Monday, July 31, 2023

Is X-37B some kind of nuclear bomber?

The space shuttle is a modular system. It is always suitable for military and civil missions. 

GLSDB (Ground-Lauch Small Diameter Bomb) type systems can give missiles pinpoint accuracy even in intercontinental range. AI-based optical seekers can make it possible that small-diameter bombs can destroy individual vehicles or other targets in extremely long-range. And the same weapon used in GLSDB can install even in intercontinental boosters like Minuteman or Trident missiles. 

Dream Chaser

X-37B is a miniature shuttle. That space system has a cargo room, like larger shuttles. But the size of X-37B and its successors like "Dream Chaser" is far smaller than well-known big shuttles. But that cargo bays make all space shuttles multi-use tools. 

There is the possibility that small telescopes and other kinds of observation systems are put in those small and highly secretive shuttles. There is the possibility that the X-37B type of shuttle can raise remote-controlled biological or nanotechnical research laboratories to a non-gravitational environment. 

And then those laboratories can return to Earth in those cargo bays. The fact is that. X-37B can also carry nuclear weapons in its cargo bay. The space bombers would not necessarily use nuclear weapons.

The miniature shuttles also can serve as space fighters in ASAT missions. But they also can bomb targets on the ground. For those missions, the space bomber requires a bomb with normal bombs with heat shields. 

This type of shuttle can make kamikaze missions against targets, or it can drop those nuclear bombs through the atmosphere. When people talk about things like fractional orbital bombardment systems. They forget one thing. FOBS (Fractional Orbital Bombardment Systems) weapon or orbital bombardment weapon is not always a big one.

 In some visions, the military can put 280 mm. nuclear grenades in small-size satellites and drop them on targets. The U.S. military tested that nuclear grenade in the nuclear test "Upshot-Knothole Grable".  Another thing is that the FOBS systems don't need to use nuclear warheads. The orbital bombardment systems can also drop conventional weapons like smart glide bombs from satellites. 

Those glide bombs or smart weapons are similar to GLSDB (Ground Launched Small Diameter Bombs. But their rocket is much more powerful. That means, GLSDB can just put to the nose of the Minuteman missile. 

Glide bombs,  used in long-range missiles are not necessarily hypersonic. Hypersonic technology is fascinating. But there is the possibility that those glide bombs are like normal spacecraft that have a heat shield and inertia- and smart optical or image homing system. The weapon flies to the target by using inertia. And in terminal sequence, that kind of weapon can turn to use an optical homing system. 

And also things like conventional glide bombs with advanced optical seekers can shoot to target areas by using ballistic missiles. The GLSDB (Ground Launched Small Diameter Bomb) can also mount in long-range missiles. There is a possibility that the Israeli "Spice" intelligent stand-off weapons can install also in a long-range missile. The intelligent image-homing. Used in Javelin-missiles can give those glide bombs ultimate accuracy. 

The glide bomb can be a small-size space shuttle that has wings. The thing is that a glide bomb that is launched through ballistic- or orbital trajectories is not necessarily hypersonic. They can be stealth technology using supersonic systems that are conventional weapons. 

Sunday, July 30, 2023

How to make a GPS on the moon? And why that is a practical solution that connects communication and location?

There is no magnetosphere over the moon. That means all communication over the moon's horizon must be made by using satellites. Those communication satellites can use their communication systems to locate the transmitters on the moon. The astronauts and robots who operate on the moon can use laser transmitters that are visible from Earth or photo satellites that can locate them. 

But radio wave-based communication is also suitable, and if those astronauts operate in building sites where is no visual connection with telescopes and satellites. The radio wave-based GPS can be suitable also for locating astronauts and other things on the moon. 

The GPS and communication satellites are the most important technical things on Earth. The GPS and communication satellites can use in the same role on the moon. The GPS is not very hard to make because that system requires four satellites. Six is the minimum if that system covers the poles. In that case four of those satellites are in the stationary positions over the moon's equator. And then two positioning satellites are orbiting the moon by using polar trajectories. 

But if engineers want to provide the non-stop GPS or MPS (Moon positioning system) on the moon's poles they need at least eight satellites if they don't want the satellite communication cuts sometimes. 

In that system, there are four satellites in the stationary equatorial orbiter. And four other satellites are orbiting the moon in oblique polar orbits. The positions of those four satellites must be that two of those satellites see the south and north poles all the time. 

Those satellites can position over certain landmarks on the moon. Those landmarks can be well-known, easy-to-recognize objects like Kopernikus mountain and certain craters. And especially their central hill. 

The surface team can put laser pointers or laser mirrors on those landmarks. And then that GPS (or in this case MPS Moon Positioning Satellites) will position itself by using those laser location systems. Those satellites can have CCD cameras. And they can also locate astronauts and their vehicles by using camera images. 

The satellites can also provide communication services for astronauts on the moon. Communication satellites are necessary tools for moon colonists because the moon has no magnetosphere. And those communication satellites require over-the-horizon communication on the moon. 

The virtual space tower is the hole in the atmosphere.

There is the possibility that electromagnetic rail guns, which rate of fire is extremely high and the ammunition speed is high super- or even hypersonic (Mach 8+) can shoot satellites from sea level. In that kind of system, high-speed ammunition makes the channel while it travels through the air. 

If the ammunition travels in rows very close to each other, the air channel that forms behind the ammunition will not have time to fill. And that allows the series of that hypersonic ammunition will increase the air channel higher and higher. And there is the possibility that this kind of series of ammunition can drill itself through the atmosphere. 

In some models, this kind of railgun can install on the nose of the rocket. Railgun has no recoil. And if that system sends ammunition at the forward of the rocket. The ammunition that travels ahead of the rocket will make a low-pressure channel to the rocket's route. And that makes rockets easier to travel through the atmosphere. 

The idea is stolen from another vision. In that vision, there is a channel through the rocket. And then another rocket will shoot ahead of the rocket from that channel. The idea was that the other rocket thins air from ahead of the main rocket. 

The use of a rocket was necessary because the recoil must minimize in that system. There is no recoil in the rail guns. That's why they are suitable for that kind of system. The problem is how to suppress the effect of exhaust gas. And that system remains theoretical. But if engineers use a rail gun or laser that shoots forward of the rocket that makes the idea of virtual space tower true.

The idea is that even if the first ammunitions will not reach the orbiter the air is thinner behind them. And that means the ammunition that flies behind the first ammunition will not face so much friction as the ammunition that travels ahead. 

