Tuesday, October 31, 2023

The next-generation ion engines can use extremely bright light to ionize gas.

 The next-generation ion engines can use extremely bright light to ionize gas. 

Quasiparticles are the next-generation tools for extremely bright lights. 

Wikipedia determines a quasiparticle like this: "In condensed matter physics, a quasiparticle is a concept used to describe a collective behavior of a group of particles that can be treated as if they were a single particle. Formally, quasiparticles and collective excitations are closely related phenomena that arise when a microscopically complicated system such as a solid behaves as if it contained different weakly interacting particles in vacuum." (Wikipedia, Quasiparticle)

Some of the quasiparticles are extremely short-living "particle-type energy fields". Or otherwise saying. Quasiparticle is a phenomenon that acts like particles. Researchers are interested in quasiparticles like Majorana fermions because they offer the possibility to make error-resistant quantum computers. 

But one version of quasiparticles is skyrmion. The ring-shaped power field where the positive pole and negative pole are one after one. When those positive and negative poles impact, that causes energy flash. The system can use that kind of energy to make extremely powerful flashes of light. Those flashes of light can used for high-power lasers and ion technology with multiple civil and military applications. 

"Scientists studied the unique properties of quasiparticles in plasmas by running advanced computer simulations on supercomputers available through the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking. They propose using quasiparticles to create light sources as powerful as the most advanced ones in existence today, but much smaller. Credit: Bernardo Malaca. (ScitechDaily.com/Harnessing Quasiparticles: The Next Wave of Super-Bright Light Sources)

The image above is a cutaway drawing of Mars planet. But it could introduce the plasma ion engine's chamber. 

The plasma travels in that "combustion" chamber like this. The laser beam travels through the plasma and puts it into a whirl. 

Io engines and powerful lasers can use extremely powerful light flashes to create laser beams and ionize gas. 

In some models, laser rays can be used to create plasma in ion engines. That kind of ion engine has a chamber that has a certain form. The blower blows air or some other gas in that chamber. And then laser ray that shot through that chamber will put that gas whirling. The whirl pushes the craft forward. And that kind of engine can be the reason why some so-called UFOs seem to hang on some kind of laser beam. 

The extremely powerful flashes of light can ionize gas themselves. And researchers can use that kind of technology in the next-generation ion engines. In powerful plasma-ion engines, the cold gas will be ionized. And then the system will drive that gas backward. That system is like an electromagnetic blower.

In cold ion engines, the system just shoots the electrons away from the atoms. The system shoots ions against a shield or "sail". And in that case, the system will not heat the gas.  And because the engine uses cold gas. It's hard to detect. The idea of this kind of engine is simple. The engine system is connected to the aircraft's body. 

When the ion system pulls gas backward in two acceleration lines. When ions with the same polarity impact each other. Some of them jump forward. And in those cold ion engines, the idea is that cold ions travel forward and impact the chamber's forward wall. Move the plane or craft forward. 

Another purpose of those quasiparticles could be an extremely powerful laser system. In those systems, the quasiparticles pump energy to the laser elements. 

The difference between antimatter and quasiparticles is that the quasiparticles are not so dangerous. The bright light that those quasiparticles create can used to turn even laser rays away from the target. 



Are ghosts real?

    Are ghosts real? 

This is a good question. Things like reality are subjective things. And things can be real to some other person, and they are not real to some other person. This is the thing that we must remember when we talk about things like ghosts. In many theories. Ghosts are a psychological phenomenon. 

When people see ghosts, they don't always see dead people. They might see ex-leaders who went to other work. They might smell those ex-leaders candies and aftershaves even if they are not at the same workplace or in the office for years. 

"A significant proportion of Americans believe in ghosts, with many claiming personal encounters. However, despite the prevalence of recording devices, concrete evidence for the existence of ghosts remains elusive." (ScitechDaily.com/Are Ghosts Real? Examining the Scientific Evidence)

In this model, ghosts are flashbacks from the past. In that model, traumatic stress like PTSD can explain things like ghost cars or something like that. The PTSD flashback means that a person feels the stressful and dangerous situation again. And if the car almost drives over the person, that thing causes the ghost car vision in front of the person's eyes, who goes in a similar place. 

When some person stands many times at the same point, that thing can cause a reaction where the brain believes that person stands there. Sometimes things like ghost stories can launch the effect that a person's mind starts to create ghosts. In some cases, people lie because they don't want to upset their guides. And if some young, handsome guide tells nice ghost stories, people want to be polite and say that they "feel something". 

"Organizational ghosts can have a major influence on how companies operate. Credit: Nate Edwards/BYU Photo" (ScitechDaily.com/Researchers Reveal the Power of “Ghostly Encounters” on Organizations)

Sometimes people see "corporate ghosts" like their bosses standing next to them, while they do something like playing games without permission. The memory is created to protect humans against enemies. So our brains think that all shadows near us is our boss. And we should always beware of doing anything prohibited when our boss stands next to us. So our subconscious warns us about our boss. Same way our brain thinks that all sticks in front of us are poisonous animals. 

But the fact is this. There is always the possibility that there is somebody in the house. It's always possible that some burglars enter some isolated house or somebody uses the basement without permission. 

But there are other types of theories about ghosts. In some theories, ghosts are holograms that come out from wormholes. The wormhole is like a light cable that brings information from the past. And maybe this thing forms a holoprojection called a ghost. 

In the wildest visions, ghosts are aliens or some government officials who use optical invisibility suits. That theory is very wild. And I don't believe it. But there is research about clothes that can turn people invisible. And those invisibility cloaks are in use for Air Force Pilot's rescue kits. Those kits can turn the pilot invisible. And snipers and other special forces soldiers can use the same cloaks. So some ghosts may be special forces soldiers that use those new invisibility suits. 



Are computer games, and especially online games, so innocent as they should be?

   Are computer games, and especially online games, so innocent as they should be?

The thing is that there are many ways to use computer games for research, development, and intelligence work. Computer games or online games also offer online social media platforms. And there people can discuss and ask things from each other. When a person plays 1st. person action games. Some other person can ask, where other players learned some kind of tactics.

Or would some other player own some guns that are in those games? That thing allows intelligence officials to ask would some players be some kind of military officials. Or are the player's parents working in the military industry or other military work? 

"A study from Aalto University’s Department of Computer Science reveals concerning data collection practices within online games and highlights players’ misconceptions about privacy. The research identified manipulative design tactics that encourage data sharing and highlighted that players often remain unaware of the data collection extent. While players have adopted tactics to protect their privacy, such as preferring text chats over voice, the study concludes by stressing the need for games to prioritize transparency, safety, and player autonomy." (ScitechDaily.com/Billion-Dollar Secrets: What Your Video Games Aren’t Telling You)

The computer games can use as propaganda tools. Or they can use to practice drone operators cooperation. 

