Sunday, June 30, 2024

Research with hypersonic systems is not an easy thing.

"This is an artist’s depiction of a Hyper-X research vehicle under scramjet power in free-flight following separation from its booster rocket. New research into hypersonic jets may transform space travel by making scramjet engines more reliable and efficient, leading to aircraft-like spacecraft. Credit: NASA" (ScitechDaily, Revolution at Mach 10: NASA-Backed Hypersonic Jets Poised to Transform Space Travel)

The main problem with hypersonic systems is how to control them on air. If the hypersonic aircraft's body is designed the wrong way, that causes thermal problems. But another problem is this: if the aircraft's shape is wrong, the pressure wave or sonic boom will go past the control surfaces. And those layers will not work in that case. In other cases, if the shockwave nuzzles against the aircraft body, that causes overheating. The next problem is the engine. 

The Scramjet engine is the only engine type that can use atmospheric air and create hypersonic exhaust gas. There is introduced an idea that the flap engine or pulsejet model, which was created for the WWII V-1 flying bomb can be connected with the scramjet. In flap scramjets or pulse ramjets, the front flap closes the air inlet when the aircraft flies at a slow speed, and during that time the system injects both, oxygen and propellant, which turns the system into a rocket scramjet. 

Image 2: The pulsejet. The pulse scramjet is the pulsejet, that is turned into the scramjet shape. The pulse scramjet requires electromagnetic ignition at a slow speed. 

"This computational fluid dynamics image from the original Hyper-X tests shows the engine operating at Mach 7. Credit: NASA" (ScitechDaily, Revolution at Mach 10: NASA-Backed Hypersonic Jets Poised to Transform Space Travel)

The rocket mode can used in slow flight and also flight outside the atmosphere. But in high-speed atmospheric flight, the scramjet uses atmospheric oxygen. It is also possible that acoustic systems or lasers can create a thinner channel through air, that allows the aircraft to create low-friction channels through the air. 

"NASA’s B-52B launch aircraft cruises to a test range over the Pacific Ocean carrying the third and final X-43A vehicle, attached to a Pegasus rocket, on November 16, 2004. Credit: NASA / Carla Thomas) (ScitechDaily, Revolution at Mach 10: NASA-Backed Hypersonic Jets Poised to Transform Space Travel)

That allows the scramjet-driven aircraft to fly at hypersonic speed in lower altitudes. The ignition of the scramjet engine is also difficult. To ignite the fuel in the scramjet the aircraft requires a speed that is near Mach 7. In some ideas, the aircraft can rise from airfields using regular turbojets. 

Then it transfers to use ramjets, and then after its speed is over Mach 6, the system can start the fuel injection into the scramjet engine. There is also introduced a model that the aircraft can ionize gas at the front of it. Then magnetic accelerators pull those ions into the scramjet. And that can put air flowing faster than the speed of Mach 7. 

In some theoretical systems, the engine uses micro- or radiowaves that send at the front of the craft to ionize gas. Then the magnets pull that ionized gas over the aircraft wings and to the air inlets. Then that air will turn into heat. Things like microwaves or electric arcs can increase that airflow's temperature. Then that engine injects propellant like hydrogen into the system.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

The arrow of time.

The image above introduces the internal structure of a wormhole. The energy channel that travels through the universe. The pockets or bubbles in their shape make it hard to use it. If an object touches the wormhole's shell it loses its energy. So, does the wormhole stop time inside it? 

The answer is that in many models wormholes are spinning energy tornadoes, which means that time moves slower in them than it moves outside it. Do those wormholes exist? Image 2 introduces the BOSS Structure of the universe. Those channels between galaxies give a hint, that maybe those legendary Einstein-Rose bridges are true. 

British astrophysicist Arthur Eddgerton created the idea of the "arrow of time" in 1927. The idea is that particles or radiation (wave movement) travel in time in the same way as they travel in space. What made his idea fundamental? It handles time as space or dimension. The dimensional time means that we are traveling in time forward. The image 3 introduces the key component in that model. The arrow is the object that travels in time. The largest known object is the universe. 

When an object travels in time, it releases its energy to objects near it. That thing causes a situation that when an object travels forward in time it pushes objects around it back in time. 

Image 3) The arrow of time. When an object travels forward in time. It releases energy to objects around it. That pushes those objects back in time. So if we want to put object travel back in time. we must transform the energy flow's direction. Energy must start to flow from particles around it into the arrow. 

If an object travels inside the wormhole, that means time travels backward or slower in those energy channels than it travels outside it. And that means if the energy level in the energy channel is high enough, it can send objects around it back in time. 

In that model time is energy and energy always travels to the lower-energy object. That means the entire universe travels forward in time. But space around the universe travels back in time. 

Entropy is the thing that denies us to see into the future. The entropy also gives limits to ranges that we can see. The oscillating particles are pulling energy from the universe. And when photons or other particles hit their quantum fields, those photons and other particles deliver or receive energy. And energy is information. That information makes objects like neutrinos dirty. 

Image 4. Time is like a swing board. That means information travels from the higher energy side to the lower energy side. So if researchers want to make information travel back in time, they must create a higher energy object in spacetime, and turn the swing board opposite. 

This is the thing that makes sterile neutrinos interesting.  If the neutrino is sterile or "clean" that means it hasn't touched quantum fields yet. And one of the reasons why it doesn't touch quantum fields is that it travels in a channel called a wormhole. 

The reason why entropy increases in the system is same way easy to explain. When the size of the system expands but the number of actors remains the same, that makes space in the system. And that gives things like particles space to oscillate. 

Before the Big Bang energy, time and space were the same. I know, I forgot the material. The reason for that is that material is a form of energy. 

When time separates from energy that makes room in the system. That gave superstrings space to move. And that formed the first entropy. When the Big Bang sent superstrings through space, first those superstrings were straight. But then there formed curves. Those curves deny us to see into the future. If we want to see into the future, we must make there a higher energy object than in the point where we stand. 

So if we want to bring information from the future to the 30.6. 2024 we must make higher energy points in the future than the energy level is in the 30.6.2024. The energy level must be so high that it can force those superstrings into the straight form. If the system can force those superstrings into straight form, that makes it possible to transmit information from the future to the back in time. 

And then we can think of the time arrow in image 3. The time arrow (or arrow particle) must get so high energy level that it can push particles around it back in time so strongly, that they can travel between those superstrings.

Carbon and quantum computers are the ultimate pair.

