Tuesday, January 24, 2023

HYPER (Highly INteractive Particle Relics) is the new form of dark matter.

In some theories, dark matter and visible matter could interact in the young universe. The intensive heat and pressure pushed the particles together. So dark matter was part of the material. 

And then the universe started to expand. The universe's energy level decrease. And then dark matter and material interaction stopped. When we look at the three dominating things in the modern universe, the main dominator is dark energy. 

1) Dark energy

2) Dark matter 

3) Visible material. 

So in the young universe, dark matter and visible material were one entirety. Then that entirety broke. The thing was like nuclear fission. But on a different scale. Dark energy is wave movement that rips the universe into pieces. The origin of that energy is a mystery. The origin of that energy is in particles that we cannot see. 

The mystery of dark energy is that there is an interaction between that wave movement and visible material. Without that interaction, dark energy cannot rip the universe into pieces. But if dark energy is the remnant of some particles. 

That turned to wave movement a long time ago. There should not be any interaction between dark energy and visible material. 

That interaction means there is some common part between visible material and those particles. That remained a long time ago. 

But the weakness of this theory is that dark energy should travel at the front of the universe. So it should not exist in our universe. 

The thing, that makes dark energy interesting is that seems to be a weak and universal interaction similar way as gravitation. So in some ideas, the dark energy is the antigravitation.

Gravitation and dark energy are similar forces. They are both weak forces. So, could dark energy be the missing antigravitation? That's an interesting question. 

When the connection between dark matter and visible material breaks, that process released free energy. This means the dark energy or free energy that rips the universe in pieces is the remnant of that process.  But that thing is a simplified model. 

The problem with dark matter research is that nobody ever finds WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) that suppose to be dark matter particles. The problem is that nobody has ever seen that particle. 

In some theories, dark matter is a group of so high-energy particles. That it just cannot interact. One of the most interesting models explains the origin of dark matter like this: some eruption or "another Big Bang" released dark matter to time at a different moment than visible material. 

The dark matter comes after or goes forward to visible material in space and time. Because the particles have a different size than visible material, dark matter cannot interact. All theories about the form of dark matter are right before researchers can confirm the first interactions between dark- and visible material.  

There is one place in the universe where dark and visible materials are together. That place is the singularity in the center of black holes. Their massive gravitational pressure pushes dark matter and visible matter together. But the problem is that singularities are not very easily observable things. The gravitational waves can send information about things that happen inside black holes' event horizons. 




Sunday, January 22, 2023

The gravitational waves can bring us back to the point where everything began.


Gravitational waves are a new tool for researching the universe astronomers observe the most distant objects. To find things that happened a long time ago. 

Gravitational waves can tell about things that happen behind a black hole's event horizons, but they can also use to detect black holes.  If a black hole's transition disk is weak. 

Or if its distance is very long. It's possible that X- and Gamma ray radiation. That comes from the black hole disappearing in X- and Gamma-ray background. 

Galaxy GN-z11 is the most distant galaxy that we ever saw in history. The distance to that galaxy is 38 billion light years. So we see what happened in that galaxy 38 billion years ago. 

The reason why researchers are observing extremely distant galaxies is that particles that are traveling across the universe are taking plague to their core. That plague involves information about the universe that the particle touched. 

Another reason that those distant galaxies can uncover is the place. Where the Big Bang happened. There is a possibility that at that point is the black hole that stored the information about the Big Bang.  If that hypothetical supermassive black hole in the center of the universe is real. This thing would be the biggest event in the history of cosmology, 

But even the most distant galaxies will not help us to see the event called the Big Bang. The reason for that is simple. Those galaxies formed after the Big Bang. 

But can we find the Big Bang? Or can we get information about that event? There is one little possibility to see the photons or something. That are remnants of the Big Bang. 

The theory of the Big Bang goes like this. All visible material and energy in the universe are released in this event. 

Theoretically, it is possible. That part of that material and energy formed a black hole. If researchers can find the first black hole. There could be stored photons that involve information about the Big Bang. 

The idea of this hypothesis is that the black hole can trap some photons at the point of the event horizon. The time is not moving at that point. So black holes can store information from the Big Bang. But there is one requirement. The black hole must be formed during the Big Bang. Otherwise, it cannot trap the right photons. 

When we think about the first photons or information that Big Bang released we cannot see that information because that information travels away from us. The problem with photons is that we cannot see them from backward. We can see photon that travels to us.

But we cannot see photons. That travels in the opposite direction to us. Or we cannot see photon that travels ahead of us. There is a possibility that we can see the photons that are stored in the event horizon of the black hole. The gravitational waves of extremely old black holes can tell many things about the chaotic young universe. 

When the universe was very young and hot it was a chaotic mixture of photons, electrons, and other elementary particles. Then there was formed the central. That central could be a black hole that formed. The first whirl in the chaotic universe in which the temperature was extremely high. The whirl created the sub-whirls in the chaotic quantum-gluon plasma. And maybe those whirls formed material. 




Thursday, January 19, 2023

The WARP bubbles. And faster-than-light technology.


Every day neutrons travel faster than light in a short moment. That thing makes the blue shine of nuclear reactors. The same effect is used in neutrino detectors. When neutrino impacts with water it slows its speed and sends a blue-light flash. 

In some models, the future spacecraft are forming WARP bubbles underwater. The air bubble. That surrounds the craft, allowing it to travel faster than light in the water. When the craft removes the WARP bubble around it, that system allows the craft can travel faster than light in less than a second. The idea is that the system benefits the Cherenkov effect. 

Because nothing that has mass can slow immediately the craft travels faster than light underwater in a short moment. And then it can jump to the fourth dimension. The Cherenkov radiation forms when the particle that impacts water slows its speed and sends blue-light shock wave. 

There are made quantum-size and short-term WARP-bubbles in laboratories. But WARP technology is still in beta-model. In some versions, the neutrons will collide in front of the antimatter engine nozzle. And then the antimatter engine shoots the particles through those bubbles. All that is written about WARP technology tells about theoretical systems, that can make the craft travel faster than light. 

The WARP system is called Alcubierre drive. The problem is to deny the energy travel out from the craft when it reaches the speed of light. And one answer could be that the antimatter and matter would explode at the front of the craft. And that allows energy to travel to the craft's body in critical moments. 

