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Showing posts from January, 2023

HYPER (Highly INteractive Particle Relics) is the new form of dark matter.

In some theories, dark matter and visible matter could interact in the young universe. The intensive heat and pressure pushed the particles together. So dark matter was part of the material.  And then the universe started to expand. The universe's energy level decrease. And then dark matter and material interaction stopped. When we look at the three dominating things in the modern universe, the main dominator is dark energy.  1) Dark energy 2) Dark matter  3) Visible material.  So in the young universe, dark matter and visible material were one entirety. Then that entirety broke. The thing was like nuclear fission. But on a different scale. Dark energy is wave movement that rips the universe into pieces. The origin of that energy is a mystery. The origin of that energy is in particles that we cannot see.  The mystery of dark energy is that there is an interaction between that wave movement and visible material. Without that interaction, dark energy cannot rip the universe into piec

The gravitational waves can bring us back to the point where everything began.

     Gravitational waves are a new tool for researching the universe astronomers observe the most distant objects. To find things that happened a long time ago.  Gravitational waves can tell about things that happen behind a black hole's event horizons, but they can also use to detect black holes.  If a black hole's transition disk is weak.  Or if its distance is very long. It's possible that X- and Gamma ray radiation. That comes from the black hole disappearing in X- and Gamma-ray background.  Galaxy GN-z11 is the most distant galaxy that we ever saw in history. The distance to that galaxy is 38 billion light years. So we see what happened in that galaxy 38 billion years ago.  The reason why researchers are observing extremely distant galaxies is that particles that are traveling across the universe are taking plague to their core. That plague involves information about the universe that the particle touched.  Another reason that those distant galaxies can uncover is the

The WARP bubbles. And faster-than-light technology.

  Every day neutrons travel faster than light in a short moment. That thing makes the blue shine of nuclear reactors. The same effect is used in neutrino detectors. When neutrino impacts with water it slows its speed and sends a blue-light flash.  In some models, the future spacecraft are forming WARP bubbles underwater. The air bubble. That surrounds the craft, allowing it to travel faster than light in the water. When the craft removes the WARP bubble around it, that system allows the craft can travel faster than light in less than a second. The idea is that the system benefits the Cherenkov effect.  Because nothing that has mass can slow immediately the craft travels faster than light underwater in a short moment. And then it can jump to the fourth dimension. The Cherenkov radiation forms when the particle that impacts water slows its speed and sends blue-light shock wave.  There are made quantum-size and short-term WARP-bubbles in laboratories. But WARP technology is still in beta-

A new type of quantum sensor can see inside atoms.

  "Nuclear physicists have discovered a revolutionary way to use the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory to gain insight into the shape and details of atomic nuclei. This method involves using particles of light that surround gold ions as they travel around the collider, as well as a new type of quantum entanglement that has never been observed before". ( Type of Entanglement Lets Nuclear Physicists “See” Inside Atomic Nuclei) The superpositioned and entangled particle pairs can form a new type of quantum system. Those particle pairs can form the miniature doppler-radar that can detect things. That has been invisible before. The superpositioned and entangled particles can also use to scan subatomic particles and the atom's internal structures.  The idea of quantum sensors is that they are acting like full-scale sensors. But the size of those sensors is far smaller than regular sensors

The JWST confirmed the existence of an Earth-size exoplanet at the border of the habitable zone.

Artist's illustration of exoplanet LHS 475 b The existence of an Earth-size exoplanet in a distant solar system is a remarkable thing. The new small rocky planet. Called LHS 475b orbits its sun only in two days. The LHS 475b's atmosphere is mostly carbon dioxide.  And that means the temperature on that planet's dayside is hot. As you might guess the LHS 475 b orbits red dwarf star LHS 475. The surface temperature of this planet is 3312±157 K or about 3039 C.  That means LHS 475 b is dead and unable to host life. But that exoplanet is one of the most incredible things that the JWST telescope found. The ability to see that kind of exoplanet is a big change. The problem is that most confirmed exoplanets are orbiting red dwarfs. So planets are orbiting those stars very close. And tidal forces lock them in one direction. Their dayside is very hot.  "A flat line in a transmission spectrum, like this one, can be exciting – it can tell us a lot about the planet. Researchers us

Changes in a strong nuclear force affect the spin of phi mesons.

"New data show that local fluctuations in the nuclear strong force may influence the spin orientation of particles called phi mesons (made of two quarks held together by the exchange of gluons). Credit: Brookhaven National Laboratory"  ( RHIC Atom Smasher Reveals a Surprising Preference in Particle Spin Alignment) When the phi meson spins the string between quarks harvests energy. Then that energy pushes those particles away from each other. So the phi meson is acting like an energy harvester. If that particle exists longer time, that thing could use to measure the differences in energy levels around it. The energy harvester is a system that is two balls that are orbiting each other.  When there is an antenna like a metal wire or laser ray between them that system sends electromagnetic wave movement to the sides of that energy harvester. And maybe in the future. These kinds of systems can use to create clean energy in space.  The new research has shown th

Why hasn't ET phoned yet?

