Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Can we ever complete TOE (Theory of Everything)?

  Can we ever complete TOE (Theory of Everything)? 

TOE (Theory of everything) 

Can we someday make a collective theory that closes all other physics and quantum theories inside it? That is a really good question. TOE (Theory of Everything) is much more complicated than MOND (Modified Newtonian dynamics). 

That complicated thing means that in TOE researchers must interconnect fundamental particles and fundamental interactions into one entirety. That is the thing that makes TOE so interesting. The route from iron wire models to theories is long. And maybe we ever see the final version of TOE. 

The key element in TOE is that all fundamental particles or elementary particles are the same particle. The energy level of an elementary particle determines its shape. So Higgs Boson just turns to the Top Quark and then to another Quark. And there is a possibility that the Higgs boson is very close to the hypothetical chameleon particle. 

Chameleon particles are hypothetical actors that can change their shape from boson to fermion and the opposite. Fermions are elementary particles that form atoms. And bosons are transmitter particles for four fundamental interactions. So what if some particle can jump between boson and fermion states? 

"The Clebsch cubic is an example of a kind of geometric object called an algebraic variety. A classical result of enumerative geometry states that there are exactly 27 straight lines that lie entirely on this surface." (Wikipedia/ String Theory)

String theory and graviton. 

In string theory, the material is explained as a string. The string is like a hula hoop. Normally that hula hoop can turn into a ring-looking structure, and there is the possibility that this string will take absolute string form. When some electromagnetic radiation affects that ring it can form an extremely small black hole in the middle of it. Maybe that black hole can explain graviton the hypothetical source of gravitation. 

Those strings in string theory are quantum skyrmions. There are different size strings. And that thing means that when those strings impact each other that increases their mass. 

There is the possibility that at least some parts of so-called dark matter are gluons that orbit electrons. Or there is a theoretical possibility that gluons can start orbit quarks that are away from protons and neutrons. Proving that thing is difficult. And if some gluons and quark-pairs are interacting like protons and electrons in hydrogen atoms that is the fundamental thing. 

If there is a particle called gluon-quark that means it's hypothetically possible that this material is possible. The gluon-quark is the hypothetical chameleon particle that has the abilities of fermions and bosons. That hypothetical boson-fermion tensor could transform a boson into a fermion. 

But can we begin with electromagnetism? 

Why iron is magnetic? Iron is the least energy element in the universe. That means iron atoms turn very easily in the same direction. The magnetic field turns iron atoms in the direction where the S pole of the first iron atom is against the N pole of the second iron atom. That thing causes a magnetic field in iron. 

But in neutron stars, neutrons are also in the same way. The first neutron's N pole is against the other neutron's S pole. That means a neutron star is full of small generators that make an extremely strong magnetic field. Neutron forming of three quarks. One up and two down quarks. 

When neutron spins very fast it makes those three quarks act like harps. The distance between down quarks increases. The spin of up quark is stronger than others. So it pulls energy from those two down quarks. And then that up quark sends a photon. That interaction causes a pulling effect below those two down quarks. That pulling effect forms because of electromagnetic low pressure under those two quarks. 

Because gravitation is wave movement that means gravitation is radiation with a certain wavelength. And that causes the hypothesis that all wavelengths of radiation can change to another. That means visible light could turn to gravitational radiation. The neutron stars are sending also neutron radiation that is very high energy deep penetrating radiation. 

This makes those neutrons pull quantum fields through their structures. And that thing forms an extremely strong gravitational field. The black holes have a similar effect as neutron stars. But there is a transformer, the particle that changes all radiation into gravitational radiation. This is one of the most interesting things in the world. 

Droplet as a gravitational model. 

When the energy level of particles rises too high, that thing causes a situation in which the particle turns so small that it drops away from the universe. That thing is the black hole. Radiation that comes out from a black hole keeps it open. And that radiation just causes a similar situation as a droplet that drops on water. The first droplet pushes water away from it. 

And then water returns to the middle point forming a water statue. When black holes form in the supernova that thing pushes the quantum field away from it. We can think that gravitational waves have extremely short wavelengths and cycles. So the supernova pushes those gravitational waves away like a plate. That causes an effect where a supernova affects long distances in a very short moment. 

The gravitational fields are also quantum fields. When extremely high energy radiation impulse pushes gravitational fields away, that forms a structure that looks like a plate. And when eruption ends the gravitational- and other quantum fields start to drop into the middle of a black hole. There they reflect from the nucleus or singularity. So black hole transforms other radiation wavelengths into gravitational wave wavelengths.

The gravitation has no limit.

  The gravitation has no limit. 

Gravitational waves are extremely interesting. Gravitational waves tell that the thing that sends those waves is not stable. The wave in wave movement forms when the energy level in the object that sends waves changes. Same way when the energy level in graviton or the source of gravitational waves changes compared to the environment changes the gravitational center sends gravitational waves. The object sends wave movement when it must release its extra energy. And that happens when an object's energy level rises higher than its environment. 

In the traditional gravity model gravitation will turn precisely weaker in distance square. And that means there is a limit in the range of gravity. That thing is against the law of information persistence. This term means that information cannot vanish. We can think of the gravitational fields as a series of gravitational waves. And the primary gravitational center sends them. The primary gravitational center means dominating gravitational center. 

The reason why there is a virtual limit in the gravitational field in the universe is that. Other gravitational centers send gravitational waves that cover gravitational waves that the primary gravitational center sends turning the dominating gravitational center into another. Like if we travel from the close of the sun to the close of Earth. the Earth is the dominating gravity center. 

This phenomenon is similar to street lights. The streetlights cover the stars' shine below their shine, and we all know that streetlights are weaker than stars. The brightness of streetlights is virtually stronger than stars and that makes them a dominating light source. If we follow that model we can say that the dominating gravitational center is the dominating source of gravitational waves. 

But if gravitational waves travel in space there would be no limit for distance of the effect of the gravitational field. And if there is only one gravitational center in spacetime there is no limit for the gravitational waves that they can start to pull another object to the gravitational center. When we see things like the edge of gravitational fields we see a point, where the dominating gravity center changes. 

When we are reading things like acceleration in weaker gravitational fields we must understand one thing. In theory, the particle will not get more energy than the energy that it gets when it escapes from the gravitational center. The new observations tell us that gravitation is stronger than it should be. 

