Friday, May 31, 2024

Why the Big Bang didn't turn into a black hole?

In some models, the material and energy came from some kind of point. During an event called the Big Bang. So the Big Bang is an event where material reaches a certain energy level. Sometimes people say that the Big Bang was a series of events rather than one event. But then we must go to a question: why the Big Bang turned into a black hole? 

In the so-called Phoenix universe theory, the Big Bang was the erupting black hole that involved material from the past universe. The past universe that existed before our universe ended its existence. In an event called the Big Crunch. That thing formed an enormous black hole. That involved all information, energy, and material that is in our universe. Or particles that form material are one form of energy. 

Particles are like energy balls where energy just waits to be released. We call wave movement energy. And energy affects only when it moves. The moving energy makes electrons orbit the atoms and every reaction in the universe depends on the moving wave movement called energy. 

"Both inside and outside the event horizon of a Schwarzschild black hole, space flows like either a moving walkway or a waterfall, depending on how you want to visualize it. At the event horizon, even if you ran (or swam) at the speed of light, there would be no overcoming the flow of spacetime, which drags you into the singularity at the center. Outside the event horizon, though, other forces (like electromagnetism) can frequently overcome the pull of gravity, causing even infalling matter to escape." (BigThink, Ask Ethan: Why didn’t the Big Bang become a black hole?)

If there is no outcoming material, there is no outcoming energy. That means the black hole cannot replace the energy and material that it loses in the form of gravitational waves. 

The existence of the black hole requires the outcoming energy and material. If there is no energy and material. That can feed the black hole, energy travels out from the black hole. 

In one model of that thing, wave movement that existed before the Big Bang formed the Kugelblitz black hole that erupted. The common thing in both models is this: the universe came out from the enormous black hole that detonated. So why did that black hole detonate? 

Energy is wave movement. The energy always travels in some direction. And that direction is in the lower energy level. So energy travels from the upper level to the lower level. 

The existence of a black hole depends on the material and energy or wave movement (radiation) that falls in the black hole. When a black hole gets more energy than it releases it grows. When a black hole gets so much energy it releases its stable condition. And when a black hole releases more energy than it gets it turns smaller or loses its mass. The black hole sends radiation in the form of gravitational radiation. 

For existence, the black hole requires particles and energy. The outside quantum fields slow the vaporization of the black hole. The speed of vaporization depends on the black hole's environment. And if there are no quantum fields or material that the black hole can "eat". That thing means that there is no resistance to that phenomenon. 

There were no quantum fields or materials. That could resist the black hole's vaporization in the Big Bang. That caused an extremely fast energy flow out from the black hole. That means the black hole detonates. That detonation released all material and energy from that hypothetical black hole into space, there was an absolute vacuum. That detonation didn't form the shock front, because the shock front requires something that resists the wave. That released from the black hole. 

The total absolute "real" vacuum is not possible in the universe. There are always some kind of quantum fields in the vacuums. Also outside the universe is a similar quantum field. But that quantum field's energy level is lower than the energy level in the universe. That causes a situation in which energy flows out from the universe.

Can the "Methuselah" star be older than the universe?

There are two main expectations about why the Methuselah star seems to be older than the universe. 

1) The star is formed before our universe. 

2) Star is traveled through the cosmic void. The cosmic voids or very low-energy areas in the universe can cause situations where energy flows out from the stars faster than it should. 

The Methuselah is an orange star near our galaxy. The age of that star is estimated at 12-14 billion years, and the age of our universe is about 13,8 billion years. Wikipedia says the age of the Methuselah star is 12+-0,5 billion years. That means Methuselah is not older than the universe. It is the oldest known star. But it started its life a billion years after the universe was born. 

So can that star be older than the universe? The thing is that there is a wild theory that Methuselah formed before our universe, or it is the remnant of some ancient universe. 


Or it could be the star, formed in some other universe. Those theories are interesting, but there could be more conventional reasons for the age of that star. And those reasons don't require a multiverse. 

If particles go into an area where the energy level is extremely low. That increases the energy flow out from the particle. Those areas called cosmic voids can increase the aging speed of the material. And those voids can also make particles look like. That they are older than even the entire universe. 

The reasonable explanation for the age of that strange star is the cosmic void. If the Methuselah star once traveled through the cosmic void or area where the material and quantum field density are extremely low. That thing can cause that material to turn older faster than outside that void. 

In cosmic voids or so-called electromagnetic vacuums energy travels out from material faster than outside the cosmic void. And that phenomenon can cause a situation, in the Methuselah that it turns older than it should be.

Intermediate-mass black holes creation theory.

"A groundbreaking study provides fresh insights into the origins of intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs). By conducting the first-ever simulations of individual stars in a forming globular cluster, researchers have identified potential mechanisms through which these dense star clusters could give rise to IMBHs. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Cosmic Forge: The Creation of Intermediate-Mass Black Holes in Dense Star Clusters)

The intermediate-mass black holes (IMBH)are one "they should exist", but nobody found them. The term IMBH means a black hole. Whose mass is between 10^2 to 10^5 suns. That is between stellar and supermassive black holes. There are several IMBH candidates. But nobody found the 100% confirmed IMBH object. 

Theoretically, the stellar mass black holes all can form when the massive star detonates as a supernova. Or if the star is too big and too massive. It can fall into a black hole without a supernova explosion. In that case. The extremely heavy hydrogen star will expand, and its nuclear reaction will turn too weak that it can resist gravity.

 If the star is pure hydrogen. Radiation pushes those atoms out of each other. They can form the quantum channels between hydrogen atoms. Those quantum shadows can pull those atoms together. And form the large area fusion in the blue supergiant. And that can turn them into black holes. 

In the third version, the stellar-mass black holes can form when outcoming energy hits the star. The outcoming energy impulses can transform smaller stars into black holes. 

Stars in globular clusters are usually old metal-poor stars. But there are also things like young blue stars. The old stars are yellow giants. And in some cases, they are Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars. In dense globular clusters.  The intensive interaction between stars can raise their surface temperature very high, even if those stars are not the hottest possible. 

And if the stars are in very dense star clusters. The stars in the shell of that globular cluster send energy into the central stars that are the most massive in those clusters. The energy flow affects those stars in the middle of the globular cluster. And raise their energy level to a higher level, than it should. This thing causes a situation in that star. That fusion can begin in the larger areas of the star than usual. 

