Thursday, February 29, 2024

The AI will not replace air traffic controllers yet.

  The AI will not replace air traffic controllers yet. 

AI can make many things, but that thing is that tool is just a tool. The AI will not replace air traffic controllers yet, but there is a possibility. That it can make it somewhere in the future. When AI makes mistakes like producing images of black nazi soldiers, we can see that also AI makes mistakes. Or actually, humans make mistakes. When we try to calculate the point where we are in seven steps on AI, we are just in level three. And the problem is that the AI learns things differently than humans. 

The AI has no imagination. It cannot act in situations where it is not programmed. The learning AI uses descriptions as keyholes. And data that comes from the sensor is the key that activates action. The problem is how the AI selects data that it stores in a database. In this case, the human or operator/programmer selects the data. That is stored in databases. The AI can record information that it makes during its mission. Then operator selects the film periods that it stores. And after that, the system must have some action that is connected with that thing. The big problem is that in natural situations the cases are not similar. 

The AI could replace civil pilots in a couple of years. But the problem is that the most of pilot's training involves preparations for special and emergency missions. And the computer program must have a response for all of those things. That it must react. And that thing causes the so-called green skirt problem. If the car drives with autopilot, the autopilot must make a difference between the green light and the green clothes. If the AI does not separate those things, it can push the gas pedal if it sees a green skirt. 

There is a theorem that the civilization that reaches Kardashev scale 3 and sends its probe to another solar system can accidentally destroy some other civilization because the creators of the probe's AI forgot the breaking algorithm. Then the system will simply forget to break before it starts the approach and landing procedures. Then the system will drive 30000 tons of probe impact to the planet with speed. That is 0,5% of the speed of light. This impact causes terrible explosions. 

And we want to create a curve in that process, it follows the limit curve in mathematics. The limit means that the calculation approaches the zero point. But it never reaches that thing. In AI this geometrical learning curve means that the AI can go very close to the human level of consciousness. But it never reaches that level. The thing is that. The AI participates in the R&D process that is used to advance AI development. And that thing means that the R&D process accelerates. 

But the thing is that the cognitive AI is partially true. In cognitive AI the system searches for the things that happen at the front of its sensors. Then it tries to find the machine with details that are stored in its databases. So details that its sensors get are the key that activates the databases. Then the database controls the system's physical operations.

The white dwarf with a metal scar is one thing that has never been seen before.

"This artist’s impression shows the magnetic white dwarf WD 0816-310, where astronomers have found a scar imprinted on its surface as a result of having ingested planetary debris. When objects like planets or asteroids approach the white dwarf they get disrupted, forming a debris disc around the dead star. Some of this material can be devoured by the dwarf, leaving traces of certain chemical elements on its surface". (ScitechDaily, Cannibal Star Discovered With Metal Scar – “Nothing Like This Has Been Seen Before”)

"Using ESO’s Very Large Telescope, astronomers found that the signature of these chemical elements changed periodically as the star rotated, as did the magnetic field. This indicates that the magnetic fields funneled these elements onto the star, concentrating them at the magnetic poles and forming the scar seen here. Credit: ESO/L. Calçada" (ScitechDaily, Cannibal Star Discovered With Metal Scar – “Nothing Like This Has Been Seen Before”)

The white dwarf WD 0816-310 is a magnetic white dwarf. That magnetic field can drive metals to its poles. But it is also possible that this star's metal scar formed in the case. That the impacting object was very small or the metal mass was so low, that metal cannot cover the entire white dwarf. 

White dwarfs are star remnants. Those stars used their fuel and then detonated in a nova eruption. The thing that makes white dwarfs interesting is that our sun's fate will be white dwarfs. Most of the white dwarfs are carbon stars. They are very dense objects. And that means they have quite strong gravity fields. 

Sometimes they pull some other object into the impact course. And if there is some kind of metal object, that metal will usually spread on that star's entire shell. The situation on white dwarf WD 0816-310 is that there is only metal at the pole of that dwarf star. 

That could mean that there was so little metal mass on the object that formed that scar on the white dwarf's pole. In that case, there is not enough metal that can cover the entire white dwarf. And that thing causes a very interesting hypothesis about the origin of that scar. Maybe a large metal asteroid impacted the white dwarf. But nobody knows the shape of that object. 

The small mass of metal can cause the theory that maybe the humanoid spacecraft formed that strange scar. The fact is that a small metal mass causes a situation where there is not enough metal to cover the entire white dwarf. 

Another interesting thing is that metal did not vaporize and fly to space or turn into some other element when that object impacted with white dwarf  WD 0816-310 causing a very high energy level. And that thing can cause a situation in which atoms melt together. Or they formed a fission that ripped the atoms into pieces. It is possible. That metal scar is formed from some very rare radioactive material. Or maybe some still unknown isotope or element formed that mysterious scar.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Nanoprinters revolutionize material research.

"Georgia Tech researchers have innovated a cost-effective and rapid method for printing nano-sized metal structures, using light-based technology that could revolutionize nanoscale 3D printing. (Art concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Light-Speed Leap in Nano Printing: Faster, Cheaper Metal Structures)

The difference between the nanostructures and regular structures is that the nanostructures and nanomaterials are created atom by atom. If we think about the titanium bricks that the next text handles the nano-version is similar. Only the size of the objects that create the structure is different. The nano-size structures are like atom chains. They can raise the strength of the material to a very high level. 

The nanotubes can involve other materials than carbon. The ion systems can make it possible to put some other atoms and molecules between graphene nanotubes. Those other atoms are making that structure stronger. Because they allow carbon atoms can load energy into those pockets. 

This is the reason why carbon gives strength to steel. The Damascus steel involves fullerene, where iron can dump energy when it hits something. The fullerene nanotubes can conduct impact energy out of steel. And the fullerene can also be put in titanium material, where titanium replaces steel. That thing allows to creation of the Damascus titanium alloy. 

