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Showing posts from July, 2024

Tachyons, theoretical faster-than-light particles, change everything that we know about physics.

"Research on tachyons, particles theorized to move faster than light, has progressed significantly, revealing that prior inconsistencies within quantum mechanics stemmed from inadequate boundary conditions. A new framework, considering both past and future states, not only resolves these issues but suggests a novel type of quantum entanglement and positions tachyons as central to the formation of matter via Higgs field excitations. Credit:" (ScitechDaily,  The particle can move faster as long as energy travels in it. We know that when a particle closes the speed of light, it turns shorter. Then quantum field jumps out from the particle. And energy starts to travel out from it. Theoretical tachyon particles can travel faster than light, but the particle must have a shape, that allows that energy to continue to travel into the particle, even if it travels faster than photons.  The energy bag in Tachyon could aim energy into its shell. The Tachyon can harness th

Hubble unmasks the secrets of dark matter.

"A long-term Hubble Space Telescope study of the Draco dwarf galaxy’s stars suggests dark matter is concentrated at the galaxy’s center, supporting the density cusp theory. This finding challenges earlier observations and improves our understanding of dark matter’s role in galaxy formation. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Hubble Unmasks Universe’s “Invisible Glue” – Stellar Motions Reveal Dark Matter Secrets) Dark matter is a gravitational phenomenon, "cosmic glue" whose origin is unknown.  The dark matter or dark gravitational interaction is the second dominating effect in the universe.  And we know that gravity is the thing, that glues dark matter to visible material. In some theories, dark matter is the thing, that is involved in all material.  The idea is that the expansion of the universe causes the expansion of atoms' quantum fields. That thing makes the quantum-level low pressure in atoms and subatomic particles. The expansion

Astronomers found the rare second-generation star in the Large Magellanic Cloud.

"The first generation of stars fundamentally changed the universe by fusing simple elements like hydrogen and helium into more complex ones within their cores, scattering these elements across space upon their death—elements that are now part of the Earth and living beings. Recently, scientists discovered a second-generation star from another galaxy, offering unique insights into the early elemental formation processes in galaxies beyond the Milky Way." (Wikipedia, Cosmic Oddity: Rare Second-Gen Star Found Beyond the Milky Way) The old star is the thing that opens our knowledge of stellar formation. This scarce star formed from the first generation star's remnants. The particles that formed this second-generation star are from the first stars in the universe. That thing makes this distant star very interesting.  And it can broaden our knowledge about star formation. The old star in the Large Magellanic Cloud can also mean that there are other old stars in that galaxy. The

The blue supergiants open their mysteries.

"Artistic image of a binary system of a red giant star and a younger companion that can merge to produce a blue supergiant. Credit: Casey Reed, NASA" (ScitechDaily, Astronomical Anomaly: Decoding the Mystery of Blue Supergiant Stars) B-type blue supergiants like Rigel are mysterious stars. Earlier researchers thought that those stars formed straight from the hydrogen cloud. The thing that fights against this theory is this: B-type blue supergiant's hydrogen line is medium. If a B-type star young star, that formed straight from the hydrogen cloud. Those stars should have a stronger hydrogen emission line. The medium emission line tells that the star is same time old and young.  That formed the theory that the migration between old red giants and an A-type blue star like Sirius A can form the B-type supergiant. That medium hydrogen line supports this theorem that at least some Rigel-type stars can form when old red stars collide with A-type stars. The B-type blue supergiant

Real- and virtual quantum computers and Riemann's "Zeta-function".

"Researchers have developed a new error-correction system for quantum computers, using qLDPC codes and reconfigurable atom arrays to reduce the physical qubit requirements, enhancing scalability and efficiency. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Innovative Error Correction Framework Paves the Way for Scalable Quantum Computers) Scalable quantum computers are the next-generation tools. But the computer must know all parts of the system. Without complete knowledge of the system and its behavior, the quantum system cannot operate as a trusted system. There are many problems with quantum systems.  One of the problems is the switch that shares data with the multiple quantum states of the qubit.  The new silicon-based architecture can solve this problem. The switch is the interface, where the binary computer transfers information into the quantum system.  The quantum computer must have an intelligent operating system. That can predict and control the quantum system. And its i

Astronomers found the strange spike-like structures near a young star.