The fusion that begins, near the shell of those stars can turn them into black holes. or otherwise, that extra energy just detonates those massive stars as supernovas. When the star explodes in the dense cluster. That shockwave can also affect other stars very strongly. And that thing makes it possible for a supernova explosion to launch more supernova explosions. That forms a cluster of black holes that can impact each other. 

It's possible. At least some quasars formed around the Kugelblitz black holes. Those Kugelblitz black holes can exist in extremely stable conditions. 

The supermassive black holes can form when some interplanetary or interstellar nebula collapses. It's possible. Things like still hypothetical Kugelblitz black holes can form the disturbance that can cause a situation in which the extremely. Massive hydrogen clouds and electromagnetic fields can fall into the supermassive black holes. 

When some plasma jet or high-energy particle travels through that hydrogen cloud, it makes a hole in the cloud. The hydrogen atoms travel into that hole, and if there is no disturbance that thing starts to pack those hydrogen atoms into one place. And they can form a gravity center that pulls all material into it.  

The electromagnetic radiation forms the kugelblitz-black hole through the whirl. The requirement for the Kugelblitz black hole creation is a very stable environment. If there is too much turbulence. That destroys this structure immediately. The internal energy level in the whirl must be so high that the whirl doesn't break. 

And then in that model, it collects energy from its environment.  The electromagnetic whirl forms when some particle travels through the molecular clouds and electromagnetic fields can start to turn stronger. And it rolls other quantum or electromagnetic fields around it. That can explain why there are no supermassive black holes created in galaxies. Except in their center. Supermassive black holes are in every galaxy center and quasars.

The mystery of vanishing stars.

"An artist’s impression of the binary system VTFS 243. Credit: ESOL. Calçada CC BY 4.0" ScitechDaily, Vanishing Without a Trace: Why Stars Mysteriously Disappear From the Night Sky)

Why do some stars vanish without a trace? The answer for that can be that the star is so massive that it can pull all its material in it when its energy production ends. That means the star will pull the supernova remnants in it when it detonates in a supernova explosion. This thing can explain the vanishing stars. 

But then we can rethink that thing, and make the model where the super powerful fusion starts in the molecular cloud around the star. If the final fusion starts in the star's core that causes the supernova explosion. The thing that makes the black hole is the vacuum that forms after the supernova explosion. When the bubble that the supernova's shockwave forms collapses, it forms a black hole. 

The star can vanish if the fusion reaction is ball-shaped and it's around the star. That thing creates the energy impulse that travels into the star and pushes atoms together. So the problem is how this "ball-shaped fusion" can happen. In some versions, the plasma eruption impacts very hor stars like blue supergiants or Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars. If that plasma has a high enough energy level. it could form the fusion around- or the shell of the start. That kind of impact fusion is theoretically possible. 

When a star is very hot, like WR stars or blue supergiants the energy that flows away from the star can form things called the cosmic bubble. The blue supergiants involve mainly hydrogen. The WR stars mainly involve helium. Those extremely hot stars are monoatomic structures. That can cause a situation in which very high energy that flows from the star can push the quantum field away from the star. 

That thing causes a situation in which the star starts to expand. And then the power of nuclear fusion decreases. That decreases the radiation, and outcoming quantum fields and gravity inside the star start to pull atoms in the star together. And if the nuclear fusion does not start fast enough that effect can form the black hole in the star. And that black hole can pull the star in it without a trace. 

The high-energy burst like a gamma-ray burst (GRB) can raise the star's outer shell's temperature, to a very high level. When high energy radiation impulse hits to star. The star's shell can turn into a higher energy level than the star's core. That effect can cause a situation. That the star's core turns into a black hole. 

In some other versions, the fast radio, X-ray, or gamma-ray bursts hit the star. The burst can be high-energy particle flow from a black hole, neutron star, or supernova. That kind of energy flow can create a high-energy area in the star's shell. And that thing can turn a small part of the star into a black hole. In some other visions. 

The incoming high-energy radiation can press energy from the shell to the star's core. That energy impact can turn the star's core into a black hole. That black hole can form the "push to flush" effect. That kind of black hole can pull the entire star in it without a trace.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

What makes the ultimate fate of the universe interesting?

Today, researchers talk more about the universe's ultimate fate than ever before. One of the things that makes this phenomenon or the case interesting is that there are some kinds of ideas or evidence that there were universes before our universe. 

Sir Roger Penrose and his team reported that some primordial black holes, or their radiation is some kind of anomaly, which tells that those primordial black holes bring information from the universe, that existed before our universe. Proving that thing is very difficult. in a very old universe, what we can call a post-material universe is two or maybe three types of material and energy. 

The energy and wave movement, along with black holes are the types of material and energy. It's possible. That there are also some neutrons in neutron stars, or quark stars in that very low-energy universe. The main particles are neutrinos, electrons, and maybe protons. In the low-energy, cold universe even neutrinos can have a high energy level if we want to compare that situation in the distant future with the situation in today's universe. 

The local geometry of the universe is determined by whether the density parameter Ω is greater than, less than, or equal to 1. From top to bottom: a spherical universe with Ω > 1, a hyperbolic universe with Ω < 1, and a flat universe with Ω = 1. These depictions of two-dimensional surfaces are merely easily visualizable analogs to the 3-dimensional structure of (local) space.

 If Ω > 1 the universe is closed. And that makes the Big Crunch possible. Otherwise, the ultimate fate of the universe is the Big Silence. Or the Big Rip. But when we think of the open universes and especially the flat universe, things like supermassive black holes can form quantum dots or potholes to that layer. 

Those quantum dots can pull the layer together. In a cold and static universe, the black holes interact with each other at longer distances. So, could the gravity of those black holes pull them together anyway and then form the big crunch? 

The universe is more stable than today. And that means the butterfly effect is more powerful than today's universe. The protons or electrons can form the electromagnetic or quantum whirl called "kugelblitz" which is a theoretical black hole formed straight from the wave movement. In a stable universe. The black hole's gravitational effect affects enormous distances. 

If the universe is closed. That causes the Big Crunch. The only known case where the big crunch can be possible is that the universe is spherical. Or maybe when the black holes detonate in the post-material universe those things cause situations where the impacting radiation from those erupting black holes can create a situation. 

Where the universe could be reborn. The idea is that in the hyperbolic and straight universe can be potholes, the quantum dots that can pull the universe together. Those quantum dots would be the supermassive black holes. 

