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Showing posts from May, 2024

Why the Big Bang didn't turn into a black hole?

In some models, the material and energy came from some kind of point. During an event called the Big Bang. So the Big Bang is an event where material reaches a certain energy level. Sometimes people say that the Big Bang was a series of events rather than one event. But then we must go to a question: why the Big Bang turned into a black hole?  In the so-called Phoenix universe theory, the Big Bang was the erupting black hole that involved material from the past universe. The past universe that existed before our universe ended its existence. In an event called the Big Crunch. That thing formed an enormous black hole. That involved all information, energy, and material that is in our universe. Or particles that form material are one form of energy.  Particles are like energy balls where energy just waits to be released. We call wave movement energy. And energy affects only when it moves. The moving energy makes electrons orbit the atoms and every reaction in the universe depends on the

Can the "Methuselah" star be older than the universe?

There are two main expectations about why the Methuselah star seems to be older than the universe.  1) The star is formed before our universe.  2) Star is traveled through the cosmic void. The cosmic voids or very low-energy areas in the universe can cause situations where energy flows out from the stars faster than it should.  The Methuselah is an orange star near our galaxy. The age of that star is estimated at 12-14 billion years, and the age of our universe is about 13,8 billion years. Wikipedia says the age of the Methuselah star is 12+-0,5 billion years. That means Methuselah is not older than the universe. It is the oldest known star. But it started its life a billion years after the universe was born.  So can that star be older than the universe? The thing is that there is a wild theory that Methuselah formed before our universe, or it is the remnant of some ancient universe.  ( Or it could be the star

Intermediate-mass black holes creation theory.

"A groundbreaking study provides fresh insights into the origins of intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs). By conducting the first-ever simulations of individual stars in a forming globular cluster, researchers have identified potential mechanisms through which these dense star clusters could give rise to IMBHs. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Cosmic Forge: The Creation of Intermediate-Mass Black Holes in Dense Star Clusters) The intermediate-mass black holes (IMBH)are one "they should exist", but nobody found them. The term IMBH means a black hole. Whose mass is between 10^2 to 10^5 suns. That is between stellar and supermassive black holes. There are several IMBH candidates. But nobody found the 100% confirmed IMBH object.  Theoretically, the stellar mass black holes all can form when the massive star detonates as a supernova. Or if the star is too big and too massive. It can fall into a black hole without a supernova explosion. In that case. The extremel

The mystery of vanishing stars.

"An artist’s impression of the binary system VTFS 243. Credit: ESOL. Calçada CC BY 4.0" ScitechDaily, Vanishing Without a Trace: Why Stars Mysteriously Disappear From the Night Sky) Why do some stars vanish without a trace? The answer for that can be that the star is so massive that it can pull all its material in it when its energy production ends. That means the star will pull the supernova remnants in it when it detonates in a supernova explosion. This thing can explain the vanishing stars.  But then we can rethink that thing, and make the model where the super powerful fusion starts in the molecular cloud around the star. If the final fusion starts in the star's core that causes the supernova explosion. The thing that makes the black hole is the vacuum that forms after the supernova explosion. When the bubble that the supernova's shockwave forms collapses, it forms a black hole.  The star can vanish if the fusion reaction is ball-shaped and it's around the sta

What makes the ultimate fate of the universe interesting?

Today, researchers talk more about the universe's ultimate fate than ever before. One of the things that makes this phenomenon or the case interesting is that there are some kinds of ideas or evidence that there were universes before our universe.  Sir Roger Penrose and his team reported that some primordial black holes, or their radiation is some kind of anomaly, which tells that those primordial black holes bring information from the universe, that existed before our universe. Proving that thing is very difficult. in a very old universe, what we can call a post-material universe is two or maybe three types of material and energy.  The energy and wave movement, along with black holes are the types of material and energy. It's possible. That there are also some neutrons in neutron stars, or quark stars in that very low-energy universe. The main particles are neutrinos, electrons, and maybe protons. In the low-energy, cold universe even neutrinos can have a high energy level if

Will the change ever end in the universe?

