Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Tachyons, theoretical faster-than-light particles, change everything that we know about physics.

"Research on tachyons, particles theorized to move faster than light, has progressed significantly, revealing that prior inconsistencies within quantum mechanics stemmed from inadequate boundary conditions. A new framework, considering both past and future states, not only resolves these issues but suggests a novel type of quantum entanglement and positions tachyons as central to the formation of matter via Higgs field excitations. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, 

The particle can move faster as long as energy travels in it. We know that when a particle closes the speed of light, it turns shorter. Then quantum field jumps out from the particle. And energy starts to travel out from it. Theoretical tachyon particles can travel faster than light, but the particle must have a shape, that allows that energy to continue to travel into the particle, even if it travels faster than photons. 

The energy bag in Tachyon could aim energy into its shell. The Tachyon can harness that energy from the Higgs field. When the Higgs field presses itself into the particle. That forms a situation where energy travels into the particle in a larger area than the particle releases it. The inner energy field presses against the outer energy field. That thing denies the effect that destroys particles. 

So could the reason why Tachyon could do that thing? Travel faster than the speed of the light.  In theoretical WARP drive the craft explodes antimatter in it. When it reaches the speed of light. That incoming energy would compensate for the energy that travels out from the craft's shell. The incoming energy should raise the craft's energy level so high, that it can transport craft faster-than-light speed. 

The complex internal structure in the Tachyon can compensate for the energy loss at the point of the speed of light. When that internal structure transports energy to the particle's shell its energy level can start to rise even if it reaches the speed of light. 

When the speed of a particle rises there forms a so-called nose or energy hill at the front of the particle. That conducts the quantum field past the particle, and it causes energy loss in the critical moment. The nose makes a quantum field acting like a sonic boom or sonic pressure wave around the aircraft. It pulls the energy wave out from the particle's shell. 

If two particles impact near the speed of light that can cause energy to rise so high, that it matches the speed that is higher than the speed of light. 

The energy hill, that is at the energy pothole can make the energy travel to the Tachyon. In some models, the energy hill (the nose) at the front of the tachyon can separate from it. That thing can form a small particle that travels at the front of the particle. The particles travel in lines, and then the electromagnetic, or, quantum shadow behind the first particle will make the other particle travel faster behind it. 

Maybe there is the energy hill in the tachyon. The hill can form when the energy jumps away from the front of the particle. That electromagnetic vacuum pulls the back of the tachyon forward. And that thing forms the nose of the particle. If impacting energy from the front of the particle has the right energy level, that nose conducts energy to the particle. That energy hill makes the Tachyon look a little bit like a jet engine. 

Then the first particle will transfer energy to the following particle's shell. Or it can slow its speed, and then the following particle impacts the leading particle. And that causes necessary energy impulses at the speed of light. 

The thing that makes a tachyon a faster-than-light object could be that there is a hole or pothole in the tachyon's shell. That pothole in tachyon traps the quantum field inside the tachyon structure. That energy pothole in the Tachyon harvests energy. And that thing conducts energy impulses from inside the tachyon into its shell. 

The energy pothole at the particle's shell can conduct energy to the particle's shell. That structure conducts energy from the front of the particle inside it. Then the energy pothole or energy pack sends energy impulses to the particle's shell. 

Or in some other model, there could be a pothole in the hypothetical tachyon particle. When we think of that model. There is the energy hill at the bottom of the pothole. The energy hill rises until it touches the quantum field that is trapped in that pothole. When the energy hill touches the energy layer, it conducts energy to the Tachyon. 

This model can explain why crossing the speed of light is so difficult. The system must only deny energy flow out from particles in critical moments. If that thing is done, faster-than-light travel is possible.

Hubble unmasks the secrets of dark matter.

"A long-term Hubble Space Telescope study of the Draco dwarf galaxy’s stars suggests dark matter is concentrated at the galaxy’s center, supporting the density cusp theory. This finding challenges earlier observations and improves our understanding of dark matter’s role in galaxy formation. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Hubble Unmasks Universe’s “Invisible Glue” – Stellar Motions Reveal Dark Matter Secrets)

Dark matter is a gravitational phenomenon, "cosmic glue" whose origin is unknown.  The dark matter or dark gravitational interaction is the second dominating effect in the universe.  And we know that gravity is the thing, that glues dark matter to visible material. In some theories, dark matter is the thing, that is involved in all material. 

The idea is that the expansion of the universe causes the expansion of atoms' quantum fields. That thing makes the quantum-level low pressure in atoms and subatomic particles. The expansion creates a shadow or small quantum low pressure behind the superstrings, that form the particle. 

When we think the dark matter it's possible that matter turns "dark" when it releases its energy faster than otherwise. That thing can happen at the edge of the universe. When energy level decreases faster than in other universes, that causes the effect, where material aging faster. So, maybe we can spread this model to the space that is near galaxies. At the edge of the galaxy, the temperature of the material changes very sharply. This can partially explain why researchers can't see dark matter.

It's possible, that weakly interacting massive particles, WIMP can send energy mainly in some other form than infrared, IR frequency. That means there is a possibility, that WIMP sends only gravity waves. Or, it can send mainly other types of radiation than IR radiation. 

If WIMP sends only radio, or gamma-rays we cannot see that thing using the IR sensor. The WIMP can send mainly gamma, gravitational, or radio waves. And that means, it can have the ability to transform radiation that hits it to another frequency.

The idea is that when WIMP whose energy is in a different form than heat is near strong IR objects, the strong IR object can cover the WIMP. In this model, the size of the WIMP is so small or so large, that it releases its energy in the form of radio- or some other "cold radiation". If WIMP releases its energy mainly in the form of gamma- or radio waves or it releases pure gravity radiation other bright objects like black holes can cover that material's existence. Especially if those WIMP particles are packed near galaxies or quasars. The WIMP interacts through gravity. Which means that those particles are also near gravity centers. 

In the tame way, when a particle travels out from the galaxy energy travels out of it faster. That can cause a suddenly forming gravitational effect, that is stronger than it should. If dark matter is a phenomenon that is visible in the border zones where the energy level between spaces decreases very fast, that explains some part of dark matter. A galaxy and its halo are very high-energy targets it's hard to see lower energy particles around it. 

The fact is, around the atom are multiple different quantum fields. When those quantum fields expand because of the expansion of the universe there is forming an electromagnetic low pressure, that pulls the quantum field to the atom. 

The outcoming energy causes oscillation and some of that energy travels into atoms. Their subatomic particles absorb that energy. And before an atom can send radiation, its energy level must rise higher than incoming radiation. That means the atom stores energy before it sends it. And reflection is not perfect. When energy travels into atoms, it cannot reach the center of the core. That forms electromagnetic- or quantum shadow, that pulls outcoming energy into the atom. In some models, dark matter would be an atom. Whose energy level is lower than other atoms.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Astronomers found the rare second-generation star in the Large Magellanic Cloud.

