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Showing posts from June, 2024

Research with hypersonic systems is not an easy thing.

"This is an artist’s depiction of a Hyper-X research vehicle under scramjet power in free-flight following separation from its booster rocket. New research into hypersonic jets may transform space travel by making scramjet engines more reliable and efficient, leading to aircraft-like spacecraft. Credit: NASA" (ScitechDaily, Revolution at Mach 10: NASA-Backed Hypersonic Jets Poised to Transform Space Travel) The main problem with hypersonic systems is how to control them on air. If the hypersonic aircraft's body is designed the wrong way, that causes thermal problems. But another problem is this: if the aircraft's shape is wrong, the pressure wave or sonic boom will go past the control surfaces. And those layers will not work in that case. In other cases, if the shockwave nuzzles against the aircraft body, that causes overheating. The next problem is the engine.  The Scramjet engine is the only engine type that can use atmospheric air and create hypersonic exhaust gas.

The arrow of time.

The image above introduces the internal structure of a wormhole. The energy channel that travels through the universe. The pockets or bubbles in their shape make it hard to use it. If an object touches the wormhole's shell it loses its energy. So, does the wormhole stop time inside it?  The answer is that in many models wormholes are spinning energy tornadoes, which means that time moves slower in them than it moves outside it. Do those wormholes exist? Image 2 introduces the BOSS Structure of the universe. Those channels between galaxies give a hint, that maybe those legendary Einstein-Rose bridges are true.  British astrophysicist Arthur Eddgerton created the idea of the "arrow of time" in 1927. The idea is that particles or radiation (wave movement) travel in time in the same way as they travel in space. What made his idea fundamental? It handles time as space or dimension. The dimensional time means that we are traveling in time forward. The image 3 introduces the key

Carbon and quantum computers are the ultimate pair.

"Researchers created a kirigami-inspired mechanical computer using interconnected polymer cubes, capable of storing and manipulating data in multiple stable states, offering a foundation for advanced mechanical computing and encryption without electronic components. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Metamaterial Marvel: Kirigami Cubes Unlock the Future of Mechanical Computing)  The next-generation quantum computer can be half mechanical. The Kirigami cubes can make it possible to create qubits that are suitable to operate at room temperature. In that system, the Kirigami cubes can adjust their distance from the laser. Then the distance of each cube from those mirror segments means one state of the qubit.  So, the distance between each cube and laser determines one state of the qubit.  That thing is one way to make the qubit, that can make the room temperature quantum computer possible.  The diamonds are effective tools for qubits. The new studies make them interesting

Helium-3 production from tritium.

The fusion energy is theoretical level. The fusion systems are still at the laboratory level. That means there are many problems to overcome before commercial fusion systems. The fusion fuel can be produced from heavy water. The system bombs deuterium with neutrons. Or it can shoot deuterium or some other atoms against each other.  That can create neutron stripping, which transforms deuterium into tritium, and then the laser systems can increase the dividing speed of tritium. In that process, tritium transforms into Heluim-3 (3^He). If the system wants to produce Helium-3 for experimental or pulsed plasma rocket engines, that thing doesn't require that the Helium-3 production must be economical.  Hydrogen's heavy isotopes deuterium and tritium are the most promising fusion fuels. The problem is where the system can produce tritium or Helium3 for the fusion fuel. The 100 million K temperature allows two Heium-3 atoms can create fusion. There is the possibility to produce Hellium

The anomalies in gravity might cause dark energy.

"Physicists at UC Berkeley immobilized small clusters of cesium atoms (pink blobs) in a vertical vacuum chamber, then split each atom into a quantum state in which half of the atom was closer to a tungsten weight (shiny cylinder) than the other half (split spheres below the tungsten). (ScitechDaily, Beyond Gravity: UC Berkeley’s Quantum Leap in Dark Energy Research) By measuring the phase difference between the two halves of the atomic wave function, they were able to calculate the difference in the gravitational attraction between the two parts of the atom, which matched what is expected from Newtonian gravity. Credit: Cristian Panda/UC Berkeley" (ScitechDaily, Beyond Gravity: UC Berkeley’s Quantum Leap in Dark Energy Research) Researchers at Berkeley University created a model that can explain the missing energy of the universe. The idea is that the particles and their quantum fields are whisk-looking structures. Those structures form the superstrings that are extremely thi

The second arrow of time.