Some versions of the theoretical  Alcubierre drive the craft to shoot antimatter- and material particles to the front of it. When that happens in the speed. That is very close to the speed of light that pumps energy inside the craft in the critical moment it allows the craft to jump to the fourth dimension. 

WARP bubbles are shove fields. That isolates the structure from its environment. The problem with this bubble's creation is to deny a couple of things. The biggest problem is that the system must deny the form of "hairs".  

The hairs are wave movement that is traveling out from the object. So the WARP bubble must be "slight". The system must make a so-called "cold" WARP bubble there is an impact wave around the electromagnetic vacuum. The problem with the hot bubble is the electromagnetic hair that causes EM friction. And this can slow the speed of the craft. 

The idea of the WARP bubble is that it allows material and photons to travel without the effect of electromagnetic wave movement or scattering effect that can slow the speed of those particles. There is the possibility. The cloud of superpositioned and entangled electrons or photons is creating a bubble around the craft.

There are a couple of hypothetical models of how to make a WARP bubble. 

1) The system can use the antimatter impact to create the electromagnetic bubble. At first, the spacecraft would surround by a ball of superpositioned and entangled particles like electrons. Then antimatter impact pushes quantum fields from around the craft. 

2) The impact of neutrons. In that model, the system uses small-size neutron balls, neutron beams, or neutron bubbles. Those things are forming similar effects with impacting neutron stars. And then those impacting neutrons are forming the WARP bubble around the craft. 

3) Making the craft very hot or high energy. In that version, the high-energy craft or its body pushes quantum fields from around it. Then the cations and anions can be pulled out from the craft by using magnets. 

4) The WARP bubble can form underwater. In that model, the air bubble is forming the bubble where ions, electrons, and photons travel faster than in water. Then the system must just remove the WARP bubble from around that object. That makes the craft travel faster than light in water in less than a second. So could that time be enough to jump that craft to the fourth dimension? 

In some other models, the system uses skyrmions for that purpose. Then the antimatter explosion pushes quantum fields out from the structure. And then the network of superpositioned and entangled particles are closing outside quantum fields away from the bubble. There is a total vacuum in the WARP bubble. And there all particles could travel at the same speed. 

There are some models where the craft uses WARP bubbles for only a short moment. When the craft reaches a speed, that is the same as photons in an absolute vacuum it removes WARP-bubble from around it. That thing causes a similar effect that causes Cherenkov radiation. 

The idea is that the craft would drop away from the third dimension in that case. So when the craft accelerates to the highest possible speed and the WARP bubble is removed the impact energy turns that thing into a black hole or makes it jump to the fourth dimension. 

In some other models, the rocket engine that is used in spacecraft forms the WARP bubble to the front of the antimatter engine nozzle. Then the particles would shoot through that thing. That allows them to travel faster than usual. 











A new type of quantum sensor can see inside atoms.


"Nuclear physicists have discovered a revolutionary way to use the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory to gain insight into the shape and details of atomic nuclei. This method involves using particles of light that surround gold ions as they travel around the collider, as well as a new type of quantum entanglement that has never been observed before". (ScitechDaily.com/New Type of Entanglement Lets Nuclear Physicists “See” Inside Atomic Nuclei)

The superpositioned and entangled particle pairs can form a new type of quantum system. Those particle pairs can form the miniature doppler-radar that can detect things. That has been invisible before. The superpositioned and entangled particles can also use to scan subatomic particles and the atom's internal structures. 

The idea of quantum sensors is that they are acting like full-scale sensors. But the size of those sensors is far smaller than regular sensors. The thing is that theoretically two electrons or two superpositioned and entangled photons can form doppler radar antennas. In the same way, the line of hovering electrons can form the SAR radars. 

Doppler radar is two antennas that detect the change in radio waves. That system is one of the most common in use to measure an object's speed. Scanning doppler radar means the system there antennas are rotating each other. 

Above: Doppler-radar

Above SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) -radar's principle Credit:NASA

"Left: Scientists use the STAR detector to study gluon distributions by tracking pairs of positive (blue) and negative (magenta) pions (p). These p pairs come from the decay of a rho particle (purple, ?0) — generated by interactions between photons surrounding one speeding gold ion and the gluons within another passing by very closely without colliding. The closer the angle (F) between either p and the rho’s trajectory is to 90 degrees, the clearer the view scientists get of the gluon distribution. Right/inset: The measured p+ and p- particles experience a new type of quantum entanglement". (ScitechDaily.com/New Type of Entanglement Lets Nuclear Physicists “See” Inside Atomic Nuclei)

"Here’s the evidence: When the nuclei pass one another, it’s as if two rho particles (purple) are generated, one in each nucleus (gold) at a distance of 20 femtometers. As each rho decays, the wavefunctions of the negative pions from each rho decay interfere and reinforce one another, while the wavefunctions of the positive pions from each decay do the same, resulting in one p+ and one p- wavefunction (a.k.a. particle) striking the detector. These reinforcing patterns would not be possible if the p+ and p- were not entangled. Credit: Brookhaven National Laboratory" (ScitechDaily.com/New Type of Entanglement Lets Nuclear Physicists “See” Inside Atomic Nuclei)

The SAR-radar or synthetic aperture radar is the system that is put in the moving platforms. That thing allows us to create an antenna that's dimension is very big. And the SAR technology makes it possible to create very sharp images from targets because the radar scanner's accuracy depends on the size of the antennas. 

The scanning tunneling microscope can use as quantum radar. The idea is that. The researchers can replace ions, which hover above the layer with electrons or even photons. Two hovering ions can form the antenna for miniaturizing radars. 

In quantum technology, doppler radars can create by using two electrons that hover above the layer. The wave motion that is sent to those electrons can turn them into the smallest doppler radars. That ever created. Series of small needles that hovers series of electrons that can scan layers with incredible accuracy. 

But also, there is the possibility to use superpositioned and entangled electrons or photons. Then the atom will transfer between those superpositioned and entangled particles. The superpositioned and entangled particle pairs can also use miniature doppler or SAR radars. And that kind of system can revolutionize radar technology. 





Wednesday, January 18, 2023

The JWST confirmed the existence of an Earth-size exoplanet at the border of the habitable zone.