"The first generation of stars fundamentally changed the universe by fusing simple elements like hydrogen and helium into more complex ones within their cores, scattering these elements across space upon their death—elements that are now part of the Earth and living beings. Recently, scientists discovered a second-generation star from another galaxy, offering unique insights into the early elemental formation processes in galaxies beyond the Milky Way." (Wikipedia, Cosmic Oddity: Rare Second-Gen Star Found Beyond the Milky Way)

The old star is the thing that opens our knowledge of stellar formation. This scarce star formed from the first generation star's remnants. The particles that formed this second-generation star are from the first stars in the universe. That thing makes this distant star very interesting. 

And it can broaden our knowledge about star formation. The old star in the Large Magellanic Cloud can also mean that there are other old stars in that galaxy. The old stars are also good points to start the search for alien civilizations. If we want to find a technically advanced civilization, we must find a star that is mature enough. 

The star must have planets that have enough time so that civilization can create technology. That thing makes old stars interesting. And the thing is that those stars tell stories from the young universe. When we think that the Sun is a third-generation star. 

We must ask when heavier elements formed. Were some of the first generation of stars formed those heavy elements, that metal-rich rocky planets require? Or did heavy elements form, not until the second or third-generation stars formed? 

Heavy elements are necessary when the metal-rich large rocky planets form. The thing is that advanced civilization requires a solid-shell planet for life.  The gas giants cannot maintain advanced lifeforms. Or those lifeforms must move to that planet from somewhere else. Old stars give a tip, on where we should aim our radiotelescopes if we want to find a mature civilization that could create some technical advances.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

The blue supergiants open their mysteries.

"Artistic image of a binary system of a red giant star and a younger companion that can merge to produce a blue supergiant. Credit: Casey Reed, NASA" (ScitechDaily, Astronomical Anomaly: Decoding the Mystery of Blue Supergiant Stars)

B-type blue supergiants like Rigel are mysterious stars. Earlier researchers thought that those stars formed straight from the hydrogen cloud. The thing that fights against this theory is this: B-type blue supergiant's hydrogen line is medium. If a B-type star young star, that formed straight from the hydrogen cloud. Those stars should have a stronger hydrogen emission line. The medium emission line tells that the star is same time old and young. 

That formed the theory that the migration between old red giants and an A-type blue star like Sirius A can form the B-type supergiant. That medium hydrogen line supports this theorem that at least some Rigel-type stars can form when old red stars collide with A-type stars. The B-type blue supergiants are very luminous. The B-type blue supergiants can open the mysteries of the universe. 

Rigel is the main component of the star system, there are at least four components. Wikipedia tells about Rigel like this: "Rigel is a blue supergiant star in the constellation of Orion. It has the Bayer designation β Orionis, which is Latinized to Beta Orionis and abbreviated Beta Ori or β Ori. Rigel is the brightest and most massive component – and the eponym – of a star system of at least four stars that appear as a single blue-white point of light to the naked eye. This system is located at a distance of approximately 860 light-years (260 pc) from the Sun". (Wikipedia, Rigel)

"A star of spectral type B8Ia, Rigel is calculated to be anywhere from 61,500 to 363,000 times as luminous as the Sun, and 18 to 24 times as massive, depending on the method and assumptions used. Its radius is more than seventy times that of the Sun, and its surface temperature is 12,100 K. " (Wikipedia, Rigel)

Beta Centauri is a triple star there two main components have spectral class B1. The third component is unknown but it should be K type orange star. The reason for that is that the main components of Beta Centauri's luminosity are 9000-28 000 suns. Beta Centauri A's surface temperature is 23,000±2,000K

And one mystery is that Rigel seems somehow too cold. The luminosity of the star is very high, but its temperature is low. And that causes the question, why do the spectral lines in that star travel to blue? The blue stars are bright but their radiation transfers less energy to material than the red stars. 

What makes those super hot stars interesting is this: in some models, their extremely powerful radiation manipulates the dimensions around them. This idea is from the tests. Where laboratories make synthetic dimensions manipulating energy levels in photons. 

Those stars explode in supernova explosions. And those shockwaves can start planet and star formation in interplanetary nebulas near that star. But the highly luminous and hot stars form a model that the star can create artificial dimensions around it.  In that model, the high-energy plasma forms the area, where the energy level is extremely high. 

The young and hot stars are also the key to understanding the interplanetary nebula's lifecycle. All elements in the universe form in the fusion inside stars. Intelligent creatures and civilizations require habitable planets. And in the interplanetary nebula must be the elements that can form metal-rich rocky planets like Earth.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Real- and virtual quantum computers and Riemann's "Zeta-function".

"Researchers have developed a new error-correction system for quantum computers, using qLDPC codes and reconfigurable atom arrays to reduce the physical qubit requirements, enhancing scalability and efficiency. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Innovative Error Correction Framework Paves the Way for Scalable Quantum Computers)

Scalable quantum computers are the next-generation tools. But the computer must know all parts of the system. Without complete knowledge of the system and its behavior, the quantum system cannot operate as a trusted system. There are many problems with quantum systems. 

One of the problems is the switch that shares data with the multiple quantum states of the qubit.  The new silicon-based architecture can solve this problem. The switch is the interface, where the binary computer transfers information into the quantum system. 

The quantum computer must have an intelligent operating system. That can predict and control the quantum system. And its interaction with its environment. The main problem in quantum computers is error detection. Only another quantum computer can check the results of the quantum computer's operations. 

When we think about local anomalies the answer for the error detection is to use another quantum computer in some other location. But that cannot solve the global anomalies like FRB hitting the Earth. In that case, the anomaly affects all quantum computers around the world, 

Another thing that causes problems is entropy. Growing entropy in quantum entanglement can cause problems. The entropy in quantum entanglement forms when the elementary particles that the system puts in the superposition and entanglement spin in the quantum field. 

The quantum field is also in the particle's structure. And that causes whirls between superstrings that form the particle. Those whirls send oscillation to the quantum entanglement, and that oscillation causes errors in the data transportation. This thing is like waves. That travels in the string that connects those particles. 

Virtual quantum computers can be answers for problems in quantum systems. The virtual quantum computer is the neural network-based solution that imitates a quantum computer. Each workstation in this system acts like an individual state in qubits. 

"Researchers have made a pivotal advance in quantum technology by developing integrated photonics that enable the control and manipulation of light on silicon chips. This innovation facilitates ultra-secure communications and enhances quantum computing capabilities. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, How Silicon Ring Resonators Are Rewriting the Rules of Quantum Computing)

But while we wait for the quantum computers on our desks. We can use virtual quantum computers. 

In virtual quantum computers the neural network shares the calculations between multiple regular workstations. The best example of that thing is the system, that cuts the DNA into pieces, and then decodes those sequences at the same time in multiple workstations. 

The new DNA analysis systems use a quantum calculation method. The system cuts the DNA into pieces and drives each piece into the analysator. Because, multiple analyzers can operate with the same DNA, that makes the DNA decoding faster than otherwise. 

In quantum calculation, the system shares the problem with multiple workstations. This method is extremely effective when the system operates with things like Riemann's "zeta-function". The system selects the points where it takes prime numbers that "zeta-function" creates. Then that system shares the prime number sequences to the workstations. And every workstation starts to operate with a certain part of the number row. 