The reason why Newton and Einstein were not right is simple. They didn't realize that gravitation is electromagnetic wave movement. That means gravitation is like light. The weaker gravitational object can cover larger just like a streetlight covers a star when it's between the star and the observer. 

Another reason is that Einstein's and Newton's theories are suitable for certain scales of entireties. That means all theories are not suitable for all situations. The general theory of Relativity is suitable for gravitational potholes or near-powerful gravitational centers. The Theory of Special Relativity is the tool that observes interactions in weak gravitational interaction. 

The third reason why Newton and Einstein were not right is that they didn't predict that gravitational waves would act like all other wave movements. That means electromagnetism can be used as a model of gravitational waves. The difference is the wavelength of those waves. 

"Researchers have developed a method, MIRVAL, to convert mid-infrared photons into visible photons at room temperature, enabling single-molecule spectroscopy and having wide applications in gas sensing, medical diagnostics, astronomy, and quantum communication". ( the Invisible: New Method Makes Infrared Light Visible at Room Temperature)

This is why physics requires MOND theory. Modified Newtonian dynamics is the next-generation tool where gravitational waves are noticed. 

The ability to turn IR radiation visible at room temperature can also revolutionize gravitational research. In that case, the system transforms infrared radiation wavelength into visible light's wavelength. And that means it should be possible to transform gravitational waves' wavelength into visible light's wavelength. Making that thing in theory is easy, but in real life, that thing is extremely difficult. 

The fact is that black holes do not create gravitational waves. It transforms other waves or radiation with different wavelengths into gravitational waves. The ability to make IR radiation visible. This means that the system just transforms the wavelength of IR radiation to visible light. There is the possibility that something similar can be done for gravitational waves. 

Theoretically, wavelengths of different radiation types can freely transform to another. That means theoretically we could transform gravitational waves into visible light. But the problem is that we must find the particle that can make this transformation.

"The Wall" is the Saudi Arabian urban marvel or nightmare.

  "The Wall" is the Saudi Arabian urban marvel or nightmare. 

"The Wall" (Actually The Line) is straight from some SciFi movies. That structure is 170 kilometers long, 200 meters wide, and 500 meters high mega-house. That kind of structure would covered by using mirrors. And that giant house would produce its energy by using wind, sun, and geothermal energy. 

Some people say that "the Wall" is a maniac structure whose maintenance costs so much that it will never be autotrophic. Some people say that the purpose of Saudi Arabian megastructures like the "giant cube" in Riyadh is to offer a place or fortress for the Saudi elite. That mega-size skyscraper would be the largest building on our planet. 

"The Line is a planned city in Saudi Arabia, designed to be a 170 km long, 200 meters wide, and 500 meters high string of skyscrapers with a population density ten times that of Manhattan. However, researchers from the Complexity Science Hub argue that its linear design is inefficient, hindering active mobility and necessitating a high-speed rail system that would still result in longer commutes than in other major cities. Credit: Neom". ( Arabia’s “The Line”: Urban Marvel or Nightmare?)

"‘The Mukaab’, which translates to cube, a mammoth 400 metre long, wide and deep structure in the Saudi capital Riyadh (New Murabba Development Company)" ( New Kaaba’: Saudi Arabia plans to build giant cube building in Riyadh)

Those extremely large houses offer the possibility that Saudi leaders or the royal family of Saudi Arabia can isolate themselves from the regular people. The security in those giant "one-house cities" will be extremely high. And the AI-based applications are working with security and things that make feeling comfortable. There is a vision that in the future people will live in cities that are extremely large houses, where energy production is done by using green energy. 

Those houses would involve food production units like plantages and laboratories where meat is grown from cell cultures. In plans, people will travel in the Wall by using high-speed trains. There would be three lines that allow flexible transportation inside the house. But the problem is what if a high-speed train loses its control, and smashes to the farthest end? The idea in those three lines will be simple. 

The fastest line would probably have only three or four stops. The farthest points in that city and one is in the middle of it. We can call this line as "red line". Then the yellow or middle-speed line has more stations. And then the purpose of the green line is to transport people between yellow-line stations. This slowest train line may use independent trains between yellow stations. So there is an independent individual train between two yellow stations. And that allows people to travel flexibly inside that building.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

A new observation about WR or Wolf-Rayet stars is that they can transform into magnetars.

  A new observation about WR or Wolf-Rayet stars is that they can transform into magnetars. 

The magnetars and WR stars are things that interest fusion developers. The high-energy blue stars can give tips on how to keep high-energy plasma steady in fusion reactors. The WR stars can also give tips for making new types of plasma-based magnets that can be used to control plasma in fusion reactors. 

Wolf-Rayet stars are blue supergiants formed of helium. The Wolf-Rayet stars are extremely strong magnetic fields and they are extremely hot. There is a model that some magnetars, lightweight neutron stars with extremely powerful magnetic fields can have origin as Wolf-Rayet stars. When magnetic power lines of Wolf-Rayet stars are traveling around its core magnetic fields harvest energy. Mainly that energy comes from WR star. But some part of that energy comes from WR Star's entirety. 

In this model is a possibility, that the magnetic field around the WR star becomes more and more powerful. And it can press the plasma of the WR star into the magnetar. In that model, the magnetic field acts like a powerful press. A powerful magnetic field crushes the WR star into a neutron star. In that model, the transformation of the WR star into magnetar doesn't always require a supernova explosion. 

"This artist’s impression shows HD 45166, a massive star recently discovered to have a powerful magnetic field of 43,000 gauss, the strongest magnetic field ever found in a massive star. Intense winds of particles blowing away from the star are trapped by this magnetic field, enshrouding the star in a gaseous shell as illustrated here. Credit: ESO/L. Calçada" (ScitechDaily/Magnetic Destiny: How a Wolf-Rayet Star Might Morph Into a Magnetar)

"This artist’s impression illustrates how, in a few million years, HD 45166 will explode as a very bright, but not particularly energetic, supernova. During this explosion, its core will contract, trapping and concentrating the star’s already daunting magnetic field lines. Credit: NOIRLab/AURA/NSF/P. Marenfeld/M. Zamani". (ScitechDaily/Magnetic Destiny: How a Wolf-Rayet Star Might Morph Into a Magnetar)

"This artist’s impression illustrates the ultimate fate of HD 45166 after its core has collapsed, resulting in a neutron star with a magnetic field of around 100 trillion gauss — the most powerful type of magnet in the Universe. Credit: NOIRLab/AURA/NSF/P. Marenfeld/M. Zamani". (ScitechDaily/Magnetic Destiny: How a Wolf-Rayet Star Might Morph Into a Magnetar)

But normally WR stars will explode when they turn into magnetars. The high-power radiation decreases the mass of the WR star very fast. And that means the origin of the WR star could be a very large star. But high power radiation can increase its mass very fast. And that means its fate could be different than predicted. 