Artist's illustration of exoplanet LHS 475 b

The existence of an Earth-size exoplanet in a distant solar system is a remarkable thing. The new small rocky planet. Called LHS 475b orbits its sun only in two days. The LHS 475b's atmosphere is mostly carbon dioxide. 

And that means the temperature on that planet's dayside is hot. As you might guess the LHS 475 b orbits red dwarf star LHS 475. The surface temperature of this planet is 3312±157 K or about 3039 C. 

That means LHS 475 b is dead and unable to host life. But that exoplanet is one of the most incredible things that the JWST telescope found. The ability to see that kind of exoplanet is a big change. The problem is that most confirmed exoplanets are orbiting red dwarfs. So planets are orbiting those stars very close. And tidal forces lock them in one direction. Their dayside is very hot. 

"A flat line in a transmission spectrum, like this one, can be exciting – it can tell us a lot about the planet. Researchers used NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope’s Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) to observe exoplanet LHS 475 b. As this spectrum shows, Webb did not observe a detectable quantity of any element or molecule. Common signatures in a hydrogen-dominated atmosphere, for example, would indicate a light, gaseous atmosphere. Those elements were not detected in LHS 475 b’s spectrum." (scitechDaily.com/A New Frontier: NASA’s Webb Space Telescope Confirms Existence of Earth-Sized Rocky Exoplanet!)

Above: Transit light curve of exoplanet LHS 475 b

And there are massive monsoon winds around the planet. That means those winds will stabilize the temperature. Things like gravitation and red dwarfs activity are affecting the planet's ability to keep liquid water. Weak gravitation means that the water can be liquid for a longer distance than in heavy gravitation. 

The winds would be stronger in weak gravitation. So there could be deadly sandstorms in weak gravitational planets, but otherwise, water would be liquid at a longer distance. 

So those weak gravitational planets could form intelligent space civilizations even if they orbit red dwarfs. And if those civilizations exist those aliens would be thin. And they might have a big head. Big eyes are making it possible to see in low-light environments. 

They would not need strong muscles in weak gravitation. So that means they might be delicate even if they look like humans. But that is only one version of the cosmological way to think about the hypothetical alien race. 



Changes in a strong nuclear force affect the spin of phi mesons.

"New data show that local fluctuations in the nuclear strong force may influence the spin orientation of particles called phi mesons (made of two quarks held together by the exchange of gluons). Credit: Brookhaven National Laboratory"  (ScitechDaily.com/U.S. RHIC Atom Smasher Reveals a Surprising Preference in Particle Spin Alignment)

When the phi meson spins the string between quarks harvests energy. Then that energy pushes those particles away from each other. So the phi meson is acting like an energy harvester. If that particle exists longer time, that thing could use to measure the differences in energy levels around it. The energy harvester is a system that is two balls that are orbiting each other. 

When there is an antenna like a metal wire or laser ray between them that system sends electromagnetic wave movement to the sides of that energy harvester. And maybe in the future. These kinds of systems can use to create clean energy in space. 

The new research has shown that the changes in strong nuclear force can affect the spin of so-called Phi-mesons that include two quarks. The image above this text shows the spin of phi mesons. The quarks are orbiting each other and their common quantum field forms the phi-meson. The axle of the phi-meson seems to be in the middle of those two quarks. And this thing is remarkable. 

Could in the middle of those two quarks be some kind of particle? And could that hypothetical particle be the "quantum" the hypothetical elementary particle that is involved in all material and particles? The thing that makes phi-meson exist only a short moment. Then the two quarks that are forming this particle fly away. 

"Collisions of heavy ions “melt” the boundaries of individual protons and neutrons, setting free the quarks and gluons normally confined within to create a quark-gluon plasma (QGP). Scientists look for spin alignment preferences among particles emerging from the QGP by tracking the distribution of their decay products relative to an imaginary line drawn perpendicular to the reaction plane of the colliding nuclei. Credit: Brookhaven National Laboratory" (ScitechDaily.com/U.S. RHIC Atom Smasher Reveals a Surprising Preference in Particle Spin Alignment)

In some theories, the phi meson is the proto-particle. That was dominating material before the first hadrons formed after the Big Bang. In that model, high energy levels in the young universe kept those particles in form and they could form so-called mesonic material. Today that form of material does not exist anymore. But in the high-energy young universe, there is a possibility that phi mesons could form molecular-looking structures. 

Brookhaven laboratory made the impact tests with heavy ions. In that kinds of tests, the heavy ions are forming very hot debris. That debris is the quark-gluon plasma that is the most high-energy material in the world. That plasma is used for simulating conditions just after the Big Bang. But there is a possibility that the impacts of the heavy ions can use to form long-term phi mesons. The phi mesons require a very high energy level for forming. And a higher energy level means a longer lifetime. 

Those mesons can use to measure things like dark energy. The idea is when the phi meson spins it forms a sensor that could harvest the dark energy. If dark energy is forming strings or extremely thin magnetic fields. And then the phi meson impacts with those strings that should affect their spin. But that requires an extremely high energy level. 




Why hasn't ET phoned yet?

The big silence: why don't ET phone us?

Could aliens believe that our planet is in civil war? Or are they using some radio frequencies that we cannot hear? 

Element 116 or (Livermorium) hypothesis

Why don't aliens make contact with us? If an alien civilization uses synthetic, ultra-heavy radioactive elements like element 116 (Livermorium) as crystals in their radios oscillation circuits. That makes them able to communicate longer distances without interference. That model makes it hard to hear those radio signals. 

Because their transmitter's oscillation circuits cannot make our receiving circuits oscillate we cannot see alien transmissions. The super-heavy synthetic elements make it possible to communicate over longer distances. 

But those super heavy elements create different frequencies than we use in our radio systems. That makes it hard to see those hypothetical alien signals. 

If we think about alien communication. We should realize that their communication is meant for themselves. Not for us. 

There is a possibility that alien civilizations use neutron balls or some extremely heavy and short-living isotopes like element 116 (Livermorium) as the oscillation crystals in their radio systems. Element 116's existence is less than a second. 

Sometimes it's planned to use in some ultra-secured communication. The use of synthetic isotopes makes it possible to create synthetic radio frequencies that are less vulnerable to interference. But using that kind of synthetic isotope requires that the system dilate time. 