Criminals can ask where they can find things like guns using online computer games. We should have the same attitude to computer games as other social media. Computer games can be used to inject malware into computers or cheat money or identity. 

Another thing that social media and online computer games offer is a platform where the developers of AI can collect people's reactions. And then the AI tries to create counter-reactions for those actions. The AI or language models can move virtual characters that movements connected with virtual and augmented reality. 

When some character or group of actors are playing against AI-controlled virtual characters and then the AI uses compositional generalization to connect the best possible movement series by using a methodology that connects multiple databases. In that method, the AI uses the same models for multiple purposes. 

The AI uses ready-made templates that are like Legos in its entirety. The AI tries to reorder those ready-made templates. The AI can turn virtual actions straight into physical actions using the virtual models. Then it can transform that virtual model into a physical robot. 

But the AI requires information on which action series is the best. Computer games can teach AI which composition is the most suitable for some situations. For learning things the AI requires something, that it can use as simulation. Computer games can teach the AI how it must react. 



Monday, October 30, 2023

Ancient technology was ahead of its time.

 Ancient technology was ahead of its time. 

"Image from an illuminated manuscript, the Madrid Skylitzes, showing Greek fire in use against the fleet of the rebel Thomas the Slav." (Wikipedia/Greek Fire)

We all heard things like Antikythera mechanisms and Greek Fire that could be a saltpetre-alcohol mixture. That thing causes extremely high temperatures. But it's possible. That ancient wise people knew things about centrifugal guns. Things like Aeolopile and Archimedes' Screw could use to shoot ammunition against the enemy.

"Animation showing how the Archimedes screw works, with the red balls representing water." (Wikipedia/Archimedes' screw)

 It's possible. Some ancient people knew that if they sent soundwaves to iron nails that thing sends resonance to enemy iron equipment and breaks those things. If that resonance will send through the sea. Enemy ships will be put together using iron nails that resonance can break the wooden structures around the nails. Those things are hypothetical ancient wisdom. 

"Drawing of the Baghdad battery's three pieces"

Also, things like hot air balloons and flight could known in the ancient world. In some theories, some ancient civilizations could know that if lightning hits spears or arrows those things would get strange forces. So those ancient wise men used natural electricity for making electric weapons. 

Even if famous Baghdad batteries are fake the ancient people must know that the metal bite is on a wooden platform. And if lightning hits it, that thing loads electricity to the metal bite. And things like electric fish can be used for loading those metal bites or capacitors. So the ancient people knew electricity. And they must know the places where they could load their electric equipment. 

Could Stonehenge be part of an ancient communication network?

In some visions, Stonehenge could be some kind of ion or plasmoid system. If there are mirrors that aim sunlight at the middle of the stone ring, that thing ionizes that gas. And then the druids could use things like magnesite bites to aim the plasma into wanted directions. That thing is one of the most exciting theories of the Stonehenge. 

The stone rings are in the middle of the network of stones. That thing makes it possible that the ancient stone rings are part of an ancient communication network where resonating stones transmit information. 






Could there be lifeforms at the outer edge of our solar system?

 Could there be lifeforms at the outer edge of our solar system?

"An artistic representation of how the northern infrared aurora would have looked in 2006 (marked in red). The darker red locations indicate confirmed aurora locations, with fainter red used to mark possible aurora locations. Credit to NASA, ESA and M. Showalter (SETI Institute) for the background image of Uranus, as was observed by the Hubble Space Telescope (in the visible spectrum) in August 2005. Credit: NASA, ESA and M. Showalter (SETI Institute) for the background image of Uranus, as was observed by the Hubble Space Telescope (in the visible spectrum) in August 2005." (ScitechDaily.com/Discovering Uranus’ Glow: New Hints for Life on Icy Exoplanets)

The researchers at the Leicester University confirm the IR-aurora around Uranus. That IR aurora could give energy to theoretical lifeforms, that can live on Uranu's high atmosphere. 

Could there be lifeforms on super-gold worlds like Uranus? Life as we know it requires liquid water. And the temperature on those icy worlds is very low. But then we must realize that things like gas pressure and gravity also affect water's melting point. If the gas pressure is almost zero, water could be liquid at very low temperatures. There could be lifeforms in Uranus' atmosphere or on the Triton moon. The metabolism of those lifeforms will be extremely low.

Global Color Mosaic of Triton, taken by Voyager 2 in 1989 (Wikipedia, Triton)

But because Uranus turns its other pole to the sun, there is a possibility that in that planet's higher atmosphere are primitive algae or bacteria that use the weak sunlight for photosynthesis. Even the atmosphere at high altitudes on the Uranus and Triton moons is very thin. It would not give protection against solar wind; we must realize that solar wind is very weak at the outer edge of our solar system.


If we think of the dark smokers or cryovolcanoes on Triton Moon, the black smoke is nitrogen, ammonia, methane, carbon dioxide, and/or carbon monoxide. Carbon dioxide and methane are organic gases that are forming on Earth because of biological processes. 

The reason those cryovolcanoes exist is their low gravity and low gas pressure. There is a possibility that there are some kinds of lifeforms on Triton and Pluto. There is a possibility that those hypothetical lifeforms can get their energy from volcanic temperatures and weak sunlight. If those lifeforms existed, those creatures would be very slow and long-lived. Their metabolism will be extremely slow.




Sunday, October 29, 2023

Bionic limbs are a reality.

    Bionic limbs are a reality.

"This bionic hand is fused to a woman’s bones, muscles, and nerves" "The unique integration reduced her pain and gave her more control over the prosthetic." (FreeThink/This bionic hand is fused to a woman’s bones, muscles, and nerves)

The limits of innovation are on our minds. And new bionic prostheses are making the sci-fi tales true. The new bionic prostheses interact with the human nervous system, and they are just like real arms. The next-generation bionic prostheses are AI-controlled robot limbs that follow commands from the human nervous system. Those bionic prostheses are tools that can make people feel like robots.

Or those highly advanced bionic prostheses will bring people and machines together. The bionic arms and legs are stronger than natural ones. The same technology used in bionic systems can be used in many ways. And that thing brings sci-fi tales like "Star Wars" and "Dr. Adder" to reality.

The bionic prosthesis can make a person superhuman. In sci-fi tales like Star Wars, Darth Vader is the robot, a cyborg that has human brains that control the body. Another character, Luke Skywalker, also has a robot arm, which makes him stronger than regular humans. 

Fictional chracter Darth Vader with his bionic suit. 