We know that time travels in one direction. That direction is forward from the point where time began. We know that time began with the event called The Big Bang. The universe's expansion causes the quantum fields to turn weaker, and the pressure against material decreases. We can compare quantum fields with water or gas and say that the quantum fields are like pressure.  This is the thing that makes energy move in the universe. We can use the universe's energy level to determine time. The Big Bang released all known energy and material to the spacetime. We don't know when dark energy and material are released. But when the energy in the universe ends. That means time ends. The universe's expansion means that pressure or energy level in the universe decreases.  That means the distance between particles increases, and that causes situations in interactions between particles to become weaker. The universe is like a balloon in a vacuum. The pressure in that balloon decreas

MIT physicists created a five-lane quantum highway for electrons.

"Artist’s rendition of a newly discovered superhighway for electrons that can occur in rhombohedral graphene. “We found a goldmine, and every scoop is revealing something new,” says MIT Assistant Professor Long Ju. Credit: Sampson Wilcox/Research Laboratory of Electronics" (ScitechDaily, MIT Physicists Forge a Five-Lane Quantum Superhighway for Electrons) The quantum information highway allows the system to transport information, stored in things like electrons.  Boosting binary data security. The system can use cable ducts and share information between individual wires. Then each of the wires transports information forward in different lines.  The cable ducts can also used to create a virtual quantum channel. That can work at room temperature. In those systems, the intelligent operating system shares information with each wire. Then that system drives data to the cable duct. In cable ducts, information can travel in lines like in real quantum computers.  The parallel ports c

The Roman telescope searches primordial black holes.

"Recent research explores the potential of the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope to detect Earth-mass primordial black holes, a theoretical class of black holes believed to have formed during the early universe’s rapid inflation. These discoveries could confirm theories of cosmic inflation and suggest that primordial black holes contribute to dark matter, profoundly impacting our understanding of galaxy formation and the universe’s history. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, From the Dawn of Time: Hunting for Primordial Black Holes With NASA’s Roman Space Telescope) Maybe the Roman telescope can answer the question: which were first, material or black holes?  The theorem about ultralight black holes that formed during cosmic inflation can prove that theorem. In a very young universe, cosmic inflation caused the situation that Earth-mass black holes could form in the bubbles of the quark-gluon plasma or straight from radiation. The idea is that fast expansion pulled quan

Neutron stripping is a new alternative to fusion.

"Using the advanced GALILEO Array coupled with the 4π Si-ball EUCLIDES, the researchers conducted in-depth spectroscopic analysis to track and identify the reactions." (Interesting engineering, Alternative to fusion, one-neutron stripping beats powerful nuclear reaction) "GALILEO Array (a grammar-ray detector) in combination with the 4π Si-ball EUCLIDES (an advanced laser detector)" (Interesting engineering, Alternative to fusion, one-neutron stripping beats powerful nuclear reaction) In one neutron stripping, the system uses atoms that shoot against each other. When those atoms hit, they release neutrons that can divide fission material or the neutron can be used as an energy source, but it easier is to use the fissile materials. When one neutron transfer happens to the Bismuth 209, that turns into Polonium 210. The one-neutron stripping offers the possibility to create highly radioactive isotopes near nuclear reactors.  But the most interesting thing in neutron st

Interesting supermassive black holes pair.

