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Showing posts from February, 2024

The AI will not replace air traffic controllers yet.

  The AI will not replace air traffic controllers yet.  AI can make many things, but that thing is that tool is just a tool. The AI will not replace air traffic controllers yet, but there is a possibility. That it can make it somewhere in the future. When AI makes mistakes like producing images of black nazi soldiers, we can see that also AI makes mistakes. Or actually, humans make mistakes. When we try to calculate the point where we are in seven steps on AI, we are just in level three. And the problem is that the AI learns things differently than humans.  The AI has no imagination. It cannot act in situations where it is not programmed. The learning AI uses descriptions as keyholes. And data that comes from the sensor is the key that activates action. The problem is how the AI selects data that it stores in a database. In this case, the human or operator/programmer selects the data. That is stored in databases. The AI can record information that it makes during its mission. Then oper

The white dwarf with a metal scar is one thing that has never been seen before.

"This artist’s impression shows the magnetic white dwarf WD 0816-310, where astronomers have found a scar imprinted on its surface as a result of having ingested planetary debris. When objects like planets or asteroids approach the white dwarf they get disrupted, forming a debris disc around the dead star. Some of this material can be devoured by the dwarf, leaving traces of certain chemical elements on its surface". (ScitechDaily, Cannibal Star Discovered With Metal Scar – “Nothing Like This Has Been Seen Before”) "Using ESO’s Very Large Telescope, astronomers found that the signature of these chemical elements changed periodically as the star rotated, as did the magnetic field. This indicates that the magnetic fields funneled these elements onto the star, concentrating them at the magnetic poles and forming the scar seen here. Credit: ESO/L. Calçada" (ScitechDaily, Cannibal Star Discovered With Metal Scar – “Nothing Like This Has Been Seen Before”) The white dwarf

Nanoprinters revolutionize material research.

"Georgia Tech researchers have innovated a cost-effective and rapid method for printing nano-sized metal structures, using light-based technology that could revolutionize nanoscale 3D printing. (Art concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Light-Speed Leap in Nano Printing: Faster, Cheaper Metal Structures) The difference between the nanostructures and regular structures is that the nanostructures and nanomaterials are created atom by atom. If we think about the titanium bricks that the next text handles the nano-version is similar. Only the size of the objects that create the structure is different. The nano-size structures are like atom chains. They can raise the strength of the material to a very high level.  The nanotubes can involve other materials than carbon. The ion systems can make it possible to put some other atoms and molecules between graphene nanotubes. Those other atoms are making that structure stronger. Because they allow carbon atoms can load energ

The "second sound" is seen in 2D superfluid.

"For the first time, MIT physicists have captured direct images of “second sound,” the movement of heat sloshing back and forth within a superfluid. The results will expand scientists’ understanding of heat flow in superconductors and neutron stars. Credit: Jose-Luis Olivares, MIT"  (ScitechDaily, Superfluid Surprise: MIT Physicists Capture Images of “Second Sound” for the First Time) That second sound is also one of the reasons why electricity cannot travel in the system forever. Crossing waves decrease each other's energy level. And the second reason is that in waving material. Atoms are not in line. When waves travel in that material some part of the waves or energy travels over another atom or particle. That means there is a power loss in that system because energy travels for magpies. For traveling forever the system requires the ability to transport 100 % of wave movement from transmitting to receiving particles.  In electric wires some part of heat forms in the cas

The Odysseus lander made a safe landing on the Moon.

Odysseus is the first U.S. lander on the Moon in 50 years. The lander is made by private industry. And that makes it more interesting. The builder of that craft is the Intuitive Machines. The purpose of that mission is to act as a pathfinder for the moon missions. The thing is that companies like Space X and other similar actors, including Intuitive Machines, plan to send people to the Moon. And then make commercial operations on Earth's satellites.  The Moon could be an excellent place to make things like Helium 3 and antimatter. The Moon observatories that are equipped with lasers can search things like asteroids with noble, and strategic metals. Those systems can use laser spectroscopes to the asteroid's material into vapor. Then the spectroscope sees what kind of elements that material involves. That data can be used to make plans for the targets of the next targets for manned and unmanned missions.  The private industry has a big role in the next-generation space projects.