"The baby star at the center surrounded by a bright disk called a protostellar disk. Spikes of magnetic flux, gas, and dust in blue. Researchers found that the protostellar disk will expel magnetic flux, gas, and dust—much like a sneeze—during a star’s formation. Credit: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO)" (ScitchDaily, Quite Unexpected” – Astronomers Discover Strange Spike-Like Structures Extending From Protostellar Disk) There is the possibility that those strange structures around the young star formed because the protoplanets form swirls in the interplanetary material disk when they form. Protoplanets are the mass centers in material disks.  And while protoplanets start to rotate. Their gravity pulls the dust and gas around it into the first atmosphere. The rotating planet takes dust and gas with it.  Maybe the strange-looking structures in the material disk are whirls that form when the protoplanet starts to rotate in the material disk.  And that thing increases the whirl's size.

Epsilon Indi Ab is the oldest and coldest exoplanet.

"Only a point of light is visible on the JWST/MIRI images. Nevertheless, the initial analysis suggests the presence of a gaseous planet that may have properties similar to Jupiter. Credit: T. Müller (MPIA/HdA)" (ScitechDaily, Webb’s Super-Jupiter Breakthrough: Oldest and Coldest Exoplanet Ever Imaged) " Researchers using the JWST have captured a new image of Eps Ind Ab, a super-Jupiter with an orbital distance significantly greater than previously estimated.  This discovery, highlighting a colder exoplanet than typically observed, prompts a reevaluation of its mass and orbit while also offering a new method for studying distant cold gas giants through direct imaging and spectral analysis."  ( ScitechDaily, Webb’s Super-Jupiter Breakthrough: Oldest and Coldest Exoplanet Ever Imaged) The JWST found that the exoplanet Epsilon Indi Ab has a similar ability to Jupiter. The Epsilon Indi Ab is a so-called super Jupiter. The role of Jupiter in our solar system is dominating

Neurocomputers and machine learning.

Neurocomputers or morphing neural networks are tools. That can be more revolutionary than quantum computers. The quantum computer's strength it it must not stop when it gets a new mission. The neural computer must not stop either. There is always a port, where the system can dump data. The number of gates makes human brains so powerful.  The system can always have a free gate for important data, and because the system makes its operations at multiple points at the same time, the neural computer will not stuck so easily. There are always processors or neurons that can take on the work if some part of the system is busy.  The neural network is a system, where there are multiple processors. When an intelligent system uses quantum calculation, that means the system cuts the mission into smaller parts. Then it shares those bites with multiple processors.  This method makes things like CRISPR so powerful. The system can cut the DNA into the bites. Then each of the data handling units whe

Gaia telescope discovered 21 neutron stars nearby sun-type stars.

"Astronomers have identified 21 distant neutron stars in binary orbits with Sun-like stars, revealed solely by their gravitational effects. These findings, facilitated by the Gaia mission, suggest complexities in binary star formation theories, given their unexpected survival from supernova events. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Gaia Reveals 21 Hidden Neutron Stars in Mysterious Cosmic Dance) The discovery tells us that stars of different ages can form binary star systems. That means the other companion of the binary stars can be far older or different from the other.  The thing is that neutron stars are the result of heavy star explosions as supernovas. That means neutron stars are not always older than their companion stars. The heavy star can live a shorter time before it detonates as a supernova. However, the supernova explosion should affect another member of the binary star system.   The impact wave should blow lots of the companion star with it. Or even destr

Strange bird-like behavior unveils new possibilities in quantum systems.

"Schematic picture of activity-induced ferromagnetism in quantum active matter. Here, moving atoms with spins exhibit the ferromagnetic order (i.e., aligning in one direction) like a flock of birds depicted above. Credit: Takasan et al 2024" (ScitechDaily, Strange Bird-Like Behavior in Atoms: Researchers Unveil New Magnetic Properties in Quantum Systems) Moving atoms (or ions) act like birds in the new ferromagnetic phenomenon. The first moving atom pulls the electromagnetic waves behind it, and those waves pull atoms to follow the leader particle. When electromagnetic waves hit the leading atoms, they create electromagnetic waves with hills and ditches.  That phenomenon looks like a bird flock or ship that moves on the sea. That leading particle follows wave movement behind it. And the distance of the waves is always the same. The electromagnetic ditches between those hills can pull other atoms into that wave movement.  The forward-moving movement can be virtual. If energy s

What the dark matter could be?