Even if the universe's end would be the Big Silence. The superstrings continue their infinite journey. And that means the universe will never reach the static conditions. Even if those interactions are weak, the universe is so cold and in stable order, which means the smallest possible interactions cause a strong effect. 

And then what does that mean? 

The hypothetical Kardashev scale 7 civilization can be a remnant of hypothetical past universes. 

There is a possibility: that there was a universe before our universe. That means there is the possibility that some hypothetical civilization can survive the Big Crunch. That thing means that the Kardashev scale 7 civilization can be the civilization of the god, and could be a remnant from the universe before this universe. 

In some models, hypothetical hyper-civilization can increase its craft's energy level to so high level. That the material in the craft can exist longer than other materials in the universe. And then that civilization can transfer itself from the past universe to the new universe.

Will the change ever end in the universe?

When we think about the equilibrium in the universe, we say that the equilibrium is the situation where energy flow ends.  In the case of the universe, its energy flow is like a lake. Waves on the surface of that lake tell. That there is movement in that water. Same way, there are waves in the energy fields in the universe. 

The energy is like water. It turns destructive only when it moves. In the same way, we can benefit energy only if that energy moves. And we can say that standing energy cannot affect the material. Only moving energy can push or pull particles. 

The energy flow from material to the environment is the thing. That keeps the universe in dynamic change. The energy flow or quantum vaporization is the event. Their material turns into wave movement. And the reason for that is the expansion of the universe. 

Without that energy flow the universe would not expand, and oppositely thinking that energy flow also causes at least part of the universe's expansion. Another thing is that the energy flows out from the universe because the energy level in the universe is higher than its environment. 

The energy flow in the universe is the thing, that keeps things going. And without that energy flow things would freeze immediately. We can say that all material formed in the event, called: the Big Bang. Expansion of the universe began just after the Big Bang. 

The local geometry of the universe is determined by whether the density parameter Ω is greater than, less than, or equal to 1. From top to bottom: a spherical universe with Ω > 1, a hyperbolic universe with Ω < 1, and a flat universe with Ω = 1. These depictions of two-dimensional surfaces are merely easily visualizable analogs to the 3-dimensional structure of (local) space. (Wikipedia, Shape of the universe)

Ω > 1 is the only case in which the Big Crunch can happen. 

Materia is a form of energy. And the material is turning into a wave movement. The wave movement is another form of energy. 

During that expansion distance between particles increases. That causes a situation where the interaction between particles turns weaker. And that thing causes the effect, that natural forces in the universe turn weaker. There are also quantum fields in the universe. Those quantum fields are like gas in the atmosphere. When the universe turns larger, those quantum fields turn weaker, because the same energy must fill the larger entirety. 

And if we compare that thing with gas, we can say that the same gas mass must fill the larger energy, and that means gas pressure turns lower. Same way we can say that energy pressure turns weaker, if we can say that energy has pressure. Or rather saying. The energy level in the universe turns lower. And that will make the universe colder. 

But will the universe never reach energy stability or equilibrium? If the universe is not a ball-shaped structure or sphere it will expand forever. Or we can say that expansion is infinite. That means the universe will never reach the ultimate equilibrium. The interaction in the post-material universe is an extremely weak thing. But if the ultimate fate of the universe is the big silence. Those energy fields that travel away from each other. Meaning that the situation is not completely equilibrium. 

At that moment the material is turned into electromagnetic waves. And those waves continue their travel forever. That is an oversimplified version of the very complicated theorem. There is the possibility that in the very old universe, the detonating black holes send the network of radiation across the great stability. 

Those waves of energy can cross each other, and it's possible. Those cross points will start to pull energy and material remnants to them. That thing is the Big Crunch. The base idea of those models is that there are no other universes. But if those other universes exist. That thing turns even more complicated.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

New nanotechnology and magnetism make new and more practical quantum computers possible.

"Researchers at the Cavendish Laboratory have identified spin coherence in atomic defects within Hexagonal Boron Nitride (hBN) under ambient conditions, a rare achievement in quantum materials. The study, published in Nature Materials, highlights that these spins can be controlled with light and have promising implications for future quantum technologies, including sensing and secure communications. " (ScitechDaily, Cambridge Scientists Achieve Long-Sought Quantum State Stability in New 2D Material)

The findings also stress the need for further exploration to enhance defect reliability and extend spin storage times, underlining the potential of hBN in advancing quantum technological applications. Credit: Eleanor Nichols, Cavendish Laboratory" (ScitechDaily, Cambridge Scientists Achieve Long-Sought Quantum State Stability in New 2D Material)

The Cambridge researchers created a new way to make a stable quantum state in 3D material. The normal problem with quantum systems is how to stabilize the quantum states. The new method to create quantum entanglement is to use electrons and their holes. In some visions in the middle of the graphene network is electrons. And if the other side is graphene where are the holes for those electrons? The system can make advanced and effective quantum processors with multiple states. 

A new way to make quantum computers is the quantum entanglement between electrons and their holes. The electron and hole are things that can form excitons. And if the system can halt the position of the electron, that orbits its hole, that thing can make it possible to create the new and long-standing quantum entanglement. The excitons can form in the Rydberg's atoms. That makes it possible to create smaller ones. And more powerful, or at least more complex quantum systems. 

Nanotechnology and new magnetism can suppress the outcoming effects in quantum systems. The new and more complex quantum computers require AI-based support systems. And especially the new types of sensors. Those new sensors tell things about the quantum entanglement conditions. In quantum computers, the AI-based operating system can operate the system remotely. The sensors tell about the operations and conditions of the quantum entanglement.

"Altermagnetic crystal: not only the directions of spin polarization (in magenta and cyan) alternate on neighboring magnetic atoms, but also the atomic shapes themselves – as shown by tilting the dumbbell-shaped electron densities in two different directions. The blue beamline illustrates the photoemission experiment on a synchrotron that was used to demonstrate altermagnetism. Credit: Libor Šmejkal und Anna Birk Hellenes / JGU" (ScitechDaily, Revolutionary Discovery: Scientists Prove Existence of New Type of Magnetism)

Because without precise information the operating system cannot handle and control quantum systems. The revolutionary micro-capacitors make it possible for the sensors can operate autonomously. The microsensors on the quantum system can operate as the morphing neural network. That means the operating system might have at least two states. 

