That space system has a cargo room, like larger shuttles. But the size of X-37B and its successors like "Dream Chaser" is far smaller than well-known big shuttles. But that cargo bays make all space shuttles multi-use tools.  There is the possibility that small telescopes and other kinds of observation systems are put in those small and highly secretive shuttles. There is the possibility that the X-37B type of shuttle can raise remote-controlled biological

How to make a GPS on the moon? And why that is a practical solution that connects communication and location?

There is no magnetosphere over the moon. That means all communication over the moon's horizon must be made by using satellites. Those communication satellites can use their communication systems to locate the transmitters on the moon. The astronauts and robots who operate on the moon can use laser transmitters that are visible from Earth or photo satellites that can locate them.  But radio wave-based communication is also suitable, and if those astronauts operate in building sites where is no visual connection with telescopes and satellites. The radio wave-based GPS can be suitable also for locating astronauts and other things on the moon.  The GPS and communication satellites are the most important technical things on Earth. The GPS and communication satellites can use in the same role on the moon. The GPS is not very hard to make because that system requires four satellites. Six is the minimum if that system covers the poles. In that case four of those satellites are in the stati

The virtual space tower is the hole in the atmosphere.

There is the possibility that electromagnetic rail guns, which rate of fire is extremely high and the ammunition speed is high super- or even hypersonic (Mach 8+) can shoot satellites from sea level. In that kind of system, high-speed ammunition makes the channel while it travels through the air.  If the ammunition travels in rows very close to each other, the air channel that forms behind the ammunition will not have time to fill. And that allows the series of that hypersonic ammunition will increase the air channel higher and higher. And there is the possibility that this kind of series of ammunition can drill itself through the atmosphere.  In some models, this kind of railgun can install on the nose of the rocket. Railgun has no recoil. And if that system sends ammunition at the forward of the rocket. The ammunition that travels ahead of the rocket will make a low-pressure channel to the rocket's route. And that makes rockets easier to travel through the atmosphere.  The idea i

The new observation tools are making new ways to see and interact with objects.

We all know things like MRI(Magnetic resonance imaging) and other kinds of tools. Those systems are used for a long time for taking images from the human body. The newest systems are portable iMPI (Magnetic Particle Imaging) scanners that can give information about the human body without X- or gamma-rays. The idea of that system is that the iMPI manipulates nano-scale magnetic objects. And then that system makes an image by using that system.  "Researchers from the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU) have developed a portable, radiation-free scanner using Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI). This technique, capable of visualizing dynamic processes like blood flow in the human body, is based on the detection of magnetic nanoparticles administered as markers". ( Imaging Technology Provides a Quick Look Inside a Human Being) tells about the kinds of portable systems about this:  "Technologies like computed tomography, magnetic reso

By manipulating light, researchers can create futuristic quantum computers and stealth systems. But it can make a revolution in energy production.

What would you do with two identical light beams? That thing makes it possible to create the ultimate error correction for quantum computers. Things like photon snakes can use as photonic tape stations that can transport information with new efficiency. Light can push objects, and photon-accelerated electrons can be the next-generation systems for civil and military sectors. Photons can push electrons and protons in the beam lasers.  If ion cannon shoots two internal particle beams with positive and negative particles the electromagnetic pulling effect keeps that beam in form. Lasers or photon clouds can also input energy to electrons and positrons that travel in the particle accelerators. If the system can create high energy stopped or standing photons, that thing makes fundamental things in the R&D work in quantum and nanoscale systems.  In quantum networks, the system drives information in the frame where the trapped photon is. Then that frame sends information into that photon.

Researchers probing the abyss: They hunt for dark photons and try to create dark matter.

Researchers are starting to hunt for hypothetical dark photons. The dark photon, or "anti photon," is the hypothetical pair of photons. If researchers can find that particle, they can probably better understand the nature of the mysterious gravitational effect called dark matter. The problem with dark matter is that nobody sees it. If dark matter exists in the form of a weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP), it should either send radiation or reflect radiation. But the thing is that if researchers don't know the size of the WIMP particle, they cannot find the frequency and wavelength of the radiation that the WIMP reflects. There is a possibility that the WIMP is not a particle at all. In that model, WIMP is like a bubble in a high-energy field that interacts like a real particle. In that case, the WIMP is the virtual particle that explodes or collapses immediately. The collapse of that bubble or virtual particle makes it possible for the quantum fields around it to

If we can create a high-enough energy field with very high density we could make a system that can interact with gravitation.