"Researchers created a kirigami-inspired mechanical computer using interconnected polymer cubes, capable of storing and manipulating data in multiple stable states, offering a foundation for advanced mechanical computing and encryption without electronic components. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Metamaterial Marvel: Kirigami Cubes Unlock the Future of Mechanical Computing)

 The next-generation quantum computer can be half mechanical. The Kirigami cubes can make it possible to create qubits that are suitable to operate at room temperature. In that system, the Kirigami cubes can adjust their distance from the laser. Then the distance of each cube from those mirror segments means one state of the qubit. 

So, the distance between each cube and laser determines one state of the qubit.  That thing is one way to make the qubit, that can make the room temperature quantum computer possible. 

The diamonds are effective tools for qubits. The new studies make them interesting options for making the heart of the quantum computer. The new diamond-based qubits can involve quantum annealing systems inside them. Quantum annealing can be based on quantum crystals. The system pushes those crystals through the graphene layer. Then quantum annealing in that system makes it possible to create a complex quantum communication model. 

"Artistic rendition of a quantum simulation of 1T-TaS2 being performed on the quantum processing unit of a quantum annealer. Credit: Jozef Stefan Institute / Jaka Vodeb und Yevhenii Vaskivskyi, edited" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Annealers Unravel the Mysteries of Many-Body Systems)

When we think about the possibility of making long-distance quantum communication using existing technology. The researchers can use 5G technology. In the 5G technology-based quantum communication the system shares data between each frequency. 

"Researchers developed a modular fabrication process to produce a quantum-system-on-chip that integrates an array of artificial atom qubits onto a semiconductor chip. Credit: Sampson Wilcox and Linsen Li, RLE, edited" (ScitechDaily, MIT’s Diamond Qubits Redefine the Future of Quantum Computing). The system can be modular. Each segment of this processor can involve Kirigami cubes. 

And that allows for secure data that travels through the air. To get an entire message in their hands, the attacker must find all frequencies that the transmitter uses. There is the possibility that each data channel is encrypted separately. 

That increases the security. When we talk about quantum computers the basic rule in code-breaking is this: the system must get all data in the message in its hands. The AI can improve data security in binary systems. The system can mix those data segments in different order. Or it can send messages using only a couple of frequencies. 

"A new method using rotaxane structures to cross-link graphene layers enhances the flexibility, strength, and conductivity of graphene films, with potential applications in advanced electronics and mechanical tools. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Graphene Nanolayers Reinvented: The Key to Advanced Electronics)

The system can also use coherent radio waves. Or it can send information through hollow laser rays. The outer laser ray protects data. And the inner laser ray can transmit information. The system can also transmit information in those laser rays in coherent radio waves. Or the system can replace the laser ray with a radio tornado. Those electromagnetic wormholes can tell if somebody has stolen information.  If somebody tries to steal data that disturbs the protecting layer. 

But graphene-based structure is also interesting. When electrons travel through the holes of the graphene network, that network can impact energy to those electrons. There is the possibility that the system can stop electrons in the graphene network. Then they can make the quantum entanglement between electrons. That are locked in the graphene layer on the opposite side of that thing.

Helium-3 production from tritium.

The fusion energy is theoretical level. The fusion systems are still at the laboratory level. That means there are many problems to overcome before commercial fusion systems. The fusion fuel can be produced from heavy water. The system bombs deuterium with neutrons. Or it can shoot deuterium or some other atoms against each other. 

That can create neutron stripping, which transforms deuterium into tritium, and then the laser systems can increase the dividing speed of tritium. In that process, tritium transforms into Heluim-3 (3^He). If the system wants to produce Helium-3 for experimental or pulsed plasma rocket engines, that thing doesn't require that the Helium-3 production must be economical. 

Hydrogen's heavy isotopes deuterium and tritium are the most promising fusion fuels. The problem is where the system can produce tritium or Helium3 for the fusion fuel. The 100 million K temperature allows two Heium-3 atoms can create fusion. There is the possibility to produce Hellium-3 from tritium. The process is well-known. Their system bombs deuterium using neutrons. Then the next thing that the researchers must solve is, how to make tritium divide faster. 

The tritium has 12,3 years of half-time. It's possible to make that divide time shorter by stressing tritium with lasers, which increases its energy level and a higher energy level makes it divide faster. This process requires energy. And being successful the use of energy in that process must be lower than fusion produces. 

Deuterium-tritium fusion requires a 50 million kelvin (K) temperature. But shooting deuterium and tritium ions and anions against each other can decrease the needed temperature. In those cases, even 25 million K is the cold fusion. In those accelerator-based systems, impact speed compensates for the temperature. 

In some models, the system creates two donut-shaped plasma rings. Then it shoots those plasma rings together. In some other models, the system pulls (as an example) deuterium ions and tritium anions from the opposite side of the reactor. Then high-power laser accelerates and shoots those particles together. 

There is one version of how to produce Helium-3 on Earth. The system can use deuterium as the source and then bomb the tritium using neutrons. After that, the system can use lasers to divide tritium. And that thing should increase the tritium transformation into Helium-3. This kind of system can make the new types of fusion reactors possible. In some models, the fusion system could turn deuterium deuterium and tritium atoms into ions and anions. 

Those ions and anions can be shot through the particle accelerators, and the high-speed impacts can make the "cold fusion possible". One of the most promising fusion materials is Helium-3, an extremely rare isotope on Earth. If the mass production of the synthetic Heium-3 using tritium is possible, that can revolutionize energy production. And that thing can also make it possible to create new airships. The high price of Helium is the thing that limits the development of new airships that could offer silent and safe transportation methods.

The anomalies in gravity might cause dark energy.

"Physicists at UC Berkeley immobilized small clusters of cesium atoms (pink blobs) in a vertical vacuum chamber, then split each atom into a quantum state in which half of the atom was closer to a tungsten weight (shiny cylinder) than the other half (split spheres below the tungsten). (ScitechDaily, Beyond Gravity: UC Berkeley’s Quantum Leap in Dark Energy Research)

By measuring the phase difference between the two halves of the atomic wave function, they were able to calculate the difference in the gravitational attraction between the two parts of the atom, which matched what is expected from Newtonian gravity. Credit: Cristian Panda/UC Berkeley" (ScitechDaily, Beyond Gravity: UC Berkeley’s Quantum Leap in Dark Energy Research)

Researchers at Berkeley University created a model that can explain the missing energy of the universe. The idea is that the particles and their quantum fields are whisk-looking structures. Those structures form the superstrings that are extremely thin energy fields. In the same way, gravity waves are similar superstrings. The strength of the gravity waves depends on many things. And that means some gravity waves are stronger than others. 