"The black holes in orbit around each other. Both black holes have jets associated with them: the larger one with reddish color, and the smaller one with a yellowish color jet. Normally only the reddish jet is seen, but during the 12-hour period on November 12, 2021, the smaller jet dominated, and gave a direct signal from the smaller black hole, and was observed for the first time. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/R. Hurt (IPAC) & M. Mugrauer (AIU Jena)" (ScitechDaily, NASA’s Planet Hunter’s Rare Glimpse at Two Black Holes in a Faraway Galaxy) Researchers at the University of Turku found an interesting thing in the distant galaxy (OJ 287). These two supermassive black holes are orbiting each other. In that case, the lower-mass black hole covers a higher-mass black hole under its radiation.  That case happened during 12 hours period on November 12, 2021. When a smaller black hole came into the line between Earth and a larger black hole. There is the possibility that this kind of

Is it dark matter or Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND)?

"Using gravitational lensing, scientists uncovered that dark matter may stretch over a million light-years from galactic centers, proposing significant adjustments to our gravitational theories or the concept of dark matter itself. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Revising Relativity: How Modified Gravity Challenges Einstein and Dark Matter)  Is it dark matter or Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND)?  Maybe they are both right.  In the beginning, we must ask one question. That question is: can both theories: Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) and dark matter theories be true? There is the possibility. There are two kinds of gravity waves. A short and long. In that model, the long gravity wave origin is in the strings between quarks and gluons.  The long gravity waves come from some quantum fields around some particles or particle groups. Those long gravity waves can have light-year scale wavelength. Modern telescopes noticed. That there are wave-formations in galaxies t

Researchers found interesting things from the Jupiter Great Red Spot.

Above: The Great Red Spot in comparison with Jupiter.  A Great Red Spot in Jupiter's atmosphere might not be as stable as believed. Researchers have noticed that the wind to the north of the red spot is below 180 km/h to the west, and south to the wind blows 150 km/h to the east. That thing pumps energy into that anticyclone along with sunlight. When those winds impact that whirl its energy level rises. And outside energy cannot fill it.  It's possible. The Great Red Spot is not stable. It might form again, and again, in the same spot, between opposite traveling winds near Jupiter's equator. In a simple model, low pressure above clouds pulls material from the inner layers of Jupiter's atmosphere over the clouds. And then that material starts to expand. If that material plate reachers the opposite moving winds they push it to rotation and that forms a whirl.  Great Red Spot and other whirls in Jupiter's atmosphere.  So how does the Great Red Spot form? There might fo

The hunt for Planet 9.

The hunt for hypothetical Planet 9, the mysterious object that affects Neptune's and Unranus' orbital trajectories, carries on. The problem with planet 9 is that its temperature can be lower than the plasma temperature in the solar system. There are many theories about that planet, and some suggest that hypothetical Planet 9 is a black hole or piece of dark matter. The problem is that the X-rays could uncover a black hole.  But otherwise, the massive virtual redshift means. that the black hole can be closer than it seems. The massive virtual redshift means that the black hole's massive gravity stretches light waves. So that means the black hole hypothesis can be right. But when we think about the possibility. The hypothetical Planet 9 exists in the form of a planet, there is a point where it's very hard to see.  That point is just outside the heliopause, the impact point where plasma flows. That comes from the sun hitting the interstellar plasma. That thing is the plasm

The new winds of quantum computers.

"Artist’s representation of the formation pathway of vacancy complexes for spin-based qubits in the silicon carbide host lattice and to the right the associated energy landscape. Credit: University of Chicago" (ScitechDaily, Better Qubits: Quantum Breakthroughs Powered by Silicon Carbide) The spin-based qubit is like a whirl or fast-rotating roll. The structure between those structures is an electromagnetic bridge or quantum shadow where the information travels. That shadow forms when the laser inputs energy to another particle. The information that travels at the edge of the shadow adjusts the lower energy part of the qubit. And puts it oscillate with the same frequency.  The structure around the qubit is important because it decreases the quantum noise. The quantum noise is the thing that disturbs data when it comes outside. But if the qubit itself is too noisy. That makes it possible to steal data from the qubit. The qubit vulnerability is at the point where the system loa

The quantum teleportation reached 90% accuracy in a noisy environment.