And in some sci-fi tales, those bionic prostheses or robot arms and legs have acoustic weapons inside them. The weaponized bionic arm is introduced in the dark sci-fi novel "Dr. Adder". The nuclear-powered bionic prosthesis is equipped with a high-power sound or resonance weapon and infrared sensors that can search for people.

This thing has brought dark visions to the cyborg soldiers that have robot limbs. The fact is that modern surgery makes it possible to remove a natural limb and then replace it by using robot hands. The natural limbs will be put in the freezer or in the life support system that delivers blood to those limbs and keeps them alive.

When a soldier doesn't need robot limbs anymore, they will be removed. And then the natural limbs will reconnect with those people. The robot arm or bionic arm can be equipped with many things, like remote control systems. The fact is that prostheses that can send touch sense to the human brain and feel like a real arm are meant as an auxiliary tool for injured people. But if people have money, they can do almost anything they want.



Cosmobiology, vampires, and werewolves cause interesting theorems.

 Cosmobiology, vampires, and werewolves cause interesting theorems.

Could there be some mirror person of somebody? 

Researchers at the Chinese  Hangzhou University researched the DNA and RNA molecules cis-trans isomerism. Researchers created this work to investigate mirror lifeforms. The idea is that in the research the DNA will be injected into the cells in the opposite direction as it normally is. 

That thing makes it possible to research things like how the isomerism of the DNA and RNA molecules determines the creature's behavior. We know that things like cis-trans isomerism have an effect on protein behavior in ion pumps of the cells. And if some proteins oppositely go into the cells as it should that protein kills the cell. But what kind of effect does the DNA or RNA if it travels to the cell organelle in the wrong way? 

It's possible. That some kind of psychopathic persons were examples of the werewolf and vampire stories. And maybe those stories are told as a warning that the most innocent and nice-looking person can be the monster. So don't go with strangers or there could be trouble. But what kind of creatures could be the "real vampires and werewolves"? 

Cosmobiologists created the model of the vampires and werewolves that are fictional creatures or at least I hope so. In theories, vampires are parasites that can take their host's form. The idea is that the parasite can steal the DNA from its host and then replace the host's cells with its cells. And werewolves would be xenomorphs that can change their form.

In theories, it is possible to create creatures that involve cells. That act as DNA or RNA factories. Then some mark like a full moon activates the cell group creating the RNA viruses that transform the creature to wolf. And when the full moon is gone, another virus transforms the creature back into a human. 

The idea is taken from the malaria parasites that have a certain cycle. And then the full moon would be the time when the parasite multiplies itself. Those kinds of creatures are hopefully pure theories. There is the possibility that this kind of theoretical parasite can create poison needles that can inject zombie poison into the victim. 

The culture connects species to civilization. And we can say that the possibility to communicate between the solar systems is the thing that makes civilization. 

If we think that species send crews to other solar systems to establish bases. That automatically does not mean that the creature can cross the speed of light. Those one-way journeys can take thousands of years. And when those crews reach another solar system they need to adapt their bodies to the habitable planets. 

The crew might need to modify themselves by stealing the DNA from creatures that already live on that planet if there are some domestic life forms. Or if there are no habitable planets they must terraform some planet. And that thing can happen by using microbes. 

However, the AI must genetically modify those microbes to adapt them to the electromagnetic and chemical environment where they are released. And then the base makers must wait for the environment is change. During that time those living creatures must wait hundreds or even thousands of years. And that thing can done by using some kind of deep-frozen cell-level fetuses. 

When we think about cosmobiology we always think that this thing is the same as UFO and alien hunting. The fact is that cosmobiology is a little bit like alien hunting. But then we must realize one thing. '

1) Interplanetary civilization

2) Interstellar civilization 

3) Interstellar traveling 

4) And interstellar communication are not synonyms. 

The creatures that live around red dwarfs could travel between planets very easily. Those solar systems are not very big. And the red dwarf's planetary system could fit inside Mercury's trajectory. Those journeys can made by using regular chemical rockets. 

However interstellar traveling requires more advanced technology. But the ability to send crews to other solar systems doesn't mean that the crew will ever return. The spacecraft can use time dilation or civilization could send the fetuses that robots and interactive AI can grow to adults when the craft comes to another solar system. 

That means those crews would be on a one-way trip and they will not see their senders anymore. They will never see their home planets. And maybe the communication ability connects those creatures. The fact is that those hypothetical creatures require DNA and RNA modification before they create the base. The alien planets can host dangerous parasites and viruses. That's why those creatures require an immune system that can resist those viruses and bacteria. 

Also, things like different atmospheres and electromagnetic radiation from the central star require adaptation. The best way to adapt species to other planets and their environment is to steal the DNA of some other species that already live on that planet. 

An interstellar civilization can be a group of planets and solar systems that can communicate with each other. The idea for that model is taken from the Roman telegraphs. Those optical telegraphs connected the Roman state. The interstellar civilization can send information through the tiny wormholes by using quantum entanglement. That civilization could control robot factories by using quantum systems. But physical journeys between those bases take thousands or even millions of years. 

But why do cosmologists think and try to model things like vampires? 

That kind of thing is important when researchers are trying to imagine things like alien lifeforms. The fact is this: there is no confirmed evidence about the extraterrestrial lifeforms. But things like carbon dioxide in Europa moon causing the situation that we must carefully think about the form of alien lifeforms and alien intelligence. 

The cosmobiology is turned into real science. The idea of that science is to use Earth's lifeforms to model the living creatures that could live on another planet. There is the possibility that alien lifeforms are quite common in the universe. But alien intelligence is a very rare thing, and the thing that makes humans an intelligent species might connected with catastrophes on Earth. 

Catastrophes and suddenly changing climate caused situations that evolution started to benefit intelligence. But the human advancement or the evolutionary route that formed humans didn't begin in caves in an ice age. It began in the primordial sea. In the primordial sea was the beginning of the life. And the first predator cells formed. Those predator cells ate the first photosynthetic cells. And that thing formed the evolutionary tree where vegetarians separated from beasts. And then beasts separated into independent species. 




Researchers tested the limits of the quantum teleportation.

 Researchers tested the limits of the quantum teleportation. 

The researchers from the University of Stuttgart measured all four Bell states. The Bell states are full correlations between qubits that can be in states 0 or 1 or in superpositions. The reason why Bell states are interesting is that the quantum system requires two-qubit lines and all four states to back and forth communication. The problem with Bell state collapse is that the qubits that transmit information from point A to point B are opposite or mirror position to the qubit that transports information from point B to point A. 

The reason for that mirror symmetry is that the transmitting side of the qubit must be at a higher energy level than the receiving qubit. Only identical qubits can transport information without damaging the informational structure. When two identical qubits are side by side energy travels from the higher energy qubits to lower energy qubits.