The reflex system uses nanosensors' memories and the long-distance system that drives information into the quantum system. The reflex system is less complicated. And its mission is to keep the temperature in the system at a certain level. The sensors can also tell if some outside effect is extraordinarily strong. And the quantum system can retake the calculation. 

How to protect information from outcoming turbulence? Is a key information transport element in quantum information systems. 

"New microcapacitor technology developed at Berkeley Lab enhances energy storage capabilities on microchips, marking a major advancement in microelectronics. Credit: SciTechDaily" (ScitechDaily, Tiny Titans: Revolutionary Microcapacitors Set to Supercharge Next-Gen Electronics)

Organic electric silk tubes and a new state of magnetism are the tools that can make quantum information transport safer than ever before. 

Organic spider silk can be a new tool for biological sensors. The hollow fibers can operate as electric wires. And they can be printed on the new microchips. The hollow fiber can used as a sensor. As well as an electric wire. If the laser ray travels through the fiber, it can sense changes in its shape. When something presses the silk tube the shape of the laser ray changes, the laser ray sees that something has closed its road. The laser ray can measure the point where that anomaly is with very high accuracy. Using its distance measure ability. 

The new type of magnetism called "altermagnetism" is a tool that can revolutionize quantum and information technologies. The altermagnetism cannot detected from outside. And that allows to transmission of information in very highly secured channels. Atermagnetism can also used to protect quantum tubes, where information travels. The altermagnetic tube can cover the nanotube, where the quantum system transports information.

Drones can harness energy from the skies.

"New research into Airborne Wind Energy Systems (AWES), funded by a substantial Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) grant, seeks to harness high-altitude wind energy using drones, aiming to overcome challenges in system stability and enhance commercial viability, supporting the UK’s net-zero goals. Image of a prototype Kitemill drone in action. Credit: Kitemill" (ScitechDaily, Energy From the Sky: How Drones Can Generate Electricity)

The drone can harness energy from the sky using solar panels and wind turbines. The drone itself can rise into a high atmosphere using its engines. Their drone shuts down engines. And then the drone can hover in jettisons or rising air pillars like sailplanes. 

And there the electric engine that turns into wind turbines and solar panels can create electricity. That drone can use advanced autopilot and things like lidars to search right air flows. The idea is that. This kind of drone can minimize its electric use. 

In this video, the system uses 500 m. flying systems. But it's possible. This type of system can also have stratospheric altitudes. The stratospheric system requires wireless energy transport. Or it requires nanotechnical electric wire that is lightweight enough. 

Then it can send more energy to the ground. This kind of system is economical only, if it can create more electricity than it uses. The induction electric engines can used as electric engines and generators. The idea is that the drone is like an intelligent kite that creates electricity. The Dutch engineers created an idea of intelligent kites that put wind generators hovering in the atmosphere.


Boeing Condor 

In some visions, the 30 km altitude flying large-scale drones can also transport small rockets or space shuttles to the edge of space. And there those systems can launch their cargo. The carrier can be a modified Boeing Condor that uses an electric engine system, and the payload can be a Pegasus or Dream Chaser-type small shuttle. 

Dream Chaser


The thing in this kind of system is how to transport electricity into the ground. In simplest version. The drone can fill its batteries, and then it lands at the base. There users connect wires to those batteries. But this version is ineffective. 

A better way is to use coherent radio, laser, or microwave transmissions. This system makes it possible for drones to transmit energy to ground stations from high altitudes. This is a more effective way to transport information and energy to an electric network. 

The same system can used as a communication platform. The system can act as a low-flying satellite. And in some future visions. That kind of "lightweight satellites". Or atmospheric satellites replace part of orbital satellites. 

The high-altitude reconnaissance and surveillance platform can use the same principles and technology as energy-producing drones. High-altitude drones can also destroy incoming ammunition and lower-flying aircraft and drones using laser and microwave systems. 

The drone can produce energy with the same method that the energy production drone uses. 

The high-altitude drones can also protect areas against enemy low-flying crafts. The high-flying drone can shoot low-flying drones and incoming ammunition. The solar-power drone that can use solar power in the daytime, and turn its induction engines into a wind generator that allows it to load batteries for nighttime can fly at very high altitudes. 

The system might have one engine that can use solar power and another engine that can used as a wind generator.  The system can shut down both engines and then glide between rising air pillars. In that period the system could use engines as the wind generators. And there that system can observe area. When it sees incoming ammunition like missiles it can shoot them using laser or microwave generators. This is one version of the multiuse technology.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

The Chimera engine is the new tool for hypersonic systems.

The Hermeus corporation developed new advanced hypersonic aircraft called "Dark Horse".  The Dark Horse is interesting because of the new engine type, called "Chimera". The Chimera system is the most advanced hypersonic hybrid system. 

1) Turbojet Mode: At low speeds, Chimera operates like a typical turbojet engine found in jet aircraft. It uses the incoming air for combustion and thrust.

2) Ramjet Mode: As the speed increases. Chimera transitions to ramjet mode. In this mode, it bypasses the incoming air around the turbojet and relies solely on the ramjet for propulsion. Ramjets are more efficient at hypersonic speeds.

3) Hybrid Design: The key innovation is that Chimera combines both turbojet and ramjet technologies in a single engine. This hybrid approach allows for efficient operation across a wide range of speeds.

4) Operational Hypersonic Flight. Unlike traditional rocket engines used in most hypersonic platforms. Chimera doesn’t require rockets for acceleration. This makes it more practical for operational hypersonic flight, where aircraft can be turned around rapidly like modern planes today. 

Images: Hermeus/Artist’s conception 

The Chimera system makes the new advanced aircraft called Dark Horse possible. The Dark Horse is the new hypersonic reusable uncrewed aerial system (UAS). That system can transport satellites to the orbiter. But it can also operate at low altitudes. The Dark Horse would have military and civil missions. The Dark Horse could have vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) capacity. 

And it can be more advanced and include more tactical and strategic capacity. Than any other aircraft in the world. The hypersonic capacity makes it possible that Dark Horse can attack against hypersonic missiles. And it can have more reconnaissance capacity than SR-71. The Dark Horse can have more capacity if there is a scramjet engine in its body. The scramjet engines can be separately installed in Dark Horse's body.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

What would the dark matter be?

Could the WIMP be quasiparticles like exciton, where an electron orbits its hole and turns into wave movement? There is the possibility that some other particles than electrons can form similar structures with excitons.  So could dark matter be some other quasiparticle like quark "exciton" or "gluon exciton"? 