In virtual quantum computers, the system can share things like sum, as an example: Riemann's hypothesis between multiple workstations. 

Then the system can start to operate the code-breaking process using certain points of Riemann's hypothesis. In that process, each workstation operates with certain bites of the number line that Riemann's  "Zeta-function"  produces. So in this process, the system shares certain values, that the function gives to the workstations. And in that process, every workstation can operate with as an example 5000 values.

Astronomers found the strange spike-like structures near a young star.

"The baby star at the center surrounded by a bright disk called a protostellar disk. Spikes of magnetic flux, gas, and dust in blue. Researchers found that the protostellar disk will expel magnetic flux, gas, and dust—much like a sneeze—during a star’s formation. Credit: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO)" (ScitchDaily, Quite Unexpected” – Astronomers Discover Strange Spike-Like Structures Extending From Protostellar Disk)

There is the possibility that those strange structures around the young star formed because the protoplanets form swirls in the interplanetary material disk when they form. Protoplanets are the mass centers in material disks. 

And while protoplanets start to rotate. Their gravity pulls the dust and gas around it into the first atmosphere. The rotating planet takes dust and gas with it. 

Maybe the strange-looking structures in the material disk are whirls that form when the protoplanet starts to rotate in the material disk. 

And that thing increases the whirl's size. First, when the planet forms there is quite a thick material cloud around it. But then the planet pulls gas and dust on it from around it. 

And that means more mature planets have not-so-thick gas and dust clouds around them. That decreases interactions between the protoplanet's atmosphere and the material disk around it. 

Maybe those protoplanets are behind this strange-looking effect.  When the large exoplanet forms. It leaves a hole in the material disk. That causes gravity anomaly in the disk. In the middle of that hole is the material center. And the thin gas is around it. When the material whirls separate from the protoplanet's rotation movement, there forms more whirls in its edge. 

That forms smaller protoplanets. Those small protoplanets are like a ring around the massive gravity center. And then those protoplanets start to collide with each other or some cosmic impact pushes some of them to independent trajectories. And maybe some large moons and asteroids formed in that way.

Epsilon Indi Ab is the oldest and coldest exoplanet.

"Only a point of light is visible on the JWST/MIRI images. Nevertheless, the initial analysis suggests the presence of a gaseous planet that may have properties similar to Jupiter. Credit: T. Müller (MPIA/HdA)" (ScitechDaily, Webb’s Super-Jupiter Breakthrough: Oldest and Coldest Exoplanet Ever Imaged)

"Researchers using the JWST have captured a new image of Eps Ind Ab, a super-Jupiter with an orbital distance significantly greater than previously estimated. This discovery, highlighting a colder exoplanet than typically observed, prompts a reevaluation of its mass and orbit while also offering a new method for studying distant cold gas giants through direct imaging and spectral analysis." (ScitechDaily, Webb’s Super-Jupiter Breakthrough: Oldest and Coldest Exoplanet Ever Imaged)

The JWST found that the exoplanet Epsilon Indi Ab has a similar ability to Jupiter. The Epsilon Indi Ab is a so-called super Jupiter. The role of Jupiter in our solar system is dominating. The term favorable Jupiter means the planet, that has a large mass. 

And that planet stabilizes the solar system. In the young solar system, the favorable Jupiter collects asteroids and dust from around it. That favorable Jupiter will form the first Lagrange points in the Kepler radius between the star and the planet. The problem with habitable planets is that they are calculated being large-size, metal-rich rocky planets. So that requires a large favorable Jupiter. 

The thing that we often forget is. When we talk about Kepler's radius, is that the planet forms at the point, where the star's and the planet's gravity pull with the same force. Because, the planet is far lighter than the star, the point, where the planet forms is closer to the planet than the star. normally Kepler's radius means Kepler's orbit. Or, Kepler's third law. 

The planet forms between the favorable Jupiter and the gravity center. At that point, gravity affects the same way on both sides that anchors the asteroids in that point. Only if gravity pulls both directions with the same force that the planet can form. 

The thing about those super Jupiters is that they can also act as favorable Jupiter. Super Jupiter. With two Jupiter masses can turn to favorable Jupiter. If it orbits the Sun-type star twice as far as Jupiter. The star with a mass half of the sun requires super Jupiter. Whose mass is twice Jupiter's mass or the distance of the exoplanet must be half of the distance of Jupiter if its mass is about Jupiter's mass.  

If the mass of favorable Jupiter is half of Jupiter, that means the favorable Jupiter must be half of the distance to Jupiter. If favorable Jupiter is too light, it cannot stabilize the system. Or the planet forms too close or too distant from the sun. In the first case, the solar wind blows those particles away. And in the last case. It's possible. The massive rocky world pulls that planet against it. And that destroys both planets. 

If the distance of favorable Jupiter is too far, the planet is forming too far, and there cannot be lifeforms. If the giant planet is too close, it pulls all material from around the star into it. So only when the favorable Jupiter is in the right distance, can the planet between it and the star be in a habitable zone.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Neurocomputers and machine learning.

Neurocomputers or morphing neural networks are tools. That can be more revolutionary than quantum computers. The quantum computer's strength it it must not stop when it gets a new mission. The neural computer must not stop either. There is always a port, where the system can dump data. The number of gates makes human brains so powerful. 

The system can always have a free gate for important data, and because the system makes its operations at multiple points at the same time, the neural computer will not stuck so easily. There are always processors or neurons that can take on the work if some part of the system is busy. 

The neural network is a system, where there are multiple processors. When an intelligent system uses quantum calculation, that means the system cuts the mission into smaller parts. Then it shares those bites with multiple processors. 

This method makes things like CRISPR so powerful. The system can cut the DNA into the bites. Then each of the data handling units where the DNA analyzer cooperates with the AI can handle those DNA bites at the same time. 

What is machine learning? 

Machine learning means that the machine learns like humans. When an operator once teaches something to a machine, the machine can make that thing independently. The classic example of machine learning is this:  the robot car that should carry its owner to work. The owner can drive the car to the workplace first time. 

And then. The robot car can drive that journey automatically. The robot car's operator can teach the route to the car driving that car. Or the driver can use virtual reality. In that case, the city is modeled in the virtual world, and the driver can drive the route in a virtual workspace. Then the system copies the route to the physical system. Or the owner can make the route using the map application. Then the map application transfers the route to the car's computer and the GPS. 

If the neighbor has the same workplace the networked car can ask for the route from the neighbor's car. The neural network can connect entire traffic in city areas. The system can adjust the speed and other things, and that makes traffic fluent. The system means that cars are communicating with other road users. 

There can be the triangular-measurement positioning system for the cases, where the GPS is down. That system can be based on the GPS base stations. In this case, all GPS base stations know their GPS location points. The navigator quantifies the robot's position measuring the directions of the base stations. Base stations can measure the direction of the vehicle. And three base stations can use triangular measurement to locate that point. 

The learning machine can learn complicated things. The idea is that the human operator will make things first. If the human chef wants to teach how to make a cake to the robot. The chef can use the action camera, which documents everything the chef makes. Then that data will driven through the AI, which tells the robot what raw materials the robot must collect. 