Dark matter existence is so interesting and weird that somebody cannot believe its existence. Sometimes, researchers describe dark matter as an effect that puts gravity waves moving. In some suggestions, the standing gravity waves form dark matter. The Schwinger effect or wave-particle duality means a situation, where wave movement forms a particle-antiparticle pair.  That means crossing gravitational waves can form a graviton-antigraviton pair. Nobody has seen graviton yet, but that hypothetical boson would be a boson, that transports gravitation. All particle-antiparticle pairs act the same way. When they touch each other they turn into energy or wave movement. That hypothetical particle-antiparticle-pair causes a situation, where gravitational waves can seem to come from nowhere.  There are many hypothetical dark matter models. In some versions, the dark matter is some kind of low-energy version of the known particles. In that model, the quark's spin can be so slow that energy s

Galaxy's core is frozen in time.

"Researchers have confirmed the presence of an intermediate-mass black hole in the core of Omega Centauri, a cluster that once formed the heart of a separate galaxy. This finding enhances our understanding of black hole evolution and galaxy dynamics. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Omega Centauri: A Galaxy Core Frozen in Time Reveals Its Black Hole) Black holes are enormous objects. They dominate space and time. Time travels backward in the black hole's event horizon. That causes the question: can the particle turn younger forever, even if time is an illusion? The idea of time as an illusion means that time is an energy. And when the particle loses its energy, it loses its mass. Then energy flows out from particles and turns them older. And sooner or later, the particle turns into radiation or wave movement. Or the ball of superstrings unravels. But then back to the question, can a particle be young forever? The particle turns old because the

Researchers found new structures from the Higgs boson.

"Recent theoretical advancements have enhanced the understanding of the Higgs boson’s properties, focusing on its cross-section during gluon-gluon collisions. This research highlights the relevance of higher-order corrections and confirms the predictions of the Standard Model, with further investigations expected to clarify the potential for new physics." (ScitechDaily,Quantum Revelations: Unveiling New Layers of the Higgs Boson) New research in CERN uncovers new structures in the Higgs boson. That research uncovers the reason, why the Higgs bosons are so different, and why they need so-high energy levels to separate.  The energy level in Higgs boson is enormous. And that means it exists for a short time. In new research, the origin of the Higgs boson is in the gluon interaction.  In wild models, the Higgs boson can form when two gluons hit together. To turn that reaction into reality the gluons must travel through the atoms, and hit together. That thing opens new and interes

Finally, researchers found a medium-mass black hole.

"An international team of astronomers has used more than 500 images from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope – spanning two decades of observations – to detect seven fast-moving stars in the innermost region of the globular star cluster Omega Centauri, the largest and brightest globular cluster in the sky. These stars provide new compelling evidence for the presence of the gravitational pull from an intermediate-mass black hole (IMBH) tugging on them. Only a few other IMBH candidates have been found to date. Credit: ESA/Hubble, NASA, Maximilian Häberle (MPIA) (Missing Link Uncovered: Hubble Unveils Hidden Black Hole in Omega Centauri) The missing link between black holes, a medium-mass black hole hiding in Omega Centauri. The final link between stellar- and supermassive black holes was found in Omega Centauri. A black hole between 10-10000 suns is one of the things that researchers are looking for. That black hole is one of the most enigmatic things in the universe.  Huge stars will not

The new spin centers can make a big step for quantum computing.

UC Riverside researchers have developed quantum simulators using spin centers to study magnetic phases, potentially advancing information storage and enabling room temperature quantum computing. Credit: (ScitechDaily, Quantum Computing Takes a Step Forward With New Spin Center Development) We can think of a quantum computer as a voltage meter. Each value in that meter is one state of the qubit. The problem is that the quantum computer or its operating system must recognize the state of the qubit, or the system cannot find data in the computer. The quantum computer can send data using all of its quantum states at the same time. That ability makes quantum computers more powerful than any binary computer can be.  "Researchers can build the proposed quantum simulator to simulate exotic magnetic phases of matter and the phase transitions between them. These phase transitions are of great interest because at these transitions the behaviors of very different systems beco

The universe's expansion and redshift.

The universe's expansion happens at a lower speed than the speed of light. But why some measurements can give other values? The reason for that is in redshift. When two particles or objects travel away from each other.  That forms a redshift that seems their distance speed appears to be faster than it is. When the object goes away from the other, the observer of the other object seems that the wavelength, that comes from another particle turns longer.  That causes the effect that spectral lines go to the red side of the spectrum. When two photons are traveling on opposite sides that causes a situation, where the other photon seems to travel twice at the speed of light if the observer stands on the other photon.  When we think about two cars that impact with a speed, both of them drive 50 km/h, that means the impact speed is 50+50=100 km/h. Same way when those cars drive in opposite directions, their distance speed is 50+50 km/h. And if there is radar on those cars, those radars mea

Does the fourth dimension exist?