The new AI, lasers, graphenes, and room-temperature superconductivity are the next-generation tools for quantum processing.

"A quantum scientist has developed a method to enhance quantum simulators, devices crucial for exploring unsolved problems in quantum physics. This advancement could significantly impact various fields, including finance, encryption, and data storage, by making quantum simulators more controllable and versatile. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, The Dual-Laser Revolution: A New Design for Quantum Computers) The dual-laser system is the new tool for quantum computing. The quantum microchips can use laser rays for data transmission. In three-state qubits, there is one laser ray. That tells when the system is on. And two other laser rays that transmit states one and two. The calculation of the number of states begins from zero.  Another way is to measure the state or energy level of the laser ray. And the other tells if the system is on. There could be an electric system that gives the quantum computer's AI-based operating system prediction if the system will turn off

Even the most creative AI requires humans.

The AI can make images from music and texts. It can create many things faster than humans. But the AI is not itself creative. It needs that text or music for the image. AI requires humans to make ideas for things that it creates. The AI has many abilities. But it requires special orders to make those things.  AI is not an initiative. And that means. It cannot work as a compositor or some other creative worker.  It's possible. That the AI can create something. Like poems or paintings of some topics. When AI makes that thing, it requires topics about what it should do. Without those orders or queries, the AI does nothing.  Then it follows certain rules and connects texts from different sources. The problem with that model is that the system is powerful and effective. But it has no deep knowledge about things.  This means the AI cannot realize things that it reads. It can collect data. But in those cases, the AI follows page rank. So the AI follows the URL. And maybe then it looks at

The new DNA toolbox can make everything without CRISPR.

The new DNA toolbox uses bacteria to create and multiply the DNA for genome research and genetic engineering. Researchers can use artificial DNA to fix genetic errors and make new types of cells for things like energy production. The ability to interconnect DNA from different sources over species borders opens a world where only imagination is limited.  The problem is that the DNA must be done in large numbers so that the system can make enough artificial cells for the DNA transplant. The DNA sequence must transfer into artificial DNA with a very high accuracy. Then that artificial DNA must be injected into the cell, where the original DNA is removed, because that cell must create the artificial DNA.  The problem with the artificial DNA is how to multiply it. If that problem is solved, the system can create new artificial DNA and artificial species. The AI-based solutions can connect images from different species, and then the system can search the DNA sequences. They are similar to an

The quantum computers are not ready yet.

  "Researchers from São Paulo State University have developed a new method to quantify quantum entanglement, challenging traditional theories and potentially advancing quantum computing. This study emphasizes the importance of entanglement in enhancing processing power and offers insights into the limitations of classical computing, highlighting the rapid progress of quantum technology led by companies like Google and IBM". (ScitechDaily, Challenging Traditional Theories – Physicists Develop New Method To Quantify Quantum Entanglement) Physicists develop new Method to quantify quantum entanglement.  They just must put down the Hellman-Feynman theorem. "The study showed how the Hellmann-Feynman theorem breaks down under specific conditions. The theorem describes the dependence of the system’s own energy on a control parameter and is a key part of quantum mechanics used across disciplines from quantum chemistry to particle physics. (ScitechDaily, Challenging Traditional Th

The robot water striders are the fastest and smallest miniature robots.