When we think about the equilibrium in the universe, we say that the equilibrium is the situation where energy flow ends.  In the case of the universe, its energy flow is like a lake. Waves on the surface of that lake tell. That there is movement in that water. Same way, there are waves in the energy fields in the universe.  The energy is like water. It turns destructive only when it moves. In the same way, we can benefit energy only if that energy moves. And we can say that standing energy cannot affect the material. Only moving energy can push or pull particles.  The energy flow from material to the environment is the thing. That keeps the universe in dynamic change. The energy flow or quantum vaporization is the event. Their material turns into wave movement. And the reason for that is the expansion of the universe.  Without that energy flow the universe would not expand, and oppositely thinking that energy flow also causes at least part of the universe's expansion. Another thin

New nanotechnology and magnetism make new and more practical quantum computers possible.

"Researchers at the Cavendish Laboratory have identified spin coherence in atomic defects within Hexagonal Boron Nitride (hBN) under ambient conditions, a rare achievement in quantum materials. The study, published in Nature Materials, highlights that these spins can be controlled with light and have promising implications for future quantum technologies, including sensing and secure communications. " (ScitechDaily, Cambridge Scientists Achieve Long-Sought Quantum State Stability in New 2D Material) The findings also stress the need for further exploration to enhance defect reliability and extend spin storage times, underlining the potential of hBN in advancing quantum technological applications. Credit: Eleanor Nichols, Cavendish Laboratory" (ScitechDaily, Cambridge Scientists Achieve Long-Sought Quantum State Stability in New 2D Material) The Cambridge researchers created a new way to make a stable quantum state in 3D material. The normal problem with quantum systems i

Drones can harness energy from the skies.

"New research into Airborne Wind Energy Systems (AWES), funded by a substantial Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) grant, seeks to harness high-altitude wind energy using drones, aiming to overcome challenges in system stability and enhance commercial viability, supporting the UK’s net-zero goals. Image of a prototype Kitemill drone in action. Credit: Kitemill" (ScitechDaily, Energy From the Sky: How Drones Can Generate Electricity) The drone can harness energy from the sky using solar panels and wind turbines. The drone itself can rise into a high atmosphere using its engines. Their drone shuts down engines. And then the drone can hover in jettisons or rising air pillars like sailplanes.  And there the electric engine that turns into wind turbines and solar panels can create electricity. That drone can use advanced autopilot and things like lidars to search right air flows. The idea is that. This kind of drone can minimize its electric use.  In this v

The Chimera engine is the new tool for hypersonic systems.

The Hermeus corporation developed new advanced hypersonic aircraft called "Dark Horse".  The Dark Horse is interesting because of the new engine type, called "Chimera". The Chimera system is the most advanced hypersonic hybrid system.  1) Turbojet Mode: At low speeds, Chimera operates like a typical turbojet engine found in jet aircraft. It uses the incoming air for combustion and thrust. 2) Ramjet Mode: As the speed increases. Chimera transitions to ramjet mode. In this mode, it bypasses the incoming air around the turbojet and relies solely on the ramjet for propulsion. Ramjets are more efficient at hypersonic speeds. 3) Hybrid Design: The key innovation is that Chimera combines both turbojet and ramjet technologies in a single engine. This hybrid approach allows for efficient operation across a wide range of speeds. 4) Operational Hypersonic Flight. Unlike traditional rocket engines used in most hypersonic platforms. Chimera doesn’t require rockets for accelerati

What would the dark matter be?

Could the WIMP be quasiparticles like exciton, where an electron orbits its hole and turns into wave movement? There is the possibility that some other particles than electrons can form similar structures with excitons.  So could dark matter be some other quasiparticle like quark "exciton" or "gluon exciton"?  We know today quite many quasiparticles. And if things like gluons can form this kind of structure. And then gluon turns into wave movement. That thing can explain dark matter.  Theoretically, those "subatomic excitons" quasiparticles can form inside other particles. There is the possibility that the exciton-type structure can form when one quark or gluon turns to lower energy than it should.  So that means dark matter can be in other particles. Or maybe dark matter is a virtual particle, the gravitational electric arc, or some other things like quantum-size black holes.  In some visions, dark matter particles weakly interacting with massive particle

Predicting order and chaos is important in nanotechnology.