We know today quite many quasiparticles. And if things like gluons can form this kind of structure. And then gluon turns into wave movement. That thing can explain dark matter. 

Theoretically, those "subatomic excitons" quasiparticles can form inside other particles. There is the possibility that the exciton-type structure can form when one quark or gluon turns to lower energy than it should. 

So that means dark matter can be in other particles. Or maybe dark matter is a virtual particle, the gravitational electric arc, or some other things like quantum-size black holes. 

In some visions, dark matter particles weakly interacting with massive particles (WIMP)  is the quasiparticle. A little bit like excitons. In excitons, electrons start to orbit their holes. 

So it's possible. That hypothetical exciton-type quasiparticle can form between the quark and its hole. Or maybe the gluon can make similar holes with electrons. In some visions, the electron or another particle that forms the hole can turn to wave movement. And that means the hole loses its electron. 

The dark matter is a mystery. The reason why we cannot see that material is the thing that makes this mysterious gravitational effect interesting. In some visions. Dark matter particles or weakly interacting massive particles (WIMP) are things. 

That can form mysterious dark matter. In some visions, dark matter is material whose temperature is lower than zero kelvin. If some particle's temperature is lower than zero kelvin or absolute zero point. The matter is dark. Energy will travel to those particles. 

But the particle cannot travel through energy minimum in the particle form. The reason for that is that the particle will reach the same energy level as its environment. And that turns particles into wave movement. 

The energy minimum of the third dimension is the floor of the three-dimensional material. And that border is the roof of the second dimension. 

The dimension is the area between two energy levels. When the difference in energy levels between two particles is high enough the particles cannot exchange information. When two particles are between energy minimum and energy maximum, they can exchange information. But when particles reach the energy maximum or energy minimum. They lose their existence as material. When the material energy level turns high enough, it turns very small. And then it jumps through the energy maximum. That thing presses it like spaghetti. 

In those models, the material cannot come from a higher dimension to a lower dimension in the form of material. The reason for that is that when the material reaches the energy floor or energy minimum, it turns into wave movement. 

The energy always attempts to travel in the lower energy areas. But the thing is that when the universe expands its energy level turns lower. When energy impacts the border between dimensions it presses that border like a piston. There is the possibility that the 2D low-energy material can receive this energy and then it pushes its energy maximum, that is the zero kelvin temperature and the energy minimum in the 3D universe. 

The zero kelvin degrees are the border of the second and the third dimensions. The 0 k temperature is the energy minimum in the three-dimensional universe. The particle cannot travel through that 0k energy level in particle form because it must have a different energy level than its environment. 

When a particle reaches energy minimum, its existence as a particle ends. Because its energy level is the same as its environment. And that means the particle turns into a wave movement. The information can travel through that level only when it first turns into the wave movement.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Predicting order and chaos is important in nanotechnology.

"Harvard scientists have demonstrated that quantum coherence can persist through chemical reactions in ultracold molecules, suggesting broader applications for quantum information science and potentially in more common environmental conditions." (ScitechDaily, Quantum Coherence: Harvard Scientists Uncover Hidden Order in Chemical Chaos)

Chaos is the thing that creates turbulence in every system. The turbulence is the thing that destroys the quantum entanglements and makes it difficult to transport information over long distances. 

When we try to yell over long distances. The wind covers those soundwaves. And that thing makes it impossible to yell over extremely long distances. 

We can thank chaos that things like hurricanes cannot continue forever. In Earth's atmosphere when a hurricane travels over the ground. Friction takes more energy from it than it gets from the sun. The reason why the hurricane's existence ends over the dry land is that: the whirl loses its energy from below it. 

"Advanced machine learning algorithms have shown potential in efficiently controlling complex systems, promising significant improvements in autonomous technology and digital infrastructure." (ScitechDaily, Predicting Chaos With AI: The New Frontier in Autonomous Control)

And that pulls energy out from the whirl from below it. When the hurricane turns into a lower energy level than its environment, outside energy destroys it. 

And that thing destroys the whirl. Hurricanes can continue even thousands of years in low-energy systems. 

Jupiter's Great Red Spot is the anticyclone that hovers in Jupiter's atmosphere. The sunlight and tidal forces of Jupiter's moon raise that spot's energy level higher than its environment. That keeps the whirl hovering in a giant planet's atmosphere for a very long time. The Neptune's Great Dark Spot spot is a little bit different phenomenon. 

We can see how chaos and order alternate in Jupiter's Great Red Spot. First, we can see the whirl. Then we can see the chaos, and after that, we can see the repeating entireties in the structure. 

Neptune's dark spot continues its existence for a very long time because the sun and side friction can raise the spot's energy level higher than its environment. Side and upcoming energy turns the whirls energy level so high, that the outside gas and energy cannot fill it. In those systems, another order forms in the bigger orders. 

The whirls also organized systems. In Jupiter and Neptune, chaos and order alternate in their atmosphere. When we first look at Jupiter's atmosphere. First, we can see the complete order. Then we can see the whirls in the borders of the cloud lines. Those order and chaos alternate in the Great Red spot as well as in all other structures in nature. 

The Great Dark Spot structure. 

And then we can find the order again. That kind of thing is important for nanomechanical research. 

There is always order in chaos. When we look at things like liquids, we might think. That liquid is a chaotic system. But when we search for the tiniest things in the quantum world. There is always formation that is clear and without chaos. 

But the system's attempt is always to reach some kind of order. The outside or inside force that affects similarly in some structures forces the system into order. The idea is that the force first affects some parts of the system. Then those parts pull other parts of the system with them. 

If the system can predict the behavior and advance in the ordering process, that system can make new types of structures. 

The AI can observe large entireties. It can control protein formation in its entirety, and that thing is one of the key elements in medicine production. The acoustic systems can make channels in liquids where long-chain proteins can form. However, the system must know the precise right point in ordering liquid so that the channel can get the precise right form. 

The form of the long proteins is extremely important. Because Vanderwaals' forces can turn the wrong reaction points in the long proteins in the wrong direction. In medicines, the reaction and contact points must be at the right points, or that molecule goes in the wrong ion pump.

The exoplanets can tell us about climate change and its influence on our planet.