Researchers created a very hard titanium structure that is also very light. The idea is that this titanium network or 3D structure using nano-printers gives strength and lightness. The 3D structure has a lot of space and is also lightweight. Because there is space between those titanium structures. That makes it able to deliver impact energy to that space. The nanotechnical titanium bricks can be small in size. And that structure denies the damage to growth. 

This kind of lightweight structure can used in ground and aerial vehicles and in things like submarines. It's nanoversion can used in things. Like firerm strutures. The best solution would be the thin composite armor there is one layer is about one or two atom layers. Then that titanium structure will be below it. 

"The direction of an electron spin is determined by the direction of motion of electrons. Credit: © Hans-Joachim Elmers / JGU" (ScitechDaily, The Altermagnetism Breakthrough: A New Dimension of Magnetism Explored)

The network structure can used in submarines there that structure can also deny echoes. And the modern lightweight titanium composite armor could look like the thing that is seen in the second image from the top. There could be titanium or some other very strong material outside. 

That material can be graphene, polymer, and titanium composite, where those layers are like in hamburgers.  And then the titanium structure is in the middle of those plates. Titanium structure can replaced using an "altermagnetic" structure. 

"Metamaterials with specific microstructures outperform solid materials in resisting supersonic impacts, offering potential for advanced protective solutions. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Engineering the Unbreakable: MIT’s Microscopic Metamaterials Defy Supersonic Impacts)

If that outside plate lets sonar impulses travel through it, that system can also deny the acoustic echo. When radar impulses hit that structure that thing can also cause the situation. Their radio impulses start to jump between those metal wires. And that makes material invisible to radar. In that system, electricity is transported from the upper layer to the lower layer, and the system should only deny the echo. 

The idea is that the system can deny echo simply by transporting electricity from the upper layer to the lower layer. The new state of magnetism called "Altermagnetism" is one of the things that can make things like antimagnetic structures possible. The structure in those titanium bricks can replaced using an altermagnetic structure. In that structure is no outside magnetic field. And that thing makes it possible to create antimagnetic structures for submarines and aircraft. The "Altermagntism" denies the use of magnetic sensors to detect submarines.

The "second sound" is seen in 2D superfluid.

"For the first time, MIT physicists have captured direct images of “second sound,” the movement of heat sloshing back and forth within a superfluid. The results will expand scientists’ understanding of heat flow in superconductors and neutron stars. Credit: Jose-Luis Olivares, MIT"  (ScitechDaily, Superfluid Surprise: MIT Physicists Capture Images of “Second Sound” for the First Time)

That second sound is also one of the reasons why electricity cannot travel in the system forever. Crossing waves decrease each other's energy level. And the second reason is that in waving material. Atoms are not in line. When waves travel in that material some part of the waves or energy travels over another atom or particle. That means there is a power loss in that system because energy travels for magpies. For traveling forever the system requires the ability to transport 100 % of wave movement from transmitting to receiving particles. 

In electric wires some part of heat forms in the cases that atoms or some electrons move backwards. This was the theory until researchers found the "second sound". When atoms or electrons move backward, that thing forms electromagnetic fields or potential barriers in the wire. Those potential barriers transport energy into the internal structures in wires. The electric signal travels at the shell of the wire. The thing that forms those electric fields that create the hall effect is wire can form a second sound. 

Then electrons or other particles turn in opposite directions when radio or electric wave travels through them. That effect forms the standing wave in the electric field that travels on the wire. Then that electric flow will start to pump energy into that Hall field. 

The term "second sound" means that when a soundwave travels in a certain type of material that soundwave rotates those molecules or atoms around. That means that thing forms two ways of traveling soundwave, which is one of the most interesting things in history. This is one thing that can used for energy storage and new types of nanoacoustics. In nanoacoustic systems or nano-tweezers, the system can use the second sound for rising objects. 

In that system the superfluids are put in a shaped structure there are two or four atoms in rows. Those nanotapes are in fullerene nanotubes.  Then system sends sound waves through those nanotapes. And they can used to create new complex nanostructures. 

The things in the nano-world can used to model things in the quantum world.  This effect can used to model things like radar echoes. It's possible to create the material where is walls of one-atom nanolattices. That means the material looks like an extremely small box, which can make things like radar impulses travel out from the shell. 

One of the reasons for the echo is those backward traveling soundwaves. Lots of that echo forms when atoms and particles wobble back and forth. In a superfluid, sound can form, and the lattice can store sound waves as a whirling structure. 

Then that system can release that energy slowly from the particles. And this is one way to store energy. Acoustic waves store energy in the atoms in superfluids in the form of sound waves. That stored energy can released. 

There is a possibility that the single-layer atoms can form box-shaped structures. And that means that the soundwaves can travel in routes that make it impossible to get an echo. Returning soundwaves can used to create a structure that will pull all echoes in it. 

But the 2D atom layers that create the second sound can also used to make pure, high-accurate sound that is targeted in one position. The 2D or single-layer quantum lattice makes it possible to create many things that felt impossible a short time before this. 

Waving 2D atom lattices can be put between graphene layers. And that thing can used to create material where that cannot get radar echo. The waving material is like a mattress. There is an idea. This material can rise to make touch with graphene when radar impulse hits it. Then that waving ion, atom, or anion structure transports energy into itself. Then inside that material, the electronegative particles pull extra energy out from it.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

The Odysseus lander made a safe landing on the Moon.

Odysseus is the first U.S. lander on the Moon in 50 years. The lander is made by private industry. And that makes it more interesting. The builder of that craft is the Intuitive Machines. The purpose of that mission is to act as a pathfinder for the moon missions. The thing is that companies like Space X and other similar actors, including Intuitive Machines, plan to send people to the Moon. And then make commercial operations on Earth's satellites. 

The Moon could be an excellent place to make things like Helium 3 and antimatter. The Moon observatories that are equipped with lasers can search things like asteroids with noble, and strategic metals. Those systems can use laser spectroscopes to the asteroid's material into vapor. Then the spectroscope sees what kind of elements that material involves. That data can be used to make plans for the targets of the next targets for manned and unmanned missions. 