Is the fourth dimension real?  Dimension is the energy level in a material wave- or quantum field. An energy level between two particles must be close enough to each other that they can exchange information.  Energy travels to the lower energy particle. If another particle sends information, the receiving particle is invisible to the transmitter until it reflects the information.  That reflection requires that the energy level in the particle rises higher than the first sender, or the higher energy particle can be invisible if the information reflection is too short. Or, the impact area of the information is too small. Or, if the energy flow is monotonic and there is no wave movement.  In the lower energy areas, energy valleys in the wave movement let receiving particles send their extra energy during the low energy point.  A particle is hard to notice if it sends information or energy very often. That thing means that information seems white noise. The reason for that is that. The rec

The quark material's existence is almost proven.

An artist’s impression of a neutron star. (Image: Jyrki Hokkanen, CSC. ) When the pressure compresses without limits, a reaction is something that we cannot imagine. The pressure will push all quarks into one quantum field. And that forms material that nobody expects. Gluons and quarks are like in one bag in that quark material. And in the heavy neutron stars, the neutron net is over those quarks.  It's very possible. Heavy neutron stars can involve that quark material. And then there is the possibility that this material tells us, what is the singularity? What if all material in the star falls into one quark? That turns quark very long.  Or where all material goes from the black hole. The first possibility is that the electromagnetic or quantum channel in the black hole makes it possible for the energy. And some part of the material leaves from the black hole.  An energy level in material and wave movement can rise so high that it can break the escape velocity. We can think that p

How time crystals bend time?

"A Rydberg atom has an electron which is far away from the nucleus. Credit: TU Wien" (ScitechDaily, The Crystal That Can Bend Time) Time crystals are materials that bend time. The question is how this can happen. The time crystal is a large low-energy atom, whose temperature is almost zero kelvin.  Sometimes this state of matter is called Bose-Einstein condensate.  There are two versions of the Bose-Einstein condensate. The regular Bose-Einstein condensate. And the Rydberg state.  In the Rydberg state of matter, there is one electron very far from the nucleus.  The name time crystal is from the phenomenon, where an electron touches the atom's quantum fields and causes a situation, where that atom surrounds energy. Because the atom's energy level is very low, it cannot deliver its energy as usual. To deliver energy the atom must raise its energy level higher than the environment. And time is energy. When electrons orbit that atom the most out electrons are far away fro

The new method to make artificial diamonds is interesting.

"Researchers have pioneered a method to grow diamonds under low pressure and temperature, revolutionizing the traditional synthetic diamond production process and expanding possibilities for scientific and technological advancements." (ScitechDaily, Paradigm Challenging Discovery: Diamonds Grown Without High Pressure) The traditional method of creating artificial diamonds is based on the high-pressure and high-temperature (HPTP) method. That method requires very high pressure, which makes this traditional process dangerous. The new method base is in crystal growth in the liquid metal alloy. In temperatures of 1025 degrees Celsius, and melted metal alloys, the composition of gallium, iron, nickel, and silicon makes it possible to create diamonds at room pressure. But the temperature is still very high.  The diamond rain in Uranus and Neptune can be modeled on Earth. "Carbon can link into a crystal on giant, icy gas planets like Neptune and Uranus because of the ultra-high

Flying qubits can turn the next page in quantum communication.

  "Figure 1. The signal photon, manipulated by the integrated photonic circuit, creates a 4D qudit represented by the set of orange spheres. Meanwhile, the idler photon, represented by the blue sphere, acts as a remote control for the signal photon." (ScitechDaily, Flying Qudits: Unlocking New Dimensions of Quantum Communication) "Credit: Haoqi Zhao, Yichi Zhang, Zihe Gao, Jieun Yim, Shuang Wu, Natalia M. Litchinitser, Li Ge, and Liang Feng, edited" (Scitech, Flying Qudits: Unlocking New Dimensions of Quantum Communication) Flying qubits give a new dimension to quantum computing and communication. The qubit hovers above the circuit that transmits information into it. The system's base is in the photonic circuit, and the 4D qubit can operate in many states.  In those systems, the qubits can travel on tracks. Then, they can exchange information between photonic circuits. And that makes them more effective than traditional qubits.  When the quantum system sends dat