"High-fidelity quantum teleportation has been achieved by research team using a new hybrid entanglement technique that counters environmental noise, with a success rate nearing 90%. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Teleportation Just Got Real: Achieving 90% Fidelity Amidst Noise) The quantum noise is turbulence in quantum systems. That noise or turbulence cuts the quantum entanglement. And this makes it hard to transport information accurately. This is the reason why quantum computers are quite hard to make.  But today there is a breakthrough.  Developers and researchers made quantum teleportation with 90% accuracy through the noisy environment. This is a new breakthrough. And it allows researchers to send information using quantum teleportation with 10% losses.  That is the acceptable accuracy in quantum teleportation. Quantum teleportation is one of the most secure data transportation methods. And if quantum teleportation is possible in long distances that o

Does glow from the Big Bang ever lose?

  The event called the Big Bang happened about 13,5 billion years ago. Or, at that point, the material, time, and energy got their shape as we know them. We don't know what happened before the Big Bang. And maybe we see only the last part of it.  When we look at this model, we can compare the Big Bang with a nuclear weapon's fireball. All material formed in that fireball, and the fireball's size increases even today. It turns lower energy so, the universe's temperature turns lower. The universe freezes all the time because energy travels out from it.  That means. Its particle's distance turns higher, and the forces between particles turn weaker. The visible material seems to be in a ball-shaped structure. But mainly material in the universe is invisible to us. That material, called Dark Matter is gravity effect, which source is unknown. Dark energy is the thing, that rips the universe into pieces.  So dark matter determines the shape of the universe. Then we look at

The mystery of FRB.

"Artist’s rendition of how the angle of polarized light from an FRB changes as it journeys through space. Credit: CHIME, Dunlap Institute" (ScitechDaily, Mysterious Origins: Polarized Light Transforms Our Understanding of Fast Radio Bursts) The fast radio burst (FRB) is one of the most mysterious phenomena in the universe. The thing, that makes that radio burst mysteriously is that they seems to come outside our galaxy. And the other thing is that they might seem to have nothing, where they can come. The mystery is: why FRBs cannot form in our galaxy? The FRB is a similar phenomenon with gamma- and X-ray bursts.  The radiation frequency is different from that in GRB and XRB, and the problem is that those effects seem to have a source. The FRB is separated from the GRB and XRB which might form when neutron stars or black holes collide. The FRB is sometimes unique, and those three phenomena are not connected. So, the FRB doesn't mean that at the same time comes XRB and GRB.

The dark matter can be a gravity effect that forms without mass.

The key question in dark matter is, what put gravity fields into motion? Some researchers suggest that the changes in spacetime curvature are the things that make gravity waves move.  A new theory suggests that gravity is possible without mass. And that is an exciting new model for dark matter. Researcher Richard Lieu from Alabama State University suggests that dark matter is a distortion in 3D spacetime.  In this model, the third dimension is like the quantum jelly or a very large, and thick wave movement. Those waves' thickness is so large, that the entire universe fits in it. If there are lower energy fields in some areas, that can make energy travel in them. In some models, the electromagnetic radiation can turn straight to the other type of wave movement.  If counterwaves impact those electromagnetic- or quantum fields they can stretch or gather those waves. That means there is the possibility that impacting waves can turn radio waves or gamma rays into gravity waves. The idea

What if researchers can transform infrared radiation into radiowaves or visible light?

Brand new wave-based model for heat transport.  "Researchers from the Institute of Nuclear Physics in Cracow have applied the Doppler effect and the telegraph equation to explore heat transport in complex systems like biological tissues. Their findings suggest that heat transport can exhibit wave-like behaviors, potentially revolutionizing medical and cosmetic procedures by improving heat management techniques. Credit: SciTechDaily" (ScitechDaily, Challenging Previous Understanding – Physicists Propose a Wave-Based Theory of Heat Transport) Photon polarization is a situation. Where the system removes some of its circular- or superpositions. Photon polarization is the quantum version of classic polarization. "Photon polarization is the quantum mechanical description of the classical polarized sinusoidal plane electromagnetic wave. An individual photon can be described as having right or left circular polarization, or a superposition of the two. Equivalently, a photon can