That can cause a situation in which some particles turn higher energy than others. As I wrote many times, gravity waves are like all other waves. There is a higher area behind the wave. That pushes the wave forward. And the lower point in the quantum field, which is like a ditch in water. Pulls the wave forward. 

All waves move similarly. The energy ditch at the front of that wave makes the wave move. If that energy ditch is deeper, that increases the speed of the wave. When we look at the waves, only energy ditch at the forward of them is required that the wave moves. The difference in the height between the (energy) ditch and (energy) hill determines the speed of particles between them.

(Image 2)So theoretically. There is no need to form a high-energy wave behind the wave. Only a deep energy ditch ahead of the wave is enough that it move faster than it should.

In the image of the Alcubierre drive's model or diagram (Image 2), you can see how wave movement transports craft forward. The object travels between the energy hill and the energy ditch. The difference between the levels of the higher wave and the energy ditch determines how fast the particle or wave can travel. 

(Image 3) "Two-dimensional visualization of an Alcubierre drive, showing the opposing regions of expanding and contracting spacetime that displace the central region." (Wikipedia, Alcubierre drive) The image can also portray how a ring-shaped structure moves energy from the front of the structure to the back of it. 

So that causes the thought that maybe in the universe is a virtual particle. That looks like a ring. When that ring starts to rotate around its horizontal axle, it starts to act like an impeller. Image 3 can be the diagram of that particle. The energy hill forms when that hypothetical structure transfers the quantum field back to the structure. 

When the particle's front side hits the layer, that is a quantum field, it transfers energy into itself. And then, it starts to turn away because energy travels away from it. The energy hill forms behind that particle. When a particle rotates, it transports energy back to it, forming an energy hill behind it. 

In some models, gravitons are also quantum-size black holes. And there is a similar structure that looks like Saturn's rings around that still hypothetical particle. When gravity waves that are coming from that structure impact with other superstring rings. Those impacting gravity waves rotate those string wheels around their axles. When those rings rotate vertically, they push E.M. or quantum field into one direction. 

That thing can form a situation in those quantum rings that pull the quantum fields across the layers. Those quantum rings make it possible that the graviton itself is invisible. That ring pushes radiation away from the center of that structure. And the black hole pulls strings into it if they travel through that ring structure.

Friday, June 28, 2024

The second arrow of time.

We know that time travels in one direction. That direction is forward from the point where time began. We know that time began with the event called The Big Bang. The universe's expansion causes the quantum fields to turn weaker, and the pressure against material decreases. We can compare quantum fields with water or gas and say that the quantum fields are like pressure. 

This is the thing that makes energy move in the universe. We can use the universe's energy level to determine time. The Big Bang released all known energy and material to the spacetime. We don't know when dark energy and material are released. But when the energy in the universe ends. That means time ends. The universe's expansion means that pressure or energy level in the universe decreases. 

That means the distance between particles increases, and that causes situations in interactions between particles to become weaker. The universe is like a balloon in a vacuum. The pressure in that balloon decreases. In a universe, that means the material turns into wave movement faster and that thing causes interaction where the weight of particles turns lighter. When the space expands energy level and gravitational interaction decrease.

The information is like smoke that comes out from a chimney. Entropy is like the wind that destroys the smoke's formation. The smoke seems to vanish, But its particles exist. 

Time ends when the universe reaches the same energy level as its environment. In that case, there is no material left. And only wave movement remains. 

When the universe was born. All wave movement traveled radially out from that point. Extremely high energy levels and one-directional wave movement caused that there was no space for entropy. The universe's expansion causes the material and energy to turn "thinner". That thing denies the possibility that the information can reflect back from the future. 

The thing that denies that information can keep its form is entropy. In the laws of thermodynamics, the entropy grows in the system. In the first moments in the universe, there was no space. And everything was in order. But when the energy level decreases when the universe grows, there forms space between superstrings that traveled away from the point of the Big Bang. 

That caused the situation that the superstrings started to curve which can form the impacts between those superstrings. This formed the Schwinger effect that turned some superstrings into ball-shaped structures called particles. 

Energy always travels from the higher- energy level to the lower energy level. That means if time is energy, it travels out from the Big Bang. We can introduce time as the river that travels to the level where it melts together with wave movement that is outside the material and energy bubble that we call the universe. 

Maybe somewhere is forming a second-time arrow that travels back in time. The requirement is that there is a very high energy point in our spacetime. That point can create a reflection that sends information back to the past. In black holes, gravity affects that escaping velocity is higher than the speed of light. That can turn the time arrow black to the past. 

Can we restore information that comes from the black hole? That depends on one thing. The black hole is an extremely thick structure. In a black hole spacetime. And energy is together, or at least they are close to each other. If the entropy is very low in the black hole. The outcoming energy and the black hole's structure mean that there is very limited space. The high energy level can send information back in time. 

The problem is that the information must keep its energy level high enough when it travels through entropy. We can describe information as smoke, and entropy is like wind. 

When smoke travels out from the chimney, that entropy causes disturbance that destroys the smoke formation. That turbulence is the thing that causes situations where smoke or information can seem to disappear. 

The smoke particles exist after the smoke is gone out of sight. Information is an entirety. And, of course, it is possible. That we can find the information particles. 

Then, we must connect those particles into one entirety that forms the information that we want to restore. In that process, we must find lots of particles and separate them from the other particles that are members of other entireties. So we must keep information in its form if we want to send it back in time.

MIT physicists created a five-lane quantum highway for electrons.

"Artist’s rendition of a newly discovered superhighway for electrons that can occur in rhombohedral graphene. “We found a goldmine, and every scoop is revealing something new,” says MIT Assistant Professor Long Ju. Credit: Sampson Wilcox/Research Laboratory of Electronics" (ScitechDaily, MIT Physicists Forge a Five-Lane Quantum Superhighway for Electrons)

The quantum information highway allows the system to transport information, stored in things like electrons. 

Boosting binary data security. The system can use cable ducts and share information between individual wires. Then each of the wires transports information forward in different lines. 

The cable ducts can also used to create a virtual quantum channel. That can work at room temperature. In those systems, the intelligent operating system shares information with each wire. Then that system drives data to the cable duct. In cable ducts, information can travel in lines like in real quantum computers. 

The parallel ports can make it possible to share data with wires. The system cuts the data row at the transmit side of the wires. And then the system moves data through wires to the receiver, where it can send it forward in the form of a row. 