The system complies with details about the packages and other things. The robot can use a laser spectrometer to estimate things like eggs fresh enough. The spectrometer measures the rotting gas from those eggs.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Gaia telescope discovered 21 neutron stars nearby sun-type stars.

"Astronomers have identified 21 distant neutron stars in binary orbits with Sun-like stars, revealed solely by their gravitational effects. These findings, facilitated by the Gaia mission, suggest complexities in binary star formation theories, given their unexpected survival from supernova events. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Gaia Reveals 21 Hidden Neutron Stars in Mysterious Cosmic Dance)

The discovery tells us that stars of different ages can form binary star systems. That means the other companion of the binary stars can be far older or different from the other. 

The thing is that neutron stars are the result of heavy star explosions as supernovas. That means neutron stars are not always older than their companion stars. The heavy star can live a shorter time before it detonates as a supernova. However, the supernova explosion should affect another member of the binary star system.  

The impact wave should blow lots of the companion star with it. Or even destroy the companion star. In the first case, the supernova explosion can change the companion star's spectral type by blowing lots of its mass into space. 

The Gaia telescope found neutron stars near sun-type stars. And that almost proves that some stars can have older planets than they are.  But the thing is that the neutron star can be the remnant of the same age, but heavier star. The neutron star that travels in the universe can also meet some other star, and pull lots of material from it. That means the neutron star can also turn blue stars lighter. 

The first case when astronomers saw this kind of situation where two different types of objects orbited each other was when a star remnant and a young star formed a binary star pair that was Cygnus X-1 and Sirius. 

In Cygnus X-1 the invisible companion that sends powerful X-ray radiation orbits the blue giant star. The spectral type of the visible companion of this binary star is O, which means that the star doesn't exist for a long time. 

Sooner or later that star whose mass is about 21 sun masses will detonate as a supernova. And then that blue star turns into a black hole. In that case, the Cygnus X-1 turns into a double black hole. The thing is that the Cygnus X1's invisible companion pulls lots of material out from the blue supergiant. It's possible. The bright companion will turn far smaller before it loses its fuel and detonates as a supernova. 

The companion believed it was a black hole. In the case of Sirius, the white dwarf Sirius B orbits the blue star Sirius A. Sirius is one of the most well-known stars in the northern sky. The spectral type of Sirius A is A and its mass is about 2  times the Sun. Sirius B is a white dwarf about 1,02 times heavier than the Sun. 

What makes this star interesting is that it's been a sun-type star. And the size of that thing star is about the same as Earth.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Strange bird-like behavior unveils new possibilities in quantum systems.

"Schematic picture of activity-induced ferromagnetism in quantum active matter. Here, moving atoms with spins exhibit the ferromagnetic order (i.e., aligning in one direction) like a flock of birds depicted above. Credit: Takasan et al 2024" (ScitechDaily, Strange Bird-Like Behavior in Atoms: Researchers Unveil New Magnetic Properties in Quantum Systems)

Moving atoms (or ions) act like birds in the new ferromagnetic phenomenon. The first moving atom pulls the electromagnetic waves behind it, and those waves pull atoms to follow the leader particle. When electromagnetic waves hit the leading atoms, they create electromagnetic waves with hills and ditches. 

That phenomenon looks like a bird flock or ship that moves on the sea. That leading particle follows wave movement behind it. And the distance of the waves is always the same. The electromagnetic ditches between those hills can pull other atoms into that wave movement. 

The forward-moving movement can be virtual. If energy sources like a light beam illuminate the leading atom from the forward, that thing can create a similar effect. The electromagnetic waves travel out from the atom. If the electromagnetic field travels in an opposite direction than this wave movement it can create extremely low-energy ditches and high-energy hills. 

And a quantum computer could use that thing to trap particles between those waves and put them into the quantum entanglement. That can be the new way to transport information

"Researchers have extended the quantum Hall effect to three dimensions in acoustic waves, using a pseudomagnetic field to observe novel one-dimensional edge states in a 3D printed Weyl crystal. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Pioneering Study Reveals 3D Quantum Hall Effects in Weyl Acoustic Crystals)

More details
In diagram,  the flat conductor possesses a negative charge on the top (symbolized by the blue color) and a positive charge on the bottom (red color). In B and C, the direction of the electrical and the magnetic fields are changed respectively which switches the polarity of the charges around. In D, both fields change direction simultaneously which results in the same polarity as in diagram A. electrons flat conductor, which serves as a hall element (hall effect sensor) magnet magnetic field power source (Wikipedia, Hall effect)

Hall-effect and quantum computing. 

"The Hall effect is the production of a potential difference (the Hall voltage) across an electrical conductor that is transverse to an electric current in the conductor and to an applied magnetic field perpendicular to the current. It was discovered by Edwin Hall in 1879" (Wikipedia, Hall effect)

"The Hall coefficient is defined as the ratio of the induced electric field to the product of the current density and the applied magnetic field (Hall field). It is a characteristic of the material from which the conductor is made, since its value depends on the type, number, and properties of the charge carriers that constitute the current." (Wikipedia, Hall effect)

The system traps particles in the Hall fields or standing waves. And information travels between those hovering particles. That thing can make photonic and acoustic crystals suitable for the base of quantum computers.

But the Hall effect can also used for the same purpose in the regular wires or nanotubes. Even if the fullerene nanotubes cannot create those trapping fields, the metallic atoms may connected with those carbon atoms, and that gives new properties for those tubes. 

Sometimes people say that only superconducting materials can fit into quantum computers. However, there is a possibility to use non-superconducting materials in quantum computers. In that model, the system traps the particles into the Hall field. So, information travels outside the wire between superpositioned and entangled particles that hover in series at the hall field. 

Then the system can create the superposition and entanglement between particles that hover in the Hall field. The problem is how to stabilize the system. it requires low temperatures and a stable environment. The Hall field can be created into the nanotubes, and then the system traps the particle, in that field.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

What the dark matter could be?

Dark matter existence is so interesting and weird that somebody cannot believe its existence. Sometimes, researchers describe dark matter as an effect that puts gravity waves moving. In some suggestions, the standing gravity waves form dark matter. The Schwinger effect or wave-particle duality means a situation, where wave movement forms a particle-antiparticle pair. 

That means crossing gravitational waves can form a graviton-antigraviton pair. Nobody has seen graviton yet, but that hypothetical boson would be a boson, that transports gravitation. All particle-antiparticle pairs act the same way. When they touch each other they turn into energy or wave movement. That hypothetical particle-antiparticle-pair causes a situation, where gravitational waves can seem to come from nowhere. 

There are many hypothetical dark matter models. In some versions, the dark matter is some kind of low-energy version of the known particles. In that model, the quark's spin can be so slow that energy simply can travel through those particles. Or some fast-spinning particle collects and aims quantum field like the pike. 

In some other models, dark matter is the quantum-size black hole. That black hole can explain missing material. 

Sometimes hypothetical dark matter particles called weakly interacting massive particles WIMPS are suggested as the quasiparticles. That means the WIMP is some kind of hole in dimension or some quantum field. So the WIMP could be similar to the exciton. The exciton is a quasiparticle where an electron orbits its hole. The question is: could the quark form a similar hole as an electron forms in exciton? 