If gravitation is quantum entanglement between hypothetical graviton particles the antigravitation is the situation where the participants of that hypothetical quantum entanglement are in the same energy level. So the thing that forms antigravitation is a standing gravitational wave between the object and the ground.  The observations that cocoons of supernovas can form gravitational waves are refreshing ideas that may be someday. In the future. We can create synthetic gravitational waves. Maybe annihilation or annihilation-powered lasers can form required energy levels where density and energy levels are high enough.  That they can interact with gravitation. The system should form standing gravitational waves that make the gravitational reflection from it to the hovering object and the ground. The idea is that if gravitational waves can form a standing wave that thing reflects gravitational radiation between the object and the ground. The situation is similar when quantum entanglement

Black holes can form only when supernovas are forming falling WARP-bubble.

Forming of a black hole.  When a supernova explodes it forms a bubble. The shockwave of the supernova has so high energy level and density are so high, that this shockwave can push gravitational waves away inside it. The fall of the bubble is the reason why black holes are forming.  And the thing that makes a gravitational effect around a black hole could be the gravitational tornado that pulls wave movement and material out from the event horizon. When that gravitational or quantum tornado pulls the material to the poles of the singularity it causes electromagnetic low pressure. Then the outside field tries to fill that effect and takes all other particles with it.  The birth of black holes is an extreme situation. The supernova explosion pushes all other quantum fields away from the point where the star that ran out of fuel was. The black hole forms the WARP bubble. The shockwave that traveled across the universe has such a high density and energy level that it can interact with grav

Toyota's Lunar Cruiser is a pathfinder for regenerative fuel technology.

Toyota developed a lunar vehicle that can operate using regenerative technology. In the daytime, the vehicle might use solar panels. And at night, the system can use oxygen and hydrogen in fuel cells and, why not, in turbines? This kind of system uses solar power to split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. And then it can burn those gases in fuel cells or turbines. The thing that makes this kind of system interesting is that it recycles hydrogen and oxygen. Burning those gases produces water, which the system can transfer to the electrolysis chamber. Then those gases will be sent to tanks, where they could be stored under pressure or in liquid form. Liquid hydrogen and oxygen require a thermos structure that isolates them from their environment because their temperature is extremely low.  The "Predator" drone can use this kind of environmentally friendly system for energy production. This kind of emission-free hybrid vehicle can use electric engines when they can load

Roque planets and the strange theories of Immanuel Velikovsky

NASA's Nancy Grace Roman Telescope found 400 Earth-Mass-Roque planets. Some rogue planets are remnants of supernovae and novae, or planetary systems of those dead stars. There is the possibility that rogue planets can form without a star. That means there could form objects that are smaller than brown dwarfs. And we can say that those objects are planets. Planets can form around sand bites in interstellar space.  And forming of the planet only requires. That the mass of the condensing dust and gas clouds is so low, that those nuclear reactions cannot begin. When a star dies, it sends a massive, high-energy shockwave through the universe. That shockwave can push planets away from their orbital trajectories, far away from the dying stars. So if a planet orbits the sun far enough or if another solar system that orbits the red dwarf is at a certain distance, the shockwave can push entire planets out of their orbits. The red dwarf's gravitational field is so weak that a massive supe

There is the possibility that the expansion of the universe is an illusion. And thoughts about dark energy.

Is dark energy regular radiation that gravitation has stretched into an unknown form? We know that dark energy is wave movement or radiation that travels across the universe. There is a possibility that dark energy is some kind of wave movement whose sender is unknown. There is a possibility that the dark energy is wave motion and that gravitation is modified. Gravitation stretches light waves. And when the gravitational center is back to light, that gravitational effect pulls the wavelength of that light longer. In the same way, gravitation should affect all other waves or radiation types, gravitation also spreads radiowaves, X- and gamma rays, and quantum fields around the universe. So there is a possibility that dark energy is just some kind of radiation that gravitation transformed to form that source, which is unknown. That means the source of that radiation is a well-known particle. But gravitation changed those waves into a form whose wavelength is unknown. Gamma X-ray All radia

What is the connection between the U-2 spy plane and an MRI scanner?

The AI can detect invisible brain damage and changes in land areas. We all know that simultaneously repeating punches can damage the brain. The problem is that detecting those damages is difficult. The AI can make that thing in seconds. The ability to detect brain damage and injuries is a very simple process. The AI detects anomalies in brain structures with very high accuracy. The thing that bases the information on how brain structure should change while a person is aging The AI can simulate how brain tissue (or any other tissue) should change over a certain timeline. The AI requires two MRIs or some other scanner images that are taken at a certain time. The AI detects if there are any anomalous changes in those images. But the AI can also detect if there are any anomalous structures in the brain. Things like miniature blood clots are easy to detect by the AI, which uses extremely large zooms on the brain images. And then the AI marks abnormal structures in the brain. Satellite U-2S

Protons are a key element in new neuromorphic microchips and memory units.