"New findings centered on observations and stellar evolution models of a hot, helium-rich Wolf-Rayet star suggest that it is set to produce a magnetar when it undergoes a supernova explosion. These findings present a deeper understanding of the formation process of magnetars, which are considered the most magnetic entities in the Universe". "( Destiny: How a Wolf-Rayet Star Might Morph Into a Magnetar)

WR star is an extremely hot, blue helium star. The high energy radiation in that star pushes quantum fields around it away. That causes a situation. Where energy starts to flow out from WR star faster than usual. And that causes the expansion of the WR star. Expansion decreases the power of the nuclear reaction. That decreases the radiation pressure. And the quantum field drops back in. And that thing increases energy production. That cycle causes rings around the WR star.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Fermilab scientists are close to finding the fifth force.

 Fermilab scientists are close to finding the fifth force.

There is a possibility that the fifth force is separated from all known fundamental interactions. But there is another model that also makes sense. In that model, the fifth force is the combination of four fundamental interactions. The model is conducted from a model where the researchers can connect things like electromagnetism and weak nuclear forces to electro-weak forces.

The idea of that model is that all fundamental interactions have the same source. That thing can be a hypothetical graviton, which transmits energy to gluons. Then gluons transmit energy to quarks, and quarks share that energy with quark groups which are protons and neutrons. Then those quark groups send wave molecules into electron orbitals.

So when an energy impulse travels through a bigger particle, like when a gluon sends an energy impulse to a quark, that bigger particle transforms the wavelength of that wave movement. That means the hypothetical graviton would be before the gluon. The graviton would be an extremely small, high-energy object that sends wave movements with a very high frequency. And because the wavelength of the gravity waves is so short and the height of those waves is so low, those waves are hard to detect.

In some models, there are superstrings between those gravitational waves. Those strings are pushing those waves away from each other. It is also possible that there is no space for other wavelengths between those gravitational waves.

Expansion of the universe. 

Standard model of particle physics. 

That means there is probably an electromagnetic vacuum or low pressure between those waves. And those small vacuum areas are what cause the pulling effect of gravitation. The radiation that travels to gravitational centers just pulls objects with it.

So if it is possible to create an energy level that is high enough that it can connect all fundamental forces into one string, that string has such a high energy level that it pushes all other quantum fields away from it.

The idea of the fifth force is simple. There is an idea that the base of all four fundamental forces is one force that splits into gravity, strong and weak nuclear forces, and electromagnetism. All known fundamental forces are wave movements. The transmitter particle called the boson, sends wave motion, which means every fundamental force has its wavelength and frequency.

So the transmitter particle's size determines the wavelength of the fundamental interaction. And because gravitation is an interaction, that means it also has the transmitter particle, the hypothetical graviton. The idea of the fifth force is that theoretically, it is possible to lens all four known interactions into one point.

And that thing should push all wave motions into one entirety. But pushing all wave moments or fundamental interactions into one entirety requires lots of energy. That energy level existed somewhere before quark-gluon plasma formed. So if there is so much energy that it can form the entirety of the fundamental interactions that form "lightning" or the superstring, where all fundamental interactions are the entirety, and the energy level of that entirety is so high that it sweeps all other quantum fields away from it, then the superstring that forms the fifth force, which is the entirety of all known forces, makes a hole in spacetime.

Manipulating systems requires complete information about the system.

  Manipulating systems requires complete information about the system.

Finally, the genome on the Y chromosome is mapped. And that paves the way for new gene therapy. So if we want to give gene therapy, we must know exactly what each base pair in DNA makes. And that's why mapping the human genome is important.

Also, if we want to manipulate an animal's behavior, we must have complete information on how axons work. The researchers created the first image of working axons. And that is the route to a complete understanding of neural systems. The ability to control the nervous system is important for things like neurochips.

The neurochip is a tool that uses living neurons for higher operations, and those neurons interact with microchips. That should make computers even more powerful and flexible. Also, things like BCI (Brain-Computer Interfaces) require complete knowledge about axons and their functions.

Researchers controlled the C. elegans worm's behavior. And produced mRNA molecules.

The breakthrough in modeling the nervous system and genetics makes it possible to control simple animal behaviors. And that thing makes it possible to turn bacteria and some other parasites against each other. The MIT scientists cracked the code that controls the C. elegans worm's nervous system and made it behave differently.

That thing can make a big advance in medicine. The ability to control this worm's behavior can make it destroy non-wanted tissues. In those visions, manipulated worms will inject themselves into blood vessels. And they just find the target by following certain chemical signals.

That thing can be used to control things like bugs. The new way to control and limit the population of insect pests could be to deny their ability to make descendants. And the most effective way would be to just deny their copulation. Another way to limit the population of insect pests is to make those bugs eat their eggs. That thing turns those animals into "werewolves" against each other.

Another very interesting advance is that Japanese researchers produced the mRNA molecules. mRNA molecules are things that can reprogram cells. In some visions, the synthetic mRNA molecules are used to program bacteria to create antibiotics against each other. The mRNA molecules also play a key role in the visions where cells are reprogrammed in genome therapy. Genome therapy is one of the most advanced therapies that can be used to fix damaged genomes.

The thing is that mRNA can be used to make cells produce things like antibiotics and new biomaterials. That thing can be the breakthrough in all areas where bioengineering is used. Synthetic mRNA molecules can change the behavior of cells. Manipulated cells can be used to make medicines, fuel, and many other things, like synthetic organs.

Fundamental AI and the fundamental plasma-ion engine

 Fundamental AI and the fundamental plasma-ion engine

Vlasiator is a fundamental AI-based system that simulates particle flow.

The University of Helsinki's Vlasiator computer program noticed interesting things in the plasma pulses in the Earth's magnetosphere. That thing is that the Earth's poles form plasma pulses in a very interesting way. The N and S poles drive plasma ions and anions through different routes.

And then those anions and ions impact together. That thing forms a thing called a plasma pulse. The Vlasiator is an artificial intelligence-based program that can also be used for making flow models. And one of the most interesting things is the ion engine that uses solar plasma to make thrust. This is one version of the Bussard Ramjet. 