We know that things like space towers are towers that are so high that they will rise outside the atmosphere and are extremely large and difficult to make. Those building sites will be enormous. But there is another way to make the space tower. 

The laser ray can travel through the atmosphere. And then it can push air molecules away from their route. In some visions, engineers can put this kind of laser can in the nose of the rocket. And it should decrease the atmosphere's density. That thing makes it possible to send rockets to space with lower prices. Another way is to put rockets traveling to the orbiter in series. 

When another rocket follows the first one so close that the air cone has no time to fill, that thing would decrease the second rocket's need for fuel. The only thing that limits the use of that system is that the first rocket's thrust must aim so that it will not hit the following rocket. 

The Space X rocket that carried "Starlink" satellites punched the hole in the atmosphere. That thing is one of the most interesting things in rocketry. There is the possibility that a very fast rocket that burns very high-energy fuel makes the channel through the atmosphere. And another rocket that travels in that air channel. That thing may mean that the second rocket requires less fuel.

Friday, July 28, 2023

The new observation tools are making new ways to see and interact with objects.

We all know things like MRI(Magnetic resonance imaging) and other kinds of tools. Those systems are used for a long time for taking images from the human body. The newest systems are portable iMPI (Magnetic Particle Imaging) scanners that can give information about the human body without X- or gamma-rays. The idea of that system is that the iMPI manipulates nano-scale magnetic objects. And then that system makes an image by using that system. 

"Researchers from the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU) have developed a portable, radiation-free scanner using Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI). This technique, capable of visualizing dynamic processes like blood flow in the human body, is based on the detection of magnetic nanoparticles administered as markers". ( Imaging Technology Provides a Quick Look Inside a Human Being) tells about the kinds of portable systems about this: 

"Technologies like computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography, and ultrasound are now integral parts of the medical domain, offering exclusive insights into human anatomy. These techniques not only provide detailed imaging of the human body but also help physicians identify abnormalities or analyze functional processes within". ( Imaging Technology Provides a Quick Look Inside a Human Being)

A group comprising physicists and medical experts from Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU) has successfully developed an innovative, radiation-free imaging technique that’s suitable for human use called Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI). Their newly invented portable scanner is capable of, among other things, visualizing dynamic processes in the human body, such as blood flow". ( Imaging Technology Provides a Quick Look Inside a Human Being)

"The iMPI (imaging MPI) scanner is so small and light that you can take it with you and use it almost anywhere. This is a first important step towards radiation-free intervention. Credit: Patrick Vogel / Stefan Herz" ( Imaging Technology Provides a Quick Look Inside a Human Being)

The medical staff or researchers can send those images to central hospitals from the fields. That makes it possible to control the cooperation with the field team and hospital team. And staff can call the highest-grade specialists in seconds. In the most effective versions, the system sends the image to the laptops of all free on-call staff. And that helps them to prepare surgical rooms and other needed things while the victim is on the field. 

The fact is that iMPI scanners can also use for searching for material damages. But new and powerful intelligent systems that base on light manipulation and nano-size X-ray sources and coherent gamma-and X-rays can revolutionize material research. 

The MRI- and other medical scanners can be put in quadcopters. And they can use to search for damages in bridges and buildings. 

There is the possibility. In the future, material researchers use complex VR-based systems,  connected with quantum lasers and other acoustic and optical tools like X-ray microscopes that can interact with single atoms. The system can use thin X-rays that are shot diagonally to the layer. Another radiation source can send radiation with another wavelength and then the system can connect those images into one entirety.  

In some visions the next-generation microscopes with graphite layer where is trapped electrons or ions. Graphite molecule is like a tube, and that allows us to aim radiation at the right point. That kind of thing can give the compound eye for the next-generation microscopes. In the next-generation scanning tunneling microscopes, the particle group can hover between layer and stylus in graphite tubes. That thing allows the system to scan larger areas at the same time. 

"Using X-rays (green in the picture), researchers have created 3D cinema-like effects on the kagome metal TbV6Sn6. This way, they have succeeded in tracking down the behavior of electrons (blue and yellow in the picture) and have taken a step forward in the understanding of quantum materials. Credit: Jörg Bandmann/ct.qmat)" ( The Quantum Odyssey: Visualizing Topological Materials With “3D Glasses)

But there is the possibility to use this kind of system for a longer distance. The system called "scanning light microscope" uses a system that can send individual photons to a layer. The idea is that the system sends radiation stress to particles trapped in its structure. That structure can be 2-layer graphene where graphite towers keep those layers away from each other. 

Particles that use for sending those photons can be in those graphite tubes or trapped in a graphene structure. Then the system sends electric pulses to those particles. That gives the possibility to create low-energy photon emission. When that radiation hits the surface the particles in that thing send that radiation back. When that radiation returns from the layer other parts receive that echo. That allows to create the new microscope that can install theoretically in the 3D glasses. 

The new observation tools like the combination of well-known systems like MRI, ultrasound, positron emission, and very thin X-rays are giving a new way to see the human body. The new systems can combine those systems and connect MRI, ultrasound, and other images from different imaging tools into one entirety. 

That thing makes it possible to create fast and powerful imaging tools. When we think about the possibility to make a scanner system two quadcopters can fly opposite to each other around the human or any other object, and that system can make X-ray or ultrasound scanner images from humans. But it also can take images from building structures. In that case, the system uses an X-ray or acoustic pointer. 

The user of the system can be inside the building, and then the quadcopter with an X-ray receiver could fly outside the building. The user of the system sends X-rays through the wall. and that shows minimal internal damage to the building. The helicopter must be in line with the X-ray system. Or if the system uses acoustic devices that make it possible to create ultra- or infrasound-based "X-ray" images. In that case, the acoustic receiver can use coherent sound waves to put it in the right position.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

By manipulating light, researchers can create futuristic quantum computers and stealth systems. But it can make a revolution in energy production.

What would you do with two identical light beams? That thing makes it possible to create the ultimate error correction for quantum computers. Things like photon snakes can use as photonic tape stations that can transport information with new efficiency. Light can push objects, and photon-accelerated electrons can be the next-generation systems for civil and military sectors. Photons can push electrons and protons in the beam lasers. 

If ion cannon shoots two internal particle beams with positive and negative particles the electromagnetic pulling effect keeps that beam in form. Lasers or photon clouds can also input energy to electrons and positrons that travel in the particle accelerators. If the system can create high energy stopped or standing photons, that thing makes fundamental things in the R&D work in quantum and nanoscale systems. 