Could aliens believe that our planet is in civil war?

There are writings on the net, where somebody tried to explain cosmic silence. Why doesn't ET contact us? And there is one aspect that nobody mentioned. The aspect is that maybe aliens think that our planet is at civil war. 

When we think about the SETI program and alien civilizations we have one thing that we should keep in mind. Being civilization the aliens must reach Kardachev level 1. That means the alien must solve their internal problems. And that is the end of states in the form we know them. 

So only if aliens are living in a giant planet-size state that they could conquer their solar system. If we think that civilization lives on a planet that orbits a yellow star the solar system is huge. If they want to make bases on other planets that require lots of resources.  And that means aliens must have economical and political support for that kind of project. 

If aliens are forming a homogeneous civilization. There are no national states they might see that our planet is in civil war. In that hypothesis, the key element is that the aliens don't want to choose their side because they are afraid that they rise dictators in power. So they want that we solve our problems before they show themselves. 

This is one aspect of the SETI- program. We know that there are billions and billions of galaxies in the universe. If we seriously think that we are alone even in our galaxy, we are a little bit too lucky. The question is: why we cannot see alien civilizations? One of the answers could be that those civilizations use some other method for communicating than radio waves. 

Radio signals from another civilization are the best way to see technically advanced civilizations. But the problem is that the SETI doesn't find those radio signals. The answer to that question could be that cosmic radio sources like neutron stars and radio galaxies cover those signals. Or maybe aliens use frequencies that are impossible to hear from Earth. 


Image: https://www.space.com/square-kilometer-array-telescope-construction-starts


Tuesday, January 17, 2023

The new system harvests water from thin air. And then it makes hydrogen from that water.

Image: European Space Agency

The new system harvests water from thin air. And then it makes hydrogen from that water. The link to the story of this system is below this text. The idea is that the rotating layer harvests water from the air. And then the system conducts that water to electrodes. Those electrodes break water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen, which can be driven to fuel cells. In some visions, the system can use a silicon layer that is acting as photovoltaic cells. 

In some other ideas, there is the should network that closes water on the layer. And then electrodes, where electricity runs, will break the water molecules. The idea is that those layers are rotating like a mill wheel and harvest water from the air. The problem is how to make this kind of system produce more electricity than it uses. There is a possibility that the system uses something like a wind turbine for making extra energy for it. 

"Research groups have previously shown that it is possible to perform artificial photosynthesis by generating hydrogen fuel from liquid water and sunlight using a device called a photoelectrochemical (PEC) cell. A PEC cell is generally known as a device that uses incident light to stimulate a photosensitive material, like a semiconductor, immersed in a liquid solution to cause a chemical reaction. But for practical purposes, this process has its disadvantages e.g. it is complicated to make large-area PEC devices that use liquid". (scitechDaily.com/Revolutionizing Renewable Energy: Using Sunlight To Produce Hydrogen Fuel Out of Thin Air)

This kind of system can recycle and clean water in space stations. And the same system can use to make clean water on earth. The need for fuel cells is that those systems increase the system's energy efficiency. 

The new system can harvest water from the air and then create hydrogen from that water can be useful in space systems. One of the problems with space stations is humidity. And that system makes it possible to remove humidity from the air. Then that water can break into hydrogen and oxygen, which can use in fuel cells. 

That allows to recycle of water in space stations or spacecraft. That thing can make the space systems more energy efficient than before. When the system pulls air to a low-pressure chamber the system can collect energy by using a rotating rotor.

Then electricity can use to break that water into hydrogen and oxygen. That thing can use as fuel in fuel cells or rocket engines. This system can make it possible to carry water and hydrogen to space stations that are on the Moon or Mars in the form of water. That makes this type of system safer. And then the space station can break the water molecules. These kinds of systems are not perpetual motion machines. They need outcoming energy. 

But they can make space stations and spacecraft more comfortable and safer by keeping their air dry. The large-size Mars crafts require similar life-support technology to space stations. The ability to recycle water through the fuel cells is one of the ways to clean it. Clean water is one of the most important things in the world. And if that kind of system where water can break to hydrogen and oxygen. 

And then these atoms can reconnect to water by using energy that this system creates by using wind- or solar or geothermal power along this kind of fuel-cell-based system that makes it possible to create clean water for many people. The fuel cells are needed to take energy from the burning process of hydrogen and oxygen. 

The idea is that system can produce its energy independently by using green energy sources. And when electrolysis breaks the water into hydrogen and oxygen. Then those atoms are reconnected in fuel cells. That thing allows the creation of clean water. 



The next-generation biological solar cell could be useful in green energy. And in the power supply of manned space stations

Right) "The ice plant succulent shown here can become a living solar cell and power a circuit using photosynthesis. Credit: Adapted from ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.2c15123" (ScitechDaily.com/Scientists Have Developed a Living “Bio-Solar Cell” That Runs on Photosynthesis)

The long-term space mission that is limited inside the asteroid belt is also challenging. The spacecraft or space stations can travel between Mars and earth by using ion motors that get their electricity from solar panels. Also, the Mars- and moon stations can use solar panels for energy production. The same technology that is used in Mars or Moon stations can use in the isolated research stations on Earth. 

And places like Antarctica can use to develop this kind of technology. The idea is that those stations are used to test things like closed-cycle life-support. If food can produce at the moon station, that radically decreases its costs. And moon station can use to test the technology, that is needed for the Mars station. 

There is a possibility that spacecraft or space station gets at least part of their electricity from a biological source. In this case, biological solar cells can use along with regular solar panels. When we think about the use of biological solar panels at isolated places, that thing makes the station more energy efficient than before. Even in the dark seasons the ability to recycle part of the energy that is used in the greenhouse. 

That is producing food is making the system more energy efficient. The solar-power can use along with things like wind generators. And in the summertime in Antarctica, the operators can fix wind generators when solar panels are used to make electricity. Also, biological solar panels can recycle part of the energy that is used in greenhouses. 

But the thing is that the living solar cells that are photosynthetic and can create electricity from living vegetables are an interesting alternative. In that case, the same system can create electricity, it can clean the air by using photosynthesis. And that kind of living solar cell can also offer nutrients for the spacecraft's or space station's crew. That thing allows using limited space more effectively than otherwise. 