"In the Barz group’s experiment with a two-stage interferometer auxiliary photons are used to generate distinct measurement patterns for all four Bell states, increasing the efficiency beyond the traditional limit of 50%. Credit: Jon Heras, Cambridge Illustrators." (ScitechDaily.com/Breaking the Quantum Limit: From Einstein-Bohr Debates to Achieving “Unattainable” Efficiency)

 When a qubit sends energy to another qubit the difference between energy levels decreases and information starts to run slower. Energy runs in a quantum system until both sides are at the same level. And that forms a standing wave between those sides which destroys the qubit. 

We can use the seesaw as the model of Bell states. Each end of those seesaws is one of the Bell states. If we consider that quantum entanglement is like a seesaw where information flows from a higher energy level to a lower one, then a two-way quantum network needs two seesaws that cross together. 

The thing is that information and energy always travel from higher energy levels to lower. When energy levels in the ends of the systems reach the same level it destroys the entire system. And then that thing destroys the quantum entanglement. 

But the thing that causes collapse in Bell states is this. When energy travels out from the higher energy level qubit its energy level decreases. Because there are four states in the qubit pair. That thing causes entropy in energy levels to rise. The reason for that is that there are forming whirls and waves to the qubit. 

Those things destroy the entire qubit and cause the destruction of the Bell states. In tests, the researchers tested the Bell states stability and ability to send information back and forth by using the Bell states. The thing is that the Bell states are a requirement for two-direction communication over the quantum network. 


Compositional generalization is the new method for machine learning.

 Compositional generalization is the new method for machine learning.

Compositional generalization means the ability to create new entities using existent particles. The idea is like making music by using the same notes but changing words. In the same way, if the system knows the words "walking" and "two times" it's possible to connect those terms and make the sentence "walking two times". This is the idea of compositional generalization.

The compositional generalization can extend to physical works. The system can connect certain movements with certain objects and orders that users give to robots. But the key element in that kind of robot is language modeling. The robot must "understand" the things that people want it to do when they say something. The compositional generalization means that a robot can connect some words that it hears to certain movement series.

"Researchers have developed a technique called Meta-learning for Compositionality (MLC) that enhances the ability of artificial intelligence systems to make “compositional generalizations.” This ability, which allows humans to relate and combine concepts, has been a debated topic in the AI field for decades. Through a unique learning procedure, MLC showed performance comparable to, and at times surpassing, human capabilities in experiments. This breakthrough suggests that traditional neural networks can indeed be trained to mimic human-like systematic generalization." (ScitechDaily.com/The Future of Machine Learning: A New Breakthrough Technique)

In a physical model, the system can learn by looking at things. When a robot or learning machine learns to walk, it can see how people walk. In this example, a robot looks like a human. Then it must combine things that it sees as the right things. The system must know what limbs are and what parts it must use for moving things, like the left arm.

The servo engines that move joints must be equipped with microchips. The system must know what is on the left side. And then it must know where that servo engine is. When operators teach which side is left, they can raise the left hand of the robot. Then they must make the robot connect that moving hand to the word "left side".

The microchips that are controlling the left side might have small computers that know if it needs to move its servo engine. In that case, the computer "brain" of robots can send commands by using a common address or common transportation address. In that case, the computers that control servo engines filter out unnecessary messages from the command line that the system gives to those servo engines.

Because robots use networked systems where intelligent systems control the joints, another neural structure is simpler to make. And that also makes operations lighter for the system's brain, which is the computer. In networked systems, there are multiple secondary computers in the robot's body. And the robot group can form a whole where each member shares their information and computing capacity.


Saturday, October 28, 2023

Researchers use quantum light to hear quantum sound.

 Researchers use quantum light to hear quantum sound.

At the beginning were ion microphones.

When a pressure wave hits the box where there are atoms, it transfers energy to that atom cloud. This thing gives an idea for the ion microphones. An ion microphone can be a kilometer-long tube where laser rays are detecting pressure waves in that tube. The ion microphones can detect sound waves from the ground.

The ion microphones are boxes where there are ions or atomic clouds. When a soundwave hits that box, it sends a pressure wave to that atomic cloud. The idea is that those atoms are brought to a certain energy level, and then a pressure wave gives them an energy impulse. And the lasers can detect the movements of that gas.

"Researchers from the University of East Anglia have introduced a pioneering method using quantum light to detect quantum sound. Their study sheds light on the intricate quantum interactions between molecular vibrations and photons. The findings are expected to enhance understanding of light-matter interactions on a molecular scale and could lead to new avenues in quantum technology and biology. The team’s efforts might also spur the development of innovative techniques to detect individual phonons directly." (ScitechDaily.com/ Solving Molecular Mysteries: How Quantum Light “Hears” Quantum Sound)

But then to the quarter microphones.

What would you do with boxes whose inside walls are made of 100% reflecting mirrors? In those boxes, the light rays can theoretically jump between those walls forever. The system allows for very accurate measurements.

We can think that a photon cloud is similar to an atomic cloud. However, the particles in a photonic cloud are smaller. When some particle moves in a photon cloud, it sends "quantum sound," which is the quantum version of pressure waves. The idea is that when a particle hits the photonic cloud, it transfers energy to those photons. And energy travels in a photon cloud just like pressure travels in a gas cloud.

The quantum light or photon cloud can be used to measure the smallest parts of atoms. The quantum microscope that uses two superpositioned and entangled photons can detect even quark- or gluon-level particles from atoms. In that system, quantum entanglement is used as a scanning tunneling microscope that has extreme accuracy. But photon clouds can also be used to detect things like electrons' movements in their orbitals.

Quantum light is a photon cloud that could be used to detect atomic fibrations. When atoms or subatomic particles impact a photonic cloud, they send energy to those photons. And that thing can cause an effect where those photons can detect vibrations in atoms and subatomic particles.

The problem with those photon clouds is that their energy level must be precisely the right level. If the energy level of those photons is too high, the system cannot detect "quantum pressure waves" in those photons. Another problem is how to make that photon cloud. One version is to use the box, whose walls are made of 100% reflecting mirrors.

Lasers will inject photons inside the box where there are other atoms, and then electrons and other parts of those atoms will send quantum waves into that photon cloud. The use of that reflection box eliminates the unwanted effects and makes the measurements sharper.


Free will and simulated universe theory.

Free will and simulated universe theory. 

Do we have free will? The fact is that our society and other things like moral and ethical rules limit our free will, and the final limit is from the natural laws. If we think about our bodies, people may believe and want to fly. But we cannot fly without auxiliary machines. That thing limits our free will. 