In quantum networks, the system drives information in the frame where the trapped photon is. Then that frame sends information into that photon. Then the system puts that photon will into superposition and entangled it with other photons. Because the energy level in the framed photon is higher than the receiver information travels in the quantum network. If the quantum network can operate by using two identical information channels. The system can detect errors with very high accuracy. That requires the ability to create two identical light beams. 

One way to manipulate light is to slow down photon speed. Normally, that happens in the medium, but the medium pulls energy from photons. And that makes it hard to use that effect in quantum computers. When a photon loses its energy, that affects the information stored in it.

"Entangled quantum objects can be used to network separated systems. The researchers demonstrate what is needed for nonlocal correlations, a requirement for a useful quantum network. Credit: The Grainger College of Engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign/Wesley Moore" ( Quantum Nonlocality: A New Criterion for Quantum Networks)

But otherwise, slowing photons gives the system more time to read that information. The best possible way to manipulate light and slow the photon is to use gravitation. The problem is how to make the synthetic gravitational effect that pulls a photon behind its source.

This is one reason why antigravity at the quantum level is so interesting. Gravitation affects all particles in the same way. And that thing makes it so-called cold energy. Because the energy level in a photon doesn't change with gravitational slowing, it can protect the photon's internal superpositions. But when we think that light manipulation at the quantum level is the ultimate tool, we can also use that thing without antigravitation.

The ability to create single photons will make fundamental computer solutions possible. The intelligent helmet that involves a quantum computer, in which qubits are smaller than atoms, can be the next-generation version of the portable quantum computer.

The photons can drive information to electrons and other particles. In those versions, the photons can store information in certain areas of the electron's shell. Or the same single photon can load information into quarks inside protons and neutrons. That thing makes it possible to create extremely small quantum computers by using quantum entanglement between quarks. That kind of quantum computer that is smaller than an atom can be installed in intelligent helmets. And it can communicate directly with the brain. That thing would be the most fundamental BCI system that we could ever imagine.

But manipulating light involves much more than just quantum computers. Quantum entanglement makes it possible to create layers that drive photons in one direction. That kind of system makes objects invisible. There is a possibility that by using electrons trapped in graphene If those electrons are stressed with precisely the right type of energy stress, they could create phonons that have the same energy level as impacting photons.

That thing forms a standing light wave between the object and incoming light. If there is a lower energy area behind that standing light wave, that makes it possible for the information to travel only in one direction. This kind of system requires superconductor technology. But new superconductors, along with advanced AI and powerful computing, make those systems real.

Standing light waves can also revolutionize things like photovoltaic cells. The system would trap light above the solar panels. Then the system can drive light into the photovoltaic cell from that standing light wave. But those things are the systems of tomorrow. The fact is that. New types of superconducting technology and other things like ultra-sensitive perovskite-based photovoltaic cells are making these kinds of systems closer than we even imagine.

Monday, July 24, 2023

Researchers probing the abyss: They hunt for dark photons and try to create dark matter.

Researchers are starting to hunt for hypothetical dark photons. The dark photon, or "anti photon," is the hypothetical pair of photons. If researchers can find that particle, they can probably better understand the nature of the mysterious gravitational effect called dark matter. The problem with dark matter is that nobody sees it. If dark matter exists in the form of a weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP), it should either send radiation or reflect radiation.

But the thing is that if researchers don't know the size of the WIMP particle, they cannot find the frequency and wavelength of the radiation that the WIMP reflects. There is a possibility that the WIMP is not a particle at all. In that model, WIMP is like a bubble in a high-energy field that interacts like a real particle. In that case, the WIMP is the virtual particle that explodes or collapses immediately. The collapse of that bubble or virtual particle makes it possible for the quantum fields around it to fall at those points. And then energy reflects from the middle of that particle. That thing forms whirls that are seen as examples of W and Z bosons.

The dark photon would be a transport particle of dark energy. Sometimes dark energy is called "dark electromagnetism". Some researchers think that dark energy is antigravitation. The model says that gravitation is like light. It has particles and waveforms. Gravitational waves are electromagnetic radiation with such a short wavelength that we cannot see their source.

Researchers are observing fast-growing black holes to find evidence about WIMPs. Dark matter interacts with matter through gravitation. So dark matter should form a black hole and interact with it. The black hole is the common factor between dark and visible materials. So black holes grow when they pull in more material and energy than they release in the form of gravitational waves or gravitational radiation.

"Jets ejected from a rapidly growing supermassive black hole with surrounding outflows. The polarization plane of a radio wave emitted from the vicinity of a black hole rotates as it passes through the surrounding magnetized gas. Credit: NAOJ" ( Telescope Network Reveals Surroundings of Rapidly Growing Black Holes)

Researchers try to find expanding black holes that pull too little material inside them. If a black hole pulls too little visible material, it can replace the energy that it sends in the form of gravitational radiation. The thing that turns the material's mass into a level at which it can replace that energy leak is dark matter. And if researchers could find a "spontaneously" growing black hole that would not seem to pull material inside it, the thing that grows this black hole is dark matter.

But when we think about the WIMPs (or axions) and their relationship with black holes, we must remember one thing. If the WIMP is forming near black holes because of the extremely powerful energy and gravitation, there is a possibility that the WIMP has no space for sending energy outside the black hole. And there is a possibility that WIMP is sending radiation in one direction, which is inside the black hole.

Or maybe WIMP (or axion) is the particle, or "antenna," that brings energy from the fourth dimension. The model is that the black holes are also four-dimensional spaces inside our 3D world. So if there is some kind of bubble forming just at the point of the event horizon, that bubble can form dark energy.

The energy level around them is so high that it can interact with gravitation. The interesting question about black holes is: does the energy ray send gravitational waves? In that case, the energy level or brightness of that radiation peak is so high that it can interact with gravitation. In the same way, an interesting question is: Does the material disk also send gravitational radiation? There should be a possibility that if the light is bright enough, it can interact with gravitational fields or gravitons, the sources of gravitational waves.

If we can create a high-enough energy field with very high density we could make a system that can interact with gravitation.

If gravitation is quantum entanglement between hypothetical graviton particles the antigravitation is the situation where the participants of that hypothetical quantum entanglement are in the same energy level. So the thing that forms antigravitation is a standing gravitational wave between the object and the ground. 

The observations that cocoons of supernovas can form gravitational waves are refreshing ideas that may be someday. In the future. We can create synthetic gravitational waves. Maybe annihilation or annihilation-powered lasers can form required energy levels where density and energy levels are high enough. 