Developing green energy is important. And always at the beginning of the system is in small-scale systems. But then those systems can escalate to everyday use.  



Researchers deflect lightning with a laser rod.

Lasers can use to deflect lightning. There is the possibility that laser rays can use to form ion or eruption channels by ionizing air. And then electrons can travel through that channel. Lasers are electron beams that can be aimed by using electromagnetic fields. 

Another way to aim electron beams is to make anion and cation clouds to certain sides of the electron's routes. In that case, negative and positive electromagnetic fields are aiming the lightning in the wanted direction.  

Anions, which are negative atoms are pushing the electrons, and cations which are positive atoms are pulling electrons. So cation and anion clouds can use to aim electron beams. Researchers can make artificial lighting simply by pumping electricity or radio waves into clouds. The electric load of the cloud increases, until the electrons can travel to the ground. In some cases, the aircraft that travels above the cloud can be hit by lightning. 

In that case, the aircraft's body gets positive polarity. If the cloud has negative polarity electrons start to travel to the aircraft. That thing increases the level of free energy in the aircraft's body. That causes immediate destruction. The ability to aim flashes of lightning can make it possible to transport electricity through the air. 

But this kind of ability to control high-voltage electron beams is probably interesting to the military. Synthetic lightning has much more energy than photons. 

And the ability to aim that kind of beam at targets can make next-generation cathode weapons possible. In those models, the target is loaded with the positive electric load. And then the electron beam will shoot at it. This kind of system can be very effective in orbital trajectory. 

If the satellite is loaded with negative electricity. It starts to pull protons and other cations to it. This can cause a situation where the satellite will just seem to slam by the solar wind. That kind of system can jam the satellite in a way that looks like an accident or bad luck. 





Could dark matter be dark photons?

"2D projection of the cosmic web as obtained from a supercomputer simulation. Credit: Dr. Ewald Puchwein and the Sherwood-Relics collaboration" (ScitechDaily.com/New Study Suggests Dark Matter May Be Made of Dark Photons)

Dark or black photons are the hypothetical antiparticles of the photon. Photon is the transmitter particle of electromagnetism. We know that electromagnetism has a pushing and pulling effect. If electromagnetism is like the weak interaction where Z- and W-bosons are transmitting repel and pulling versions of weak nuclear force. 

The electromagnetism should also have different carrier particles for pushing and pulling forces. So those transporting particles should be "white photons" or known photons. And the dark photons are the hypothetical anti-photons. 

Nobody has seen them yet. And in some theories the dark photons are gravitons. The problem with that theory is this: nobody measured the mass of a photon yet. If we say that photons that we already know are "white photons", we must ask why photons don't photons have mass. 

Image 2 is the evolving universe. In the young universe were lots of photons. And then those photons disappeared or connected to the electrons. The idea of those photons is that they might have mass. Or in some models, the universe was hotter than those photons. That means the wave movement traveled to those photons. But were those photons similar to photons today? 

But they can increase the energy level of the target objects. There is the possibility that when photons are traveling between objects. They are turning to strings or wave motion. And when they are impacting to some other object like an electron. The impact area is so small, that researchers cannot measure the photon's mass. 

Photon is different than other particles. Sir Isaac Newton predicted that a photon has two forms. Wave movement and particle. There is the possibility that the photon is not a ball or whisk-looking particle. In that case, the photon looks like waves or crinkles. When a photon hits another particle it starts to crinkle rather than turn into a ball. 

Image 3

In some other models, the photon is so a high-energy particle that its shine will push quantum fields away from it. That thing forms the situation that photon flows between other particles. In another version of this model, the photon is like tape or string. That particle pushes other quantum fields away from it. Or the quantum-level interaction makes a situation the photon doesn't touch with other particles. 

But when we are saying that "white photons" or photons that we know are "warm" particles that hover above material, we can say that thing explains why photon doesn't have mass. So in this case we can think that the mythical "dark photon" has a very low energy level. That means "dark photon" has mass and energy travels into that mythical particle. 

The idea of a dark photon is that its size is so small that wave movement makes the ring around it. Or it travels past that very low-energy particle. That thing makes it possible that the dark photon can accelerate wave movement. And that tells it's the source of the mysterious dark energy. The dark photon is a myth. But it should exist. 





Monday, January 16, 2023

Researchers are making artificial solar flares by using high-power lasers.

"Screenshot from NASA’s Conceptual Image Lab on “Magnetic Reconnection Throughout the Solar System.” Magnetic reconnection occurs when anti-parallel magnetic fields—in this case, found in solar flares—collide, break, and realign. The process produces a high-energy explosion that flings particles across space. Credit: NASA Conceptual Image Lab" (ScitechDaily.com/Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe: Researchers Use High-Powered Lasers to Study Magnetic Reconnection)

The purpose of the new high-power lasers is to research a thing called magnetic reconnection. The idea of the system is that high-power lasers can form miniature flares. 

"Magnetic reconnection is when two anti-parallel magnetic fields—as in two magnetic fields going in opposite directions—collide, break, and realign. As innocuous as it sounds, it is far from a calm process". (ScitechDaily.com/Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe: Researchers Use High-Powered Lasers to Study Magnetic Reconnection). 

"This phenomenon is seen everywhere in the universe. At home, you can see them in solar flares or Earth’s magnetosphere. When a solar flare builds up and appears to ‘pinch’ out a flare, that is magnetic reconnection,” explains Taichi Morita, assistant professor at Kyushu University’s Faculty of Engineering Sciences and first author of the study. “Auroras are formed as a result of charged particles expelled from the magnetic reconnection in Earth’s magnetic field.”  (ScitechDaily.com/Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe: Researchers Use High-Powered Lasers to Study Magnetic Reconnection). 

Chemical bonds are also a magnetic phenomenon. The system can research when the chemical and magnetic bonds between particles are breaking when the energy level rises. And then the system can research can those broken forms reconnect. When the energy level in molecules increases. 

That thing causes oscillation. And when oscillation turns high enough it breaks the physical bonds between particles. Or actually when particles' energy level increases. Their quantum field turns larger. When the energy pumping ends. That thing decreases the size of the quantum fields. '

And the distance of the particles increases. That thing also breaks chemical and physical bonds. But the question is does the increase in energy level break those bonds, or would that happen when the energy level decreases? 

