
Showing posts from July, 2024

Tachyons, theoretical faster-than-light particles, change everything that we know about physics.

Hubble unmasks the secrets of dark matter.

Astronomers found the rare second-generation star in the Large Magellanic Cloud.

The blue supergiants open their mysteries.

Real- and virtual quantum computers and Riemann's "Zeta-function".

Astronomers found the strange spike-like structures near a young star.

Epsilon Indi Ab is the oldest and coldest exoplanet.

Neurocomputers and machine learning.

Gaia telescope discovered 21 neutron stars nearby sun-type stars.

Strange bird-like behavior unveils new possibilities in quantum systems.

What the dark matter could be?

Galaxy's core is frozen in time.

Researchers found new structures from the Higgs boson.

Finally, researchers found a medium-mass black hole.

The new spin centers can make a big step for quantum computing.

The universe's expansion and redshift.

Does the fourth dimension exist?

The quark material's existence is almost proven.

How time crystals bend time?

The new method to make artificial diamonds is interesting.

Flying qubits can turn the next page in quantum communication.