That they can interact with gravitation. The system should form standing gravitational waves that make the gravitational reflection from it to the hovering object and the ground. The idea is that if gravitational waves can form a standing wave that thing reflects gravitational radiation between the object and the ground. The situation is similar when quantum entanglement breaks when the energy level on both sides of it is the same. 

At the beginning of this text, I must say that if the model of gravitation as the quantum entanglement between gravitons is true we can say that antigravitation is also true. The thing that can cause the antigravitation could be the quantum entanglements between the gravitons the hypothetical gravitational transportation particles. 

If those gravitons have the same energy level. That thing makes them repel each other. So if the quantum entanglement between gravitons is the thing that we call gravitation the rules of quantum entanglement are suitable for that situation. 

Quantum entanglement requires that the participants of it are in different energy levels. And they are identical. If participants of quantum entanglement are in the same energy level that thing forms a standing wave between them. That standing wave forms a virtual particle that causes reflection in quantum entanglement. And that reflection pushes particles away from each other. 

The reason for that is that quantum entanglement cannot form if the energy level of the particles is the same. That thing causes particles in quantum entanglements to start to repel each other. So what if the gravitons in both participants in the gravitational system will reach the same energy level? That thing should cause the repel that we can call antigravitation between those participants of the gravitational quantum system. 

The fall of the bubble is the reason why black holes are forming. And the thing that makes a gravitational effect around a black hole could be the gravitational tornado that pulls wave movement and material out from the event horizon. When that gravitational or quantum tornado pulls the material to the poles of the singularity it causes electromagnetic low pressure. Then the outside field tries to fill that effect and takes all other particles with it.

Black holes can form only when supernovas are forming falling WARP-bubble.

Forming of a black hole. 

When a supernova explodes it forms a bubble. The shockwave of the supernova has so high energy level and density are so high, that this shockwave can push gravitational waves away inside it. The fall of the bubble is the reason why black holes are forming. 

And the thing that makes a gravitational effect around a black hole could be the gravitational tornado that pulls wave movement and material out from the event horizon. When that gravitational or quantum tornado pulls the material to the poles of the singularity it causes electromagnetic low pressure. Then the outside field tries to fill that effect and takes all other particles with it. 

The birth of black holes is an extreme situation. The supernova explosion pushes all other quantum fields away from the point where the star that ran out of fuel was. The black hole forms the WARP bubble. The shockwave that traveled across the universe has such a high density and energy level that it can interact with gravitational waves.

The power of a supernova explosion is so high that it also pushes gravitational fields away from the point where that explosion happens. When we think like that, we must realize that the falling material and wave movement are forming the black hole. The black hole forms when the singularity turns all radiation that touches it into a quantum tornado. That quantum tornado unites all electromagnetic fields, including gravitation.

And that quantum tornado pushes electromagnetic fields out from the black hole through its poles. If that model is true, all black holes have wormholes connected to them. And the drop in black hole mass can be explained. That quantum tornado that we can call a "gravitational tornado" takes material from the black hole.

But this model requires that those electromagnetic fields be pushed away. And we can say that gravitation is one version of EM radiation.

The new observations also show that the cocoons of supernovae also form gravitational waves, or maybe those cocoons do not form gravitational waves. Maybe they just push them or give them more energy. The fact that those jets can interact with gravitation is what causes the model to suggest that maybe the supernova can also whip the gravitational field away.

When that WARP bubble, or bubble of nothingness, falls, the energy impacts the middle of that bubble. That pushes the material and energy in that bubble into a form called a singularity. Falling energy forms material. Where all quantum fields are in their entirety. When that bubble falls, it pumps energy into that singularity.

This thing makes the sign spin at a very high speed. The spin of a singularity makes gravitational tornadoes on its poles. Those gravitational tornadoes are pushing material away from the black hole. And the gravitational waves are forming in the waves of that tornado. We can see that a gravitational tornado is in the jet of a black hole.

But when we think that energy travels to lower energy levels, we can ask which way gravitation travels in the system of two black holes.

Gravitation is one version of energy and wave movement. If we think that the gravitational effect is like quantum entanglement between two particles. We can say that energy travels from the higher-energy particle in that system to the lower-energy particle. That thing is called the system's attempt to reach energy balance. The length of that quantum entanglement is the radius of the gravitational effect.

If that thing that energy travels in lower energy particle happens in quantum entanglement. The lower energy particle pulls the higher energy particle into it because quantum entanglement turns shorter when it releases its energy. The ability to maintain quantum entanglement determines the gravitational radius between higher and lower energy gravitons.

When a lower-energy particle transfers energy into it, it decreases energy in quantum entanglements. That will pull higher-energy particles toward the lower-energy particles. And gravitation is one version of energy. So we should say that gravitation travels from more massive to less massive participants in the system. That means the gravitational interaction is opposite to all other forces. When gravitation travels to a less massive object, that thing makes the larger object send energy to the less massive object.

When energy transfers to a lower-energy object, that means the quantum entanglement loses part of its energy. That means that the quantum energy pulls the objects closer to each other. In the case of quantum gravitation, other radiation types cover the gravitational quantum entanglement. The graviton is such a small particle that researchers cannot see it. The gravitational waves are the reason for the large number of gravitons. Gravitation is the force that affects entireties. The gravitons send so short-wave radiation that only a large number of them can form a visible long-range effect that pulls objects together. 

Toyota's Lunar Cruiser is a pathfinder for regenerative fuel technology.

Toyota developed a lunar vehicle that can operate using regenerative technology. In the daytime, the vehicle might use solar panels. And at night, the system can use oxygen and hydrogen in fuel cells and, why not, in turbines? This kind of system uses solar power to split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen.

And then it can burn those gases in fuel cells or turbines. The thing that makes this kind of system interesting is that it recycles hydrogen and oxygen. Burning those gases produces water, which the system can transfer to the electrolysis chamber. Then those gases will be sent to tanks, where they could be stored under pressure or in liquid form. Liquid hydrogen and oxygen require a thermos structure that isolates them from their environment because their temperature is extremely low. 

The "Predator" drone can use this kind of environmentally friendly system for energy production.

This kind of emission-free hybrid vehicle can use electric engines when they can load their batteries and hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells if there is no way to load batteries, which might also be suitable on regular highways. This system is also suitable for desert vehicles. The electricity source is free in those systems. The vehicle can use solar panels. The same vehicle can also use regular sockets or wind power. The wind generator requires structures that the user can collapse.