However, the quantum information highway can make data communication over long distances possible. That kind of thing can be hollow nanotubes or an electromagnetism wormhole through the air. The system can use phonons to make the empty hole through the air. Then hollow laser beams close the internal layer of the wormhole away from outer influence. 

After that, the radio waves or electron cannons can shoot electrons through that channel. The quantum channel can be a hollow laser ray a hollow microwave- or a radio tornado, created using coherent electromagnetic radiation. The problem is how to protect information in the quantum channel. 

In the new MIT's quantum highway model, electrons flow or hover above the graphene layer. The problem is how to deny electron's interaction with the environment. The quantum tunnels can be put between the graphene layers. There is the possibility that physical things like graphene tubes can make that track more effective. 

The five-lane quantum information superhighway is the tool that can transform data transportation. The quantum information highway gives change to transmit information as quantum superposition. 

The qubit that travels in the quantum channel must not touch the walls of that channel, or it loses its data. That thing makes it difficult to make the quantum superhighway. The system must remove all disturbing information from the information channel. Before, it can send the qubit through it.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Roman telescope searches primordial black holes.

"Recent research explores the potential of the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope to detect Earth-mass primordial black holes, a theoretical class of black holes believed to have formed during the early universe’s rapid inflation. These discoveries could confirm theories of cosmic inflation and suggest that primordial black holes contribute to dark matter, profoundly impacting our understanding of galaxy formation and the universe’s history. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, From the Dawn of Time: Hunting for Primordial Black Holes With NASA’s Roman Space Telescope)

Maybe the Roman telescope can answer the question: which were first, material or black holes? 

The theorem about ultralight black holes that formed during cosmic inflation can prove that theorem. In a very young universe, cosmic inflation caused the situation that Earth-mass black holes could form in the bubbles of the quark-gluon plasma or straight from radiation. The idea is that fast expansion pulled quantum fields out from those bubbles. 

Those escaping quantum fields drop back into the quantum vacuum. Forming a tornado that forms those black holes. It's possible those ultra-light black holes vaporized or melted into larger black holes. 

There is one interesting theorem about the primordial black holes. That theorem tells that part of the material or protomaterial fell back to the place where the Big Bang happened. Black holes freeze information on their event horizon. 

If the Big Bang was like a hyper-massive supernova explosion, it could form a black hole after the Big Bang. After the Big Bang, there was some kind of quantum vacuum. That pulled radiation back to that point, where material reached its form. This thing could cause the Schwinger effect that turned radiation into material. That means the first black holes were the Kugelblitz model. 

So they formed straight from radiation. Then those black holes created turbulence, where crossing whirls in the quantum fields formed the Schwinger effect and formed the first particles in the universe. 

In that model, just after the Big Bang. A few parts of the superstrings formed some kind of spiral or whirl, and then the first black holes formed. The Big Bang was not probably a single event. It can be a series of events that form material that is unknown to us. 

Those theories, in a very young universe, were material. That formed other quarks like charm and strange, and muons were in the place of electrons. The primordial black holes can tell about the conditions before the material reaches its form as we know it. 

In some interesting visions, there is a black hole. That carries information from the first minutes of the universe. And in some of the wildest theories. The oldest black holes in the universe formed before the universe. Those are the things that make primordial black holes interesting.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Neutron stripping is a new alternative to fusion.

"Using the advanced GALILEO Array coupled with the 4π Si-ball EUCLIDES, the researchers conducted in-depth spectroscopic analysis to track and identify the reactions." (Interesting engineering, Alternative to fusion, one-neutron stripping beats powerful nuclear reaction)

"GALILEO Array (a grammar-ray detector) in combination with the 4π Si-ball EUCLIDES (an advanced laser detector)" (Interesting engineering, Alternative to fusion, one-neutron stripping beats powerful nuclear reaction)

In one neutron stripping, the system uses atoms that shoot against each other. When those atoms hit, they release neutrons that can divide fission material or the neutron can be used as an energy source, but it easier is to use the fissile materials. When one neutron transfer happens to the Bismuth 209, that turns into Polonium 210. The one-neutron stripping offers the possibility to create highly radioactive isotopes near nuclear reactors. 

But the most interesting thing in neutron stripping only one neutron transfers between atoms.  In tests, researchers used Lithium (LI-6) and Bismuth (Bi-209) isotopes to make neutron transfer. That neutron transfer turns Bismuth 209 into polonium 210. That allows systems to produce Po-210 near nuclear reactors. That means the particle accelerators can produce high-radioactive polonium near nuclear reactors. The decay energy of 1g of polonium is 4,86-5,21 MeV. That is a very high level. 

The Po-210 decays into the 206 Pb. If polonium can be used in nuclear reactors, that allows to create of nuclear fuel that doesn't leave a radioactive trace. The high-radioactive Po-210 can be dangerous if somebody touches it. 

"The decay chain of uranium-238, known as the uranium series or radium series, of which polonium-210 is a member" (Wikipedia, Polonium-210)

The main radioactive radiation that Po-210 sends is the alpha-radiation or helium ions. That means the long distance to Po-210 is enough to keep people safe. The short half-time and 206 Pb decay product are the thing that makes this Po-210 an interesting thing as the fuel, but the short half-time is the problem. 

Po-210 is a very high radioactive element. There is the possibility that if the Po-210 can be produced near the nuclear reactor, that highly radioactive material can offer quite an interesting way to create a nuclear reactor that produces  non- or almost nonradioactive waste. 

The decay product of the Po-210 is 206 Pb, which means the polonium can create a stable, nonradioactive isotope. This thing makes polonium an interesting element for nuclear reactors, and nuclear weapons. Polonium is an extremely high-radioactive material that half-time is about 4 1/2 months. That means polonium causes high danger in a short period. But in a long period, the polonium risks are limited. Or more limited than plutonium. 

The aggressive decay can turn the Po-210 into the stable 206 Pb. The alpha decay of the Po-210 is a good source of helium ions. The alpha decay sends those helium ions and a long distance to the alpha source is enough to protect people. The gamma decay in the Po-210 is weak. The polonium is used as a neutron source in the nuclear reactors and weapons. The short half-time limits the use of the Po-210. But if the transportation problems of that element are solved that allows researchers to create nuclear weapons that do not leave radioactive marks.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Interesting supermassive black holes pair.