In that model, the quark leaves a similar hole behind it like an electron leaves in the exciton, and then some kind of electromagnetic vortex, like a beam-shaped electromagnetic field between electrons can replace that missing quark. In this model, the electron pulls one quark out from a proton or neutron and puts its hole into that point. There is the possibility that some kind of standing wave can form virtual particles inside other particles. 

Or if the dark matter is some unknown form of the proton, the missing particle can be something else than a quark. Or maybe the proton gets some sub-particle more. When it turns into dark matter. There is the possibility that the Schwinger effect can form the extra particles inside baryons or some other hadrons. If gravitons exist they could explain the dark matter. 

In the most exciting models the dark matter forms when a particle sends radiation or wave movement that radiation must travel through the particle's electromagnetic or quantum field. When that wave movement hits that quantum field, its wave movement turns shorter. The quantum field creases the wave movement that hits it. When wave movement touches quantum fields the wave movement must pile up, or increase its power, so that it can pass the quantum field. 

That effect can mean that if there is a very small particle, that sends wave movement with X-or gamma-ray wavelength, that quantum field can press the radiation into so short wavelength that it's outside the gamma-ray's wavelength. But there is one problem. Normally when radiation comes from particles it will hit the quantum field and spread all over that field. That thing causes things, that we see particles and atoms as balls. 

So is there something, yet unknown particle between quarks in the protons and neutrons? That particle would be the thing, their gluons get their energy. And that particle would be the thing, that forms the vacuum, that keeps quarks together. 

See also: 











WIMP, Weakly interacting massive particle

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Galaxy's core is frozen in time.

"Researchers have confirmed the presence of an intermediate-mass black hole in the core of Omega Centauri, a cluster that once formed the heart of a separate galaxy. This finding enhances our understanding of black hole evolution and galaxy dynamics. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Omega Centauri: A Galaxy Core Frozen in Time Reveals Its Black Hole)

Black holes are enormous objects. They dominate space and time. Time travels backward in the black hole's event horizon. That causes the question: can the particle turn younger forever, even if time is an illusion? The idea of time as an illusion means that time is an energy. And when the particle loses its energy, it loses its mass.

Then energy flows out from particles and turns them older. And sooner or later, the particle turns into radiation or wave movement. Or the ball of superstrings unravels. But then back to the question, can a particle be young forever? The particle turns old because the universe expands. That causes the effect. The quantum fields around the particles turn weaker.

Because the universe loses its energy all the time to space around it. That energy flow causes a situation in which energy flows out from particles because they are on a higher energy level. And energy always travels to the lower energy level. The thing that a forever young particle requires is that it gets replacing energy from outside it.

Near black holes, time is frozen because the energy that travels into a black hole touches those objects. The thing that causes the aging of particles is the expansion of the universe. When the universe expands there is a lower energy level because the space is bigger about the energy and material.

To stop aging the speed of energy or wave movement or strength of energy that hits particles near black holes should turn higher. That thing should compensate for the lower energy level in the universe. But if the energy level of radiation that hits the particle remains the same, that freezes time in particles.

So near the centers of galaxies is an area, where time is frozen. And that thing helps us to understand the time. The case that energy cannot escape from a particle makes it turn younger.

"From left to right: The globular star cluster Omega Centauri as a whole, a zoomed-in version of the central area, and the region in the very center with the location of the mid-size black hole that was identified in the present study marked. Credit: ESA/Hubble, NASA, Maximilian Häberle (MPIA)" (ScitechDaily, Omega Centauri: A Galaxy Core Frozen in Time Reveals Its Black Hole)

The particle (or gravity center looks like a sombrero. The gravity is like a ditch around the particle. If there is empty space between the wall of the ditch and the particle, that empty space makes energy travel out from the particle. When the walls of the ditch are tightly against particles, energy travels in it.

That means the particle is like a hill or dome in a pothole. And the empty area around the particle is like a ditch. That ditch pulls quantum fields in it. The spinning particle acts like a thermal pump, that conducts the quantum fields out from that pothole. When a pothole's walls touch particles it receives energy.

The idea is that when a particle falls from the energy hill. Sooner or later, it sends wave movement. That wave movement forms an energy ditch. When a gravity wave goes out from that point, it causes a situation. That looks similar to the situation. Where the ball falls from the hill to the water. 

The Higgs mechanism and gravity. 

The ball forms the wave by sending a ditch out from the hill. And that ditch pulls the ball away until outcoming water fills that ditch. We can think that the water is an energy field. And the particle that loses its energy is the ball. That model explains some strange things in the gravity behavior. There is an energy ditch in the quantum (energy) field. That causes a situation. That energy- or quantum field travels to that ditch. 

Sooner or later particle's energy level rises so high, that it pushes the gravity walls away. At that moment it forms a hole between the particle and its pothole. And then that allows energy to start to flow out from the particle.

That thing makes it possible to create a model where particle turns old very fast. We must just put a particle into the point, where is an energy minimum. And that makes energy flow out from particles. And if we think that particle is in an energy pothole, the empty area around the particle gives space, where energy can travel.

But if the particle is in the route where energy travels, that thing pushes energy into it. In other cases, the pothole is so tight, that there is no space where the particle can send its energy. And until there comes some kind of space between the particle and the energy pothole the particle turns yuounger or it receives energy.

When a particle's energy level rises high enough, it pushes the energy pothole's walls into a longer distance. And starts to deliver energy to that space. This is the reason why the black holes start to vaporize. The energy just starts to travel to the empty area around the particle.

Image; pinterest

See also Higgs field

Monday, July 15, 2024

Researchers found new structures from the Higgs boson.

"Recent theoretical advancements have enhanced the understanding of the Higgs boson’s properties, focusing on its cross-section during gluon-gluon collisions. This research highlights the relevance of higher-order corrections and confirms the predictions of the Standard Model, with further investigations expected to clarify the potential for new physics." (ScitechDaily,Quantum Revelations: Unveiling New Layers of the Higgs Boson)

New research in CERN uncovers new structures in the Higgs boson. That research uncovers the reason, why the Higgs bosons are so different, and why they need so-high energy levels to separate.  The energy level in Higgs boson is enormous. And that means it exists for a short time. In new research, the origin of the Higgs boson is in the gluon interaction. 

In wild models, the Higgs boson can form when two gluons hit together. To turn that reaction into reality the gluons must travel through the atoms, and hit together. That thing opens new and interesting visions. The thing is that the Higgs boson might involve some other particles. But that is purely a theoretical model. 

"The Higgs boson (blue) may be created by the interaction of gluons (yellow) during proton collisions. Protons consist of two up quarks (red) and one down quark (purple), bound by gluons so strongly that in the sea of virtual particles (gray) more massive quarks and antiquarks, for example, beautiful quarks, may appear, the presence of which also affects on the birth process of the Higgs bosons. Credit: IFJ PAN" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Revelations: Unveiling New Layers of the Higgs Boson)

In theoretical models, the impact of two gluons forms a Higgs boson. If that thing is right, it would be the fundamental step for physics. That model can expand to other particles. And what happens if two quarks or quarks and gluon impact and melt together? 