"Researchers at Washington State University have developed the smallest and fastest micro-robots, potentially transforming fields from artificial pollination to surgery. Utilizing shape memory alloys for movement, these robots—significantly lighter and quicker than previous models—aspire to achieve greater autonomy and efficiency by mimicking natural insect behavior. Credit: WSU Photo Services." (ScitechDaily, Scientists Have Created the World’s Smallest, Lightest, and Fastest Fully Functional Micro-Robots) The new miniature robots can walk on the water. Their structure is a straight copy of the water striders. The small bugs that can walk or slide on the water. On the water strider's feet is small hair and their weight is divided on the layer so that it will not fall through the surface membrane.  This system, that the Washington State University created uses small rows to move the robot. So the robot stands on water. And the rows move it. Another way is to use small-siz

The new bendable sensor is like straight from the SciFi movies.

"Researchers at Osaka University have developed a groundbreaking flexible optical sensor that works even when crumpled. Using carbon nanotube photodetectors and wireless Bluetooth technology, this sensor enables non-invasive analysis and holds promise for advancements in imaging, wearable technology, and soft robotics. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, From Sci-Fi to Reality: Scientists Develop Unbreakable, Bendable Optical Sensor) The new sensor is like the net eye of bugs. But it's more accurate than any natural net eye. The system is based on flexible polymer film and nanotubes. The nanotubes let light travel through it. And then the film at the bottom of those tubes transforms that light into the image. This ultra-accurate CCD camera can see ultimate details in advanced materials. The new system can see the smallest deviation in the materials.  And that thing makes it possible to improve safety on those layers. The ability to see ultra-small differences on surf

The new green energy solutions.

Above: The small modular nuclear reactors offer networked energy solutions for large areas. They can offer power supply for ships, trains, aircraft, and other vehicles. In the military world, the small modular nuclear reactors guarantee the power supply for the new directed energy weapons (DEW). Those modular nuclear reactors can also connect as parallel and serial connections. So they can deliver as much energy as large nuclear reactors.  Photosynthetic bacteria can also used to create power for electricity.  The traditional method to use bacteria as an energy source is to use them to make methane. Engineers will put that bacteria in the reaction chamber. The bacteria form the methane in anaerobic conditions. And then. The system can transport that gas to fuel cells or turbines. The problem is that carbon must removed from methane.  The photosynthetic bacteria send their bioluminescence light to solar panels, and they can create biologically created electricity. Genetic engineering ma

Researchers should update their quantum models very fast.

    Researchers should update their quantum models very fast.  Brookhaven and Fermilab Muon G-2 experiments are a thing. That can be the next step in dark matter research. The thing is that the reason for the Muon G-2 anomaly is a mystery. All that we know is that something changed the muon's trajectory.  And we know that something affected that lepton particle. Muon is almost similar to electrons, but its energy state is much higher.  The thing in the Muon G-2 anomaly is that this phenomenon is visible only at a certain energy level. If a particle's speed and energy levels are too high. That anomaly is invisible. The unknown force that affects muon's trajectory is like water flow. That comes from the tube. Then the muon is like a bullet. If the bullet's speed is too high water cannot affect its trajectory.  The Muon G-2 anomaly is one of the things that causes the need to rethink the standard model. The thing that makes this anomaly interesting is, that could it also a

The phospholipid called diPUFA can used as a new type of cytostate.

"Illustration of a diPUFA phospholipid, a type of lipid with two polyunsaturated fatty acyl tails, breaking through a cell’s outer lipid layer as the cell dies. New research has shown that diPUFA phospholipids are a key driver of a form of cell death known as ferroptosis. Credit: Nicoletta Barolini/Columbia University" (ScitechDaily, Fatal Fats: Columbia Researchers Discover Rare Lipids Triggering Cell Death) The new observations about lipids help to understand cell death. The lipid molecule. Or accurately saying phospholipid molecule called diPUFA can cause cell death called ferroptosis. The molecule will break itself through the cell's lipid layer. And then that thing causes cell death.  The phospholipid is the molecule that can tunnel itself through the cell's shell, and that thing causes cell death. The diPUFA is a phospholipid, a type of lipid with two polyunsaturated fatty acyl tails. That molecule cuts the molecular bonds between cell lipids. And that thing cau