The private industry has a big role in the next-generation space projects. The private industry is much more flexible in money use than governments. And that means the private industry can make spacecraft, space suits, and crafts faster than the government. And that means things like new space shuttles that can carry crews or act as zero gravity remote-controlled laboratories can operated by private corporations. Rather than governments. 

Space X's Moonbase vision. 

"Illustration of Sierra Space’s first Dream Chaser, named DC#1 (Tenacity). The Dream Chaser spacecraft, developed by Sierra Space for NASA, is preparing for a 2024 demonstration mission to the ISS, focusing on cargo delivery and in-orbit certification. Credit: Sierra Space" (ScitechDaily, Sierra Space’s Dream Chaser Spaceplane: Revolutionizing ISS Resupply for NASA)

"Sierra Space’s Dream Chaser spaceplane and its Shooting Star cargo module were showcased under blue lights at NASA’s Neil Armstrong Test Facility, marking their preparation for space’s harsh conditions. Credit: Sierra Space/Shay Saldana" (, Spaceplane Spectacle: Dream Chaser Endures NASA’s Ultimate Trial)

The miniature shuttles can serve civil and military operators. 

The Dream Chaser endures the NASA's ultimate trial. And that thing is the next generation of miniature shuttles. Those shuttles can rescue crews and cargo from another spacecraft. They can use space hooks to lift micro-satellites to the orbiter. And those systems can also transport robots to fix and check satellites. 

There have been plans to use those miniature shuttles in military missions. Miniature shuttles can used to recon missions against satellites. During the Cold War, the Soviet Union developed the MiG-105 Spiral miniature shuttle. There were rumors that those shuttles planned to carry anti-satellite kinetic weapons. 

And miniature shuttles could carry internal nuclear warheads. Their cargo bay allows them to carry nuclear weapons in those shuttles. The operators can load nuclear bombs into those miniature shuttles, and then if those weapons are not used. The shuttle can return them to the base. 

In the world of the military, the miniature shuttles can carry nuclear warheads. In those systems, the nuclear weapon in the internal cargo load can detonate inside those remotely controlled shuttles. That makes them the ultimate cruise missiles. This kind of system must not drop or separate the nuclear weapon before it launches the detonator.

The new AI, lasers, graphenes, and room-temperature superconductivity are the next-generation tools for quantum processing.

"A quantum scientist has developed a method to enhance quantum simulators, devices crucial for exploring unsolved problems in quantum physics. This advancement could significantly impact various fields, including finance, encryption, and data storage, by making quantum simulators more controllable and versatile. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, The Dual-Laser Revolution: A New Design for Quantum Computers)

The dual-laser system is the new tool for quantum computing. The quantum microchips can use laser rays for data transmission. In three-state qubits, there is one laser ray. That tells when the system is on. And two other laser rays that transmit states one and two. The calculation of the number of states begins from zero. 

Another way is to measure the state or energy level of the laser ray. And the other tells if the system is on. There could be an electric system that gives the quantum computer's AI-based operating system prediction if the system will turn off. And that helps the quantum computer predict that the system will shut down. 

"The fractional quantum Hall effect has generally been seen under very high magnetic fields, but MIT physicists have now observed it in simple graphene. In a five-layer graphene/hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) moire superlattice, electrons (blue ball) interact with each other strongly and behave as if they are broken into fractional charges. Credit: Sampson Wilcox, RLE" (ScitechDaily, Fractional Electrons: MIT’s New Graphene Breakthrough Is Shaping the Future of Quantum Computing)

In a binary system, the first laser sends bit one. And the second laser transmits zero bit. In quantum computers, the photons that transport information can be shot in the stable laser rays. 

The AI that can share data handling missions into pieces and the multiple workstations that can be supercomputers or some school's computers that networked into one entirety can help to solve the quantum mysteries. In those systems, every single workstation is one state of qubit. 

"An international research team has made a pivotal discovery in high-temperature superconductivity by quantifying the pseudogap pairing in fermionic lithium atoms. This discovery not only deepens our understanding of quantum superfluidity but also holds promise for enhancing global energy efficiency through advancements in computing, storage, and sensor technologies. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Breakthrough in High-Temperature Superconductivity)

The system works using TCP/IP protocol. That means the system can transmit the data as segmented rows. Every single data segment has a number. Then the system drives those data segments into a qubit. The remarkable thing is that the same data row model can turn into a DNA molecule. In that model, certain DNA sequences form a certain data segment. In some sources, those data segments are called data frames. But in this text, data frames are called data segments. 

So the TCP/IP protocol makes it possible to read chemical qubits. In that system, the data row is tuned into chemical form into the DNA. The system must just turn those base pairs into electric data. The system can use lasers, electron microscopes, laser spectrometers, and other kinds of tools. To decode information from the DNA into a form that the AI can understand it. 

"Illustration of a quantum simulator with atoms trapped into a square lattice with lasers. The small spheres at the corners are atoms in their lowest energy state. The ones inside a blue sphere are exited (higher in energy) by the first laser, the ones inside yellow spheres are excited by the second laser (even more higher in energy). Credit: TU Delft" (ScitechDaily, The Dual-Laser Revolution: A New Design for Quantum Computers)

Graphene can be the next-generation tool for quantum computers. In that system, the nanotubes can act as electron traps. In the most advanced version. There could be some atoms hovering in those nanotube pillars. Then laser ray can turn that atom's electron shells into a certain position. In some models, the most out electrons will turn against each other. And then the system will create superposition and entanglement between those most out electrons. 

Then laser rays will shoot to those electrons. That thing forms an electromagnetic shadow that can lock photons in a certain position. Then the system can make quantum entanglement between those photons. The simpler way is to create quantum entanglement and superpositions straight between those electrons. 

In some models, the Hall field can be used to connect the electrons. The field will act as the power field between superpositioned and entangled electrons. The laser rays can control that field. So that the system can used in solid-state quantum computers. The data can travel in the Hall field between superconducting wires. 