The hypothetical interstellar fusion engine pulls plasma into the accelerator by using magnetic fields. And then the laser system ignites the fusion reaction. Same way in a high-voltage pulsed plasma system nuclear fusion makes plasma and thrust. 

There is no fusion ignition in low voltage plasma pulse engine (or pulsed plasma system). The impacting plasma causes reflections and increases pressure in that reaction chamber. And that is the thing, that thrusts the system. 

"Plasma eruptions in near-Earth space. The University of Helsinki’s Vlasiator model demonstrated that both magnetic reconnection and kinetic instabilities are responsible for plasma eruptions in near-Earth space, providing vital insights for space research and technology. Credit: Jani Närhi" ( eruptions in near-Earth space. The University of Helsinki’s Vlasiator model demonstrated that both magnetic reconnection and kinetic instabilities are responsible for plasma eruptions in near-Earth space, providing vital insights for space research and technology. Credit: Jani Närhi)

But that image could also introduce the model of the plasma pulse engine system. The plasma pulse system drives anions and ions by using different routes. And then those ions and anions impact together. 

"Artist's conception of a Bussard ramjet. A major component of an actual ramjet – a miles-wide electromagnetic field – is invisible." ( ramjet)

The pulsed plasma engines are one version of the Bussard's ramjet. The pulsed plasma engines can use any gas ions and anions. The system just creates plasma and drives anions and ions through different routes to the chamber, where they hit each other. That thing forms plasma pulses like Earth's magnetic field. Theoretically, a pulsed plasma engine allows a craft that uses it to operate outside and inside the atmosphere.

Image 1 above introduces plasma pulses. And how they form. Those plasma pulses are making an interesting model of the new way to use solar power in ion engines. The idea is that the new ion engine, or plasma-pulse ion engine, uses two routes, which are positive and negative-loaded. 

Those plasma routes drive solar plasma to the chamber, where they impact together. That thing can form the plasma pulse that can drive spacecraft in the solar system. The system that pulls plasma into the tubes that drive it into the reaction chamber must not use very high-power magnetic fields.

Monday, August 21, 2023

Plasma turbulence can uncover hidden magnetic fields. But it also can form powerful magnetic fields.

Plasma turbulence can uncover hidden magnetic fields. But it also can form powerful magnetic fields. 

The turbulent plasma can explain some strongest magnetic fields and highest energy pulses in the universe. Turbulent plasma can uncover hidden magnetic fields in the universe. But whirling plasma also can create high-power magnetic fields. Those magnetic fields can cause strong maser emission at least in radio frequencies. 

When things like radio waves travel through high-energy plasma. That plasma pumps energy to those radio waves. Or actually, magnetic fields in plasma are the things that transfer energy to radio waves that travel through those magnetic fields. Because plasma can increase radio waves' power far away from their source, that makes it hard to detect their origin. 

When plasma starts to whirl it can form a structure that looks like a generator. Plasma whirls around black holes and neutron stars are one thing that makes those things so powerful. The interaction is quite complicated.

"Columbia researchers have found that magnetic fields across the universe may originate in turbulent plasma. Their study demonstrates that these plasmas, present in various environments, can spontaneously create and amplify magnetic fields, revealing the process through which magnetic fields can stretch over immense distances."( Plasma: Uncovering the Source of the Universe’s Magnetic Fields)

"The magnetic field in the Whirlpool Galaxy (M51), captured by NASA’s flying Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) observatory superimposed on a Hubble telescope picture of the galaxy. The image shows infrared images of grains of dust in the M51 galaxy. Their magnetic orientation largely follows the spiral shape of the galaxy, but it is also being pulled in the direction of the neighboring galaxy at the right of the frame. Credit: NASA, the SOFIA science team, A. Borlaff; NASA, ESA, S. Beckwith (STScI) and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)" ( Plasma: Uncovering the Source of the Universe’s Magnetic Fields)

"A composite image illustrating the birth and growth of magnetic fields in turbulent plasmas, from weak fields on small scales (top left) to strong fields on large scales (bottom right). Credit: Columbia University" ( Plasma: Uncovering the Source of the Universe’s Magnetic Fields)

Because the energy that sends energy to the plasma cloud comes outside and also inside the interstellar clouds. The high-energy radiation burst that travels through plasma clouds also can form temporary whirls in plasma clouds. Also things like molecular clouds or nebulas where iron can form a structure that acts like generators. 

When plasma whirl orbits neutron stars or black holes the plasma acts as a rotor. And neutron stars and black holes are like stators. Those large plasma whirls pump energy into the middle of them. 

But also energy beams that black holes and neutron stars send can form a situation where plasma around those beams injects energy into them. That thing can increase those beam's energy level far away from their source. 

When the energy beam hits to plasma cloud that makes the plasma shine. That radiation also increases optical or visible light energy levels at least at the same wavelength where the plasma cloud transmits energy. 

When things like neutron stars or black holes blow material through the universe. Those high-energy radiation and particle beams are ionizing gas around them. That high-energy plasma can start to create a plasma tornado around those electron- and radiation beams. That plasma channel interacts like a maser system injecting energy into radiation that travels through that channel. 

When high-energy plasma whirls around those beams they act the same way as generators forming a structure that looks like a generator. The energy beam that travels in plasma acts like an axle or stator and plasma whirls around it creating a rotor that injects energy into those beams.

Friday, August 18, 2023

The next step for laser weapon research

 The next step for laser weapon research 

The thing that breaks the glass on a cold table is fast temperature change. The thing that makes the next-generation laser weapons more effective than ever before. The system can use lasers to warm up targets. And then the system can use Bose-Einstein condensates to cause temperature changes. The fast decrease in temperature can break the structure. 

Laser weapons are tools that can be effective against drone swarms. And this is why investments in that technology are rising. 

The thing that destroys objects is the end of the energy pump. The idea is this: energy that is pumped into objects starts to travel into their environment, and that thing rips material into pieces. Laser rays pump extra energy into the target, and that energy forms a high-energy point where energy waves start to travel to the edge of the material. If the impulse is high enough, the expanding wave takes atoms and molecules with it.

In the most powerful systems, the laser beam should create a bubble around the object. First, regular lasers will heat the object. And if the energy level of those pulses is high enough, that thing could make a warp bubble around the object.