Another thing. That limits our free will in-laws. We can make anything that we want if that willingness follows the laws. Even if lawmakers allow us to grow wings and fly, that thing is impossible without genetic manipulation. But the other thing is that if we break the laws or some behavior code, that thing causes confusion and isolation. 

And even if we can make the code of laws the limits come from other states. The question of free will is always top of the list about the allowance of the Internet's unlimited control. People who are against the control say that it limits free will. And the people who support unlimited control say that the people who follow the law do not need to fear the control. 

When we talk about free will we always face things like AI-created pornographic pictures, that authorities can use to track people like pedophiles. The fact is that some people believe that those very photorealistic images are safe. But they can be used for the wrong purposes. These kinds of AI-rendered images can destroy people's reputations and the other thing is that these kinds of images can be used to make profiles of pedophiles. 

"Neuroscientists from HSE University have questioned the conclusions of famous studies, primarily those by Benjamin Libet, that challenge the existence of free will. Libet’s experiments in the 1970s and 1980s used EEG to show that brain activity indicating a decision occurred before individuals were consciously aware of their intention to act. The HSE team’s recent research suggests flaws in Libet’s measurement of intention awareness and asserts that the readiness potential doesn’t directly correlate with the decision itself. Their findings highlight the need for a fresh approach to the debate on free will." (ScitechDaily/Does Free Will Exist? New Study Challenges Classic Libet Experiments)

The simulated reality theorem denies free will. Or does it?

But then we are facing a thing called the simulated reality theorem. The fact is that there is a 50% possibility that the reality is an extremely high-standard simulation. And that theorem also called the "Matrix theorem" explains many things like remote viewing. The idea is that we are living in a false world, created by some very intelligent programmer. The argument against that theorem is simple. 

Who would make the simulation where all things are connected? The simulated reality denies the free will and that thing causes another question about reality. That theorem is an interesting hypothesis, and it has caused many discussions. And always we face the same question, who made that simulation? 

"The simulated universe theory proposes that our reality is a complex computer simulation, an idea echoed throughout history and popular culture. The second law of infodynamics, a concept introduced using information theory, suggests that information entropy must decrease or remain constant over time. This new law might provide evidence for the simulated universe theory, as it implies universal data optimization and compression, which are characteristics of a simulation." (ScitechDaily.com/Redefining the Fabric of Reality: The Growing Evidence for a Simulated Universe)

What is complex reality?

The term "complex reality" means that reality can be a group of natural things metaverses and augmented reality. That means the metaverse can involve elements from nature and straight from our imagination. 

What is reality? What if some computer gamers sit on the electric chair, and play some action game? What if a virtual bullet that shot to a virtual character launches that electric chair? Would that mean that computer game is a reality? Can we determine reality the effect that can affect us, even if it happens in computer games or some other virtual world? 

And the other question what determines reality? What is real to us? What if we were trapped in a chair or to bed and connected to computers by using the BCI (Brain Computer Interface)? That kind of virtual- or ultimate reality would turn into actual reality for people if they live in that reality all their lives. That reality turns real to those actors. And if they lose their connection with other players for the rest of their lives, if some of them fall into that virtual world, that turns this kind of hypothetical metaverse into reality even if nobody dies. 

Death means that an object or character called an actor loses its ability to communicate with us or affect us. That means it loses its interaction with the environment where we are living. And if the actor is dead that means its existence continues. But its meaning to us at this moment is over. And that thing means that the dead object loses its meaning to us. That object does not cause any calendar markings anymore. 

That is one version for thing what the term death can mean. Death is not a synonym for existence. The person is living, and the stone is dead. That means we must avoid stones when we drive a car. But we cannot communicate with stones. Stone can convey information like texts that are written to it. But stone itself just exists. 



The Big Bang was not the beginning of the universe.

 The Big Bang was not the beginning of the universe. 

What was before the Big Bang? There were dimensions. The dimension could determined as the superstrings that have a certain energy level. Then something caused the situation. The superstrings send some kind of sub-strings or wave movement and that thing formed material. The impulse from those superstrings caused Schwinger to affect where those impacting superstrings formed the first particles. So we can say that the Big Bang was the event, where material or superstrings that formed material reach a certain energy level. 

But then we must ask was there a universe before our universe? There is a vision that radiation that comes from black holes is one of the reasons for dark energy. There is the possibility that information that we see as vapor of the black holes is coming from the future. The idea is that: when escaping velocity turns faster than the speed of light, the time turns to go backwards. 

Time stops at the speed of light. And if gravity turns escape velocity higher than the speed of light, the time starts to travel backward. Objects come out from the black hole at the point where the black hole formed. The question is: is time only in material? In this case black hole turns particles young. Or does the time affect also spacetime? And that caused an idea that could the quantum vapor that Sir Roger Penrose observed come from the future. 

When we think of black holes as tubes where material drops through time we can say that the expansion of the universe along with the decrease in the energy level causes the difference in energy levels from the Big Bang to the energy level at the end of the universe increasing while time goes away from the Big Bang. 

The thing that makes energy is differences in energy levels. Because the past is at a higher energy level than the future energy travels to the future. That energy keeps the black hole open. So to make energy and information backward in the black hole, the requirement is that the energy level in the future side of the black hole turns higher than it was in the past.

Is the quantum vapor, that comes from the black holes evidence of a cyclic universe? Or does that vapor come from the future? 

The question about Sir Roger Penrose's observations about the old black holes is: does that vapor come from the past or future? Penrose suggested that there was a universe before our universe. But if the black hole brings information from the future, that thing is a very interesting opportunity. 

That means the white hole is the case, where information can come from the future. The black hole's vaporization is evidence that a white hole is possible. That vaporization is seen as gravity waves. But the requirement for the existence of a white hole is that the black hole suddenly detonates. And then the energy that comes out from the channel keeps it open and forms the white hole. The thing is that a theoretical white hole brings information out of the black hole. 

And that information or radiation means that if some futuristic astronaut wants to use this phenomenon in time or space travel, that person must find a black hole and use a black hole as a transportator. The energy that comes from the white hole destroys that craft immediately. If our hypothetical astronaut wants to travel through a black hole energy level in the material of that craft must decrease very slowly or the craft will detonate immediately. 

The black hole doesn't let particles send its wave movement and energy out from it. And when a particle comes out from the black hole, it sends its extra energy with enormous speed. The reason for that is that energy always travels from a higher energy level to a lower energy level. When energy travels from that material to the environment. That thing increases the energy level around it. 