"The black holes in orbit around each other. Both black holes have jets associated with them: the larger one with reddish color, and the smaller one with a yellowish color jet. Normally only the reddish jet is seen, but during the 12-hour period on November 12, 2021, the smaller jet dominated, and gave a direct signal from the smaller black hole, and was observed for the first time. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/R. Hurt (IPAC) & M. Mugrauer (AIU Jena)" (ScitechDaily, NASA’s Planet Hunter’s Rare Glimpse at Two Black Holes in a Faraway Galaxy)

Researchers at the University of Turku found an interesting thing in the distant galaxy (OJ 287). These two supermassive black holes are orbiting each other. In that case, the lower-mass black hole covers a higher-mass black hole under its radiation. 

That case happened during 12 hours period on November 12, 2021. When a smaller black hole came into the line between Earth and a larger black hole. There is the possibility that this kind of situation is stable if some other black hole turns a relativistic jet to the Earth and there is another black hole behind it. 

The lower mass black hole shines brighter than the higher mass black hole, which sends red light. The supermassive black holes stretch light in longer distances than stellar black holes. In that galaxy, both black holes are supermassive. But the same model can escalate to stellar mass and massive and even to stellar mass and supermassive black holes. 

The observed burst appears as a sharp flaring of the light curve from satellite observations, showing how an otherwise consistently dim object brightens suddenly and sharply. In the upper corner, the observed flaring is shown in more detail. The amount of light emitted in the burst is equivalent to the brightness of about 100 galaxies. Credit: Kishore et al. 2024. (ScitechDaily, NASA’s Planet Hunter’s Rare Glimpse at Two Black Holes in a Faraway Galaxy)

It's possible. The stellar mass black holes can form asymmetric binary black holes with much larger and more massive black holes. Same way other stars can form asymmetric binary stars between regular stars and red dwarfs. Same way red dwarfs can also orbit black holes. 

That causes the effect that the lower mass black hole's transition disk is brighter in optical frequencies than the higher mass and dominating black hole. This thing causes vision that there can be more black holes in the universe than previously thought. The stellar mass black holes can shine brighter than massive and supermassive black holes. And they can cover more massive black holes under their shine. 

The supermassive companion pulls material and radiation against the smaller black hole's transition disk. That causes an effect there smaller black hole's disk to shine brighter than it should. Those black holes pull radiation into them. 

If another black hole's relativistic jet hits another black hole, that other black hole can pull that material into it. And that means that we cannot see that black hole behind it. Another case is that a relativistic jet hits another black hole's transition disk. That can raise the energy level of the transition disk to a very high level.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Is it dark matter or Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND)?

"Using gravitational lensing, scientists uncovered that dark matter may stretch over a million light-years from galactic centers, proposing significant adjustments to our gravitational theories or the concept of dark matter itself. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Revising Relativity: How Modified Gravity Challenges Einstein and Dark Matter)

 Is it dark matter or Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND)? 

Maybe they are both right. 

In the beginning, we must ask one question. That question is: can both theories: Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) and dark matter theories be true? There is the possibility. There are two kinds of gravity waves. A short and long. In that model, the long gravity wave origin is in the strings between quarks and gluons. 

The long gravity waves come from some quantum fields around some particles or particle groups. Those long gravity waves can have light-year scale wavelength. Modern telescopes noticed. That there are wave-formations in galaxies that wavelength it millions or even billions of light years.

In some other models, the gravity waves can be longer than previously thought. In some models, gravity waves are like serpentines. They can surround particles. And that can explain dark matter. In that model, gravity is an energy ditch in front of particles or waves. That energy ditch pulls particles or wave movement forward. 

And maybe that energy ditch is also between superstrings that form particles. Particles are like a whisk-looking structure. And the thing that causes the spin is the energy shadow or energy ditch at the forward of them. That thing pulls particles like electrons back and forth. 

That is one of the biggest questions in cosmology. Modified gravity theory is one of the alternative solutions for dark matter. The thing that supports MOND is the galaxy spin. Galaxies spin at the same speed at a million light-years radius from the center. And that thing supports MOND. However, gravity lensing is not calculated in that theory. 

There is a model that the dark matter is the density or focus in the gravity fields. The thing called weak lensing is the thing that could explain dark matter. The idea is that gravity refracts gravity waves just like it refracts light. And that forms the gravity focuses that act like material. 

Another thing is that there are supermassive black holes in the center of the galaxies. Those black holes are not only black holes in galaxies. When a black hole spins, it pulls material and quantum fields into the spiral-shaped things. The only thing that has not proven to turn into a spiral is a gravity wave. 

But it's possible that gravity waves also follow that track. The interaction in that spiral is complicated. Black holes send X- and gamma-ray impulses. And then those impulses hit material that travels in the spiral. That energy rises the mass of the particles. Because the energy that hits the material increases its mass. That is the reason why energy can form things like black holes. 

Then we must realize. That MOND doesn't fit with gravity lenses. Otherwise, MOND and dark matter theory are both made before gravity waves. The thing is that impacting and standing gravity waves can form virtual material. Those standing gravity waves can explain why we cannot see weakly interacting massive particles WIMPs. In some models, WIMP is a gravity tornado or gravity whirl.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Researchers found interesting things from the Jupiter Great Red Spot.

Above: The Great Red Spot in comparison with Jupiter. 

A Great Red Spot in Jupiter's atmosphere might not be as stable as believed. Researchers have noticed that the wind to the north of the red spot is below 180 km/h to the west, and south to the wind blows 150 km/h to the east. That thing pumps energy into that anticyclone along with sunlight. When those winds impact that whirl its energy level rises. And outside energy cannot fill it. 

It's possible. The Great Red Spot is not stable. It might form again, and again, in the same spot, between opposite traveling winds near Jupiter's equator. In a simple model, low pressure above clouds pulls material from the inner layers of Jupiter's atmosphere over the clouds. And then that material starts to expand. If that material plate reachers the opposite moving winds they push it to rotation and that forms a whirl. 

Great Red Spot and other whirls in Jupiter's atmosphere. 

So how does the Great Red Spot form? There might form regular storms or tornadoes in the gas giants' atmosphere. And if the tornado is between the wind zones, where winds travel in opposite directions, that effect can transport energy to the storm. And rise it to an enormous size. We think. The Great Red Spot is enormous because it's larger than Earth. But then we must realize that everything is relative. Jupiter is a giant planet. 

Much much larger than the Earth. But if we compare that giant anticyclone to Jupiter's size, we must realize that this storm's size in comparison with Jupiter's size is not so big. When researchers talk about the Great Red Spot, they forget one thing. Jupiter is a gas planet. The Great Red Spot-type phenomenon can exist only in the gas planet's atmosphere. The Great Red Spot requires that there are winds that travel in opposite directions. 