"Altermagnetism introduces a third magnetic phase, combining the non-magnetization of antiferromagnets with the strong spin-dependent phenomena of ferromagnets. Discovered through international collaboration, this new phase offers significant potential for spintronics, bridging previous gaps in magnetic material applications. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, New Fundamental Physics Uncovered – Experiments Prove the Existence of a New Type of Magnetism)

There is a breakthrough in room-temperature superconductivity. And the new type of magnetism is called " an altered magnetic phenomenon" or "altermagnetism". Can also offer a new way to make superconducting wires. It's possible. The "altermagnetic" field can altermagnetic material's atoms close together. And that thing removes the crossing hall field from those atoms. The remarkable thing about altermagnetism is that. There is no magnetic field outside that material. If atoms pulled close enough. That thing makes it possible. That the atom's cores and electron fields would be under the same quantum field. 

A portable or solid quantum computer system requires superconductivity. This means that the data must stay in the same form while it travels through the wire. In regular superconductors, the extremely low temperature turns atoms too close to each other. Then the system stabilizes those atoms and removes the Hall effect or potential barrier, (also known as the "potential wall or Hall field") out from between those atoms. That thing makes electricity travel without resistance. 

The crossing Hall field is the thing that destroys data. But if the Hall field is lengthwise or parallel to the conductor. That thing can close the magnetic field in and out from it. And in that case, the Hall field can protect the information that travels into wires. In this case, the internal magnetic field can pull those atoms close to each other. And that could remove the crossing Hall field.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Even the most creative AI requires humans.

The AI can make images from music and texts. It can create many things faster than humans. But the AI is not itself creative. It needs that text or music for the image. AI requires humans to make ideas for things that it creates. The AI has many abilities. But it requires special orders to make those things. 

AI is not an initiative. And that means. It cannot work as a compositor or some other creative worker. 

It's possible. That the AI can create something. Like poems or paintings of some topics. When AI makes that thing, it requires topics about what it should do. Without those orders or queries, the AI does nothing. 

Then it follows certain rules and connects texts from different sources. The problem with that model is that the system is powerful and effective. But it has no deep knowledge about things. 

This means the AI cannot realize things that it reads. It can collect data. But in those cases, the AI follows page rank. So the AI follows the URL. And maybe then it looks at the heading and then searches. If that thing matches with the query. Then it collects the texts using certain rules. 

The thing is that deep knowledge about the texts and their involvements requires that the AI can research every single word from the homepages. That requires a huge neural network with multiple connections. This is the reason why the AI gives false answers to some questions. The AI requires a very precise order with good grammar. 

If those orders are not good or they are not understandable. That thing means that the AI makes mistakes. When people create art with AI, they make that thing in stages. When the AI creates photos the user must give orders on how the AI can transform them. The AI is like the paintbrush. It's the tool that can follow orders and turn paintings into photorealistic. But it makes that only if the human gives order about that thing. 

The new DNA toolbox can make everything without CRISPR.

The new DNA toolbox uses bacteria to create and multiply the DNA for genome research and genetic engineering. Researchers can use artificial DNA to fix genetic errors and make new types of cells for things like energy production. The ability to interconnect DNA from different sources over species borders opens a world where only imagination is limited. 

The problem is that the DNA must be done in large numbers so that the system can make enough artificial cells for the DNA transplant. The DNA sequence must transfer into artificial DNA with a very high accuracy. Then that artificial DNA must be injected into the cell, where the original DNA is removed, because that cell must create the artificial DNA. 

The problem with the artificial DNA is how to multiply it. If that problem is solved, the system can create new artificial DNA and artificial species. The AI-based solutions can connect images from different species, and then the system can search the DNA sequences. They are similar to animals that have spots. 

The hypothesis goes like this. Similar genomes are controlling the spots of the leopard and butterflies. And if all animals that have spots have similar sequences in their DNA. That thing can offer a conclusion that similar DNA sequences control all spots in nature. The problem is how to find those sequences from the other DNA sequences. And the AI can answer. AI can make the system possible to find the point in the DNA that controls certain things. 

When the next generation of doctors gives DNA therapy they must just find the right DNA point.  Then doctors cut the DNA. Then the system connects the new sequence to that place.  The problem is that the DNA manipulation must done very accurately.  The DNA molecule is very long. And the system must find the precise in the right place. 

This kind of system can use the artificial DNA as the chemical qubit. The system will load data to the DNA. Then the system can read that DNA from multiple points. The system can be interesting, but maybe slower than the electric qubits. This kind of electrochemical quantum computer can be slow but it is less error-sensitive than the electromagnetic quantum computer. 

The thing, how the AI makes DNA analysis very effective is that the AI can multiply the DNA in PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) and deliver that multiplied DNA to the different analysis points. Then the AI can order those systems to begin the DNA analysis at different, individual points of the DNA. The AI acts like a virtual quantum computer. 

When the AI starts to read the DNA in multiple workstations. Each of those systems starts the process at different points. That increases the power of the system. If there are a thousand workstations. And they read the DNA chain in an identical sequence. That leaves 3000 000 base pairs for each workstation. The DNA that the system uses can be separated, but if those bites are identical. The system can use this method where each workstation begins at individual points to make the DNA analysis more powerful than we can ever imagine.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

The quantum computers are not ready yet.


"Researchers from São Paulo State University have developed a new method to quantify quantum entanglement, challenging traditional theories and potentially advancing quantum computing. This study emphasizes the importance of entanglement in enhancing processing power and offers insights into the limitations of classical computing, highlighting the rapid progress of quantum technology led by companies like Google and IBM". (ScitechDaily, Challenging Traditional Theories – Physicists Develop New Method To Quantify Quantum Entanglement)

Physicists develop new Method to quantify quantum entanglement. 