The difference between energy levels from the beginning of the black hole to the last second before it vaporizes or turns to wave movement determines how powerful is the pull in the black hole. So we can think that the first objects that formed after the Big Bang were enormous black holes. Those black holes could transfer material from the high-energy young universe to the end of the universe, where particles turn to wave movement. In this model, the first ones are the last. The first black hole is the last black hole. And the reason for that is that energy flowing through that black hole is so fast that it cannot collapse. 

And when differences between energy levels in the beginning and end of the black holes are high enough that causes an effect where material explodes. In that case, energy travels out from the material so fast that it forms an electromagnetic vacuum around the particle. And that rips particle into wave movement. This thing causes an effect where wave movement from those particles hits other wave movement. That thing can cause the new universe to start to form. 







Revolution for nanotechnology: the engine that is 1/10,000th of a millimeter

 Revolution for nanotechnology: the engine that is 1/10,000th of a millimeter

In the future, the medicines might be packed in protein capsules. When that protein capsule faces the ion pump, that cell organ pushes medicine away from the nanomachine. One way to make that thing possible is to connect the protein or enzyme that makes the virus homing to certain cells to the nanomachine. The small-size nanomachine requires new technology. In some visions, the ion pumps that deliver nutrients to the cells can connect with nanomachines. And those nanomachines would use those ion pumps as ion engines. Controlling the nanomachine is very important.

"The novel type of nanomotor with an RNA polymerase, which pulls the two “handles” together and then releases them again. This generates a pulsing movement. Credit: Mathias Centola/University of Bonn" (ScitechDaily.com/Revolution in Nanotech: A Motor That’s 1/10,000th of a Millimeter)

Nanomachines can use enzymes that are long chemical fibers for dosing medicines. The medicine will connect to an enzyme that acts like a conveyor belt. And that enzyme travels over the nano-rolls that allow the nanomachine to apportion chemicals to cells. 

The enzyme can also connect with RNA, and it can transport that molecule into the desired position in the cells. The reason enzymes catalyze chemical reactions is that their shape is like wire. Other molecules, like acids, are connected with enzymes. The wire-looking molecule always transports new and fresh acid or some other molecules to the reaction point.

"The enzyme glucosidase converts the sugar maltose into two glucose sugars. Active site residues in red, maltose substrate in black, and NAD cofactor in yellow. (PDB: 1OBB​)" (Wikipedia/enzyme) 

The nanomachine requires new, extremely small engine types. The size of those machines is smaller than a cell. And that is the reason why researchers investigate things like the swimming of sperm—that they can make the nanomachine move in liquid. In those processes, developers try to copy the movement mechanism in those cells into nanomachines.

The new nano-engine created by using RNA polymerase makes it possible to create engines for very small molecular machines that can transport drugs into the right cells. The new nanomachine is like a tweezer, where the structure pulls together and releases. 

And that thing can make the nanomachine able to touch things like molecules. So a nano engine is more useful than just an engine. Nanotechnology is the next-generation tool. And we don't yet know all the applications. What this thing like machines that are smaller than cells can have. But the nanomachines will revolutionize all technology in the world. 




Friday, October 27, 2023

Researchers created a new method to manipulate qubits by using sound.

 Researchers created a new method to manipulate qubits by using sound. 

Theoretically is possible to move even photons by using soundwaves. Soundwaves are molecular movements, and directly pushing photons using air molecules is impossible. But it's possible to use molecules or atomic clouds to push smaller atoms. Then smaller atoms will push smaller and smaller particles. 

If the chain in the series of smaller particles is long enough, the particles will turn smaller and smaller. It's possible. That push to the molecule can send from the series of atoms and subatomic components to photons. In this case particle series whose size decreases during all its series could push photons. 

But manipulating qubits by using soundwaves can happen by stressing piezo-electric crystals with soundwaves. The other version is to point sound waves to photonic crystals. Then the soundwaves can affect the crystal's symmetry. Changes in photonic crystal symmetry affect the movements of quantum elements in those crystals. 

"Acoustic resonators, found in devices like smartphones and Wi-Fi systems, degrade over time with no easy way to monitor this degradation. Researchers from Harvard SEAS and Purdue University have now developed a method using atomic vacancies in silicon carbide to measure the stability of these resonators and even manipulate quantum states, potentially benefiting accelerometers, gyroscopes, clocks, and quantum networking." (ScitechDaily.com/Quantum Leap – Harvard Scientists Use Sound To Test Devices, Control Qubits)

"A piezoelectric layer (green) sandwiched between two electrodes (yellow) atop of a silicon carbide acoustic resonator (blue). Acoustic waves generated by the electrodes and piezoelectric layer put mechanical strain on the lattice, which flip the spin of the defect (red). The spin is read out with a laser-focused onto the backside of the resonator. Credit: Hu Group/Harvard SEAS" (Quantum Leap – Harvard Scientists Use Sound To Test Devices, Control Qubits)

The researchers of Harward SEAS (School of Engineering and Applied Science) laboratory used silicon carbide in a test where they manipulated atomic vacancies in the material by using sound waves. As I wrote before soundwave is a pressure impulse. When pressure impact hits the piezoelectric layer it turns to electromagnetic waves. The thing where the piezoelectric layer turns electric impulses back to soundwaves is not very difficult to make. 

The system can send electric impulses from the piezoelectric layer to a loudspeaker that is connected to the amplifier. The piezoelectric layers can connect with transistors that can increase their signal power. This kind of system can allow next-generation security for signals and communication. 

The ability to use soundwaves to control qubits can used to make the next-generation underwater communication. And there are many other applications for this kind of system. The system that can control qubits with soundwaves or qubits that control soundwaves can have applications for nanotechnology and other things. In nanotechnology, the precise controlled soundwaves can push objects, that are smaller than molecules. 


The predator's role is to protect the prey population from weak individuals.

The predator's role is to protect the prey population from weak individuals.

If you take your prey from the wrong place in the population, that thing can refine non-wanted abilities in the prey.

The bats and insects are in an arms race. They are a good example of the relationship between prey and predator. Just like all other predators and prey, bats and insects are in a race. However, the new research challenges this evolutionary model. 

Or does it? Before we start to talk about evolution and the evolutionary arms race, we must understand the predators and their role in the prey's community. The purpose of the predator is to keep the prey's population at a certain level. But the predator's other role is to keep the prey population clean from unwanted genomes.

"Researchers challenge the idea of an arms race between bats and insects, suggesting that the barbastelle bat’s quiet calls are inherited from quieter gleaner ancestors, not as a direct adaptation against insect hearing." (ScitechDaily.com/Stealth Echolocation: How Evolutionary Twists Made This Bat a Silent Assassin)

The relationship between prey and predator is an interaction. If a predator becomes too dominant, that causes it to eat all its food. And if prey can create the ultimate escape methodology, that means predators die of hunger.