The big silence: why don't ET phone us? Could aliens believe that our planet is in civil war? Or are they using some radio frequencies that we cannot hear?  Element 116 or (Livermorium) hypothesis Why don't aliens make contact with us? If an alien civilization uses synthetic, ultra-heavy radioactive elements like element 116 (Livermorium) as crystals in their radios oscillation circuits. That makes them able to communicate longer distances without interference. That model makes it hard to hear those radio signals.  Because their transmitter's oscillation circuits cannot make our receiving circuits oscillate we cannot see alien transmissions. The super-heavy synthetic elements make it possible to communicate over longer distances.  But those super heavy elements create different frequencies than we use in our radio systems. That makes it hard to see those hypothetical alien signals.  If we think about alien communication. We should realize that their communication is meant f

The new system harvests water from thin air. And then it makes hydrogen from that water.

Image: European Space Agency The new system harvests water from thin air. And then it makes hydrogen from that water. The link to the story of this system is below this text. The idea is that the rotating layer harvests water from the air. And then the system conducts that water to electrodes. Those electrodes break water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen, which can be driven to fuel cells. In some visions, the system can use a silicon layer that is acting as photovoltaic cells.  In some other ideas, there is the should network that closes water on the layer. And then electrodes, where electricity runs, will break the water molecules. The idea is that those layers are rotating like a mill wheel and harvest water from the air. The problem is how to make this kind of system produce more electricity than it uses. There is a possibility that the system uses something like a wind turbine for making extra energy for it.  "Research groups have previously shown that it is possible to per

The next-generation biological solar cell could be useful in green energy. And in the power supply of manned space stations

Right) "The ice plant succulent shown here can become a living solar cell and power a circuit using photosynthesis. Credit: Adapted from ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.2c15123" ( Have Developed a Living “Bio-Solar Cell” That Runs on Photosynthesis) The long-term space mission that is limited inside the asteroid belt is also challenging. The spacecraft or space stations can travel between Mars and earth by using ion motors that get their electricity from solar panels. Also, the Mars- and moon stations can use solar panels for energy production. The same technology that is used in Mars or Moon stations can use in the isolated research stations on Earth.  And places like Antarctica can use to develop this kind of technology. The idea is that those stations are used to test things like closed-cycle life-support. If food can produce at the moon station, that radically decreases its costs. And moon station can use to tes

Researchers deflect lightning with a laser rod.

Lasers can use to deflect lightning. There is the possibility that laser rays can use to form ion or eruption channels by ionizing air. And then electrons can travel through that channel. Lasers are electron beams that can be aimed by using electromagnetic fields.  Another way to aim electron beams is to make anion and cation clouds to certain sides of the electron's routes. In that case, negative and positive electromagnetic fields are aiming the lightning in the wanted direction.   Anions, which are negative atoms are pushing the electrons, and cations which are positive atoms are pulling electrons. So cation and anion clouds can use to aim electron beams. Researchers can make artificial lighting simply by pumping electricity or radio waves into clouds. The electric load of the cloud increases, until the electrons can travel to the ground. In some cases, the aircraft that travels above the cloud can be hit by lightning.  In that case, the aircraft's body gets positive polarit

Could dark matter be dark photons?

"2D projection of the cosmic web as obtained from a supercomputer simulation. Credit: Dr. Ewald Puchwein and the Sherwood-Relics collaboration" ( Study Suggests Dark Matter May Be Made of Dark Photons) Dark or black photons are the hypothetical antiparticles of the photon. Photon is the transmitter particle of electromagnetism. We know that electromagnetism has a pushing and pulling effect. If electromagnetism is like the weak interaction where Z- and W-bosons are transmitting repel and pulling versions of weak nuclear force.  The electromagnetism should also have different carrier particles for pushing and pulling forces. So those transporting particles should be "white photons" or known photons. And the dark photons are the hypothetical anti-photons.  Nobody has seen them yet. And in some theories the dark photons are gravitons. The problem with that theory is this: nobody measured the mass of a photon yet. If we say that photons that we alread

Researchers are making artificial solar flares by using high-power lasers.

"Screenshot from NASA’s Conceptual Image Lab on “Magnetic Reconnection Throughout the Solar System.” Magnetic reconnection occurs when anti-parallel magnetic fields—in this case, found in solar flares—collide, break, and realign. The process produces a high-energy explosion that flings particles across space. Credit: NASA Conceptual Image Lab" ( the Secrets of the Universe: Researchers Use High-Powered Lasers to Study Magnetic Reconnection) The purpose of the new high-power lasers is to research a thing called magnetic reconnection. The idea of the system is that high-power lasers can form miniature flares.  "Magnetic reconnection is when two anti-parallel magnetic fields—as in two magnetic fields going in opposite directions—collide, break, and realign. As innocuous as it sounds, it is far from a calm process". ( the Secrets of the Universe: Researchers Use High-Powered Lasers to Study Magnetic Reconnection).  &qu

How to clean orbital trajectory from space debris?