Another interesting thing is which point of the atom or electron makes the bond. What is the perfect position of an electron for making those bonds? If there is a certain position where the electrons can form the chemical bonds that thing allows the creation of molecules by using a minimum energy level. 

Magnetic reconnection could be a useful tool in nanotechnology and in materials or molecules that are repairing themselves. But the high-power laser systems can also bring data on how to predict solar winds. 

The use of high-power lasers for creating miniature solar flares is an interesting thing. The high-power lasers and very high-energy plasma can tell about the energy flow in very hot or high-energy environments. And that thing can tell about the conditions where the space weather turns hostile. If the solar wind from the sun turns very high it can cause problems for satellites. 

Solar wind means the protons and other particles that the sun sends to space. And those high-energy particles can destroy or damage satellites very easily. High-energy particles can destroy electronics or they can deny communication in the orbital trajectory. The high-energy plasma can also deny the use of radar satellites or radio-based communication. 

In the case, where the high energy particles are denying radio communication satellites must turn to the use of laser communication. But the problem is the impact of those particles. So by using magnets that are far away from the satellite is possible to turn the direction of the high-energy particles. 

And the satellites can also load with positive electricity just like in plasma brakes. But in that case, the purpose of that electric load is just to repel protons and other positive ions. If the number of impacts of those particles can decrease, that thing makes it possible to protect components against high-energy particles. 

If a satellite collects electrons from Van Allen's belts. That kind of system can collect energy for small-size satellites. Collecting energy from the plasma belt is theoretically quite an easy thing. The satellite must just put an antenna to the plasma. And that inducts electricity to its circuits. That kind of system can be a useful replacement for solar panels in the cases of small-size recon satellites. 



How to clean orbital trajectory from space debris?

"Aurora Propulsion Technologies makes electric micro-tether-based Plasma Brakes. The Plasma Brake induces an electric field around itself to cause a drag from the ambient plasma in low Earth orbit. This drag can be used to slow down and deorbit a satellite at the end of its useful life." (https://business.esa.int/news/finnish-start-up-aurora-powers-small-satellite-sector-0)

The biggest question about space debris is how to get it back. The best way to solve that problem is to equip satellites with a timer or a system that destroys satellites when their mission is over. 

The AI-based system can be thought that the satellite's mission is over when there is no contact with operators at a certain time. Or the mission clock is at zero. And in some cases, the system can search the level of the trajectory adjustment rocket's fuel. If that fuel is low, the satellite can ask if does operator want to refuel it. When the answer is "no", the satellite would dive back into the atmosphere. 

In that case, the best solution is the system that uses the trajectory adjustment engines for pushing the satellite back into the atmosphere. In that case, when rocket fuel is low or the mission time of satellites is over, the system just pushes the satellite back into the atmosphere. 

Another case is to use a plasma brake. That system uses the Coulomb interaction or electromagnetic repel. When the satellite is loaded with positive electricity.

It pushes against protons or positive helium ions. That is coming from the sun. Then plasma brake pushes against those particles which should slow the speed of the satellite. In some visions, the dead satellites can load with positive electricity. And that turns them into plasma brakes. 

But the best choice is to program satellites to dive automatically back into the atmosphere when their mission is over. In that case, the satellites could equip with heat shields and parachutes. The returning system guarantees that the satellite can return to researchers who are investigating the damages that Van Allen's plasma belts and micrometeorites caused to it. 

Image 2

In the wildest visions, the antimatter can use to push dead satellites away from their orbiter. The idea is that. A thin gold plate can be put between the satellite and the sun. That thing turns electrons that are coming from the sun into antimatter. And those anti-electrons or positrons would push the satellite away from the orbiter. 

In some ideas, the laser satellites can drive dead satellites out of their trajectory by using laser or ion beams that are shot from higher orbiters. The idea is that the ice bites are connected to satellites. 

Laser satellites can push dead satellites out of their trajectory. 

And then the laser or ion beam will shoot at those ice bites. In some models, the ice is in balloons that robots connect with satellites. When a laser or beam hits those ice bites. It vaporizes that water immediately. 

That thing pushes the satellite back into the atmosphere. In some other visions, the satellites are loaded with positive electricity like in plasma brakes. And then the electron beam or negative ions will shoot to those satellites. In that case, the positive electricity pulls those particles to the satellite. 

In some models, the iron powder that is loaded with negative electricity will be shot against satellites that are loaded with positive electricity. 






Sunday, January 15, 2023

Project West Ford. When the U.S. planned to make an artificial ionosphere.

The U.S. attempted to create an artificial ionosphere around the world. By using 480 000 000 copper needles. Those very small copper needles would act as dipole antennas that mirror radio waves back to Earth. As we know Project West ford failed. And the U.S. made the largest number of space debris. That ever created. Project West Ford was one of the good ideas. But the technology that the U.S. used was the wrong type. Making an artificial ionosphere could be possible by using a large number of tesla coils.

What if NASA would shot drawing pins to the orbiter? If those drawing pins are at the same level. They would act as the tesla coils. That is making the radio wave dome between drawing pin antennas. 

Image 2) Tesla coils.

There are some theoretical models that Project West Ford could be successful if the used needles would look like drawing pins. The drawing pins must lock precisely at the same level. And then the radar impulses will target them. 

The hats of those drawing pins would act as tesla coins. When radar impulses hit those drawing pins they would create a network of radio waves between them. Those radio waves would turn to jump between drawing pin antennas. And then they can reflect the radio waves to Earth. This kind of system can use to create an artificial ionosphere for the moon or mars. 

The clouds or plates of those antennas would put in trajectory around those space objects. Then the radio waves can put to jump from that dome to Moon or Mars. These kinds of visions are exciting. But the problem is that those things are increasing the number of space debris. 




The gravitational waves from black holes give information about the gravitation's nature.

Could a lonely black hole form gravitational waves?

Could a lonely black hole form gravitational waves? When two black holes are orbiting each other their gravitational fields are disturbing each other. Another black hole will aim the gravitational waves in a certain direction. 

