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Showing posts from May, 2020

The story of this blog is ended

The story of this blog is ended Updating this blog is ended indefinitely. But you can follow me, in the next blogs. They are the same thing, what I have written here. And that means that it's time to finish one blog. But if you are interested in this kind of stuff like technology and quantum things follow the next blogs, what are linked below this text.

The militarization of space is a sad thing

The militarization of space is a sad thing There have been introduced many ideas about the use of magnetic accelerators or railguns in space. The targets of the railguns have been planned to be other satellites or even the enemy cities. The naval railguns, what are tested by the U.S, and at least Chinese navies are suitable for the spaceborne platforms.  One of the ideas has been that the railguns have been installed in the higher altitude satellites, and if there would be some kind of conflicts those satellites will start to shoot satellites, which are lower trajectories. Those "conventional" railguns would be used also against high-flying aircraft or defense against low-altitude ASAT (Anti-satellite systems), what are bases the kinetic energy missiles like THAAD.  The creation of the railguns and especially space-borne railguns are argued that they are only suitable weapons, which have enough short reaction time to destroy FOBS (Fractional Orbital Bombardment System) what m

Strange angina of Vyacheslav Menzhinsky the chairman of OGPU

Vyacheslav Menzhinsky (1874-1934) Strange angina of Vyacheslav Menzhinsky the chairman of OGPU Vyacheslav Menzhinsky (1874-1934) the chairman of OGPU was an intelligent person, who was fluent over 10 languages(1). That man was also very well known as the person, who left the practical leadership of his office to Genrikh Yagoda(1891-1938), who became famous as one of the closest henchmen of Joseph Stalin, and who was executed because of the "crimes against the Soviet Union", and he was one of the victims of the Stalin's cleanings. The names of Jagoda and Menzhinsky removed from the official history, and there were suspicions that Menzhinsky was poisoned by Yagoda.  During his trial in 1938, Yagoda confessed that he poisoned Menzhinsky, but I think that the poisoner can be somebody else. In those trials, what were ordered by Joseph Stalin the confession was necessary, and if the person refused that caused horrible extortion. The thing that those people have been promised wa

Should we think past or should we turn our time and energy into the future?

Should we think past or should we turn our time and energy into the future? Sometimes I wonder why some people want to live in the past. Here I mean that history is full of mistakes, and those mistakes are made because the decisions are made by using the data, which exists at that time. History is a very interesting thing because we can learn from the past, that we would ever make fatal mistakes again. When we are looking at things, what is happening in the past, we are facing one very interesting detail, what always dominates our species.  We are all humans, who are making mistakes. And if the great leader whose decisions are effecting a great group of people are making mistakes, those mistakes affect the same way a large group of people. Being a great leader doesn't mean that person cannot make mistakes. We all make mistakes, and we must live with them.  In history is many things, what seem like small, when we are seeing them in maps, what are drawn in their period. When 13 colon

The Second World War ever ends

The Second World War ever ends There are many different kinds of interprets of the roles of different nations in the Second World War. That war was the thing, that modeled entire Europe, and that means that the Nazi-era is a thing, that is very sensitive for many Eastern European countries.  When the Second World War began there were also other allies for Nazi-Germany than Italy. Hungary, Romania, Finland, and Slovakia fought along with the German army during WWII. When Nazi-government collapsed in the other Eastern European countries were established communist governments except for Finland, what remains as Parliamentarian democracy.  But when communists took the power, that caused many discussions and showdown between people, who were persecuting communists and people, who took the rule. That means that the roles turned upside down, and then the counter-persecution began. When new rulers asked why some people support Nazis the answer was that they were forced for that kind of action.

What is "opium" for people?