"Harvard scientists have demonstrated that quantum coherence can persist through chemical reactions in ultracold molecules, suggesting broader applications for quantum information science and potentially in more common environmental conditions." (ScitechDaily, Quantum Coherence: Harvard Scientists Uncover Hidden Order in Chemical Chaos) Chaos is the thing that creates turbulence in every system. The turbulence is the thing that destroys the quantum entanglements and makes it difficult to transport information over long distances.  When we try to yell over long distances. The wind covers those soundwaves. And that thing makes it impossible to yell over extremely long distances.  We can thank chaos that things like hurricanes cannot continue forever. In Earth's atmosphere when a hurricane travels over the ground. Friction takes more energy from it than it gets from the sun. The reason why the hurricane's existence ends over the dry land is that: the whirl loses its ener

The exoplanets can tell us about climate change and its influence on our planet.

The small red exoplanet called TOI-6713.01 orbits the red dwarf. Telescopes tell that there is intense volcanic activity in that strange world, covered by molten lava. The intense volcanic activity on that planet can form because its star causes intensive heat. If the star transports energy to its planet, and energy cannot fly to space, that thing causes the planet's internal parts to temperature.  Sooner or later. The atmospheric heat affects the planet's core if it cannot send that radiation into space. And that thing increases the power of fission in the planet's core. That can cause volcanism. Same way the intense heat in the atmosphere can melt the planet's shell.  The inner fission and star-coming energy combination can raise the planet's temperature higher than stars. The temperature on exoplanet TOI-6713.01 is 2600 Kelvin can form. Because of a combination of internal fission and outcoming energy. Together with an extremely powerful greenhouse effect. Those

Pulsed plasma rockets are an interesting solution for Mars missions.

"Howe Industries is developing a Pulsed Plasma Rocket (PPR) capable of producing 100,000 N of thrust with a specific impulse of 5,000 seconds, promising to revolutionize space travel by enabling faster and safer manned missions to Mars and beyond. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Mars in a Flash: How Pulsed Plasma Rockets Are Revolutionizing Space Travel) The new pulsed plasma rockets (PPR) with 100,000-newton thrust and a specific impulse of 5000 seconds are the tools that can transport humans to Mars. In a very short time. If we compare that time with chemical rockets. The pulsed plasma systems can use fusion, fission, or antimatter to create high-energy plasma that pushes the rocket forward. The light antimatter system uses the antimatter or positron injection into the water or hydrogen.  The system that raises the propellant's temperature can also be radio waves, microwaves, or lasers. In a radio wave-based system. Plus and minus radiowaves

Researchers created a new particle called Tauonium.

"Tauonium: The Smallest and Heaviest Atom with Pure Electromagnetic Interaction. Credit: ©Science China Press" (ScitechDaily, Beyond Hydrogen: Discovery of Tiny New Atom Tauonium With Massive Implications) "The hydrogen atom was once considered the simplest atom in nature, composed of a structureless electron and a structured proton. However, as research progressed, scientists discovered a simpler type of atom, consisting of structureless electrons (e-), muons (μ-), or tauons (τ-) and their equally structureless antiparticles. These atoms are bound together solely by electromagnetic interactions, with simpler structures than hydrogen atoms, providing a new perspective on scientific problems such as quantum mechanics, fundamental symmetry, and gravity." (ScitechDaily, Beyond Hydrogen: Discovery of Tiny New Atom Tauonium With Massive Implications) Tauonium is combination of tau particle and its antiparticle. So, it's very similar to positronium. Positronium is the

Game theory can make machine learning more effective.