They just must put down the Hellman-Feynman theorem. "The study showed how the Hellmann-Feynman theorem breaks down under specific conditions. The theorem describes the dependence of the system’s own energy on a control parameter and is a key part of quantum mechanics used across disciplines from quantum chemistry to particle physics. (ScitechDaily, Challenging Traditional Theories – Physicists Develop New Method To Quantify Quantum Entanglement)

“Simply put, we propose a quantum analog of the Grüneisen parameter widely used in thermodynamics to explore finite temperature and quantum critical points. In our proposal, the quantum Grüneisen parameter quantifies entanglement, or von Neumann entropy, in relation to a control parameter, which may be a magnetic field or a certain level of pressure, for example,” ”(ScitechDaily, Challenging Traditional Theories – Physicists Develop New Method To Quantify Quantum Entanglement)

Valdeci Mariano de Souza, last author of the article and a professor at IGCE-UNESP, told Agência FAPESP. “Using our proposal, we demonstrate that entanglement will be maximized in the vicinity of quantum critical points and that the Hellmann-Feynman theorem breaks down at a critical point. (ScitechDaily, Challenging Traditional Theories – Physicists Develop New Method To Quantify Quantum Entanglement)

The problem with quantum computers and quantum entanglement is that the entropy level rises in the system. The reason for that is the "non-targeted" or non-controlled energy. That thing is seen in all different size quantum systems from the simplest quantum entanglements to the extremely complex quantum entreties. The problem with entropy is that increases the non-controlled effects in the system. In the smallest and simplest quantum system, it transports energy between the energy bridges in quantum entanglement. 

While researchers make things like error detection for quantum computers, they are in trouble. That system is 47 years faster than any other computer. A quantum computer calculates in seconds calculations, which takes 47 years using regular computers. And that thing makes it problematic to detect errors in the quantum system. The quantum computer is more sensitive to outside effects like fast radio bursts than regular computers. And that limits its use. 

The problem with error detection is that the only system that can produce information with the same power as the quantum computer is another quantum computer. The receiving system can send a copy of the received qubit back to the transmitting system. 

Then the transmitting system can check the information that travels back into the quantum computer. To make sure that the receiver gets is identical to the data units the transmitting system sends. 

This is a quantum version of the TCP/IP protocol. But how to make sure that information that travels back is identic with the transmitted information? And how to send information that passes the receiver system In the case that there are corrupted qubits in the system. Theoretically thinking the system should transport information faster than it sends it. And that seems impossible. 

The system can send qubits back through the nanotube or electromagnetic wormhole. The main thing in those systems is that they should remove the potential barriers from the qubit's route. The potential barriers or Hall effect is the thing that destroys the information on the qubit. 

"Theoretical physicists have found a way to potentially enhance quantum computer chips’ memory capabilities by ensuring information remains organized, similar to perpetually swirling coffee creamer, defying traditional physics’ expectations". (ScitechDaily, Quantum Breakthrough: New Method Preserves Information Against All Odds)

The ability to store information in the particles is the thing that can be the most remarkable in quantum computing. The system can shoot this particle through the line there are no potential barriers that can disturb superpositions and destroy information. 

The quantum computers are not ready yet. 

The problem with quantum computers is that cosmic rays like FRBs and even gravitational radiation can disturb qubits. One of the solutions to that problem is to follow cosmic radiation and XRBs, GRBs, and FRBs. If there is some kind of extraordinary activity that can make a situation, where all quantum computers must retake their actions. 

In some models, quantum entanglements store their data in the electrons and photons always in certain periods. Those quantum memory storages can offer the possibility to compare data. And if there are errors. That thing can seen in differences in stored data. 

There is a possibility that quantum computers make the ring, where their data travels in waves. That allows the system to compare data that travels in the quantum system. The FRBs and other high-energy phenomena are not very long-lasting. And that means that if another quantum computer follows the first machine, that thing allows it to pass the fast energy pulse. 

If there is a difference that means there could be errors in qubits. The quantum entanglement can also used for making the new types of quantum sensors that detect differences in energy levels of the qubit. Quantum data storage makes it possible. That system can store data in quantum form. And then those things can put in superposition and entanglement.

The robot water striders are the fastest and smallest miniature robots.

"Researchers at Washington State University have developed the smallest and fastest micro-robots, potentially transforming fields from artificial pollination to surgery. Utilizing shape memory alloys for movement, these robots—significantly lighter and quicker than previous models—aspire to achieve greater autonomy and efficiency by mimicking natural insect behavior. Credit: WSU Photo Services." (ScitechDaily, Scientists Have Created the World’s Smallest, Lightest, and Fastest Fully Functional Micro-Robots)

The new miniature robots can walk on the water. Their structure is a straight copy of the water striders. The small bugs that can walk or slide on the water. On the water strider's feet is small hair and their weight is divided on the layer so that it will not fall through the surface membrane. 

This system, that the Washington State University created uses small rows to move the robot. So the robot stands on water. And the rows move it. Another way is to use small-size paddle wheels that can make those robots even faster. In some visions on those robot's feet small cylinders can rotate and push the robot forward. 

The more advanced system can use the small nano-hair that makes it hover above the water layer. And some models can have nano-size paddle wheels where those small nano-hairs can be in rotating platforms. Those rotating paddle wheels can give those robots more speed than any natural water strider can get. 

The smallest and fastest miniature robots in the world are the next-generation tools for scientific and military applications. This type of miniature robot can sniff chemicals, observe their environment, and search for new species. In the same way, those systems can operate in civil rescue and military intelligence missions. 

The bug-size robots are possible because they can harvest energy from radio waves. However, there is the possibility. Some next-generation robots use biological power units like living cells that can create energy for the system. The new types of microchips can use living neurons to boost their abilities. 

And those systems can be the tools that give small robots to very high autonomy. The tiny robots that use biological electric delivery systems and biological microchips can eat similar nutrients to vegetables and humans. So those systems can be the next-generation invisible tools for many missions. 

"Researchers at the University of Cordoba, in collaboration with other institutions, have developed a new type of battery using hemoglobin as a catalyst in zinc-air batteries. This biocompatible battery can function for up to 30 days and offers several advantages, such as sustainability and suitability for use in human body devices. Despite its non-rechargeable nature, this innovation marks a significant step towards environmentally friendly battery alternatives, addressing the limitations of current lithium-ion batteries. (Artist’s Concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, The Future of Sustainable Energy? Scientists Create First-Ever Battery Using Hemoglobin)

The "robot mosquito". The hemoglobin batteries. 