If a species becomes too dominant, that thing causes another threat. The viruses and bacteria can use individuals with weak genetic backgrounds as gatekeepers, which allows those parasites to enter the population.

One of the predator's purposes is to remove individuals with weak genomes from the population. Weak individuals are the gate that allows viruses and bacteria to transfer into that population. If some population becomes too dominant, genetically weak individuals can also survive, which causes a situation where some viruses and other parasites start to use some individuals' genetic weaknesses to slip into the population.

When a predator selects its prey, it must avoid redefining the targeted population. If certain abilities become too common, the predator will not get food. And in some other cases, the problem is that if a predator becomes too dominant, that prey population ends. And the predator must look for new prey, or it will die of hunger.

If the prey turns into a difficult target, their number increases. And if we think that all insects are consumers, the problem with them is that they are also "predators". They eat other insects or plants. And if there are too many plant-eating insects, that causes a situation where those insects eat too many trees or grass. In that case, the insects will not get food. And they die of hunger.

The question is: is there some kind of mechanism that denies the arms race between prey and predators? The answer is in the last chapter. If we think that the predator would want to deny the non-wanted advances of its prey. It should select its prey by using a method that denies the prey the ability to transfer non-wanted genomes forward in their family trees.

Insects are not easy prey. Their generational variation is very fast. The lifetime or lifecycle of some insects is only a couple of days. And that means the evolution of those things can be very fast. If predators find a weak spot in prey's defense, that means that non-wanted things for predators will become more common faster than those predators can answer for that advance.

This is one of the reasons why predators seek out old and sick animals. The philosophy behind this kind of behavior is simple. The sick and old animals are in lockers. They will not transfer their genomes forward. And they will not have descendants. If predators choose their prey roughly, that makes it possible for the best escapers can avoid the hunter.

This thing causes genetic enrichment, which enriches abilities that make those prey avoid the prey. If that refinement happens at the wrong point in the population, that thing causes a non-wanted advance in the prey population.


What is the interest of genetic scientists in bats and parasites?

 What is the interest of genetic scientists in bats and parasites?

There is one very interesting combination of bats and vampire stories. Bat's tissues renew very fast. And that thing leads to the idea that maybe it's possible to combine bats' immune genomes and genomes that control the renewal of tissue with human genomes. Bats have no cancer, and that makes them interesting. How fast can renewing tissues avoid cancer? The reason why human neurons are not renewing very often is that by denying the renewing neurons, those cells avoid cancer.

Bats are animals that have the fastest-renewing tissues. The skin of their wings can renew very quickly. And that thing makes bats interesting. Their wing tissue's behavior is against the normal genetic model, where fast-renewing cells are the most vulnerable to cancer.

There is no cancer in a bat's tissue, and that thing makes those little flying mammals very interesting. Bats are also immune against many viruses. And that makes them interesting from the point of view of genetic engineering. By studying the bats' genetics and immune systems, researchers hope that they can find out how those abilities can transfer to the use of medical research.

"Bats, the only flying mammals, have an incredibly robust immune system that protects them from viruses harmful to humans and keeps them relatively cancer-free. Scientists from the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory have found that the answer to this immunity lies in the bats’ genes. Through genomic sequencing, they discovered that bats have undergone rapid evolution, enabling them to defend against infections and cancer more effectively than other mammals." (ScitechDaily.com/Bats to the Rescue: Unraveling Immunity Secrets Against Viruses and Cancer)

"Researchers discovered that horsehair worms manipulate their insect hosts using genes acquired from the hosts themselves, shedding light on the role of horizontal gene transfer in evolution." (ScitechDaily.com/Genetic Thieves: New Research Reveals How Parasites Hijack Host Behavior With Stolen DNA)

Parasites can reprogram their cells to cheat the immune system.

Normally, reprogramming the cell happens by infecting it with RNA. The RNA molecule can be split into cells through ion pumps. Or some genetically engineered bacteria can input the wanted genome into the ion pumps of the cells.

There are many ways to do that. The RNA must destroy the existing DNA and then replace the genomes in the cells with new, fixed DNA. The RNA programs cell factories to make the new DNA. The problem with this technology is that there is a possibility that if the RNA retrovirus used in the reprogramming process escapes, that thing can transform all other cells into single-cell groups like liver cells.

The parasites can steal the DNA from their host. And that thing makes it possible that those things can cheat our immune defense. Because parasites can modify their cell's shell antigens, that has an effect that the immune system cannot recognize and fight against. This ability makes it possible to create artificial cells that will not activate the immune system.



China successfully made cracks in the hypersonic thermal barrier.


China successfully made cracks in the hypersonic thermal barrier. And that causes pressure on the USA. Hypersonic technology, and especially air-breathing hypersonic crafts and missiles, are things that must be taken seriously. The new ceramic materials are hard enough that they can resist the extremely high temperature at hypersonic speed. Hypersonic aircraft can be used to transport satellites and missiles into orbit. 

They can make a ballistic jump, and those systems reach every target in the world in less than an hour. Bing says that a flight around the world at the lowest possible speed in a hypersonic area, that is, a Mach 5+ flight, takes 1 hour and 25 minutes. The hypersonic drone can send small-size rockets like "Pegasus" and  its successors  into low orbit. There, they can carry cargo like small satellites.

Hypersonic cruise missiles can fly so low that the orbital systems cannot reach them. But it is too high for a regular anti-aircraft system. The hypersonic cruise missile can be installed in the nose of a ballistic missile. The missile can make a ballistic jump outside the atmosphere. Then the missile dives back, and the scramjet engine starts its operation.

Hypersonic air-breathing cruise missiles can have a longer operational range than regular cruise missiles. They can also leap from the atmosphere. And then dive back. That waving trajectory makes them hard targets for defenders. When a hypersonic craft jumps out of the atomosphere, it can shut down its engines. And when it dives back, the hydrogen injection will begin.

Things like rocket scramjets make it possible for the scramjet engine to start operating at low speeds. In rocket scramjets, the flap closes the front of the engine. And then oxygen and fuel will be injected into the combustion chamber. When that system's speed rises to high enough, the system opens the flap. Then the system closes internal oxygen, and the scramjet starts to use atmosheric air. This kind of technology allows for the creation of fast and powerful aircraft and space systems.



Thursday, October 26, 2023

The next big leap in communication is laser.

 The next big leap in communication is laser. 

Lasers can be used for communication and they can protect satellites against hostile actions. 

The next leap in communication technology is laser communication. The reason why NASA and other space organizations research things like laser communication is simple. Laser communication systems are immune to regular eavesdropping and jamming tools. Especially if the system uses a two-layer laser system where hollow laser rays protect data transmission ray is impossible to steal data from the data channel. The laser systems are more multi-use tools than just communication. 