But when we are looking at the "lonely black holes" there is the possibility that intensive energy around them transforms particles around them into black holes. Also, some "lonely black" holes are binary systems. 

The reason why observing those smaller black holes is difficult, is that they are so small. And they exist only for a small moment. Those theoretical small black holes are forming near the event horizon or the point where escaping velocity reaches the speed of light of the central black hole. 

And then they fall into the larger black hole. These extremely small black holes orbit the larger black hole. Or otherways saying. The event horizons of black holes are connected. 

The thing is that also the small or quantum size black holes have event horizons. The size of the black hole doesn't matter. 

All black holes act the same way. They are like antennas that transfer gravitational radiation in one direction. 

If that case is true that effect can form a wormhole or Einstein-Rose bridge between that quantum-size and larger black hole. And in that case, there is the possibility that the smaller black hole acts as an antenna that aims gravitational waves away from the black hole. 

 Black holes are an extreme phenomenon. And in these kinds of cases, we should be very accurate. When we research things. That happens near that kind of object.

 Even if we are talking about errors less than a nanometer. Those errors can have a greater effect than we think if we are talking about black holes and their interactions. 

There are possible places where the black hole's gravitational waves can form. The place can be inside the event horizon or the point where escaping velocity reaches the speed of light. The gravitational waves are expected. To give a tip on how to make the opposite gravitation or antigravitation. 

So if the source of the gravitational waves is less than a nanometer from the event horizon. That means their source is outside the black hole. In this case, gravitational waves are coming outside the black hole. 

1) The source of those gravitational waves is inside a black hole.

2) The source of those mysterious gravitational waves may be the dark matter that orbits the black hole. 

4) The wave or quake in the event horizon makes it possible that the event horizon's place is changing. And then, the superstring or wave movement can flee from the black hole. 

5) In some theories, gravitational waves are the reflection. When gravitational waves that fall into the black hole impact with standing gravitational waves that thing causes reflection. Or is it possible that black holes cannot pull gravitational waves inside them? 

Could the extremely strong gravitational field reflect the gravitational waves from a black hole? The reason for that is the frequency of gravitational waves is always the same. And if another gravitational field is stronger that reflects other outcoming gravitational waves away. That means that black holes could pull only material and other radiation in them. 

But gravitational fields are reflecting away from them. The reason why that is possible is found in quantum theories. Energy always travels from the higher to the lower level. So black hole's gravitational field is so strong that it can cause a situation where gravitational waves are traveling in opposite directions than other radiation. 

And if radiation that has a lower energy level but the same frequency impacts with stronger radiation that causes reflection. The case where wave movement fronts with the same frequency impacts. Wave movement continues in a direction where wave movement with a higher energy level travels. And gravitation is similar wave movement to all other wave movements. 


Antigravitation can be the reflection of gravitational waves. 

The place of those standing gravitational waves can be in the nucleus of the black hole or around the event horizon. If there is a standing gravitational wave around the black hole the maser-effect that is forming when intensive energy impacts standing gravitational waves. 

That means reflecting gravitational waves can form anti-gravitation. The idea is that impacting gravitational waves can form a wheel-shaped standing gravitational wave that denies gravitational waves flow inside it. 


Could the source of gravitational waves of a lonely black hole be the dark matter that orbits a black hole? 

There is a possibility that intensive energy is near black holes interacting with dark matter that orbits black holes. Near the event horizon, the intensive energy interacts with packed wave motion, and that packed dark matter are forming gravitational waves. 

But then we must realize that there is also the possibility that gravitational waves are forming in black holes. Or around black holes where standing gravitational waves are reflecting from that donut-shaped gravitational effect that could orbit the black hole at the point of the event horizon. 

And they are escaping gravitational waves that the source is inside the black hole. There is a possibility that deep inside the black hole is forming a static high-energy gravitational whirl in the middle of the black hole. 

The energy of that hypothetical structure in the black hole is in gravitational form. So because that structure is forming standing gravitational waves it can push the impacting gravitational waves back. And then those gravitational waves can travel out of the black hole. 

In some other models, the gravitational waves are escaping from the black hole because there is forming a quantum-size black hole near the event horizon. The intensive energy can turn particles into black holes before they are traveling through the event horizon. 

In that case, the miniature black hole can form the point where gravitation is stronger than just behind the main black hole's event horizon. And then there is a forming situation where the smaller black hole can steal gravitational string from the main black hole. 

In the last model, the event horizon of the black hole just shakes. When the wave movement and material are orbiting the black hole's nucleus their speed and energy level rise to a very high level. That thing makes it possible. That material or wave movement that orbits the black hole's nucleus just behind the event horizon can flee to space. 



A black hole pulls a star in it. And releases a rare luminous material jet.

"Illustration of a tidal disruption event (TDE). Credit: Carl Knox – OzGrav, ARC Centre of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery, Swinburne University of Technology" (ScitechDaily/Black Hole Violently Tearing Apart a Star Unleashes Rare Luminous Jet of Matter)

TDEs  (Tidal Disruption Events) are sometimes causing a situation where lots of material would lose from the stars. And then that material would turn into a cosmic jet or so-called "superflares". The black hole can stretch entire stars to stretched material jets. But there is a mystery why all TDEs:s don't make that kind of phenomenon. 

Why is every star not stretching when they are falling into black holes?  Maybe we can find the answer to that question in the electromagnetic forces. There is a possibility that there are ions and anions in the star. If there are positive and negative particles in the star, that causes the electromagnetic pulling effect.

In that case, the electromagnetic forces keep the star in one piece longer than if the star is forming only anions or ions. That can explain why the black holes are not always making the superflare or turning the star into a plasma jet. A black hole is one of the most radical things in the universe. 

There are many reasons why those things are under research. They are the sources of strong gravitational waves. And another thing is that there should be very much dark matter packed near black holes. That thing can make it possible to make the first observation of the real dark matter if it has the material form. 

The black holes are excellent targets for making observations of gravitation and its form. Maybe someday we can make antigravitational levitation. But before that thing is possible researchers must find out the real shape of gravitation. And that happens by searching the interaction between the black hole and its environment. 



Saturday, January 14, 2023

Can the result of the supernova explosion or neutron star be just nothing?

Is warp bubbles the reason for some of the GRBs:s (Gamma-Ray Bursts)? 