"In the Basel experiment, a laser beam is directed onto a membrane (square in the middle). Using the reflected laser light, delayed by a fiber optic cable (violet), the membrane is then cooled down to less than a thousandth of a degree above absolute zero. Credit: University of Basel, Department of Physics" ( Absolute Zero: Scientists Use Lasers To Cool Small Membrane)

The next-generation laser weapon could be a combination of laser weapons and regular missiles. First, the laser makes objects very hot. And then the rocket will shoot Bose-Einstein condensate around the object. That thing makes energy flow out of those objects very fast, breaking their structure.

Researchers used laser rays to decrease the temperature of one small plate. Maybe laser rays can also shoot through fullerene balls. That system can make it possible to create lots of Bose-Einstein condensate. And the modern laser weapon can operate that laser to heat objects. Then the system will shoot Einstein-Bose condensate in the form of fullerene balls to the route of those flying objects.

The most effective solutions are in situations where the system creates around the high-temperature objects a very low-energy area. And then that area pulls energy out of the object very quickly.

There are two versions of the model showing how a laser weapon should give energy to its target.

One is a high-power laser impulse that is given once. Or multiple, lower-energy laser impulses are given to the target. The problem with a laser weapon is that its energy level cannot be too high, or the laser element will overheat.

One of the ways to increase the power of a laser weapon is to conduct Bose-Einstein condensate around the targeted object. This process will be done using a two-stage model. The first laser system pumps energy into the targeted object. 

And then the Bose-Einstein condensate will be released around the heated object. This thing should make energy travel out of the object very fast. In that case, energy travels out of the object very quickly. And that energy flow breaks the material structure in the object.

Why have Russian Ka-52 "Alligator" helicopters failed in Ukraine?

Why have Russian Ka-52 "Alligator" helicopters failed in Ukraine?

Many Russian Ka-52 "Alligator" helicopters are shot down over Ukraine. That helicopter should be the competition for the AH-64 Apache and other Western military helicopters. But big losses in Ukraine caused a re-estimation of the use of that helicopter.

One reason for those losses is that the Ka-52 is a very common combat helicopter in Russian forces. One of the reasons why Ka-52 turned into a flop can be that their crews were not trained as they should. And a lack of training causes those losses.

But one of the biggest reasons for Alligator failure can be attributed to a lack of trusted "fire and forget" weapons. If Ka-52 uses rockets aiming at those weapons takes longer time and forces the helicopter to fly straight ahead. The reason why Ka-52 was successful in Syria was there was no heavy AA or lightweight smart missiles. The Ka-52 could hover outside the enemy fire and use its firepower. 

The regular anti-tank missile that is used in those Ka-52 helicopters uses semi-active laser homing. The pilot or gunner sees the target and locks the laser on it. And then the anti-tank weapon called "9K121 Vikhr" rides to the target with that laser. 

The system should be immune to countermeasures, but the weakness is that the helicopter cannot move at all, at least horizontally. The laser system requires a gyroscopic system that keeps it aimed at the target. Without that system the helicopter is vulnerable. 

Or the missile loses contact with the laser ray. Or if the pilot makes some maneuver, the laser ray turns away from the target. If the helicopter hovers in a stable position for about 10–60 seconds, that makes it a good target for any AA system. Because aircraft that use semi-active radar-homing missiles cannot make escape and evasion movements before the missile hits the target, they are vulnerable.

Ka-52 c. 2015

Vikhr missile transport and launching tubes (Wikipedia/9K121 Vikhr)

There is an investigation into the possibility of using semi-active laser homing in Western helicopters. In those applications, the helicopter cooperates with quadcopters or some other drones.

The laser in the helicopter marks a point for the quadcopter that points a laser spot on the target. Then helicopters shoot missiles that can use the quadcopter's laser spot to aim themselves at targets. Or in some other versions, the helicopter drops a quadcopter at the same moment as a missile.

And the missile rides on the laser beam that was shot from the remote-controlled quadcopter. That kind of system gives old-fashioned systems their trusted fire-and-forget ability. In some visions, old-fashioned wire-guided missiles can cooperate with drones like quadcopters. In that system, those control wires will be installed under the quadcopter.

Then the operator of that weapon can use a quadcopter as a launch platform. Another operator can control the flight of that missile by giving it a control signal through the quadcopter. So the remotely controlled unit of wire-guided missiles that is installed below the quadcopter can give that old-fashioned weapon fire-and-forget ability.

The image-based fire-and-forget ability makes the Javelin missiles superior. Because Javelin uses a modified face recognition system (AI-based IIR, or imaging infrared), that missile is hard to jam. Image-homing missiles are hard to jam by using flares.

But optical AI-based image-homing systems have replaced those laser systems. Those systems are used in the Javelin and Maverick missiles. Also, guided bombs can use this type of target designator. In those systems, lasers mark the target for missiles. And when a helicopter shoots a target, it can start to make counter maneuvers against missiles and other hostile fire.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Researchers dig very deep holes to find dark matter on Earth.

Dark matter interacts with gravitation. And that means there should be a cloud of those mystery particles around Earth. The dark matter will also fall to Earth's Core if it acts like visible material. But the problem is that dark matter is not interacting with visible material except through gravitation. 

There are theories that Earth is full of "Hairy dark matter". And that means there is a possibility that those "hairs" can touch with some part of visible atoms. And that thing causes interesting thoughts. The fact is this. Gravitational interaction makes it possible. Also, other planets in our solar system are surrounded by dark matter. 

Planets are also gravitational centers. And that means they collect dark matter around them. The dark matter should fall in the gravitational center. So some part of the weight of the planet should form. Because dark matter connects with it through gravitation. 

That dark matter stabilizes the planet's spin. And it also puts brakes on the spinning speed of the planet. So could something blow dark matter away from Mars? Could that explain why Mars rotates faster and faster? 

Researchers drop and raise atom clocks into those holes. And they hope to find anomalies in gravitational fields through time dilation. The idea is this. When an atom clock travels through the dark matter cloud, that cloud affects its work. Dark matter causes time dilation and those atom clocks can detect that time dilation in the dark matter cloud. 


"Using NASA’s InSight Mars lander, scientists have precisely measured Mars’ rotation, detecting a subtle acceleration and the planet’s wobble due to its molten core. This study offers unprecedented insights into the Martian core’s size and shape, providing vital information for understanding Mars’ internal structure. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UArizona." ( Is Spinning Faster: NASA’s InSight Uncovers Surprising Acceleration)


Or could something cause a situation in that Mars' nucleus formed some kind of bubble that removed the electromagnetic friction from the planet? The fact is this. The spin speed of a planet can accelerate in two ways. 