Things like hemoglobin batteries are exciting systems. The system can use living cells to make hemoglobin for those batteries. The hemoglobin battery base is similar to all other batteries. Electrons travel from hemoglobin iron to the more noble metal. The thing with that battery is that it must replace used hemoglobin. And one thing that can make this thing is biotechnology where the bone marrow makes new red blood cells to those batteries. 

And finally, the internal cell cultures in larger-size robots can produce methane that the system can use in its fuel cells. The system can use any type of organic material that is closed in an anaerobic chamber. Then that methane can be driven to the fuel cells. Or there is a possibility that the system uses electric eel cells for making high-voltage power. As I wrote many times before the new biological systems can connected into parallel and serial connections. And they might be less powerful than isotope batteries. But those biological systems do not involve radioactive material that can be dangerous in the wrong hands.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

The new bendable sensor is like straight from the SciFi movies.

"Researchers at Osaka University have developed a groundbreaking flexible optical sensor that works even when crumpled. Using carbon nanotube photodetectors and wireless Bluetooth technology, this sensor enables non-invasive analysis and holds promise for advancements in imaging, wearable technology, and soft robotics. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, From Sci-Fi to Reality: Scientists Develop Unbreakable, Bendable Optical Sensor)

The new sensor is like the net eye of bugs. But it's more accurate than any natural net eye. The system is based on flexible polymer film and nanotubes. The nanotubes let light travel through it. And then the film at the bottom of those tubes transforms that light into the image. This ultra-accurate CCD camera can see ultimate details in advanced materials. The new system can see the smallest deviation in the materials. 

And that thing makes it possible to improve safety on those layers. The ability to see ultra-small differences on surfaces is the thing that allows the systems that make things like nano-size machine parts and microchips. When robot systems make something. They must see what happens under their manipulators. 

The ability to use optical imaging is a fundamental tool in many technologies. The problem with things like scanning tunneling microscopes and lasers is that they can destroy the cells. The ability to use white light and optical sensors makes those systems less high energy. 

"Detection and imaging of light, heat, and molecules using sheet-type optical sensors. Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), Reprinted with permission from Advanced Materials. Credit: 2024 Araki et al., Ultraflexible Wireless Imager Integrated with Organic Circuits for Broadband Infrared Thermal Analysis, Advanced Materials". (ScitechDaily, From Sci-Fi to Reality: Scientists Develop Unbreakable, Bendable Optical Sensor)

"Sheet-type optical sensor integrated with a carbon nanotube photodetector and an organic transistor. Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), Reprinted with permission from Advanced Materials. Credit: 2024 Araki et al., Ultraflexible Wireless Imager Integrated with Organic Circuits for Broadband Infrared Thermal Analysis, Advanced Materials" (ScitechDaily, From Sci-Fi to Reality: Scientists Develop Unbreakable, Bendable Optical Sensor)

This new camera may have multiple nanotubes. And there can be things like ultra-fast camera shutters in those nanotubes. The easiest way is to cut those nanotubes, and then the rotating disk with a hole rotates through that hole. 

Another way is to use coin-looking shutters. Those shutters can be in individual nanotubes. And they can rotate vertically in the tube. That makes this system possible to create rapid images. Those systems can observe living cells with ultimate accuracy. This system can work along with attosecond lasers. 

Attosecond lasers are the fastest optical systems in the world. The laser impulse lasts only an attosecond. The system is like a regular laser scanner or lidar. But its impulse is extremely short. That makes it possible to use attosecond lasers as laser scanners that see electron movements in water. 

It's possible. That attosecond lasers can act as ultra-fast stroboscopes that give optical microscopes the ability to see things that they don't see otherwise. Those systems can operate separately, but computers can connect their data.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

The new green energy solutions.

Above: The small modular nuclear reactors offer networked energy solutions for large areas. They can offer power supply for ships, trains, aircraft, and other vehicles. In the military world, the small modular nuclear reactors guarantee the power supply for the new directed energy weapons (DEW). Those modular nuclear reactors can also connect as parallel and serial connections. So they can deliver as much energy as large nuclear reactors. 

Photosynthetic bacteria can also used to create power for electricity. 

The traditional method to use bacteria as an energy source is to use them to make methane. Engineers will put that bacteria in the reaction chamber. The bacteria form the methane in anaerobic conditions. And then. The system can transport that gas to fuel cells or turbines. The problem is that carbon must removed from methane. 

The photosynthetic bacteria send their bioluminescence light to solar panels, and they can create biologically created electricity. Genetic engineering makes it possible to create luminance bacteria that can create quite bright light. In those systems, the bacteria cultures are covered using solar panels or photovoltaic cells. 

There is also the possibility of making genetically engineered bacteria. They are connected with electric eel's genomes, and those bacteria can create very high-power electricity. The biological batteries can connected into parallel or serial connections. 


Above: Those bacteria could also create electricity for that network. That requires genetic engineering. But the solution could be a good tool for emission-free energy systems.


One of the problems with green energy is that the single systems cannot create enough power. There are needed hybrid systems. That can deliver energy in calm weather and cloudy days. And at night time. One company in the USA introduced an idea about a hybrid power plant with a miniature nuclear reactor and solar panels. The hybrid system can also use all types of green energy sources like geothermal heat, solar panels, wind power, or water and wave plants. In those solutions, miniature nuclear reactors can used in situations. There the green energy power is not enough to replace electricity use. 

Green energy can also used in reactor's backup systems. The miniature nuclear reactors are interesting because they offer non-centralized solutions for energy production. In crisis, non-centralized, network-based power supply is harder to destroy than centralized solutions. 

Dumping money into one solution is not good. The mountain areas are suitable for hybrid solutions, where wind energy and solar power are combined. In some visions, the water tubes that transport water can also be equipped with small rotors that can recycle part of energy. 