Whirls in Jupiter's atmosphere. 

And then another thing is that there must be a very low friction. The thing that can begin the formation of the Great Red Spot is the situation where Jupiter's moons pull the bubble into the right point of the gas giant's atmosphere. If that bubble forms between the opposite moving wind zones, that are visible as the cloud stripes. That thing can form a stable whirl. 

Whirls at the edge of cloud layers form when winds move in opposite directions. When some of those whirls form the tornado above the cloud layer, that tornado can pull material over the layer. If the tornado is the border of opposite traveling winds, those winds send energy to that gas. The gas flows above the atmosphere until it releases all its energy.

Monday, June 17, 2024

The hunt for Planet 9.

The hunt for hypothetical Planet 9, the mysterious object that affects Neptune's and Unranus' orbital trajectories, carries on. The problem with planet 9 is that its temperature can be lower than the plasma temperature in the solar system. There are many theories about that planet, and some suggest that hypothetical Planet 9 is a black hole or piece of dark matter. The problem is that the X-rays could uncover a black hole. 

But otherwise, the massive virtual redshift means. that the black hole can be closer than it seems. The massive virtual redshift means that the black hole's massive gravity stretches light waves. So that means the black hole hypothesis can be right. But when we think about the possibility. The hypothetical Planet 9 exists in the form of a planet, there is a point where it's very hard to see. 

That point is just outside the heliopause, the impact point where plasma flows. That comes from the sun hitting the interstellar plasma. That thing is the plasma bubble around the solar system. If the object orbits near this impact zone, but outside it its temperature can be below the solar system's temperature. That means its position can be just outside the theorized Oort Cloud near Heliopause. Or if Oort Cloud does not exist The position of Planet 9 can be vertically to the Kuiper Belt layer. 

If Planet 9's trajectory is erect in comparison to the Kuiper Belt that planet is hard to see by following the Kuiper Belt's object's trajectories. If researchers can confirm the Oort Cloud and follow its particle trajectories, that thing can uncover Planet 9, because its gravity affects those particle trajectories. But the problem is that those particles are hard to see, and that method requires that the Oort Cloud the ball-shaped structure around the solar system exists. 

The temperature of this hypothetical Planet 9 must be only degrees or a couple of degrees lower than the temperature outside the solar system. The plasma wave that surrounds the solar system reflects radiation back inside it. The temperature in Oort Cloud is degrees or two higher than the cosmic background. 

Planet 9 can capture a thin plasma cloud around it. The plasma cloud's size can be huge if we compare that with the planet. And if the plasma cloud temperature is higher than the planet, the infrared systems see plasma, but not a planet. The surface area of the plasma is huge, and it can easily cover the planet below its radiation. The temperature in that cloud can be less than degrees higher than the planet, but they both have temperatures near the cosmic background and that makes it very hard to detect the planet. In this hypothesis, the Planet 9 temperature is 3,5 to less than 10 K, and its plasma cloud temperature is less than 5 degrees higher. 

Planet 9 can have a thin atmosphere. The atmosphere can consist of helium and other gasses. The planet captures those atoms and ions from its environment. That gas is in a quantum state, and the distance of those particles can be even centimeter class. This kind of quantum gas can have a higher temperature than the planet's surface. And that means Planet 9 might look like a gas cloud rather than a planet. So at long distances, we could see that sparse plasma cloud, but that plasma covers the planet's weak infrared radiation.

The new winds of quantum computers.

"Artist’s representation of the formation pathway of vacancy complexes for spin-based qubits in the silicon carbide host lattice and to the right the associated energy landscape. Credit: University of Chicago" (ScitechDaily, Better Qubits: Quantum Breakthroughs Powered by Silicon Carbide)

The spin-based qubit is like a whirl or fast-rotating roll. The structure between those structures is an electromagnetic bridge or quantum shadow where the information travels. That shadow forms when the laser inputs energy to another particle. The information that travels at the edge of the shadow adjusts the lower energy part of the qubit. And puts it oscillate with the same frequency. 

The structure around the qubit is important because it decreases the quantum noise. The quantum noise is the thing that disturbs data when it comes outside. But if the qubit itself is too noisy. That makes it possible to steal data from the qubit. The qubit vulnerability is at the point where the system loads information in it. If the observer sees the flashes of the qubit, it's possible. That observer or attacker can steal data from that structure. 

"Illustration of the cold-atom (neutral-atom) quantum computer in operation at Kenji Ohmori group. Credit: Dr. Takafumi Tomita (IMS)" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Chill: Developing Japan’s First “Cold (Neutral) Atom” Quantum Computers)

Silicon carbide gives the possibility to make new types of quantum microprocessors. The requirement for the laptop-size quantum computer is a solid system, that doesn't require noise suppression. There are two kinds of solid qubits in the silicon carbide qubits. 

The horizontal qubit, where adjacent atoms make the quantum superposition and entanglement. 

Vertical qubits where the system pushes the atoms in silicon carbide into the 2D structure, positions electrons against each other. And then it makes the superposition and quantum entanglement between those atoms. 

In some of the models. The silicon atoms are locked in the graphene network. And then the information will be driven to those silicone atoms, where lasers put superposition and entanglement with the atom at a lower layer. 

"Researchers at QuTech have created Majorana particles in a two-dimensional plane by developing devices that utilize superconductors and semiconductors, allowing previously inaccessible experiments. This advancement could lead to stable, topologically protected Majorana qubits, significantly benefiting quantum computing." (ScitechDaily, New Dimensions in Quantum Computing: Majorana Particles Go 2D)

The cold, or neutral atom qubits are promising things. The problem with those things is that there is lots of "empty space" in atoms. And that causes reflection in the subatomic structure. And those echoes can destroy or disturb information. There is the possibility to put atoms opposite. And if the system can put electron shells into one layer and then put those electrons opposite to each other. 

Then the system can make the superposition and entanglement between those electrons. This is one way to make neutral atom qubits, using complicated atoms. This requires that the system can push electrons into the 2D structure, and then it positions atoms opposite each other. 

The 2D Majorana particles can make a new big step for quantum computing. However, the problem is that researchers have not found any Majorana particles, 2- or 3D yet. The quantum whirls like a rotating laser ray can make a similar effect with Majorana particles. But without the ability to produce Majorana particles, those things are useless. 