In some visions, the satellites or some other systems can remotely load those vehicles' batteries. It's possible to transfer high-voltage electricity through the air with very high accuracy. The high-power radio-maser system sends electricity to the receiver. That system base is in Nikola Tesla's research.

The idea is that things like moon-base projects act as platforms or forums where companies can introduce their innovations. In the same way, the test planes that are delayed in the last moments offer the platform for developing next-generation avionics and aircraft propulsion. If the system uses propellers, it is possible to connect this water recycling system to an electric engine.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Roque planets and the strange theories of Immanuel Velikovsky

NASA's Nancy Grace Roman Telescope found 400 Earth-Mass-Roque planets.

Some rogue planets are remnants of supernovae and novae, or planetary systems of those dead stars. There is the possibility that rogue planets can form without a star. That means there could form objects that are smaller than brown dwarfs. And we can say that those objects are planets. Planets can form around sand bites in interstellar space. 

And forming of the planet only requires. That the mass of the condensing dust and gas clouds is so low, that those nuclear reactions cannot begin. When a star dies, it sends a massive, high-energy shockwave through the universe. That shockwave can push planets away from their orbital trajectories, far away from the dying stars.

So if a planet orbits the sun far enough or if another solar system that orbits the red dwarf is at a certain distance, the shockwave can push entire planets out of their orbits. The red dwarf's gravitational field is so weak that a massive supernova from a couple of light years away can push its planets away from their trajectories.

Also, things like beams from neutron stars and black holes can have a long-distance effect on other planetary systems. And of course, other stars and even massive rogue planets can pull distant planets out of their solar systems. In some theories, the planet Uranus has been a rogue planet that the Sun and our solar system captured.

NASA and Osaka University scientists suggest that rogue planets, which roam space unattached to stars, are far more numerous than star-orbiting planets. The impending launch of NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope could lead to the discovery of hundreds of such rogue planets, adding critical insights into planetary formation mechanisms. Credit: NASA ( Nomads: NASA’s Roman Space Telescope Could Find 400 Earth-Mass Rogue Planets)

The reason some people believe that theory is that Uranus lies on its trajectory. The pole of that planet is always the Sun. And the scars on the surfaces of distant moons like Triton tell something about impacts and forces that affect those distant objects at the edge of the solar system.

When we think about the biggest cosmic threats our solar system can face, one of the top ones is a rogue planet that comes from interstellar space. A very massive object's gravitation causes massive effects around the solar system, and multiple asteroids can fall from their trajectories. There is a plan that if some rogue planet comes into our solar system, we should destroy that object by using an antimatter bomb.

The antimatter bomb, or Teller's bomb, is the magnetic canister where antimatter ions like antiprotons or positrons hover. Then that canister will launch against that rogue planet. And a couple of grams of antimatter will destroy even a Jupiter-size planet.

Was Veliikovsky's "Venus" planet Uranus? That thing explains why there was nothing strange in the atmosphere when those strange "plaques" and floods happened if they happened. 

Immanuel Velikovsky and his strange ideas

In many sources, Immanuel Velikovsky (1895–1979) is introduced as a pseudohistorian. Many times, it is mentioned that this man was Jewish. Velikovsky was a psychoanalyst, and he studied at Moscow State University. The question is why that man wrote strange books where he claimed that planet Venus caused the catastrophes mentioned in the Old Testament.

Was the plague of the Bible some kind of rogue planet? There are two possible versions of that theorem. The first one is that Velikovsky's "Venus" was Uranus, which arrived in our solar system. Or there is the possibility that a quite small quasar planet or asteroid caused those plaques that forced the pharaoh to let the Hebrews go out of Egypt.

And then Velikovsky's strange theory that the planet Venus was behind the catastrophes mentioned in the Holy Bible The fact is that the surface temperature on Venus is high. But the planet itself is too cold, being born at the time when Hebrews fled from the pharaoh. So that theory was debunked.

But there is a possibility that planet Uranus caused some of those catastrophes. So we must ask, was the planet that Velikovsky called "Venus" actually Uranus? There is also another version of that theory. This theory goes like this: There was some kind of protoplanet in the solar system in the time of Pharaoh Tuthmoses(?).

The name of that pharaoh will fit the theory that Moses was part of the pharaoh's name. But that is only a hypothesis. Then that protoplanet simply fell into the sun because of the gravitational effect of some other planet. In that theorem, the smaller planet that traveled near Earth before it fell to the sun caused some of those catastrophes.

Friday, July 21, 2023

There is the possibility that the expansion of the universe is an illusion. And thoughts about dark energy.

Is dark energy regular radiation that gravitation has stretched into an unknown form?

We know that dark energy is wave movement or radiation that travels across the universe. There is a possibility that dark energy is some kind of wave movement whose sender is unknown. There is a possibility that the dark energy is wave motion and that gravitation is modified. Gravitation stretches light waves. And when the gravitational center is back to light, that gravitational effect pulls the wavelength of that light longer.

In the same way, gravitation should affect all other waves or radiation types, gravitation also spreads radiowaves, X- and gamma rays, and quantum fields around the universe. So there is a possibility that dark energy is just some kind of radiation that gravitation transformed to form that source, which is unknown. That means the source of that radiation is a well-known particle. But gravitation changed those waves into a form whose wavelength is unknown.



All radiation types have different senders. The wavelength of radiation depends on the size of the sending particles.

When we look at the cosmological models, we must realize that we must adjust those models. We are wrong when we think that all particles in the universe have the same energy level. When we are looking at the cosmic gamma- and microwave backgrounds, along with the X-ray and IR backgrounds, we must realize that all those radiation types have different sources. Every particle in the universe emits radiation whose wavelength is the same as its diameter.

That means there are many types of particles in the universe. And in the brightest areas of microwaves or any other radiation type, the size and energy levels of the particles are different. So as an example, in the brightest gamma-ray areas, the energy level of the particles is higher and their size is smaller than particles that are sending radiation in the IR area. The particles that send radiation in the IR area are larger than the particles that send gamma rays.



The expansion of the universe has been a key element in cosmology. The thing is that there are some very interesting errors in those models. The biggest error is that nobody might ever think about time dilation when we estimate the age of the universe. Time dilation depends on the energy level. And in a young, hot universe, time was at least five times slower than it is now. I don't know the point at which that conclusion is drawn. But time was slower in the universe, where there was only radiation. And in the moment of the Big Bang, time was stopped. So the mistake is that we think that the universe is some kind of black hole or planet. The difference is that the universe was alone in this dimension.