The small red exoplanet called TOI-6713.01 orbits the red dwarf. Telescopes tell that there is intense volcanic activity in that strange world, covered by molten lava. The intense volcanic activity on that planet can form because its star causes intensive heat. If the star transports energy to its planet, and energy cannot fly to space, that thing causes the planet's internal parts to temperature. 

Sooner or later. The atmospheric heat affects the planet's core if it cannot send that radiation into space. And that thing increases the power of fission in the planet's core. That can cause volcanism. Same way the intense heat in the atmosphere can melt the planet's shell. 

The inner fission and star-coming energy combination can raise the planet's temperature higher than stars. The temperature on exoplanet TOI-6713.01 is 2600 Kelvin can form. Because of a combination of internal fission and outcoming energy. Together with an extremely powerful greenhouse effect. Those effects can raise the planet's temperature to higher levels, than some stars' temperatures. 

"Since the 1980s, seismic stations have been detecting an increase in ocean wave intensity, correlating with climate change. A Colorado State University study, analyzing over 35 years of data, found that ocean waves have become significantly stronger, reflecting an increase in storm severity due to global warming. This seismic data, revealing long-term trends and changes in wave energy, underscores the need for resilient strategies to protect coastal areas from the impacts of climate change". (ScitechDaily, Earth’s Alarming Whisper: Seismology Exposes the Rumble of Climate Change)

But can the rise of atmospheric temperature on Earth cause things like earthquakes? The answer is that the vaporizing oceans decrease the water layer's weight on Earth's shell. That thing makes the lithosphere easier to move, especially if the energy or pressure impulses come from below the lithosphere. 

The Earth is not any TOI-6713.01. This planet's atmosphere rise doesn't melt the shell. But that rising temperature can increase vaporization. That means that more water in seas and water systems turns into vapor. This effect decreases the water layer's weight. 

And that means that the weight of the Earth's lithosphere decreases. That causes an effect: on the lithosphere because of weaker energy impulses than previously. Because there is not so much weight on the lithosphere moving that thing requires weaker energy impulses.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Pulsed plasma rockets are an interesting solution for Mars missions.

"Howe Industries is developing a Pulsed Plasma Rocket (PPR) capable of producing 100,000 N of thrust with a specific impulse of 5,000 seconds, promising to revolutionize space travel by enabling faster and safer manned missions to Mars and beyond. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Mars in a Flash: How Pulsed Plasma Rockets Are Revolutionizing Space Travel)

The new pulsed plasma rockets (PPR) with 100,000-newton thrust and a specific impulse of 5000 seconds are the tools that can transport humans to Mars. In a very short time. If we compare that time with chemical rockets. The pulsed plasma systems can use fusion, fission, or antimatter to create high-energy plasma that pushes the rocket forward. The light antimatter system uses the antimatter or positron injection into the water or hydrogen. 

The system that raises the propellant's temperature can also be radio waves, microwaves, or lasers. In a radio wave-based system. Plus and minus radiowaves impact the propellant. And form an electric arc. In the microwave-based system, the engine heats propellant using microwaves, and then a magnetic field pulls that heated plasma backward. It's laser plasma engines. The system uses lasers to heat and ionize propellants. 

Simplified image of the Pulsed Plasma Rocket (PPR) system. Credit: Brianna Clements, edited (ScitechDaily, Mars in a Flash: How Pulsed Plasma Rockets Are Revolutionizing Space Travel)

It doesn't matter how the heating systems or ionizers get their energy. And that means the pulsed plasma engines can operate using solar power. Nuclear rockets always need long wings to decrease the reactor's temperature. So the system may use solar power for at least part of the mission time. 

Small-size pulsed plasma engines that operate near Earth can get the power remotely from high-power radio transmitters or laser satellites. That kind of system can transport humans between Earth's orbiter and the Moon. That means the moon shuttle can also use pulsed plasma. And we can say that the moon shuttle must not have the same capacity as Marscraft. 

The idea of those (systems is simple. A rocket engine raises the material's temperature to a very high level, and then that expansion pushes the craft forward. One of the problems with pulsed plasma engines is how to control plasma. If high-energy plasma touches the plasma channel wall, it burns that will immediately.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Researchers created a new particle called Tauonium.

"Tauonium: The Smallest and Heaviest Atom with Pure Electromagnetic Interaction. Credit: ©Science China Press" (ScitechDaily, Beyond Hydrogen: Discovery of Tiny New Atom Tauonium With Massive Implications)

"The hydrogen atom was once considered the simplest atom in nature, composed of a structureless electron and a structured proton. However, as research progressed, scientists discovered a simpler type of atom, consisting of structureless electrons (e-), muons (μ-), or tauons (τ-) and their equally structureless antiparticles. These atoms are bound together solely by electromagnetic interactions, with simpler structures than hydrogen atoms, providing a new perspective on scientific problems such as quantum mechanics, fundamental symmetry, and gravity." (ScitechDaily, Beyond Hydrogen: Discovery of Tiny New Atom Tauonium With Massive Implications)

Tauonium is combination of tau particle and its antiparticle. So, it's very similar to positronium. Positronium is the combination of an electron and its antiparticle pair positron. There is also muon and its antiparticle pair, that can create this kind of combination. Those particles and their antiparticle pairs are things that can make elements that are simpler than hydrogen. 

Those particle-antiparticle combinations are called electromagnetic atoms. The particle and antiparticle orbit each other. And that centripetal force keeps those things away from each other. The problem with electromagnetic atoms is that the particle and its antiparticle pair pull each other together. 

And that thing causes annihilation. That means the energy level of the accelerator must be precise right, or the particle and its antiparticle will impact. Then the system must put that particle-antiparticle pair orbit each other at the precise right moment. That thing can made using laser light. 

In some models, the electron and its antiparticle combinations are tools, that can use as superposition and entanglement in quantum computers. The idea is that the system locks the electron and positron in the right position using laser rays. The system drives information to the electron. And then that information travels into the positron.  Or oppositely. The system could be safe because the antimatter explosion will destroy all information from the quantum entanglement.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Game theory can make machine learning more effective.

In game theory, all organisms want to maximize their benefit. Game theory can used as a tool that makes programming learning machines easier than it has been. The idea is that the AI will get points for every correct answer. And when the AI gives the wrong answer, the system gets zero points. That thing allows the simple model, that is easy to program for computers. 