There is a theoretical possibility that gluon can start to orbit the quark. And that thing can form "mini hydrogen". And maybe that thing can open the path, how quarks start to form protons and neutrons. 

The energy flowing out from the Higgs boson causes the situation that impacts quantum fields forming the new particles, that are enlisted in Wikipedia. The high-speed energy flow forms the Schwinger effect that creates the particle-antiparticle pairs. 

Higgs boson is the particle, that should be the same as physicist Peter Higgs predicted. But some researchers say that the Higgs boson, that  CERN researchers found was not the same as the particle, that Peter Higgs predicted. The argument was that the Higgs boson has too low energy level. 

Higgs boson offers a good object for researchers. The AI can measure the particle. And its energy levels very fast. That means there is a possibility. That there are lots of elementary particles waiting for somebody to find them. 

But those new particles require lots more energy than a LHC accelerator can create things like antimatter-material detonations around the accelerator ring can increase the energy level so high. The particle accelerator can shoot the new particles out from the proton or some other particle. 

When high energy particles impact, that thing causes expansion in their quantum fields. That expansion causes the expansion of the particles, and then the researchers must just follow the routes that the particle cloud follows.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Finally, researchers found a medium-mass black hole.

"An international team of astronomers has used more than 500 images from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope – spanning two decades of observations – to detect seven fast-moving stars in the innermost region of the globular star cluster Omega Centauri, the largest and brightest globular cluster in the sky. These stars provide new compelling evidence for the presence of the gravitational pull from an intermediate-mass black hole (IMBH) tugging on them. Only a few other IMBH candidates have been found to date. Credit: ESA/Hubble, NASA, Maximilian Häberle (MPIA) (Missing Link Uncovered: Hubble Unveils Hidden Black Hole in Omega Centauri)

The missing link between black holes, a medium-mass black hole hiding in Omega Centauri. The final link between stellar- and supermassive black holes was found in Omega Centauri. A black hole between 10-10000 suns is one of the things that researchers are looking for. That black hole is one of the most enigmatic things in the universe. 

Huge stars will not live a long time. Those stars are all blue supergiants. And that thing makes them very unstable. If the large hydrogen star starts its nuclear fusion it turns those starts very hot. 

It's possible. The star's atomic reaction causes detonation that turns the star supernova just after the fusion starts. There is a limit to the star's mass that it can form. If stars start the fusion reaction, that reaction can push the star's shell out from it. That forms the electromagnetic vacuum, and then outcoming energy and material, along with gravity press the star into a black hole. 

A black hole's energy load is very powerful. They pull electromagnetic fields inside them.  When an object is in that energy flow that energy will shine on the object when it transfers in it. That kind of energy flow is interesting because it can turn any object into a black hole. 

In those models, energy flow presses the material's quantum field. And that turns the particle or particle entirety into a black hole. That process raises the material's energy level so high, that it jumps to the fourth dimension. Or, otherwise saying material loses its ability to exchange information with 3D material. 

In models when energy starts to rise in the object it starts to wobble. When the energy level rises higher, the particle gets a new stable form. That stable form is different from the particle in a rest state. 

When a material's energy level rises into high enough rising energy forms a nose in that material. The nose turns longer and longer when the particle's energy level rises. Energy travels to that nose because it's at a longer distance from the point of the energy center. That nose is the thing, that can explain the wormhole.  

The nose forms a channel, that transports energy away from the black hole. That nose can be the key to the quantum channel through spacetime. And that thing can revolutionize quantum communication. 

That means the next challenge could be to prove that model. The low- or planetary-mass hypothetical black holes could prove that thing. As I wrote before any object can turn into a black hole.

Friday, July 12, 2024

The new spin centers can make a big step for quantum computing.

UC Riverside researchers have developed quantum simulators using spin centers to study magnetic phases, potentially advancing information storage and enabling room temperature quantum computing. Credit: (ScitechDaily, Quantum Computing Takes a Step Forward With New Spin Center Development)

We can think of a quantum computer as a voltage meter. Each value in that meter is one state of the qubit. The problem is that the quantum computer or its operating system must recognize the state of the qubit, or the system cannot find data in the computer. The quantum computer can send data using all of its quantum states at the same time. That ability makes quantum computers more powerful than any binary computer can be. 

"Researchers can build the proposed quantum simulator to simulate exotic magnetic phases of matter and the phase transitions between them. These phase transitions are of great interest because at these transitions the behaviors of very different systems become identical, which implies that there are underlying physical phenomena connecting these different systems." (ScitechDaily, Quantum Computing Takes a Step Forward With New Spin Center Development)

In researchers tell about spin centers like this: “Spin centers in solid-state materials are localized quantum objects with great untapped potential for the design of new quantum simulators.”(ScitechDaily, Quantum Computing Takes a Step Forward With New Spin Center Development)

The thing called spinning centers can make the quantum computer faster and make it operate a room temperature. Spinning, or spin centers can make it possible to create quantum simulations, that help to collect data for controlling the quantum core in quantum computers. 

From the image above this text, you can see the idea of the spinning centers. Those spinning centers are magnetic, or quantum fields with irregular forms. Today those spinning centers are simulations, that researchers use to model the quantum states in solid materials. If the system can put those spin centers into superposition and entanglement, that can open new roads to room-temperature quantum computers. 

Quantum simulation helps researchers to test the quantum environment. In some models, quantum computers can use things like diamonds as the quantum processors. In those systems, there are nano-size channels in diamonds. The system traps photons or electrons in those quantum channels. But the problem is how to make that thing operative. The system must transport information into photons or electrons that are in a diamond. And that requires a very stable environment., 

In the most exotic models, the magnetic fields can form standing waves in their corners, and the quantum computer can make superposition between those standing waves. That thing could be an interesting possibility to make quantum computers.

The universe's expansion and redshift.

The universe's expansion happens at a lower speed than the speed of light. But why some measurements can give other values? The reason for that is in redshift. When two particles or objects travel away from each other. 

That forms a redshift that seems their distance speed appears to be faster than it is. When the object goes away from the other, the observer of the other object seems that the wavelength, that comes from another particle turns longer. 

That causes the effect that spectral lines go to the red side of the spectrum. When two photons are traveling on opposite sides that causes a situation, where the other photon seems to travel twice at the speed of light if the observer stands on the other photon. 

When we think about two cars that impact with a speed, both of them drive 50 km/h, that means the impact speed is 50+50=100 km/h. Same way when those cars drive in opposite directions, their distance speed is 50+50 km/h. And if there is radar on those cars, those radars measure the distance speed as 100 km/h, if that radar is targeted to another particle. 

That means that our side of the universe will recede from the opposite side of the universe with a speed that should be twice as they recede from the point, where the Big Bang happens. But things like black holes, and other gravity fields make those measurements difficult. Gravity stretches light, and all gravity fields make redshift stronger than it should be. 

The black holes are things that can pull lightwaves into straight form. They can cause very strong virtual redshift, and that means almost all black holes might seem to be farther than they are. Because black holes stretch light, it means that black holes turn the wavelength of all wavelengths of radiation. 