Above this text is an illustration of the kilonova. The colliding neutron stars can form a warp bubble around them. The shockwave that travels too fast will push electromagnetic fields and material away from those colliding neutron stars. 

And that bubble destroys those neutron stars. In that case, the warp bubble pulls the material to superstrings or wave movement. Particles are traveling in that bubble faster than usual. In warp bubbles, particles travel at the same speed as photons. 

When those particles reach the edge of the warp bubble or the warp bubble's existence ends those particles are sent a shockwave. Could the warp bubble that forms around the young stars when some energy impact affects them or kilonovas be the reason for some GRBs (Gamma-Ray Bursts.)? In that case, the fast-traveling shockwave can form a short-term warp bubble. That can destroy all material by turning it to wave movement. 

There is no evidence that some black holes can explode. But cosmic voids are giving a hint, that there is the possibility that black holes can explode. Or maybe some of the cosmic voids are the results of the cases. That supernovas or some other phenomenon caused the material is turned to wave movement. And that thing could be the supernova which shockwave caused the forming of a short-term warp bubble that turned all material to wave movement. 

If the supernova explosion's shockwave travels too fast or the neutron star collapses into a black hole too fast. There is the possibility that the reaction forms a warp bubble. In that case, the possibility is. That the warp bubble just turns material to the wave movement. 

Same way if the black hole pulls all material from around it. That thing forms a cosmic void. That void will rip the black hole to pieces. The minimum energy level around a black hole makes it burb. In that case, the black hole sends gravitational waves around it. And that allows us to see behind the event horizon. 

Researchers realize that exploding black holes and collapsing neutron stars can tell about a phenomenon. That was thought not to be possible. When black holes erupt. That means wave movement or some kind of material traveling out from the black hole. The thing that can travel out from black holes is the gravitational waves, and the reason for that is the black hole is at the point where gravitational radiation travels to the area. There is a lower gravitational energy level. 

The reason for that is that sometimes a black hole just eats everything from around it. And in that case, the black hole would get into the cosmic void. In the cosmic void, it will not get material. And energy flows away from the black hole. So the black hole blurps. 

The collapse of extremely heavy neutron stars is forming black holes. The thing that forms the black hole is the impacting energy or material. The magnetic field of heavy neutron stars is weaker than magnetars. The reason for that is that the speed of a heavy neutron star's shell in comparison to its core is lower than lightweight neutron stars. 

And the relation between electromagnetic field and gravitational fields turns when the neutron star's mass increases. In lightweight neutron stars, the electromagnetic force is dominating. But when the mass of the object increases gravitation turns more dominating. And sooner or later the material that impacts with a heavy neutron star turns it into a black hole. 

When a neutron star collapses there is a possibility. The collapsing neutrons are forming the warp bubble or quantum vacuum behind them. In that case, the material like neutrons is vaporizing backward to its course. That means all material can turn to wave motion and the warp bubble forms the void that rips neutron stars, or even black holes into the pieces. 

In the same way, there are models that if the supernova explosion is too rough the shockwave pulls the great vacuum behind it. In that case, the entire star can turn to wave movement. And that thing could cause a situation where the material structure turns to wave movement. That means there is nothing left from the neutron star or supernova. 







The sound of the devil's sandstorm was the first time recorded on Mars.

"Dust devils on Mars are small whirlwinds of dust that occur when the sun heats the surface of the planet, causing the air to rise and form a vortex. These dust devils can reach heights of up to several kilometers and have winds that can reach speeds of up to 60 km/h. Dust devils are common in many areas of Mars and can be found in both the northern and southern hemispheres". (ScitechDaily.com/Scientists Obtain First-Ever Sound Recording of Dust Devils on Mars)

The devil's sandstorms form in a weak gravitational field when the wind rises sand flowing over the planet's surface. The devil's sandstorms create very high-voltage electricity when small sand bites gall against each other. That thing can cause danger for probes. Another name for devil's sandstorms is the dust devil. 

There are different sizes of dust devils. Some of them are small tornadoes. Researching those things researchers can find. What is the dust devil's role in giant sandstorms that can cover almost the entire Mars planet? There is the possibility that the dust devils are acting like giant cylinders that put the atmosphere move between them. 

 Those giant sandstorms are covering almost half of planet Mars. The thing that makes those things dangerous is the friction of the dry sand. That thing forms static electricity. The duration of the sand devil determines how much static electricity it can create. If a long-term sand tornado hits the probe it can cause electric shock. But luckily the planet Mars' atmosphere is not very thick. 

But on Saturn's Titan moon, the devil's sandstorms are more dangerous. There the weak gravitation along with the thick atmosphere is making it possible that the sandstorms can exists longer. 

The devil's sandstorms are possible on Mars and Saturn's Titan where the atmosphere is thicker than on Mars. On Titan, the devil's sandstorms are more dangerous than on Mars. The reason for that is the higher gas pressure makes it possible that the speed of those sand bites can rise higher than on Mars. And those sandstorms are acting like abrasive blasts or large groups of fast-flying bullets. 

When we think about weak gravitation and life forms. We must realize one thing. The friction on the weak gravitation field is lower than in the strong gravitational field.

That means the speed of the gas is higher on those planets. And that thing causes friction where the gas can turn quite hot. There is also the possibility that devil's sandstorms are making that planet unable to host highly advanced civilizations because the sand tornados are causing so powerful electromagnetic phenomena. That electronics will jam on that planet. 

Above: Illustration of the interior of Saturn's moon Enceladus. 

Icy moons and lifeforms. 

Under the icy surface of icy moons is the ocean. But there are very high-speed flows in those oceans. 

The tidal forces are keeping those oceans in Europa and Enceladus. The planet's gravitation forms the flow of those icy moons' oceans. And that flow makes the friction and heat in oceans. 

The hypothetical lifeforms can use this temperature as an energy source. But those flows can also deny the forming of life forms. 

And if those flows in the deep oceans of the icy moons are high enough, that can destroy the complicated protein molecules that are necessary for life. Or those flows can make it impossible that cells can make chains. And those lifeforms are extremely primitive. 







How can researchers handle noise in quantum computers?

The biggest problem with quantum computers is noise. The quantum noise forms when the quantum system oscillates randomly. The random oscilla...