Those laser rays can used to create quantum pillars or quantum rolls, which can have a similar effect to the Majorana particles. The reason why predicted, but still hypothetical Majorana particles could be the best qubits, is that those particles are less immune to noise and resonance against wave movement. That comes from electrons and other subatomic particles. But first researchers should create Majorana particles using some practical energy levels.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

The quantum teleportation reached 90% accuracy in a noisy environment.

"High-fidelity quantum teleportation has been achieved by research team using a new hybrid entanglement technique that counters environmental noise, with a success rate nearing 90%. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Teleportation Just Got Real: Achieving 90% Fidelity Amidst Noise)

The quantum noise is turbulence in quantum systems. That noise or turbulence cuts the quantum entanglement. And this makes it hard to transport information accurately. This is the reason why quantum computers are quite hard to make. 

But today there is a breakthrough.  Developers and researchers made quantum teleportation with 90% accuracy through the noisy environment. This is a new breakthrough. And it allows researchers to send information using quantum teleportation with 10% losses. 

That is the acceptable accuracy in quantum teleportation. Quantum teleportation is one of the most secure data transportation methods. And if quantum teleportation is possible in long distances that opens the path to a new and secured internet. Quantum teleportation is impossible to break without a trace. 

"Stages of noisy quantum teleportation. Credit: ZHAO-DI LIU et al." (ScitechDaily, Quantum Teleportation Just Got Real: Achieving 90% Fidelity Amidst Noise)

If somebody wants to steal information from quantum entanglement or quantum teleportation, that eavesdropper must transfer information to that person's own server. In that process, the antenna easily cuts entanglement. Or the energy level in the quantum entanglement turns down. Theoretically, it's possible to eavesdrop information that travels through the quantum entanglement. 

The system puts the benzene-ring-shaped Bose-Einstein condensate over the quantum entanglement, and then that system can steal information from the entanglement. But that requires knowledge of where the quantum entanglement is. And of course, the quantum system sends white noise or empty information through the quantum channels. 

And that's why this kind of thing is under research. The ability to transport information without decreasing and removing noise opens new visions for quantum communication. If the superpositioned and entangled particle pair can transport information in a coherent energy channel over a long distance, that is much. But if the quantum channel is not needed, that is much more. And this thing can make the next step to quantum computers and secure quantum communication.

Does glow from the Big Bang ever lose?


The event called the Big Bang happened about 13,5 billion years ago. Or, at that point, the material, time, and energy got their shape as we know them. We don't know what happened before the Big Bang. And maybe we see only the last part of it. 

When we look at this model, we can compare the Big Bang with a nuclear weapon's fireball. All material formed in that fireball, and the fireball's size increases even today. It turns lower energy so, the universe's temperature turns lower. The universe freezes all the time because energy travels out from it. 

That means. Its particle's distance turns higher, and the forces between particles turn weaker. The visible material seems to be in a ball-shaped structure. But mainly material in the universe is invisible to us. That material, called Dark Matter is gravity effect, which source is unknown. Dark energy is the thing, that rips the universe into pieces. 

So dark matter determines the shape of the universe. Then we look at the ball-shaped structure of visible material. Maybe visible material formed in some kind of shockwave. Maybe visible material formed when weakly interacting massive particles or WIMP particles impact each other. But that's only theory. 

Today the temperature in the universe is 3 K. That is called cosmic background. This cosmic background is the dimming glow from the Big Bang. And the dimming glow exists as long as the material exists. In the far future, the material loses its existence and turns into wave movement. And at that point, the Big Bang's glow ends. 

Could there be objects whose temperature is lower than 3K?

The energy minimum in the universe is 3 degrees below the cosmic background. And that means it's possible that in some areas exists a lower temperature than this 3K. In those cases, energy travels in those areas. Their energy waves impact like vacuum bombs. So in zero point energy, the low-temperature area makes quantum energy fields move. 

Energy always travels to the lower energy area. The lower energy particle or point cannot send reflection or photon until its energy level is higher than the environment. And if that object sends reflection only in one direction in a very thin, short-term wave burst. That means it's hard to see those objects. 

Maybe that thing explains dark energy. When those wave movement fronts impact their wavelength changes. And that thing is possible also in impacting gravity waves. The thing is that, if some point in the universe has a lower energy level or temperature than 3K it's hard to see that object because energy travels in it. The 3K cosmic background covers those object's existence.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The mystery of FRB.

"Artist’s rendition of how the angle of polarized light from an FRB changes as it journeys through space. Credit: CHIME, Dunlap Institute" (ScitechDaily, Mysterious Origins: Polarized Light Transforms Our Understanding of Fast Radio Bursts)

The fast radio burst (FRB) is one of the most mysterious phenomena in the universe. The thing, that makes that radio burst mysteriously is that they seems to come outside our galaxy. And the other thing is that they might seem to have nothing, where they can come. The mystery is: why FRBs cannot form in our galaxy? The FRB is a similar phenomenon with gamma- and X-ray bursts. 

The radiation frequency is different from that in GRB and XRB, and the problem is that those effects seem to have a source. The FRB is separated from the GRB and XRB which might form when neutron stars or black holes collide. The FRB is sometimes unique, and those three phenomena are not connected. So, the FRB doesn't mean that at the same time comes XRB and GRB. Those things come separately. And that makes them interesting. 

In some models, there is the suggestion that the Doppler effect can be behind the FRBs. Or, otherways saying, the Doppler effect can have a connection with FRBs. 

In the universe, high-power gravity fields like black holes can stretch wave movement. That means if the black hole is behind the gravity waves its gravity field can stretch gravity waves. And that effect means that the gravity wave's wavelength changes. 

Theoretically is also possible that the gravity waves travel past lots of neutron stars and those things can change their wavelength. In the same way when the gamma rays impact with other gamma rays that can affect those high-energy waves' wavelength.

Normally doppler effect or redshift means a situation where wave movement stretches when an object's distance from the observer increases. The opposite effect, blueshift means that the wave movement's wavelength turns shorter when an object comes to the observer. When the object travels to the observer it gathers the quantum fields. 

And that forms the wave, just like for example stones form when they hit water. So the thing, that differs this pressure effect from blue and redshifts is the wavelength and the size of the interacting particles. 

When some high-energy particle comes from the intergalactic environment to the galaxy's halo it interacts the same way as particles, that come to the atmosphere. Those particles release their energy as radiation shockwaves. When some other energy impulse hits those shockwaves, that thing gathers or stretches the wave movement. 

When extremely high-energy particles like Higgs bosons release their energy, that energy impulse forms a small void. And if some wave movement travels through that void, its wavelength changes. Same way, galaxies and black holes send radiation. When two radiation beams. With identical wavelengths hitting each other that affects their wavelength. And when wave energy impulse travels through the galactic plasma, that plasma pumps energy in it. 