And that thing means that the redshift can turn gravity waves into electromagnetic waves if that massive gravity can pull those gravity waves enough. That thing can mean that the gravity field can stretch gamma rays into the IR radiation simply pulling the waves longer. 

Energy travels out from the universe. There can be wave movement outside the universe, but the problem is that the energy level of that material energy is lower than the energy minimum in the universe. Radiation cannot travel inside the universe until the energy level outside the universe rises so high, that energy can fall into the universe. That thing makes it impossible to see things outside the universe. 

When we think about the most exotic and interesting things in the universe, called dark matter and dark energy. Gravity can turn the dark energy into some other wavelength. Dark energy is mysterious energy or wave movement, that should interact with gravity fields. The gravity field can turn dark energy visible if it can stretch that thing enough. Gravity should interact with dark energy.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Does the fourth dimension exist?

Is the fourth dimension real? 

Dimension is the energy level in a material wave- or quantum field. An energy level between two particles must be close enough to each other that they can exchange information. 

Energy travels to the lower energy particle. If another particle sends information, the receiving particle is invisible to the transmitter until it reflects the information. 

That reflection requires that the energy level in the particle rises higher than the first sender, or the higher energy particle can be invisible if the information reflection is too short. Or, the impact area of the information is too small. Or, if the energy flow is monotonic and there is no wave movement.  In the lower energy areas, energy valleys in the wave movement let receiving particles send their extra energy during the low energy point. 

A particle is hard to notice if it sends information or energy very often. That thing means that information seems white noise. The reason for that is that. The receiving particles cannot send enough energy in that very short time that the transmitter turns visible. 

Can the dimension be in spacetime? We must say. That spacetime is a quantum field. The energy level in the quantum field determines if it can exchange information with 3D material. 

When we can see that the universe involves all known 3D material. The space outside the universe is colder than the energy minimum in the universe, and that makes energy flow out from the universe. The spacetime outside the universe would be the second dimension. The reason why we cannot see that space is simple. 

Energy travels to that space from the universe. Outside of the universe is no resistance. And that means there is no reflection from that space outside of the universe. 

The fourth dimension exists in our universe in black holes. The reason why we cannot see that dimension is this. It sends monotonic, very shortwave wave movement. That means this energy affects so large area, and it sends wave movement so often, that it's hard to see. 

If we want to use some model to introduce the fourth dimension, we can say that the fourth dimension is the energy level in the quantum field. That thing means that the quantum field energy level is so high, that it cannot exchange information with other quantum fields around it. That means the fourth dimension is the quantum field with a certain energy level. 

The dimension is the energy level in material and wave movement. The reason why the black hole can send material into the fourth dimension is this. The black hole doesn't let singularity transmit energy away. 

And that thing means. That the energy level in the black hole will rise. Sooner or later the energy level in the material will rise so high. That the material loses its ability to transmit energy into the 3D material. The high energy level in the material acts like a thermal pump that takes quantum fields with it. 

But then we think that the fourth and higher dimensions are energy levels in material. So is dimension connected with material or to space and spacetime? 

Maybe the energy level in the quantum field is so high that the quantum field cannot exchange information with material or quantum fields around it. The fourth dimension is the energy level in the quantum field.

The quark material's existence is almost proven.

An artist’s impression of a neutron star. (Image: Jyrki Hokkanen, CSC. )

When the pressure compresses without limits, a reaction is something that we cannot imagine. The pressure will push all quarks into one quantum field. And that forms material that nobody expects. Gluons and quarks are like in one bag in that quark material. And in the heavy neutron stars, the neutron net is over those quarks. 

It's very possible. Heavy neutron stars can involve that quark material. And then there is the possibility that this material tells us, what is the singularity? What if all material in the star falls into one quark? That turns quark very long. 

Or where all material goes from the black hole. The first possibility is that the electromagnetic or quantum channel in the black hole makes it possible for the energy. And some part of the material leaves from the black hole. 

An energy level in material and wave movement can rise so high that it can break the escape velocity. We can think that particle swims against the river. That is the quantum field that travels in the black hole. The thing that makes it possible that particles can slip out from a black hole is this. 

When a quantum field falls into a black hole. It impacts particles. That impact forms the quantum low pressure at the front of the particle, and side-coming energy raises its energy level. That makes it possible that particles can come out from a black hole as particles. The particle cannot separate from the quantum field that presses energy into it. 


What is the hair of the black hole? 

Or in the wildest visions. That particle can send the superstring out from the black hole. The side-coming energy can raise the energy level of the superstring so high. It can come through the event horizon. That superstring would be the hair of the black hole. 

In some theories, the black hole's hair is the thing that denies use as travel. The black hole's hair is energy that travels out from the hole. But in many visions, the entire black hole is covered by that hair.

Maybe the hair doesn't cover the entire black hole. Maybe that hair or superstrings exist only at the point of a relativistic jet. 

If that superstring touches some other particle outside the event horizon, that makes particle superposition with a particle inside the black hole. 

And then. Information travels out from a black hole to that lower energy particle. That means the black hole's hair could exist at the point of a relativistic jet. 


It's possible in some models. That there is forming a channel through the black hole. And then, the lack of gravity field outside the black hole makes gravity waves travel out from the black hole. The lower pressure can also pull electromagnetic radiation out from the black hole. 

But then we can think about a model where energy and material can travel to a higher dimension. Dimensions are energy levels. And if the black hole can raise the material's energy level high enough. 

That sends particles into the fourth dimension. This means that the material loses its ability to exchange information with other particles. 

But what is the space in dimension? The dimension can be the energy or wave movement field. That energy level is so high that the material and particles in it cannot exchange information with other particles. 

Then, again and again, we face one very interesting question: is a dimension in spacetime? Or is it in material? The energy field can reach a very high energy level that the energy field cannot exchange information with its environment. That high energy energy field is the theoretical fourth dimension.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

How time crystals bend time?

"A Rydberg atom has an electron which is far away from the nucleus. Credit: TU Wien" (ScitechDaily, The Crystal That Can Bend Time)

Time crystals are materials that bend time. The question is how this can happen. The time crystal is a large low-energy atom, whose temperature is almost zero kelvin.  Sometimes this state of matter is called Bose-Einstein condensate. 

There are two versions of the Bose-Einstein condensate. The regular Bose-Einstein condensate. And the Rydberg state.  In the Rydberg state of matter, there is one electron very far from the nucleus. 

The name time crystal is from the phenomenon, where an electron touches the atom's quantum fields and causes a situation, where that atom surrounds energy. Because the atom's energy level is very low, it cannot deliver its energy as usual. To deliver energy the atom must raise its energy level higher than the environment.

And time is energy. When electrons orbit that atom the most out electrons are far away from the atom's core. The distance between electron shells is high. That forms a situation where the most out quantum field of the atom will turn asymmetric. The atom always sends wave movement. 

That outgoing radiation forms in reflection and interactions in the atom's inner structure form a quantum field, which is the sum of the four fundamental forces. All forces strong and weak nuclear forces along with electromagnetism and gravitation travel as a form of wave movement. And each of those forces has its unique wavelength. 