In game theory, all organisms want to maximize their benefit. Game theory can used as a tool that makes programming learning machines easier than it has been. The idea is that the AI will get points for every correct answer. And when the AI gives the wrong answer, the system gets zero points. That thing allows the simple model, that is easy to program for computers.  When the AI plays chess against people, it can have a system where each chess button has points. That allows the AI to model the game. The soldier can be one or two points. And the queen can be worth 1000 points. When the number of those chess buttons decreases, the system can get new numbers for those buttons. The winner of the game is, who gets more points, and loses fewer buttons. The lost button can decrease the points as the value of those lost buttons is.  Image: Quanta magazine In classic machine learning models the computer selects the answers. That brings benefit to it for storing in its memory. But the problem ha

AI is the tool, that revolutionizes the medical industry.

"Researchers are investigating bacteriophages, particularly “jumbo” phages with large genomes, as potential tools to combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria. These phages might be engineered to deliver antibiotics directly to infections, offering a new strategy in the fight against deadly pathogens." (ScitechDaily, When Giants Fight Microscopic Wars: Jumbo Viruses Tackle Superbugs) Jumboviruses can act as nanomachines that carry medicals in the right cells. In that case, the researchers can replace giant viruses or jumbo viruses DNA using the long-chain proteins. The system can pump those proteins into the targeted cells.  The AI is an ultimate tool to control complicated molecule production. The next-generation AI-powered environments are tools that can make breakthroughs in medical work. The long-chain molecules are themselves good tools for medicines. The protein can fill targeted cells. And that makes new types of medicals possible. The only problem is this: how do make sure

AI-driven fusion is the next step for fusion research.

"Researchers at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory are harnessing artificial intelligence and machine learning to enhance fusion energy production, tackling the challenge of controlling plasma reactions. Their innovations include optimizing the design and operation of containment vessels and using AI to predict and manage instabilities, significantly improving the safety and efficiency of fusion reactions. This technology has been successfully applied in tokamak reactors, advancing the field towards viable commercial fusion energy. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, AI-Powered Fusion: The Key to Limitless Clean Energy) The next-generation fusion systems use AI to control the environment. In Tokamak-type fusion reactors, the plasma, temperature is far higher than the Sun's core orbits in a donut shape accelerator. The plasma hovers in a magnetic field, that presses it in the shape of wire.  When the system ignites the fusion the ignition lasers or opposite pole

The ice-cube sensor detected the high-energy tau-neutrinos.

The ice-cube sensor detected the high-energy tau-neutrinos. Those mysterious ghost particles' form and weak interaction are some of the most interesting things in the universe. The neutrino is sometimes called a "grey photon". The weak interaction means that the neutrino can travel through planets without interaction. And only direct impact with other atoms makes that mysterious particle interact and release its energy.  The thing that could help to solve the mystery of neutrinos is the charm quark, that researchers discovered in the proton. The charm quark is more massive than other particles in the proton. So the charm quark is heavier than a proton, where it should be involved. Maybe charm quark spins so fast that it hovers in the proton.  The idea is that fast-spinning particle makes the quantum supercavitation effect. When the propeller super cavitates, it starts to spin in a bubble, where it cannot touch the water. So we can use supercavitation as the model of how t

The breakthrough makes it possible to create sustaining chemical compounds for nanotechnology. 

"Researchers have detailed the structure and function of the enzyme styrene oxide isomerase, a tool that enables green chemistry by facilitating the biological equivalent of the Meinwald reaction. This enzyme’s ability to produce specific products with high efficiency and stereospecificity holds significant potential for the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, promising more sustainable and environmentally friendly processes. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Bionanomachine Breakthrough: A Master Key for Sustainable Chemistry) Nanotechnology makes it possible to create new types of treatments. In medical use, long and complex molecules make sure. That medicine is released only at the right point. When an enzyme touches the medicine molecule it cuts chemical compounds.  And that activates the medicine. The medicine molecules can equipped with the transportation molecule or enzyme that makes the medicine travel into the right cells. This molecule