When the AI plays chess against people, it can have a system where each chess button has points. That allows the AI to model the game. The soldier can be one or two points. And the queen can be worth 1000 points. When the number of those chess buttons decreases, the system can get new numbers for those buttons. The winner of the game is, who gets more points, and loses fewer buttons. The lost button can decrease the points as the value of those lost buttons is. 

Image: Quanta magazine

In classic machine learning models the computer selects the answers. That brings benefit to it for storing in its memory. But the problem has been to describe the answer. That brings benefits to the system. And one of the ways to tell the system, what kind of solution is right, is to use points to describe the right answer. The right answer brings up one point. And wrong gives zero. 

Things like attack drones can use this kind of point system for target selection. The main battle tank can be 100 points. The truck can be 20 points. The system can select targets using this model. And it can try to maximize its points. 

The AI can also know, that a deck of cards must not contain two similar cards. That allows the AI to remove non-necessary data from the data pool. If there is the same data, stored in many places, the AI can remove the superimposed data packets. 

In that model, the computer can find the right answer from the databases like Wikipedia pages. The system can find the right keywords using the data that is stored in Wikipedia. 

The idea is to make a model that is easy to use for making an algorithm. That allows the computer to select. Does it benefit from the answer or not? Game theory is a tool, that can use for many purposes. AI is one of the newest tools and the system requires a model, that is easy to use when people try to teach that tool. 

When operators teach the machine they ask questions, and the machine must find the answer. All AI's can be small-size specialized AI's. But the idea in the artificial general intelligence is that those AI's operate in one domain. That makes those systems effective and easy to expand.

AI is the tool, that revolutionizes the medical industry.

"Researchers are investigating bacteriophages, particularly “jumbo” phages with large genomes, as potential tools to combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria. These phages might be engineered to deliver antibiotics directly to infections, offering a new strategy in the fight against deadly pathogens." (ScitechDaily, When Giants Fight Microscopic Wars: Jumbo Viruses Tackle Superbugs)

Jumboviruses can act as nanomachines that carry medicals in the right cells. In that case, the researchers can replace giant viruses or jumbo viruses DNA using the long-chain proteins. The system can pump those proteins into the targeted cells. 

The AI is an ultimate tool to control complicated molecule production. The next-generation AI-powered environments are tools that can make breakthroughs in medical work. The long-chain molecules are themselves good tools for medicines. The protein can fill targeted cells. And that makes new types of medicals possible. The only problem is this: how do make sure, that proteins travel in the precise right cells? 

If researchers can solve that problem. That will make it possible to create next-generation medicals. That can used for many purposes. And what if, the researchers can make one medicine that fits bacteria and cancer? The researchers can use proteins for that purpose. 

One answer to the problem is the virus, where proteins replaced its genetic material.

One thing that can make this kind of medicine possible is giant macroviruses. The AI-driven system can create modified macro viruses, that genetic material replaced using the protein fibers. The large-size "virus" shoots the protein fiber in the targeted cells. And those fibers can jam the ion pump. Or it can fill the targeted cells. 

Another version of those things is the genetically engineered, microchip-controlled immune cells, that can pump proteins into the targeted cells. This kind of genetically engineered cells can carry the genetically coded self-destruction mechanism. When the cell makes its mission, the DNA self-destructs that cell. 

The ability to connect genomes over species borders makes it possible to create artificial ricin molecules, that will cut in pieces. Ricin could be a powerful cytostatic if the researchers can control that molecule. 

If the system can connect the enzyme to that molecule that cuts the ricin in pieces when it's out of the cell, that helps to make safer cytostatics. The system can use a similar enzyme as the enzyme that divides the DNA to destroy ricin molecules. Similar cells can remove things like HIV viruses from the body. 

The genetically engineered cells can collect those extremely poisonous molecules into a bubble, where they cannot harm non-wanted parts of the human body. Genetically engineered cells are the ultimate tools, that can collect poisonous chemicals from the body.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

AI-driven fusion is the next step for fusion research.

"Researchers at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory are harnessing artificial intelligence and machine learning to enhance fusion energy production, tackling the challenge of controlling plasma reactions. Their innovations include optimizing the design and operation of containment vessels and using AI to predict and manage instabilities, significantly improving the safety and efficiency of fusion reactions. This technology has been successfully applied in tokamak reactors, advancing the field towards viable commercial fusion energy. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, AI-Powered Fusion: The Key to Limitless Clean Energy)

The next-generation fusion systems use AI to control the environment. In Tokamak-type fusion reactors, the plasma, temperature is far higher than the Sun's core orbits in a donut shape accelerator. The plasma hovers in a magnetic field, that presses it in the shape of wire. 

When the system ignites the fusion the ignition lasers or opposite pole plasma will inject into the reactor. The problem is that in the flashpoint. When fusion starts in the middle of the plasma ring, the energy travels out from the plasma ring. Push it outside. The fusion energy destroys the plasma ring if it travels from the inside out. 

But if the fusion starts on the plasma ring's shell. it starts to push plasma into its form. In that system, the fusion reactor must create two internal, positive (ion) and negative (anion) plasma rings, and then drive them together. The idea is that the fusion starts in the shell of the internal plasma ring. The problem is how to control those plasma rings. 

The system should begin the fusion symmetrically in the outer shell of the plasma ring. In that case, fusion transfers energy in the plasma from its shell. And that energy keeps the plasma in its form. 

The ion-anion fusion. Where the system puts ions impact with anions could be promising. 

One of the theoretical systems that can be promising is the so-called double Tokamak, where the toruses or plasma rings in them touch each other. 

In the first ring the positive, and the second ring or reactor, the negative plasma orbits in the intensive heat and magnetic pressure. Then the system drives those plasma rings against each other. But making that system practical is difficult. The system must control those plasma rings with very high accuracy. The problem is how to control the contact points. and keep those plasma rings separated before the ignition starts. 

Double-tokamak-reactors model. In that case reactor system has two impact points. The ion plasma orbits in another and anion plasma orbits in another ring. The problem is how to control those ion and anion flows. And deny their impact too early. 

In some other systems, two linear accelerators will shoot positive or ion plasma against the negative, or anion plasma. When those accelerators shoot ions against anions at quite high speed, and the system aims for microwaves and lasers at the impact point, the system can create fusion. The only difference between double tokamak and linear fusion reactors is the shape of the accelerator. 

The temperature in the fusion system is higher than in the Sun. And that means the reactor must control that intense plasma with very high accuracy. And if the plasma comes too close to the reactor's shell. It burns a hole in the reactor immediately. In that case, the high-energy plasma causes the same effect as a hydrogen bomb. 