The solution is to use all kinds of clean energy sources. Miniature nuclear systems are the things that can create electricity for villages, ships, trains, and aircraft. The hybrid system is connected an solar power with miniature nuclear reactors that can used in space systems. The solar wings or long solar panels can offer a platform for the reactor's cooling systems. The nuclear reactor can offer energy when that system requires high-power energy systems. And that system can used in killer satellites. There is suspicion that Russians plan the nuclear-powered space system that can destroy other satellites using EMP impulses. 

The next-generation LNG can create hydrogen, oxygen, and chlorine with sodium while they travel through the sea. 

One of the solutions that might interest is the rotor sails or Fletner rotors. Airbus plans to create rotor ships that use this type of rotor to create electric power. The Flettner rotors can transport their electricity straight to the engines. Or they can release the energy into the electrolytic chambers. In that system, the Flettner rotors create electricity that breaks water molecules. 

The fact is that. In some futuristic models, the Flettner rotors or some other rotors can be in underwater positions. If there are rotors in the ocean floor those systems can create hydrogen oxygen, chlorine, and sodium from the seawater. In that model, those rotors can be similar to wind generators. In that case, those rotors can benefit ocean currents and underwater flow for making green energy. 

Then the system transports hydrogen into the turbines. And fuel cells or they can transport that gas to the customers to the ground. In some theoretical innovations, the Flettner ships can travel through the ocean and fill their tanks with hydrogen, oxygen chlorine, and sodium. Then at the harbor, those ships can deliver those materials to the customers. The electrolytic systems can also separate lithium from seawater. 

The Flettner rotors can also operate on fixed platforms. In those systems, the Flettner rotors create electricity that creates hydrogen and oxygen in gas pipes. If those Flettner platforms turn into reality, they can create hydrogen on the same scale as natural gas produced from offshore oil rigs.

Monday, February 19, 2024

Researchers should update their quantum models very fast.

    Researchers should update their quantum models very fast. 

Brookhaven and Fermilab Muon G-2 experiments are a thing. That can be the next step in dark matter research. The thing is that the reason for the Muon G-2 anomaly is a mystery. All that we know is that something changed the muon's trajectory. 

And we know that something affected that lepton particle. Muon is almost similar to electrons, but its energy state is much higher. 

The thing in the Muon G-2 anomaly is that this phenomenon is visible only at a certain energy level. If a particle's speed and energy levels are too high. That anomaly is invisible. The unknown force that affects muon's trajectory is like water flow. That comes from the tube. Then the muon is like a bullet. If the bullet's speed is too high water cannot affect its trajectory. 

The Muon G-2 anomaly is one of the things that causes the need to rethink the standard model. The thing that makes this anomaly interesting is, that could it also affect other fermions or leptons. The side of the incoming effect is unknown. 

Quasar with its relativistic jet. 

There are many theories about that anomaly. There is suspicion that some kind of gravitational lens or maybe impact with some kind of superstring causes that wobbling effect in Fermilab and Brookhaven. 

It's possible. That so-called gravitational lenses, or some kind of energy channels can form a galaxy that seems too light. 

Another thing is the missing dark matter in some galaxies. The ratio between dark and visible matter is 5:1. So some galaxies seem to be too light that they can form. There is the possibility that some kind of case causes some kind of electromagnetic low pressure or situation in which energy and material start to flow at the point, where a galaxy is forming. 

One thing that can cause the formation of the galaxy is the gravitational lens. The gravitational lens can form a black hole or a supermassive black hole. Then galaxy starts to form around the supermassive object. In some models, the supermassive black holes can pull lots of dark matter in them. And if there is some kind of dark energy burst. That dark energy can drive dark matter into one position. 

The gravitational interaction between dark matter and visible matter means that black holes can sweep all dark matter from some area. In one variant of that model. large black hole groups start to impact each other. When black holes start to travel to each other, they can sweep almost all dark matter from around them. In those models, there was dark matter when those lightweight galaxies started to form, but then the black holes pulled that dark matter in them. 

The thing in the muon G-2 anomaly is that this phenomenon is visible only at a certain energy level. If a particle's speed and energy levels are too high. That anomaly is invisible. The unknown force that affects muon's trajectory is like water flow. That comes from the tube. Then the muon is like a bullet. If the bullet's speed is too high water cannot affect its trajectory. 

The muon G-2 anomaly is one of the things that causes the need to rethink the standard model. The thing that makes this anomaly interesting is, that could it also affect other fermions or leptons. The side of the incoming effect is unknown. 

There are many theories about that anomaly. There is suspicion that some kind of gravitational lens or maybe impact with some kind of superstring causes that wobbling effect in Fermilab and Brookhaven. 

It's possible. That so-called gravitational lenses, or some kind of energy channels can form a galaxy that seems too light. 

Another thing is the missing dark matter in some galaxies. The ratio between dark and visible matter is 5:1. So some galaxies seem to be too light that they can form. There is the possibility that some kind of case causes some kind of electromagnetic low pressure or situation in which energy and material start to flow at the point, where a galaxy is forming. 

One thing that can cause the formation of the galaxy is the gravitational lens. The gravitational lens can form a black hole or a supermassive black hole. Then galaxy starts to form around the supermassive object. In some models, the supermassive black holes can pull lots of dark matter in them. And if there is some kind of dark energy burst. That dark energy can drive dark matter into one position. 

The gravitational interaction between dark matter and visible matter means that black holes can sweep all dark matter from some area. In one variant of that model. large black hole groups start to impact each other. When black holes start to travel to each other, they can sweep almost all dark matter from around them. In those models, there was dark matter when those lightweight galaxies started to form, but then the black holes pulled that dark matter in them. 

The last, and the most exciting model of lightweight galaxy formation is the wormhole. If a wormhole travels through a material cloud, it starts to act like a cosmic thermal pump. The cosmic web is one version of that kind of material flow, but does that gigantic structure involve the wormhole, the mythic energy channel through time and space? 

The idea of the wormhole is that. It's so tight hollow energy tornado. That denies the Hall effect in it. The Hall effect is the standing wave or crossing magnetic field that forms a potential wall in the wires. If the electromagnetic tornado or its shell is not tight enough those potential walls or Hall effects fields pull energy away from the object that is at the higher energy level. 