Protons that are trapped in ferroelectric material are playing a big role in the next generation of neuromorphic microchips. reports that KAUST's researchers used indium selenide for making a ferroelectric film and then put that film over an iridium layer. The report on that thing goes like this:  "A New Method for Ferroelectric Materials" "The team’s novel approach hinges on the protonation of indium selenide to generate a multitude of ferroelectric phases. The researchers incorporated the ferroelectric material in a transistor consisting of a silicon-supported stacked heterostructure for evaluation". ( To Power Next-Gen Memory Devices and Neuromorphic Computing Chips) "They layered an indium selenide film on the heterostructure. Which consisted of an aluminum oxide insulating sheet nestled between a platinum layer at the bottom and porous silica at the top. The platinum layer functioned as electrodes for the applie

AI and PCR can create brand-new species.

PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) makes it possible to multiply the DNA. And in genetic engineering, the only thing needed is the DNA. If researchers want to put some cells together to make some new chemicals, they must just find a certain DNA sequence that controls some enzyme production. Enzymes are complicated molecules. In a natural environment, cells use raw materials that they get from nutrients. Then that cell selects the right components from the food for the raw material that it requires for enzyme production. The AI can provide high enough accuracy for the DNA base pairs that are responsible for the selection of chemicals like selene. If the AI can search for and locate certain base pairs, that means the system can change the base pairs. Or, as other people say, researchers can rewrite the genetic code with very high accuracy. That means that the cells can reprogram to select another raw material for their production, like enzymes. This is the thing that the cells can do to mak

What connects the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) and Artemis programs?

SETI and Aretemis are the most well-known space programs. SETI searches for alien civilizations. And Artemis plans to return to the Moon. The thing is that both of those programs are platforms or forums. Their purpose is far bigger than just sending some astronauts to the moon. In the Artemis program, NASA and its companies are developing new types of space technology, like moon shuttles. Zero-emission vehicles allow astronauts to operate comfortably on the Moon Similar vehicles with airlocks and other capacities can also operate underwater or at the bottom of the ocean. Those kinds of systems are offering new possibilities for many missions, both scientific and military. Also, those underwater systems can be used to fix offshore oil platforms. Things like miniature tooth implants that can monitor stress and blood pressure are also interesting tools. They can replace old-fashioned microphones. And basically, those implants can use resonance to transmit information to the ears. The user

Can alien civilizations find us?

When we think that alien civilizations see our microwaves and other signals, there is a possibility that they see us. But making contact with other civilizations is a complicated thing. The aliens have similar problems with us as we have with hypothetical alien civilizations. If aliens want to see what our messages, like TV data, involve, they must break our codes the same way we should break their codes. We are aliens for aliens. That means their numerical systems might be different than ours. And they must also detect our signals and recognize them as the products of intelligent creatures. But if aliens sent some kind of voyager to detect intelligent lifeforms from other stars, they might send robots for the first journey. If hypothetical space colonists are traveling to another solar system, Those aliens might send the robots to make the base before the human colonists. The purpose of those robots is to make comfortable and good bases for colonists. Sometimes there is the idea that

Today, AI can be the greatest flop in business. But it might have a bright future.

AI is an impressive tool. It can tell almost everything, But sometimes it makes very big mistakes. I once asked about altocumulus, which is one type of cloud. The AI gave information about some kind of flower. The fact is that these kinds of errors are good examples of mistakes that AI can make.  The AI uses the page rank of the search engine. And that makes it easy to manipulate the answers that it gives. I use the AI just for fun, and in some cases, I use the sources that the AI gives. But there is a long journey to common AI that can create things like humans. *********************************************************** When somebody asks something by using AI, that person gives an advertisement to that system. When a user asks something, the AI must have certain instructions on how to search for data. If there are problems with queries, the AI cannot form the entire data set. And if the query is wrong, the AI is unable to operate. The AI requires fuzzy logic for fixing writing error

The next-generation camouflage mimics cephalopods’ color-changing ability.

There are two ways to make the camouflage that makes objects chameleons. The first one is the active system. There are cameras on the opposite side of the object, and then the system transmits the image to the opposite side of the protected system. The purpose of that thing is to make the system hollow.  The problem with active camouflage is that objects must merge with the background, not with things that are in front of them. AI, along with nanotechnology, makes it possible to create large, very accurately controlled structures. And that thing makes it possible to create nanoballs, which are crystals that have different colors on each side. Then the computer simply turns the right side of that crystal in the desired direction. Novel ink composed of colorful microbeads adapts to the appearance of received light by light-driven separation. Credit: The University of Hong Kong ( Future of Camouflage: Mimicking Cephalopods’ Color-Changing Ability). The next-generation