  What is "opium" for people? Utopistic and atheistic attitude to religion, what was one of the trademarks of the Soviet Union was not created because Karl Marx said, that "religion is opium for people". The opium or thing that made people restless was and still is one of the key elements in the state. So why the attitude to the religion turned so negative in the Soviet land? The answer is that the people, who rule the country wanted to replace the old opium by using new opium the red colored atheistic totalitarianism. Question is why the revolution turned to authoritarian government, what was the key element also in the Tsar's way to use power?  The thing is that when the revolution began, there suppose not be forming things like GPU, the secret police, what was the tool in the hands of the leaders of the communist party. So the reason why the government turned so authoritarian, or the person who we might like to thank about that kind of advantage was the uncle

The artificial intelligence will make programming more effective

  The artificial intelligence will make programming more effective The new type of multi-layer artificial intelligence tools will make programming easy and effective. The idea is that the spoken language would be translated to the mode, that it can be written to the code form, which means that the person, who makes the code can use normal language like English. The advanced translator would turn that text to the form of PHP, C++ or JAVA, etc. This kind of translation program is not harder to make than some normal translation program.  When we are thinking about programming languages like PHP and other kinds of stuff, we are forgetting one thing. Programming languages are not a language, what normal people are talking about, and that thing is very interesting. Why the syntax of modern programming is not like this "there is a circle on the screen" move it to the direction where the pushed arrow key would show"? The thing is that normal programming language in this time C++

Electronegativity and STEALTH technology

  Image I Electronegativity and STEALTH technology 1) Is the energy vampire thing like positive ion, what pulls the electrons out from the material?  Have you ever heard YF-23 "Black Widow II" aircraft? (Image I)That aircraft was created by Northrop-Grumman for a competitor to F-22 "Lightning II" STEALTH interceptor- attack aircraft. The two produced YF-23 have been stored in the museum and the project is officially closed. But there is a strange similarity with the cloud at the lower image (Image II) and YF-23 test planes, and there is one thing, what I have always thought.  There is a possibility that some test planes have been made by using the UFO-observations as the source. But the question is, why those UFO observations are told to the government? There is a possibility that the brains of the people have been captured, or they have been stimulated by using some kind of electric vortex.  Image II 2) Is the electronegativity the answer for the next-generation ST

Firewall "the guardian angel" of the network

    Firewall "the guardian angel" of the network The password hacking programs are normally the dictionary books, what are connecting to the program, what can fill the forms of the screen. The thing, that those programs can also make is to change the IP-Address of the attacking system, which gives it more opportunities to test the passwords for the targeting system.  Normally firewall detects the number of errors in the use of passwords, and if the system is properly made, certain false attempts to log in the system cause the denying of the IP-address. Or while the system would make BizTalk with the systems, what are attempting to log in, but what has the unusual error-level in the attempting to log in that system can send the tracking cookie to that kind of system.  If we are thinking about the secured systems they would keep some secrets, which people might not know. And one of them is that if the logging in is made by using the computer, what is not in the proper environme

Quadcopters, artificial intelligence, and data security

    Quadcopters, artificial intelligence, and data security 1) How to teach artificial intelligence to search for things from images? Artificial intelligence is the ultimate hacking tool, which transforms traditional systems more effectively. When we are thinking about machine learning, teaching artificial intelligence to search for things automatically is quite easy. In this case, artificial intelligence has a drawing tool, which makes the teaching process easy. The system must have some kind of master images, what can be taken even by using own cell phone.  Then the person, who teaches artificial intelligence would just use lasso or the cutting box of the system for collecting a database of the objects, what artificial intelligence must find. And then the artificial intelligence would turn the camera to the object, what is similar to the object, what is stored in its memory. Or it can simply show the object to the people, who are using the drawing program, and the person can use the

Biosphere experiments and their connections to Raymond Lindeman

  Biosphere experiments and their connections to Raymond Lindeman Dr. Raymond Lindeman (1915-1942)(1), one of the greatest ecologists in the world, and the man who created theories of the ecosystem. Those theories are important when the food is going to produce in the closed areas and remote environment.  Raymond Lindeman was the man, who could give much for science and ecology. But sadly that man was living an only short life and the thing, what we must realize is that if Albert Einstein is something in physics, Raymond Lindeman was something in the ecology. The essays, what that man created were revolutionary.  And things like recycling the food in the lake are opening the researcher's ability to create ideas the closed- or limited area ecosystems. If we are thinking about things like Biosphere II (2)in the Arizona desert that kind of research is really important when the stable bases to the other planets and moons are starting to establish.  The thing, that Lindeman proved was t