1) Something pumps more energy into the planet than it uses in its spin. That thing could be some kind of energy beam, that hits the planet. Rising its energy level. 

2) Something removes gravitational brakes from that planet. Normally in the cases of planets or dwarf planets, gravitational breaks are visible. Things like other planets like Earth or Jupiter are visible things that slow the speed of their moons. So, if the reason for gravitational breaks is not visible but it's not things like a black hole, it can be a dark matter object. 

If the Earth is in the middle of a large-size dark matter bubble, that bubble can affect to spin of our planet. The gravitational entirety of the dark matter will slow the spin of Earth. If Earth has collected dark matter bubbles around it, also other planets must do that thing. The thing is that all gravitational centers can collect dark matter bubbles around them. 

So could some kind of dark matter reaction cause that planet Mars spins faster and faster? One answer for that interesting phenomenon could be that Mars lost a large bite of dark matter that surrounds it. If that model is right. Something blew dark matter away from that planet's orbiter. And if that plate is gone. There is nothing that can brake the spin of Mars or another planet.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

News from the hypersonic missile race is not promising good for détente.

Japan wants to mount missiles into their C-5 Cargo planes. That tells that there is coming something big. That big thing could be the LRHM (Long-Range Hypersonic Missile) that supplanted the ARRW (Air-Lauched Rapid Reaction Weapon). So ARRW is history and the world belongs to LRHM which has more capacity than ARRW. 

The ARRW was delayed. And that tells that there was come something that officials not mentioned to the media. The thing that makes the LRHM more powerful than ARRW. Is that it can raise from any platform and reach hypersonic speed. So that LRHM missiles can mount to any platform. If we think that ÁTACMS missiles and their air-launched variants are deadly. We can just imagine what those new LRHM missiles can do for attackers. 


The thing is that air-breathing hypersonic missiles would be very powerful weapons. Russia and China, and even India have their hypersonic missiles. Those weapons are under development or in service in many countries. 

And the world waits that the USA and its allies will uncover their hypersonic projects. The Kinzhal and Zircon missiles were some kind of disappointment because their accuracy was not what it should be. And at least Kinzhal requires the MiG-31 platform to reach hypersonic speed. I don't know did Russians use Zircon in real situations, but Kinzhal has been in use in Ukraine. 

There are tales that the USAF wants to mount hypersonic weapons into B-52, B-1, and of course, B-2 and B-21 "Raider" strategic bombers. The media didn't separately mention the last ones. But those stealth bombers are the top-level systems of the USAF. And the new hypersonic missiles will give them a top-level strike capacity. The last ones are stealth bombers. 

And the hypersonic missiles will give them ultimate strike capacity. Also, some destroyers of the U.S. NAVY will get those hypersonic missiles into their arsenals. Those destroyers are the "Zumwalt class" but there is the possibility that also at least new Arleigh Burge will get those hypersonic weapons. 

The list of hypersonic weapons. Along their developers and operators.


Space X's Starship and Draco nuclear engines would be the ultimate tools for solar system research.

The Draco nuclear thermal- or nuclear plasma propulsion system is the tool of the next generation. The Draco system will have more capacity than the old-time Centaur stage that transferred most of the deep space probes to their target planets. 

It's possible to install The nuclear-powered Draco rocket in the super-Centaur stage and can transfer large spacecraft to long-distance missions in our solar system. The Draco stage can dock with Space X's Starship. And those systems are the ultimate combination for deep space missions to other planets. The Draco system can be even more powerful than any other spacecraft.

When we think that the Draco would be a so-called improved NERVA (Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application), the Draco might use antimatter as the booster. In that kind of special system, the antimatter is positrons. The Draco could create those positrons from the beta radiation that comes from the nuclear reactor. 

Or the cathode tube sends electrons through a thin gold layer. In that system, the system injects positrons into the Draco engine's exhaust gas. And that connects "Project Orion" with "Project NERVA". 

The Starship (Image credit: SpaceX) NASA could install Draco thermal nuclear engine to Starship. 

"Artist's concept of the DRACO (Demonstration for Rocket to Agile Cislunar Operations) spacecraft, which will demonstrate a nuclear thermal rocket engine. Nuclear thermal propulsion technology could be used for future NASA crewed missions to Mars. (Image credit: DARPA)" (, DARPA to launch nuclear rocket to orbit by early 2026)

NASA believes that SpaceX's Starship will be a next-generation space station. The Starship could operate as an orbital laboratory, either manned or remotely controlled. That laboratory can be useful for nanotechnology and biological research. If there is some kind of leak where dangerous organisms are released, that kind of laboratory can send them to the sun. 

The risk that the organism can be released into the Earth's atmosphere is denied. By putting those laboratories in orbit around the moon. At the moon orbiter, all debris falls to the moon.

Space X is a pioneer in VTOL space shuttle technology. And maybe that kind of technology is used on Mars and other missions to the outer solar system.

But the thing is that. Those AI-controlled laboratories can be used in other places in our solar system. The Starship is a large system that allows for many variants of that large system. The remarkable thing that makes Starship and Space X interesting is that their rockets are multi-use. Space X sends its rockets into orbit and then returns them on ships. That kind of operation requires extreme accuracy. '

The same technology can use in Mars and other types of deep space missions. And maybe that kind of system will use in space mines. Those systems can get asteroids to Earth orbiter. And their lasers will cut those asteroids into pieces and send them to the factories. That kind of use can revolutionize raw materials products on Earth.

There is a possibility that LK-99 couldn't reach superconductivity at room temperature. But it still can be a revolutionary compound.

But that material is very interesting from the point of view of quantum computing. The superconducting material allows information can keep it while it travels in those wires. The LK-99 might not be a superconductor at room temperature. But it can be a game changer in many superconducting areas. 

Uranus' rings are the model for a next-generation generator that orbits the planet. This generator uses superconducting metal wires to harvest energy from the magnetic field. 

In some visions, the planets like Uranus and Earth can surround using superconducting wires. Those superconductors would orbit the planet through its poles and collect energy from its magnetic field. The model of that system is the rings of Uranus. 

There would be three metal wires that rotate or orbits that planet internally in opposite directions. Those extremely thin wires can create energy far away from the sun. That kind of generator can harvest energy from the planet's magnetic fields. 