The energy level of the universe must have decreased enough that time started to run out. The aging of particles started when the universe was cold enough that the vaporization of the particles could start. When the energy level of the universe was high enough, there was no room for the energy that traveled out from the particles. And there is one possibility: once energy traveled to particles, If that is true, time traveled backward at some point in the very young universe.

Particles send waves when they face energy stress. That stress raises their energy level. And when energy stress ends, they release extra energy. The other thing that makes particles send waves is the quantum field, whose power is decreasing.

So is red light "tired light"?

But is that thing the result of the expansion of the universe? Or is the quantum field tired? There is a theory. That the redshift, at least over long distances, is caused by gravity that stretches or pulls the waves that particles send longer. In the same way, gravitation must affect quantum fields as it affects light, Gravitation makes the wavelength of light longer. But then to the light: how does gravitation affect it?

The fact is that gravitation affects light. When we think about the shape of the universe, especially the layer where almost all galaxies are, we can say that the visible universe is like a ball. When light comes out from the opposite side of that ball-shaped structure, gravitation pulls photons back. 

That means the gravitational effect of the opposite side of the universe stretches the light when it travels through that ball, where all the material that we know exists. The ability to stretch light or the wavelength of the light means that extreme objects like black holes can have a virtually very high redshift. There is dark matter in the universe. That means dark matter is partially things like passive black holes.

But the thing is that dark energy could be the energy released from the material when it turns to radiation. If we think that there are massive clouds of dark matter outside the visible universe that cause a very high gravitational effect, Those clouds are pulling material through the universe. That cross-pulling makes it possible that there seems to be some kind of dark energy. There is a possibility that material behind the opposite side of the visible universe could be visible. But the stars and galaxies cover that material behind them. Every single galaxy has a black hole in the middle of it. The gravitational effects of a black hole are pulling things like quarks into protons and neutrons into lines.

But then there is the expansion of the universe.

The gravitational effect of the universe turns weaker. The reason for that is that the universe is alone in the dimension. Energy travels out from it, and energy is one thing that affects gravitation. So if energy goes out from the universe. That means the universe loses its mass. And that means the universe's gravitational effect decreases. 

Could expansion be real, but the distance between particles be stable? When the energy level of the universe decreases, energy travels out from particles. The reason for that is that the pressure of quantum fields decreases. That means the difference between the energy levels of particles and their environment increases. So when we think like this, the particle's size increases. In that case, the expansion of the universe also means that particles that travel in space expand.

That means the universe can expand, but the distance between particles will not. So the universe will expand both virtually and physically. So people who claim that the expansion of the universe is virtual are right, as are people who claim that the expansion of the universe is physical.

Other sources:

NASA, ESA,, Wikipedia 

What is the connection between the U-2 spy plane and an MRI scanner?

The AI can detect invisible brain damage and changes in land areas.

We all know that simultaneously repeating punches can damage the brain. The problem is that detecting those damages is difficult. The AI can make that thing in seconds. The ability to detect brain damage and injuries is a very simple process. The AI detects anomalies in brain structures with very high accuracy. The thing that bases the information on how brain structure should change while a person is aging The AI can simulate how brain tissue (or any other tissue) should change over a certain timeline.

The AI requires two MRIs or some other scanner images that are taken at a certain time. The AI detects if there are any anomalous changes in those images. But the AI can also detect if there are any anomalous structures in the brain. Things like miniature blood clots are easy to detect by the AI, which uses extremely large zooms on the brain images. And then the AI marks abnormal structures in the brain.



The same technology that AI uses to compare MRI images can be used in aerial image analysis.

The technology used in this system is also in use in some satellite, airborne, and ground-based surveillance systems. The only thing that the AI requires is two photographs taken precisely from the same spot. The AI stores those images in the databases, and then it can compare those images. The AI searches for changes in the images. And because the system uses CCD cameras, even the changes in single big stones can be detected. The system can use radar, infrared, and visual images. 

When the aircraft flies over a certain point on Earth, it can take images automatically. When the image is taken, the system also stores the zoom level, the camera angle, the used frequencies, and things like the altitude and speed of the aircraft. Then, after a certain time, the second aircraft can fly through the same GPS point and use the same parameters to take the second image. Then the AI can compare those images and see if there are any changes in them.

The word aerial can be replaced by the word "satellite". This kind of system can also follow things like changes in ships and other systems. The AI detects if there is something changed in the images that portray a civil or military ship. Things like docking a well-working ship tell us that there are some kinds of changes in its structures. Missing windows or changed plates can tell that there is some kind of replacements or changes in the ship's structures. One of those things can be an underwater diving chamber that allows for the delivery of scuba divers from underwater hatches.

Protons are a key element in new neuromorphic microchips and memory units.

Protons that are trapped in ferroelectric material are playing a big role in the next generation of neuromorphic microchips. reports that KAUST's researchers used indium selenide for making a ferroelectric film and then put that film over an iridium layer. The report on that thing goes like this: 

"A New Method for Ferroelectric Materials"

"The team’s novel approach hinges on the protonation of indium selenide to generate a multitude of ferroelectric phases. The researchers incorporated the ferroelectric material in a transistor consisting of a silicon-supported stacked heterostructure for evaluation". ( To Power Next-Gen Memory Devices and Neuromorphic Computing Chips)

"They layered an indium selenide film on the heterostructure. Which consisted of an aluminum oxide insulating sheet nestled between a platinum layer at the bottom and porous silica at the top. The platinum layer functioned as electrodes for the applied voltage, while the porous silica served as an electrolyte, supplying protons to the ferroelectric film". ( To Power Next-Gen Memory Devices and Neuromorphic Computing Chips)

"The team aims to enhance the storage capacity of memory devices and ferroelectric neuromorphic computing chips that consume less energy and operate faster. Credit: © 2023 KAUST; Fei Xue". ( To Power Next-Gen Memory Devices and Neuromorphic Computing Chips)

The image shows the way that the protons are trapped in the ferroelectric structure. Those protons can act as antennas that can transmit and receive oscillations that come from other protons. The idea is that above this ferroelectric structure would be the nanostructure where certain atoms or ions are trapped. If some in some part of the graphene structure is hydrogen and some in some other segment is oxygen. That system can be used to search for hydrogen and oxygen. The thing is that if that system looks at some object with similar atoms as it has, those atoms or ions cause oscillation in those atoms or ions trapped in that system.