So, always when an atom or electron changes its trajectory it sends a photon. And that photon is an energy package that comes out from an atom.  The outcoming wave movement creates a standing wave with the atom's quantum field. When an electron travels in the most out trajectory, it sometimes takes energy from that standing wave. 

Sometimes electron travels outside the standing wave and pushes it inside the atom.  In time crystals energy can travel into the atoms. Normally energy travels out from atoms. But in those low-energy conditions, electrons can also turn the energy flow opposite. 

In some models is possible. That an atom's electron shell turns as big as possible when the energy level outside it is very low. And then the outside energy level suddenly rises that thing can push energy to an atom, and turn it young. The problem is that the energy impulse forms the standing waves between electrons and even between protons and neutrons. 

And that reflecting energy destroys atoms. In some cases, the higher level of energy just hits the atom's core. Then it reflects and forms an electromagnetic vacuum that rips the nucleus in pieces.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The new method to make artificial diamonds is interesting.

"Researchers have pioneered a method to grow diamonds under low pressure and temperature, revolutionizing the traditional synthetic diamond production process and expanding possibilities for scientific and technological advancements." (ScitechDaily, Paradigm Challenging Discovery: Diamonds Grown Without High Pressure)

The traditional method of creating artificial diamonds is based on the high-pressure and high-temperature (HPTP) method. That method requires very high pressure, which makes this traditional process dangerous. The new method base is in crystal growth in the liquid metal alloy. In temperatures of 1025 degrees Celsius, and melted metal alloys, the composition of gallium, iron, nickel, and silicon makes it possible to create diamonds at room pressure. But the temperature is still very high. 

The diamond rain in Uranus and Neptune can be modeled on Earth. "Carbon can link into a crystal on giant, icy gas planets like Neptune and Uranus because of the ultra-high temperatures and pressures deep down in the atmosphere. These conditions break up hydrocarbons like methane, allowing the carbon atoms within to connect with four others and make particles of solid diamond." (, Diamonds Could Be Raining From The Sky on Far More Planets Than We Realized) 

The diamond rain forms when ultra-cold methane ice falls into an extremely high-temperature area in the lower atmosphere. That thing raises the temperature in that ice very fast. And it creates the impact wave, that turns carbon into diamonds. The high-energy plasma with the magnetic field pressurizer can bring those conditions in Uranus and Neptune to Earth. 

If there is an economical way that doesn't need very much energy to create the artificial diamonds that method can used to solve the carbon problem. If compounds like ionized carbon dioxide are shot against the wall at extremely high speed the sudden stop can release so much energy that the carbon will turn into a diamond. 

How diamond rain could be happening on Neptune, and affecting its magnetic field. (European XFEL/Tobias Wüstefeld) (, Diamonds Could Be Raining From The Sky on Far More Planets Than We Realized)

In the same way high power explosion in the carbon-rich gas can cause a situation, in their energy and pressure impact can reduce carbon, hit it against the chamber's walls that thing can form at least a small part of the carbon into diamonds. 

There is a theoretical way to make the diamonds at a low temperature. The idea is that the conditions on planet Uranus are copied into the system. The idea is that the carbon or methane ice will shoot against the layer in high pressure. That impact can create high energy levels in the hydrocarbon or carbon. The sudden stop in the high-speed hydrocarbon or carbon object can turn the carbon into a diamond. 

The modified fusion system can also make diamonds. The carbon bite that is put into the metallic ball can turn into a diamond if the temperature and pressure are high enough. The system can use magnetic fields and lasers to make those conditions that turn carbon into diamonds. 

In some models, the carbon bite will close in the droplet. That droplet can be metal like mercury, melted iron, or water. Then the system shots droplets through laser rays and high-power magnetic fields. Those magnetic fields will create needed pressure in the droplet same way as fusion reactors act. And the laser systems turn the temperature high enough. That kind of electromagnetic system can create very high pressure in the droplet, and the outcoming laser rays deny the droplet vaporization.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Flying qubits can turn the next page in quantum communication.


"Figure 1. The signal photon, manipulated by the integrated photonic circuit, creates a 4D qudit represented by the set of orange spheres. Meanwhile, the idler photon, represented by the blue sphere, acts as a remote control for the signal photon." (ScitechDaily, Flying Qudits: Unlocking New Dimensions of Quantum Communication)

"Credit: Haoqi Zhao, Yichi Zhang, Zihe Gao, Jieun Yim, Shuang Wu, Natalia M. Litchinitser, Li Ge, and Liang Feng, edited" (Scitech, Flying Qudits: Unlocking New Dimensions of Quantum Communication)

Flying qubits give a new dimension to quantum computing and communication. The qubit hovers above the circuit that transmits information into it. The system's base is in the photonic circuit, and the 4D qubit can operate in many states. 

In those systems, the qubits can travel on tracks. Then, they can exchange information between photonic circuits. And that makes them more effective than traditional qubits. 

When the quantum system sends data, the receiving system must know the energy levels or states. That the transmitter uses. The system can use fixed states. Or it can use variable states in data transmission. The system can also mix information bites to random states. But the problem is this: the receiver must know those states. It can sort the data in the original order. 

The system can also equip data bites with serial numbers. That allows the receiver to sort them into the right order. The long-range quantum communication allows the quantum computers to communicate with other quantum computers using quantum states. That makes the data handling process more effective. 

"Figure 2. (a) The experimentally retrieved (upper row) and theoretically predicted (lower row) density matrices of two selected quantum states. (b) Theoretically (left panel) and experimentally retrieved (right panel) probability-of-detection matrix. Credit: Haoqi Zhao, Yichi Zhang, Zihe Gao, Jieun Yim, Shuang Wu, Natalia M. Litchinitser, Li Ge, and Liang Feng" (ScitechDaily, Flying Qudits: Unlocking New Dimensions of Quantum Communication)

The regular data network can also transport quantum information. Each data package must contain information that states the quantum system used when it sent the package to the net. And, of course, the system requires a serial number of the data package. That receiving system can sort data in the right order. 

The reason why quantum networks are required is data security. But another thing is error detection in quantum computers. The quantum computer is the most powerful calculation system in the world. The only system that can make the error detection in a quantum computer system is another quantum computer. 

If those two quantum computers are too close to each other, that can cause a situation where the same outcoming effect can disturb both quantum computers.

This kind of system can add new dimensions to quantum communication and quantum computing. Quantum networks and quantum computers operate similarly. They just put data travel in lines. The communication that happens using quantum states is very hard for eavesdroppers. Data travels in physical wire in quantum communication. 

The qubit base is in the superposition between objects. The state of the qubit means the energy level. When the transmitter sends data to a receiver, that data travels between certain states. If somebody steals data, that decreases energy level. 

And that changes the qubit's state. In this case, the quantum computer loses data. Even if eavesdroppers can steal data, the computer sees that when the energy level differs from predicted states.

How can researchers handle noise in quantum computers?

The biggest problem with quantum computers is noise. The quantum noise forms when the quantum system oscillates randomly. The random oscilla...