In a wormhole, the object rides with an energy wave. If the wormhole's shell is not tight enough, the wormhole is not working. The energy will travel out from that wormhole if its shell cannot close the energy channel tight enough. The wormhole works only if it can close its inner space perfectly. Another thing that a wormhole must do is to deny the effect of the standing wave in the middle of it. 

"While the web of dark matter (purple, left) might seem to determine cosmic structure formation on its own, the feedback from normal matter (red, at right) can severely impact the formation of structure on galactic and smaller scales. Both dark matter and normal matter, in the right ratios, are required to explain the Universe as we observe it. Structure formation is hierarchical within the Universe, with small star clusters forming first, early protogalaxies and galaxies forming next, followed by galaxy groups and clusters, and lastly by the large-scale cosmic web." (Big Think, How to make galaxies with the wrong amount of dark matter)

"The X-ray (pink) and overall matter (blue) maps of various colliding galaxy clusters show a clear separation between normal matter and gravitational effects, some of the strongest evidence for dark matter. The X-rays come in two varieties, soft (lower-energy) and hard (higher-energy), where galaxy collisions can create temperatures ranging from several hundreds of thousands of degrees up to ~100 million K. Meanwhile, the fact that the gravitational effects (in blue) are displaced from the location of the mass from the normal matter (pink) shows that dark matter must be present. Without dark matter, these observations (along with many others) cannot be sufficiently explained." (Big Think, How to make galaxies with the wrong amount of dark matter)

In wormhole theories, the energy level difference between begin and end of the wormhole pulls an object out from that cosmic channel. Things like the cosmic web and some quasar's black hole's relativistic jets are sometimes interpreted as evidence of those mythic energy channels. The thing that makes quasar's material jets linked to the wormhole theory is that those relativistic jets are one-sided. 

That tells that something transports material and energy in one direction. Regular black holes and supermassive black holes send relativistic jets in two directions. Some quasars have only one relativistic jet. And that thing can be evidence about the wormholes.

The last, and the most exciting model of lightweight galaxy formation is the wormhole. If a wormhole travels through a material cloud, it starts to act like a cosmic thermal pump. The cosmic web is one version of that kind of material flow, but does that gigantic structure involve the wormhole, the mythic energy channel through time and space? 

The idea of the wormhole is that. It's so tight hollow energy tornado. That denies the Hall effect in it. The Hall effect is the standing wave or crossing magnetic field that forms a potential wall in the wires. If the electromagnetic tornado or its shell is not tight enough those potential walls or Hall effects fields pull energy away from the object that is at the higher energy level. 

In a wormhole, the object rides with an energy wave. If the wormhole's shell is not tight enough, the wormhole is not working. The energy will travel out from that wormhole if its shell cannot close the energy channel tight enough. The wormhole works only if it can close its inner space perfectly. Another thing that a wormhole must do is to deny the effect of the standing wave in the middle of it. 

In wormhole theories, the energy level difference between begin and end of the wormhole pulls an object out from that cosmic channel. Things like the cosmic web and some quasar's black hole's relativistic jets are sometimes interpreted as evidence of those mythic energy channels. The thing that makes quasar's material jets linked to the wormhole theory is that those relativistic jets are one-sided. 

It's possible. That in some cases the asymmetry in quasar's jets is only virtual. That means the brighness of the quasar can cover the other side of the jet. 

That tells that something transports material and energy in one direction. Regular black holes and supermassive black holes send relativistic jets in two directions. Some quasars have only one relativistic jet. And that thing can be evidence about the wormholes.

The phospholipid called diPUFA can used as a new type of cytostate.

"Illustration of a diPUFA phospholipid, a type of lipid with two polyunsaturated fatty acyl tails, breaking through a cell’s outer lipid layer as the cell dies. New research has shown that diPUFA phospholipids are a key driver of a form of cell death known as ferroptosis. Credit: Nicoletta Barolini/Columbia University" (ScitechDaily, Fatal Fats: Columbia Researchers Discover Rare Lipids Triggering Cell Death)

The new observations about lipids help to understand cell death. The lipid molecule. Or accurately saying phospholipid molecule called diPUFA can cause cell death called ferroptosis. The molecule will break itself through the cell's lipid layer. And then that thing causes cell death. 

The phospholipid is the molecule that can tunnel itself through the cell's shell, and that thing causes cell death. The diPUFA is a phospholipid, a type of lipid with two polyunsaturated fatty acyl tails. That molecule cuts the molecular bonds between cell lipids. And that thing causes cell death. 

Phospholipid arrangement in cell membranes. (Wikipedia, Phospholipid) 

As you see in image 2 the phospholipid has a hydrogen-phosphorus or hydrophilic head that makes this molecule tunnel itself through the cell membrane. Then that thing turns upside down, and then the tails turn to the mitochondria that will destroyed. 

"Phosphatidylcholine is the major component of lecithin. It is also a source for choline in the synthesis of acetylcholine in cholinergic neurons". (Wikipedia, Phospholipid)

An interesting thing about this chemical compound is that this lipide acts a little bit like nerve agents or nerve gases. In organophosphates the phosphorous causes tunneling through the skin. And that thing makes nerve gasses so deadly. The research of the lipid molecules. And especially phospholipids can also help to create protective systems and chemicals against nerve agents. 

But as you see. The phospholipids can be as deadly as ricin. The phospholipid can cause gangrenes in the human body. And those things cause death. The thing is that in the wrong hands, those phospholipids can be used as horrifying weapons. 

This diPUFA can used as the medicine that should destroy the cancer or bacteremia cells. The idea is that some carrier enzyme can transport diPUFA into the non-wanted cells. The diPUFA can be the next-generation cytostate. But that thing is also harmful. And all things there this type of molecule can use are not good.

What makes a black hole's gravity field so strong?

Above: A gravitational lens is a situation where the gravity field changes the direction of light.  Black holes spin very fast. That spin co...