Protons are hydrogen ions. They can act as oscillators in new types of radio systems. And theoretically, it is possible to create graphene or some other type of 3D structure with trapped oxygen ions, or atoms, and hydrogen ions (protons), or hydrogen atoms. That kind of system can be used to search for water in the universe. If radiowaves that are coming from distant stars cause resonance in both oxygen and hydrogen ions or atoms, that means that there could be water around that star.

The thing is that protons can be used for data storage. And if protons are trapped in graphene structures that hover in carbon baskets, the information can be stored in them. Then That system can send radio or laser rays through that structure. And transmit the oscillation of those protons to receivers that have similar structures. The EM radiation transfers the oscillation of the protons to the receiving protons. And that system can be used to create new types of radio crystals.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

AI and PCR can create brand-new species.

PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) makes it possible to multiply the DNA. And in genetic engineering, the only thing needed is the DNA. If researchers want to put some cells together to make some new chemicals, they must just find a certain DNA sequence that controls some enzyme production. Enzymes are complicated molecules.

In a natural environment, cells use raw materials that they get from nutrients. Then that cell selects the right components from the food for the raw material that it requires for enzyme production. The AI can provide high enough accuracy for the DNA base pairs that are responsible for the selection of chemicals like selene.

If the AI can search for and locate certain base pairs, that means the system can change the base pairs. Or, as other people say, researchers can rewrite the genetic code with very high accuracy. That means that the cells can reprogram to select another raw material for their production, like enzymes. This is the thing that the cells can do to make many new products, like spider fiber that can be used as bullet-proof material. But the hollow spider fibers can also be used to protect extremely thin optical fibers.

Biotechnology is one of the tools that can be used to create complicated molecular structures. The system that makes high-accuracy biomanipulation possible would use miniature lasers and laser microscopes connected with mass- and plasma spectrometers. That thing makes it possible to create new artificial organisms that can produce complicated molecules like medicines and enzymes that can be used in nanomachines.

"Scientists have engineered bacteria to produce pN-Phe, a non-standard amino acid with potential medical applications. Future work will optimize this process and explore its potential in vaccines and immunotherapies".

"MIT-Watson AI Lab’s new AI system drastically streamlines drug and material discovery by accurately predicting molecular properties with minimal data. The system leverages a “molecular grammar” learned via reinforcement learning to generate new molecules efficiently. This method has shown remarkable efficacy even with datasets of less than 100 samples". (

AI and genetic engineering can be powerful tools against infections.

Genetically engineered cells can make non-native amino acids. That is one of the breakthroughs in genetic engineering. Nanotechnology makes it possible to create polymer-type amino acids. And in some visions, the microchip-controlled macrophage can use those amino acids as a tool to destroy targeted cells. The polymer-type amino acid can aim through the false leg of a genetically engineered macrophage. That amino acid can drill the targeted cells like some drills.

And that thing makes it possible to create systems with the ability to destroy unwanted cells with extremely high accuracy. Biotechnology and AI-controlled biomanipulation are the ultimate tools. The AI can control the polymer chains with high accuracy. Things like DNA molecular chains are also polymer chains. And AI makes it possible to manipulate that molecular structure with very high accuracy.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

What connects the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) and Artemis programs?

SETI and Aretemis are the most well-known space programs. SETI searches for alien civilizations. And Artemis plans to return to the Moon. The thing is that both of those programs are platforms or forums. Their purpose is far bigger than just sending some astronauts to the moon. In the Artemis program, NASA and its companies are developing new types of space technology, like moon shuttles.

Zero-emission vehicles allow astronauts to operate comfortably on the Moon Similar vehicles with airlocks and other capacities can also operate underwater or at the bottom of the ocean. Those kinds of systems are offering new possibilities for many missions, both scientific and military. Also, those underwater systems can be used to fix offshore oil platforms.

Things like miniature tooth implants that can monitor stress and blood pressure are also interesting tools. They can replace old-fashioned microphones. And basically, those implants can use resonance to transmit information to the ears. The user of those systems must have the right to turn them off.

The intelligent tooth implants can be connected to a mobile telephone, and through that thing, the system can be connected to the internet. Or they can cooperate with BCI implants, and along with genetically engineered, microchip-controlled macrophages, those systems can also clean the blood vessels and destroy bacteria.

Moon shuttle

Radio telescope

Zero-emission vehicles



Those vehicles can operate autonomously. Or humans can operate them by sitting on wheels or using remote-control robots. Or, in some visions, human-looking robots can drive vehicles on the moon's surface or underwater and deliver equipment to astronauts. Those robots can also participate in possible rescue missions if some astronauts are in trouble.

The SETI program allows astronomers, other scientists, and R&D specialists to make systems that can detect and isolate very weak radio signals. Those AI-based systems need the ability to detect and isolate artificial signals, and if those signals are captured, the system must break its code. This means SETI is one of the best forums to develop quantum calculations and quantum technology. We must remember one thing. Serious SETI with a scientific basis is quite a new thing.

Things like open UFO research began just a couple of years ago. And the thing that makes UFOs embarrassing is that their operators are missing. If Chinese or Russians are behind those mystery planes, Mr. Putin would have already told us that. Some of those UFOs are small, and the reason why some people believe that they are extraterrestrials is their flight time. But by using electric jet engines, small nuclear reactors, or remote electric supply, which means radio-wave-based electric delivery through the air, there is also the possibility that humans can make that thing.

Can alien civilizations find us?

When we think that alien civilizations see our microwaves and other signals, there is a possibility that they see us. But making contact with other civilizations is a complicated thing. The aliens have similar problems with us as we have with hypothetical alien civilizations. If aliens want to see what our messages, like TV data, involve, they must break our codes the same way we should break their codes.

We are aliens for aliens. That means their numerical systems might be different than ours. And they must also detect our signals and recognize them as the products of intelligent creatures.

But if aliens sent some kind of voyager to detect intelligent lifeforms from other stars, they might send robots for the first journey. If hypothetical space colonists are traveling to another solar system, Those aliens might send the robots to make the base before the human colonists.

The purpose of those robots is to make comfortable and good bases for colonists. Sometimes there is the idea that even before Mars astronauts arrive, large groups of robots are making the base ready for those human astronauts. In that model, the base is ready to offer protection and a workplace, like laboratories for astronauts who work on Mars.