Pictures 2 and 3: Uranus's rings. Credits: NASA

The LK-99 may not reach superconductivity at room temperature. But it could be the pathfinder in that technology. The problem with superconducting materials is that the only thing. What is needed is to stabilize them and remove oscillation in their structure. When the system decreases temperature. 

That action takes those atoms near to each other. And that thing also decreases the movement and especially oscillation in the material. There is needed more tests to prove that the material is superconducting. The fact is that material must pass four tests to prove its superconducting ability. And LK-99 is not passed a single one yet. But then if we think that someday we reach. 

The superconductivity at room temperature we must realize one thing. There is the possibility that this material requires stable conditions that it could remove oscillation from its structure. And another thing is how to make that material flexible. The problem is that low-temperature superconductors are not very flexible. 

And that limits their use. The problem is that in low temperatures the superconductors turn brittle. When metals turn brittle. That causes problems with oscillation. Oscillation can break the superconducting structure. That is the problem with practical superconducting computers. 

The solution for that problem could be a nanostructure that looks like neckless. But we must realize that there are many other superconductor projects than LK-99. One of them is to use 2D nanomaterial covered with a single-atom layer of copper. Then the system will press that layer with high pressure and decrease its temperature. 

Normally superconductors involve elements like carbon or some other metals like germanium or pure copper. The low temperature makes superconductors very brittle. Changes in temperature or other physical conditions can destroy that material. But if we can someday create room-temperature superconductors that thing can revolutionize computing. And energy production.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

The new X-ray nanosatellite group will research black holes and neutron stars.

RIKEN sends nanosatellite swarms to space to observe and research the X-ray targets. "The satellite results from a collaboration between Japan's RIKEN research institution, Mitsui Bussan Aerospace, and mission integrator Kongsberg NanoAvionics (NanoAvionics). Those satellites will orbit Earth on LEO (Low Earth Orbiter) (InterestingEngineering/New X-ray nanosatellite to study black holes, neutron stars)

The SpaceX Transporter 9 mission will send those satellites later this year. The name of those satellites is NinjaSat X-ray. And probably in the future, similar satellite swarms with gamma-ray sensors start to orbit our planet. The X-ray nanosatellite groups are interesting tools. 

The group of those small-size satellites can make observations about the X-ray objects around the universe. And they also can open new visions of intensive black hole research. It is possible that in the future. The X- and gamma-ray satellite groups offer similar resolution in those radiation areas as JWST-telescope offers in visible and infrared areas. The information that those satellites collect can connect with JWST data. 

The X- and gamma-ray satellites could search for things like uranium on the ground and asteroids. The system benefits from the radioactive radiation that the uranium or its fission products send. The X-and gamma-ray satellites can also uncover the location of nuclear weapons. The fissile material of those weapons sends X- and gamma-rays. 

Those satellites can see X- or gamma-ray objects from orbital if that radiation is enough strong. The same satellite will not probably observe X- and gamma-rays. And of course, the satellites that follow things like nuclear weapons can observe other wavelengths. So theoretically the satellites can use neutron- or some other radioactive wavelengths. 

At this point, I must say that the ability to see things like nuclear weapons depends on the strength of the radiation that radioactive material sends. The strength of that radiation should be strong enough that it can travel through the atmosphere. And the satellite must see that radiation against the natural background. 

Another thing is that the high-resolution gamma- and X-ray cameras can search things like FOBS (Fractional Orbital Bombardment Systems) or other orbital nuclear weapons. The thing that uncovers orbital nuclear weapons and nuclear reactors is the fission material that is required in nuclear reactors and bombs. 

The plutonium used in fission bombs that detonate the hydrogen bomb's fusion stage sends X- and gamma-rays. And those X-ray satellites can detect this type of radioactive material. In the case of nuclear attacks, those X-ray satellites can detect the warheads benefiting from the X-rays that the fission bomb sends.

Monday, August 7, 2023

Cosmic radiation's connection with seismic activity is an interesting thing.


Researchers saw the brightest energy burst from the Sun, that had ever measured before. Cosmic radiation's connection with seismic activity and the sun's activity are interesting things. The increase in the Sun's energy production causes an increase in the radiation or energy that the Sun sends to Earth. 

The radio bursts from the Sun or other places in the Universe can increase the energy level in the Earth's nucleus and mantle. That causes turbulence in the liquid magma. And also increasing fission speed in the nucleus causes pressure waves in the mantle. And we can see that thing as seismologic activity. 

That radiation impacts Earth's magnetosphere, raising the energy level in the mantle and nucleus. Raising the energy level increases fission in the planet's nucleus. Same way raising temperature increases the fission speed in the radioactive material that is in the atmosphere. 

Because cosmic radiation bursts like FRB (Fast Radio Bursts) impact the sun and increases its energy level which causes a situation where the Sun sends that extra energy as energy bursts. That energy burst interacts with the mantle and nucleus of all planets.

"Researchers at Michigan State University have discovered the highest-energy light, or gamma rays, from the sun using the High-Altitude Water Cherenkov Observatory (HAWC). The surprisingly abundant and bright gamma rays pose new questions about our understanding of the sun and its high-energy processes.".( Surprise: Scientists Discover Unprecedented High-Energy Light Coming From the Sun)

 The reason why FRB is the thing that causes the rise of seismic activity more than GRB or XRB (Gamma- or X-ray bursts) is that metals absorb more radio waves than X- or gamma rays. That means more energy transfers into Earth's mantle and nucleus from FRB than other radiation bursts. Also, the sun sends more radiowaves than X- and gamma-rays. That could increase radioactive radiation from radon and other lightweight radioactive materials. 

That increases the energy level of plasma. Same way if plasma travels through the high energy electromagnetic fields those fields increase the plasma's energy level. When that high-energy plasma hits the Earth's magnetosphere it transfers energy to that magnetic field. Then the energy travels to the Earth's core and increases the temperature. That increases the fission speed in Earth's nucleus. 

The thing is that the direct hit from the high energy cosmic ray burst can cause pressure waves in magma. Those pressure waves can explain why the Sun's activity has a connection with Earth's seismic activity. And the fact is, that also outside energy impacts the Sun and its plasma causing a situation that the plasma that the Sun sends turns more high energy than it should.

Thursday, August 3, 2023

The new four-dimensional material can be a breakthrough in the research of the fourth dimension.

The fourth dimension is the thing that is extremely hard to detect and research. The reason for that could be the energy level of the fourth dimension is so high that particles send non-stop radiation. The size of those particles would be so small, that they send so small-size waves with very high frequency that we cannot see that radiation. 