"Aurora Propulsion Technologies makes electric micro-tether-based Plasma Brakes. The Plasma Brake induces an electric field around itself to cause a drag from the ambient plasma in low Earth orbit. This drag can be used to slow down and deorbit a satellite at the end of its useful life." ( The biggest question about space debris is how to get it back. The best way to solve that problem is to equip satellites with a timer or a system that destroys satellites when their mission is over.  The AI-based system can be thought that the satellite's mission is over when there is no contact with operators at a certain time. Or the mission clock is at zero. And in some cases, the system can search the level of the trajectory adjustment rocket's fuel. If that fuel is low, the satellite can ask if does operator want to refuel it. When the answer is "no", the satellite would dive back in

Project West Ford. When the U.S. planned to make an artificial ionosphere.

The U.S. attempted to create an artificial ionosphere around the world. By using 480 000 000 copper needles. Those very small copper needles would act as dipole antennas that mirror radio waves back to Earth. As we know Project West ford failed. And the U.S. made the largest number of space debris. That ever created. Project West Ford was one of the good ideas. But the technology that the U.S. used was the wrong type. Making an artificial ionosphere could be possible by using a large number of tesla coils. What if NASA would shot drawing pins to the orbiter? If those drawing pins are at the same level. They would act as the tesla coils. That is making the radio wave dome between drawing pin antennas.  Image 2) Tesla coils. There are some theoretical models that Project West Ford could be successful if the used needles would look like drawing pins. The drawing pins must lock precisely at the same level. And then the radar impulses will target them.  The hats of those drawing pins would

The gravitational waves from black holes give information about the gravitation's nature.

Could a lonely black hole form gravitational waves? Could a lonely black hole form gravitational waves? When two black holes are orbiting each other their gravitational fields are disturbing each other. Another black hole will aim the gravitational waves in a certain direction.  But when we are looking at the "lonely black holes" there is the possibility that intensive energy around them transforms particles around them into black holes. Also, some "lonely black" holes are binary systems.  The reason why observing those smaller black holes is difficult, is that they are so small. And they exist only for a small moment. Those theoretical small black holes are forming near the event horizon or the point where escaping velocity reaches the speed of light of the central black hole.  And then they fall into the larger black hole. These extremely small black holes orbit the larger black hole. Or otherways saying. The event horizons of black holes are connected.  The thing

A black hole pulls a star in it. And releases a rare luminous material jet.

"Illustration of a tidal disruption event (TDE). Credit: Carl Knox – OzGrav, ARC Centre of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery, Swinburne University of Technology" (ScitechDaily/Black Hole Violently Tearing Apart a Star Unleashes Rare Luminous Jet of Matter) TDEs  (Tidal Disruption Events) are sometimes causing a situation where lots of material would lose from the stars. And then that material would turn into a cosmic jet or so-called "superflares". The black hole can stretch entire stars to stretched material jets. But there is a mystery why all TDEs:s don't make that kind of phenomenon.  Why is every star not stretching when they are falling into black holes?  Maybe we can find the answer to that question in the electromagnetic forces. There is a possibility that there are ions and anions in the star. If there are positive and negative particles in the star, that causes the electromagnetic pulling effect. In that case, the electromagnetic forces keep

Can the result of the supernova explosion or neutron star be just nothing?

Is warp bubbles the reason for some of the GRBs:s (Gamma-Ray Bursts)?  Above this text is an illustration of the kilonova. The colliding neutron stars can form a warp bubble around them. The shockwave that travels too fast will push electromagnetic fields and material away from those colliding neutron stars.  And that bubble destroys those neutron stars. In that case, the warp bubble pulls the material to superstrings or wave movement. Particles are traveling in that bubble faster than usual. In warp bubbles, particles travel at the same speed as photons.  When those particles reach the edge of the warp bubble or the warp bubble's existence ends those particles are sent a shockwave. Could the warp bubble that forms around the young stars when some energy impact affects them or kilonovas be the reason for some GRBs (Gamma-Ray Bursts.)? In that case, the fast-traveling shockwave can form a short-term warp bubble. That can destroy all material by turning it to wave movement.  There is

The sound of the devil's sandstorm was the first time recorded on Mars.

"Dust devils on Mars are small whirlwinds of dust that occur when the sun heats the surface of the planet, causing the air to rise and form a vortex. These dust devils can reach heights of up to several kilometers and have winds that can reach speeds of up to 60 km/h. Dust devils are common in many areas of Mars and can be found in both the northern and southern hemispheres". ( Obtain First-Ever Sound Recording of Dust Devils on Mars) The devil's sandstorms form in a weak gravitational field when the wind rises sand flowing over the planet's surface. The devil's sandstorms create very high-voltage electricity when small sand bites gall against each other. That thing can cause danger for probes. Another name for devil's sandstorms is the dust devil.  There are different sizes of dust devils. Some of them are small tornadoes. Researching those things researchers can find. What is the dust devil's role in giant sandstorms that can c