"Researchers from Mauritius and Manchester University used crowd-sourced data to simulate radio leakage from Earth’s mobile towers to predict what an alien civilization might perceive from afar. The team found that while individual systems output low radio power, the combined spectrum of billions of devices, coupled with more powerful future broadband systems, could be substantial enough to be detected by advanced extraterrestrial civilizations". ( Can Aliens Detect Us? New Study Explains)

"An electric self-sensing and variable-stiffness artificial muscle. Credit: Chen Liu et. al, Advanced Intelligent System." (ScitechDaily/Bionic Breakthrough: Revolutionary Self-Sensing Electric Artificial Muscles)

Are "little gray men" some kind of robot?'

At first, I must say that there is a possibility that those mysterious "little gray men" could be robots that somebody uses in some kind of ultra-secretive mission. Or the owner of those robots has not been reported or has somehow introduced themselves.

The fact is that those gray aliens could be very advanced robots that use new types of artificial muscles. Making artificial muscles is not as difficult as people think. Silicone bags have a shell equipped with nano springs that can act as artificial muscles. When electricity is injected into both sides of the cell, the electricity pulls up those nano springs.

There is also the possibility that biological muscle cells can turn into artificial muscles. In that case, the organelles of those cells must only be removed, and there must be embedded nanotechnical microchips. Or if the creators of that thing want, the only thing needed is to connect the two heads of the facial muscle cell with electric wires. And then those nano springs or natural proteins pull up the silicone bag.

There is also the possibility of using long proteins as artificial muscle cells. In that case, those fibers are connected with some kind of miniature, nano-sized mangle that pulls those fibers through it. And then those fibers pull up the artificial muscles. Those artificial muscles make it possible to create more human-like robots than ever before.

Today, AI can be the greatest flop in business. But it might have a bright future.

AI is an impressive tool. It can tell almost everything, But sometimes it makes very big mistakes. I once asked about altocumulus, which is one type of cloud. The AI gave information about some kind of flower. The fact is that these kinds of errors are good examples of mistakes that AI can make. 

The AI uses the page rank of the search engine. And that makes it easy to manipulate the answers that it gives. I use the AI just for fun, and in some cases, I use the sources that the AI gives. But there is a long journey to common AI that can create things like humans.


When somebody asks something by using AI, that person gives an advertisement to that system.

When a user asks something, the AI must have certain instructions on how to search for data. If there are problems with queries, the AI cannot form the entire data set. And if the query is wrong, the AI is unable to operate.

The AI requires fuzzy logic for fixing writing errors. The problem with fuzzy logic is that if some words are similar to each other, like back, black, and slack, that causes a problem with fuzzy logic. The AI doesn't know if the user means black but writes "slack". 

That's why queries must be long enough so that the AI can use other text to conclude what the word that person means. When humans fix those kinds of things, they see from context or entirety what the word means when the user writes the word black. 

And that causes problems for AI in making answers. The AI doesn't give answers by using imagination. It just connects different data sources, and then it generates answers by connecting certain parts of those databases.

The system must search its internal databases. Then it must go to the open internet for search data. The problem with that process is that the AI has problems with cultural and language differences.


Originally, the idea of AI was to develop a system that could replace humans as ordinary or routine thinkers. The purpose of the AI was to outsource routine thoughts to it. And that is one of the things that people don't think about: they outsource their thoughts to the AI. And that thing is not a very good idea. Our brain requires practice, and we should not stop thinking even if we have some kind of AI.

The AI is in its infancy. That means there are many types of bugs in the AI. The thing is that the development of AI is just beginning. The AI is a suitable actor if it has a limited operational area and sector that it can effectively control. Making some new molecules is different from making them act like real humans.

So at this moment, the AI that discusses with people is suitable for fun. Or the AI can be used to make some kind of computer program because in programming there are certain, clear orders. That makes the AI very good when programmers want to make some database connections. But the problem with AI is that it doesn't know what something is. And in some uncommon cases, the AI is helpless because the search engine has not given a pagerank for that kind of topic.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

The next-generation camouflage mimics cephalopods’ color-changing ability.

There are two ways to make the camouflage that makes objects chameleons. The first one is the active system. There are cameras on the opposite side of the object, and then the system transmits the image to the opposite side of the protected system. The purpose of that thing is to make the system hollow. 

The problem with active camouflage is that objects must merge with the background, not with things that are in front of them. AI, along with nanotechnology, makes it possible to create large, very accurately controlled structures. And that thing makes it possible to create nanoballs, which are crystals that have different colors on each side. Then the computer simply turns the right side of that crystal in the desired direction.

Novel ink composed of colorful microbeads adapts to the appearance of received light by light-driven separation. Credit: The University of Hong Kong ( Future of Camouflage: Mimicking Cephalopods’ Color-Changing Ability).

The next-generation camouflage bases are extremely small nano swimmers. The nano swimmer is in a small ball, and the radiation changes direction. But if the cube-form crystal is a dry nanoball hanging in the nano-size axles, that allows the system to control that thing better. In ideal systems, each of those nanoballs has its individual nano-size microprocessor that controls every part of the system separately. The ability to control the crystal and adjust the side that it turns toward the observer can be used in the next-generation screens.

The idea is that the nanotechnology behind this chameleon structure is changing the color of the active color pigment as light impacts it. Theoretically, color-changing active paint pigments are quite easy to make using nanotechnology.

Nanotechnology requires electricity. And there are many possibilities for making electricity for the nanosystems that are controlling the camouflage. One version is that one side of the nanocube is the solar panel. When the system's power is low, it turns the photovoltaic side outside. And that makes the same system able to load batteries. There could be nano-size generators in the suit, and of course, the user can use batteries that are on the belt. The computing system can be found in the multiple microprocessors around the canvas where those nanostructures are.

There is a sphere, and in the structure, there are three colors that make up the colors in the color TV. Then there must be something that turns the right side of the color-changing structure in the direction where radiation comes from. That system can be connected to nano-LEDs that are used to determine the color of the camouflage. And that new Chinese invention can be used to give a matte finish to LED-based systems.

Those rotating crystals are one possibility. How to make a passive system that copies images from around it. There is a possibility that this Chinese camouflage requires some kind of LED light so that it can create the background image of the object. Those chameleon systems are always interesting. And AI and small computers, along with new power sources, are making those kinds of systems more powerful than ever before.

Biomimetics makes Star Wars-type robot hands and terminators real.

Bio-hybrid robot means a system, covered by human tissue if the system is human-shaped. The biohybrid system can mimic animals. Those biomim...