That means it's possible that the FRB forms when some other high-energy bursts impact each other. And that can change other radiation types into radio waves. Theoretically is possible that the gravity waves can turn to some other type of radiation or wave movement when they stretch or gather. And that thing makes it possible that the gravity waves can turn into gamma rays or even visible light.

Monday, June 10, 2024

The dark matter can be a gravity effect that forms without mass.

The key question in dark matter is, what put gravity fields into motion? Some researchers suggest that the changes in spacetime curvature are the things that make gravity waves move. 

A new theory suggests that gravity is possible without mass. And that is an exciting new model for dark matter. Researcher Richard Lieu from Alabama State University suggests that dark matter is a distortion in 3D spacetime. 

In this model, the third dimension is like the quantum jelly or a very large, and thick wave movement. Those waves' thickness is so large, that the entire universe fits in it. If there are lower energy fields in some areas, that can make energy travel in them. In some models, the electromagnetic radiation can turn straight to the other type of wave movement. 

If counterwaves impact those electromagnetic- or quantum fields they can stretch or gather those waves. That means there is the possibility that impacting waves can turn radio waves or gamma rays into gravity waves. The idea is that impacting waves adjust the wave movement's wavelength. Theoretically is possible that this thing can transform X- or gamma rays into the gravity waves. 

The idea is that the shape of the 3D spacetime can change in a vacuum, and that can form the condition that causes the effect, that looks like gravity. When we think about dark matter, we normally mean the mysterious gravitational effect. And normally when we talk about wave movement, that transports gravity. 

So, dark matter is the thing that makes gravity waves travel. And the thing that can move the gravity field, or form the gravity waves is the lower energy gravity field. Gravity is like all other wave movements or energy forms. Gravity waves always travel to the lower energy gravity field. And it should behave like all other wave movements. 

Dark matter is the effect that moves gravity waves. The thing. What makes this material dark is that we cannot see the thing, which makes those gravity waves move. Standing energy fields don't make a thing. Only moving gravity waves can cause the gravity effect. So when we think about situations where the gravity waves impact, that case can form gravity wave "hills" that send gravity waves around the universe.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

What if researchers can transform infrared radiation into radiowaves or visible light?

Brand new wave-based model for heat transport. 

"Researchers from the Institute of Nuclear Physics in Cracow have applied the Doppler effect and the telegraph equation to explore heat transport in complex systems like biological tissues. Their findings suggest that heat transport can exhibit wave-like behaviors, potentially revolutionizing medical and cosmetic procedures by improving heat management techniques. Credit: SciTechDaily" (ScitechDaily, Challenging Previous Understanding – Physicists Propose a Wave-Based Theory of Heat Transport)

Photon polarization is a situation. Where the system removes some of its circular- or superpositions. Photon polarization is the quantum version of classic polarization. "Photon polarization is the quantum mechanical description of the classical polarized sinusoidal plane electromagnetic wave. An individual photon can be described as having right or left circular polarization, or a superposition of the two. Equivalently, a photon can be described as having horizontal or vertical linear polarization, or a superposition of the two." (Wikipedia, Photon polarization)

In this text photon polarization is used along with "regular" polarization. 

Polarization means that the system removes certain wavelengths from radiation. So what if, some system can filter things like infrared radiation from the air? The ability to filter infrared radiation from the air makes it possible to deny the heat effect from nuclear weapons. And one of the possibilities is to use counterwaves, that stretch infrared radiation. 

The new wave-based model in heat transport is important. If researchers want to control heat or any other effect, we must know how this effect interacts with the material. Heat is infrared radiation. Infrared radiation is a long wave of electromagnetic radiation. We cannot see that radiation, but infrared cameras and films can see IR radiation. It's possible to adjust the electromagnetic radiation wavelength simply by pushing those waves back with counterradiation. 

When counter radiation hits infrared radiation, that should stretch it. That thing can make it possible to change the infrared radiation wavelength. And if that thing is possible, it can change everything. The problem with controlling heat with counter radiation is that the counter radiation's energy level must be higher than incoming radiation so that it can push it back. 

"The Doppler effect can be heard particularly clearly when a train passes by. The presence of the same effect in the generalized telegraph equation indicates the wave nature of heat transport over small distances. Credit: IFJ PAN" (ScitechDaily, Challenging Previous Understanding – Physicists Propose a Wave-Based Theory of Heat Transport)

The fast-moving particles like electrons can also adjust the wave movement. The virtual blueshift can created when a high-speed particle hits the incoming wave movement. When the object travels away, the wavelength turns longer. And when the object travels to the observer wavelength turns shorter. If electrons or other particles travel in the same direction with radiation they can pull energy in them. And then the side-coming magnetic field can whip those electrons away from their direction. If electrons shoot opposite to IR radiation, that stretches- or turns wave movement shorter. 

If the counterwave's energy level is too low, the incoming radiation will push it back, but in that case, the counterradiation changes the wavelength of the IR radiation.  In some models, the infrared lasers can be used to control heat in the fusion system. The laser system can press part of the radiation back to the center of the reactor. This thing means that the system pushes back part of the radiation. That decreases the energy mass, which affects the reactor's shell. 

The photonic microprocessors require the ability to control photons. The side-coming laser ray, whose energy level is higher than another laser ray can deny the laser ray travel through it. The higher energy laser that operates at the same frequency as another laser ray can polarize or filter the laser ray. The photonic polarization means that some of the photons will be removed. That means the system denies the photon's travel. And that means photons cannot reach the surface. 

The ability to change radiation's wavelength opens impressive possibilities. When we think about things like photon polarization we can theoretically make objects invisible. Theoretically, counterwaves that can stretch radiation can turn visible light into IR X-ray radiation, or even radio waves.   

And if someday researchers can polarize infrared radiation or turn very high energy IR radiation into radiowaves that thing can make even nuclear weapons ineffective. The photon polarization that can remove infrared radiation or any other wavelength can also make things like military lasers unable to operate. 

The ability to change the radiation wavelength makes many things possible. That thing makes it possible to create new, ultra-secured data transmissions. And it gives new potential for green energy. The ability to transform visible light into radio waves can make long-distance, wireless energy transportation possible.

Microchips and neural implants are the next step in human-machine singularity.

"UC San Francisco researchers enabled a paralyzed man to control a robotic arm using a brain-computer interface (BCI) that functioned f...