The fusion system offers a limitless energy solution but if the system cannot predict the situation, where plasma comes too close to the reactor's shell, that thing can cause destruction. The AI can control the reactor's magnets. And things like ignition systems. If those systems are not accurate enough, that destroys the plasma structure.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The ice-cube sensor detected the high-energy tau-neutrinos.

The ice-cube sensor detected the high-energy tau-neutrinos. Those mysterious ghost particles' form and weak interaction are some of the most interesting things in the universe. The neutrino is sometimes called a "grey photon". The weak interaction means that the neutrino can travel through planets without interaction. And only direct impact with other atoms makes that mysterious particle interact and release its energy. 

The thing that could help to solve the mystery of neutrinos is the charm quark, that researchers discovered in the proton. The charm quark is more massive than other particles in the proton. So the charm quark is heavier than a proton, where it should be involved. Maybe charm quark spins so fast that it hovers in the proton. 

The idea is that fast-spinning particle makes the quantum supercavitation effect. When the propeller super cavitates, it starts to spin in a bubble, where it cannot touch the water. So we can use supercavitation as the model of how the fast-spinning particle acts in the quantum field. 

If a particle spins fast enough, it forms a bubble around it. The quantum field acts like water. And if a particle spins "too fast". The particle forms a quantum bubble around it. The fast spin means that the quantum field cannot touch that particle. That ultra-fast spin can cause a situation, where the particle simply pushes other quantum fields from around it. And the only time when a particle can cause interaction is that. It hits directly into the atom or some subatomic particle. 

In this model, the fast spin causes a situation in which the particle tunnels itself through the material. But can neutrinos be faster than light? 

There is a model that neutrinos can travel slower than the speed of light. But the fast spin makes the shell of that mysterious particle move faster than the speed of light. The idea is that neutrino travels its axle vertically to its trajectory. That means the spin of a neutrino makes its shell move faster than the speed of light. 

The other version is that the wobbling spin of some, yet unknown particle forms the neutrino. In this model, the unknown particle's spin is similar to the electron's spin. The particle moves back and forth. That very slow but fast spinning particle could be the hypothetical weakly interactive massive particle (WIMP). The WIMP moves slowly but spins very fast. And if the WIMP spins like an electron, it sends the energy impulse all the time, when it changes its direction. And wave-particle duality turns that energy impulse into the particle called neutrino. 

The speed of light depends on the environment. That means the speed of light is higher in space than in the atmosphere. The speed of light is higher in the atmosphere than it is in water. And neutrino detector benefits this thing. When a particle moves from another environment like from interplanetary space to the atmosphere it releases its energy as a blue light flash called Cherenkov radiation. So in a small moment particle travels with a speed that is higher than the speed of light in the medium. 

The neutrino detector detects neutrino when its speed decreases, and it releases its energy as a blue light flash. Neutrino arrives at the sensor with speed that is lower than the speed of light. But its speed is faster, than the speed of light in a medium like water. When a neutrino hits something it releases its kinetic energy in the form of a blue light flash, called Cherenkov radiation. That radiation makes the sky blue because particles hit Earth's atmosphere at a speed that is higher than the speed of light in the atmosphere. 

That means the neutrino has already released its energy when it hits the neutrino detector. That means that the neutrino's speed can be far higher in interstellar space than it is in our solar system. There is a theory that neutrino is a transformation particle of a hypothetical tachyon, faster than a light particle. In theories, the tachyon can form in antimatter annihilation in interstellar space. When that particle travels in the solar system, the plasma around the star slows its speed, and maybe the neutrino has been tachyon.

The breakthrough makes it possible to create sustaining chemical compounds for nanotechnology. 

"Researchers have detailed the structure and function of the enzyme styrene oxide isomerase, a tool that enables green chemistry by facilitating the biological equivalent of the Meinwald reaction. This enzyme’s ability to produce specific products with high efficiency and stereospecificity holds significant potential for the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, promising more sustainable and environmentally friendly processes. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Bionanomachine Breakthrough: A Master Key for Sustainable Chemistry)

Nanotechnology makes it possible to create new types of treatments. In medical use, long and complex molecules make sure. That medicine is released only at the right point. When an enzyme touches the medicine molecule it cuts chemical compounds. 

And that activates the medicine. The medicine molecules can equipped with the transportation molecule or enzyme that makes the medicine travel into the right cells. This molecule can be the nutrient that the targeted cells or bacteria eat. 

Nanomachines are perfect tools for things like medical treatment. The main problem in those things is how to control nanomachines. The nanomachines are complex molecules that act like machines. The complex molecules require mass production. 

Nanomachines can used in medical work. The problem with nanotechnology is how to make sustaining chemical compounds. The second problem is how to make nanomachines select the right cells. And the third problem is how to control those nanomachines.? 

And the second problem is how to destroy those molecules at the right moment. If we think of the wheel-looking molecular machines that are above the text, we must understand that the size of those machines is very small. The system can use acoustic whirls to press ions and anions together.

Nano-wheels can destroy bacteria in three ways. The nanorobot can slip into bacteria, and then it starts to rotate very fast. That thing destroys the bacteria's internal structures. The nanorobot can start to rotate very fast and make nanobubbles that can destroy bacteria. 

The fast-rotating nanomachine can form a so-called acoustic bubble. When that bubble starts to oscillate. It forms a low-pressure area around its shell. That causes liquid vaporization. And that forms new bubbles. Or the acoustic system can detonate the nanomachine, which makes holes in the cell's shell. 

The wheel-shaped nanomachines can used to create nano-size bubbles. The system just makes those wheels rotate so fast that they form supercavitation. Those fast-rotating wheels form nano-size bubbles in liquids. Those bubbles can used to block blood vessels. They can capture viruses or bacteria. And they can used to fill bacteria. 

Nano-size bubbles can used in medical solutions. Nanobubbles can close the blood vessels. Researchers can use them them destroy non-wanted cells. The wheel-shaped nanomachines can also create bubbles in the water, and they can destroy bacteria from dirty water, When those machines are not needed anymore, the acoustic system just makes them resonate, and that thing destroys the nanomachine.

Microchips and neural implants are the next step in human-machine singularity.

"UC San Francisco researchers enabled a paralyzed man to control a robotic arm using a brain-computer interface (BCI) that functioned f...