High-energy particles are far smaller than low-energy particles. They send radiation pulses always when their energy level is higher than their environment. The reason why we can see particles is that there is a pause in radiation transmissions. 

During that pause, the receiving particles remove the extra energy that they get. In the form of wave movement. So the pause of that radiation stress is the thing, that makes the object visible. The high-energy particle sends radiation so often that the difference in energy levels in receiving particles doesn't change much. Because energy waves from those small-size particles are coming very often the change in the energy level of receiving particles is not very strong. 

"Scientists at the University of Missouri have created a synthetic 4D metamaterial that can control energy waves on solid surfaces, potentially leading to advancements in quantum mechanics, quantum computing, and earthquake mitigation". ScitechDaily/Fourth Dimension Breakthrough: New Metamaterial Controls Energy Waves)

Is the fourth dimension the source of dark energy? 

And because energy stress happens very often, the receiving particle has no time to remove that extra energy and that particle sends weaker wave movement. So when we think about the fourth dimension the energy level of those particles can be so high, that they send radiation into the 3D universe without breaks. 

Because there is no break in the radiation stress. The receiving particles have no time to remove extra energy. So the particle's energy level turns to the same level as the radiation that hits the particle. That thing causes an effect where a standing wave around the particle isolates it from that radiation. In this model, the 4D material is the source of dark energy. 

Researchers made the 4D material. In that material, there is some high energy component like the magnetic field that is anchored on the material. Then researchers follow how that energy field interacts with other energy fields. The new 4D material can create interaction between 4D and 3D worlds. The new metamaterials can create and conduct energy fields. 

Or other ways. we can say that those metamaterials are not forming energy. They just adjust the wavelength of energy levels. And that thing is very important if the 3D material wants to touch the 4D Particles.                                                                                                                                                          

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

The main problem in nanotechnology is this. How to adjust the moved particles' energy level?

The main problem with nanotechnology is that those systems require an extremely accurate ability to manipulate materials. The systems can play billiards with those particles like single atoms. The problem is how to stop the particle in the right position. And the second problem is how to remove that extra energy from it. If a high-energy particle will transfer to quantum- or nanostructure it transfers energy to those other particles. And that energy breaks that structure. 

The laser rays can push the particle. In that system, lasers push and pull material like a light tweezer. But then the problem is that energy must be removed from that particle. In some versions, the system uses superpositioned and extremely low-temperature particles to remove that energy. The entangled particles also can use for pulling each other in one direction. The idea is that lower-energy participant in quantum entanglement pulls higher-energy participant into it. 

In some theoretical models, the tractor beam is the system that makes quantum entanglement with atoms of the target. The problem is how to make superposition with so complicated systems. So the system must rise the superpositioned particles' energy level higher than the target particles' energy level. Then the tractor beam system must change the target system's energy level to higher than the puller's energy level. Then that pulling system will start to pull entangled particles into it. So theoretically this kind of tractor beam is possible. 

The tractor beam is the system that pulls energy and particles in the wanted direction. Magnets are one version of a tractor beam. And high-power magnetic field can move also other particles than magnetic and ionized particles. But that thing sets limits to its use. The high-power magnetic fields can break the quantum structure. 

Tractor beams can be acoustic or it can be electromagnetic. The acoustic tractor beams can be oscillating nano-diamonds. The high-frequency oscillation makes a vacuum around those nanodiamonds. In some other versions, the system uses oscillating membranes that make a vacuum in the tube. The problem with acoustic systems is that they can move only "large" (mm. or cm.-size)  objects. And in nanotechnology, the objects are extremely small. 

The idea in tractor beam systems is they are pulling objects without breaking them. The tractor beam can use to manipulate objects in nano-scale structures. And transport them in very sensitive systems. In some versions, the tractor beams are a combination of the laser systems that push the object and then the system that pulls energy away from the object that is moved by electromagnetic radiation. 

Researchers created real-life freeze beams for USAF.

Freeze beams are not full-scale science fiction. The idea of those systems is "stolen" from SciFi movies. In real life, this technology might not be suitable for weapon use. But it can use for low-temperature electronics. The weaponized version could be the low-temperature ions that are shot against a target. That loaded with opposite electricity. If the system uses ions the target must load with positive electric load. That allows those ions to impact with it. 

Real-life freeze beam uses plasma or anions and ions whose temperature is very low. Plasma is an ionized gas that can consist of ions that are positive particles. Or anions that are negative ions. The plasma has similar temperatures as neutral gas. And freeze beam is low-energy plasma. If the only wanted effect is the freezing the system must neutralize those ions and anions. In that process, the ions will turn back to neutral gas. 

The ion cannon shoots that low-energy plasma whose temperature is very low against the target. The system can use anti-ionization for turning those ions or anions back to neutral atoms when they travel through the nozzle of the ion cannon. 

"Professor Patrick Hopkins of the University of Virginia is developing a freeze-ray device to cool electronics in spacecraft and high-altitude jets. The technology is based on plasma, which surprisingly cools surfaces before heating them. With a $750,000 grant from the U.S. Air Force, the team is exploring ways to amplify and prolong this cooling effect. (Artist’s concept.)" ( Breakthrough: The Science Behind a Real-Life “Freeze Ray” Technology for the Air Force)

The system can shoot anions and ions by using internal accelerators. And that thing will remove an electric load of the plasma. The system must neutralize those ions and anions before they impact the targets. Or they will send electrons to the layer. Or remove electrons from the layer. 

Or the system can shoot ions through the electron cloud. And another version is that the system uses some electronegative material like protons that remove extra electrons from anions. So the freeze beam is the beam of an extremely low-temperature gas. The only problem with those systems is that they require neutralizers. 

The use of a freeze beam can have mainly other use than as a weapon. The extremely thin low-temperature gas beams can use to keep microchip temperature low. Or freeze beam can travel above the electric wire. That can use in the superconducting technology. 

The freeze beam can use to freeze electronics. It is used to make frozen gas around the aircraft or between the aircraft and the observer. If that extremely low-temperature gas hovers above the aircraft. It makes that craft invisible to IR sensors. In this system, the frozen gas will hover above the warmer gas layer. The freeze beam can also lower the temperature of the exhaust gas of the jet engines. 

Biomimetics makes Star Wars-type robot hands and terminators real.

Bio-hybrid robot means a system, covered by human tissue if the system is human-shaped. The biohybrid system can mimic animals. Those biomim...