 Lasers can also scan pollution from the high atmosphere. In recon satellites, the laser spectroscopes can search chemical compounds from aircraft and other vehicle exhaust gas. 

The laser systems can also make gravitational measurements. And the Lidar systems can scan the orbital trajectories to find space debris, that can danger satellites. The power of the laser rays determines its use. It's possible to transmit information even from other planets by using laser rays. The thing that makes laser communication suitable for communicating with interplanetary probes is that natural electromagnetic radiation cannot disturb laser rays so easily as they disturb radio transmissions. 

"NASA’s ILLUMA-T payload communicating with LCRD over laser signals. Credit: NASA/Dave Ryan" (ScitechDaily.com/Light-Speed Ahead: NASA’s Pioneering Leap Into Laser Data Transmission)

"NASA’s Deep Space Optical Communications (DSOC) experiment aims to pioneer the use of laser communications for transmitting data from deep space. Transitioning from traditional radio waves to optical communications can boost data transmission capacities by 10 to 100 times. The technology demonstration involves equipment in both space and Earth and is designed to address challenges posed by vast distances and the weakening of the laser photon signal. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech" (ScitechDaily/5 Fast Facts: NASA’s Deep Space Optical Communications (DSOC) Experiment)

"An illustration of the new concept’s experimental setup. Credit: Yen Strandqvist/Chalmers University of Technology" The term PSA means Phase-Sensitive Amplifiers. (ScitechDaily/The Most Sensitive Optical Receivers Yet for Laser-Beam Based Space Communications)


"Scheme of the architecture for the planned Deep Space Optical Communications (DSOC) prototype to be flown on the Psyche mission." (Wikipedia/Deep Space Optical Communications)

In space probes every single sensor requires space increases the weight of those probes. The communication laser can also used for spectroscopic experiments. During the spectroscopic experiments, laser rays vaporize asteroids and the spectroscope sees the elements from that vapor. 

The power of those interplanetary laser communication systems is very high. And if some satellite travels through the laser ray during data transmission, that laser can destroy the satellite. The difference between high-power laser transmission and ASAT weapons is that the last one's purpose is to destroy targets. 

The laser systems can communicate over the walls by using mirrors where laser rays are reflected in the desired direction. The reflecting mirrors can make it possible to aim the laser weapon's rays at to target over the barriers. In some cases, the UFOs:s or flying saucers are the mirrors that aim the laser rays at targets behind the barrier. 

The higher-power lasers can protect low-flying space systems against kinetic energy ASAT weapons. The high-power laser systems that are used for interplanetary communication are suitable for ASAT weapons. There are many ways to use lasers in those kinds of systems. The laser weapon looks like a little bit like an optical telescope. And it can used as a measurement tool. In those systems is the bottom laser and the same frequency auxiliary lasers that pump energy into that beam. This kind of system can turn multiple lasers into one target. 

When the laser turns to weapon mode, it just increases its power. The high-power laser system can be in satellites. The system can involve many satellites that focus their lasers on one target. Or the laser can be ground-based. The laser-based anti-aircraft systems are anti-aircraft guns that lasers replace. If the laser system is powerful enough it can destroy satellites from different trajectories. And also ground-based lasers can focus their rays on one target. 






Gravitational waves don't arrive simultaneously with light.

  Gravitational waves don't arrive simultaneously with light. 

"In 2017, a kilonova sent light and gravitational waves across the Universe. Here on Earth, there was a 1.7 second signal arrival delay. Why?" 

(BigThink.com/Light and gravitational waves don’t arrive simultaneously)

The gravitational waves from the kilonova in 2017 arrived 1,7 seconds before visible light. The reason. Researchers might find the answer to the question of why that thing happened and why gravitational waves arrived before visible light from a "Flamingo" simulation. The simulation is meant for a universal model of the object and its magnetic field interaction with the material. All quantum fields interact similarly. And that simulation can give a hint that maybe gravitational wave comes closer than light. 

The Flamingo-simulation 

There are three possibilities as to why light comes after the gravitational waves. 

1) Gravitational waves come from different places than visible light. One suggestion is dark matter dense around gravitational centers. If the impact wave that leaves from kilonova has a high enough density that thing can interact with dark matter. In some models. There is a remarkable mass of dark matter inside neutron stars.

And collisions between those things cause an effect where that impact resonates with dark matter. In this model, gravitational waves are the result of the interaction between dark matter particles. 

2) The expanding shockwave that travels slower than the speed of light closes the light inside it. The shockwave cannot close gravitational waves inside it, and that causes an effect where light seems to travel slower than gravity waves. 

3) The third possibility is the most fascinating. A gravitational wave is an expanding gravitational field. When the gravitational field's expansion is fast enough the gravitational wave just sheds from the main gravity field. And gravity wave is traveling gravitational field. 

 It's possible that when gravitational waves harvest energy from a kilonova explosion they could travel faster than light. The gravitational wave should induct gravitational fields into other particles. Also, it can slow the speed of photons. If another gravitational field is not slowing the gravitational wave. That causes gravitational waves can travel faster than light in certain circumstances. 

In models, an extremely strong gravitational field pulls other energy fields to the gravitational center. When gravitational-wave impact those electromagnetic waves their energy level rises. In the kilonova explosion high energy level causes the situation. That gravity field starts to turn stronger. And when that energy production ends the gravitational fields start to shrink. In that case, the most out layer of the gravitational field just rips itself off the entirety. 


"One of the most fascinating, but also most rare, events in all of the Universe is the inspiral and merger of two neutron stars, which sometimes leads to a kilonova event. In 2017, such an event occurred, and the signals were detected here on Earth by both light-sensitive observatories like NASA's Fermi satellite, as well as the gravitational wave detectors LIGO and Virgo. Even though both light and gravitational waves were generated by this event, and they both travel at the same speed, the gravitational waves stopped arriving 1.7 seconds before the first light was seen. Science investigates the reason why." 



In kilonovas, the temperature rises to an extremely high level. The high temperature means that the energy level in those impacts is very high. And that high energy impact turns gas and dust into the heaviest elements like gold and even uranium. There is always a dark matter ball or density around all gravitational centers. And in extremely high energy levels is possible. That the electromagnetic radiation interacts directly with dark matter. 

In those explosions, the electromagnetic wave movement turns so tight that it can push dark matter. In the "Flamingo"-image you can see the double-ring. Near very dense and heavy objects those double rings can be so high energy that they can push straight the dark matter. The reason why this model is interesting is that there is a black hole that is forming after a neutron star collision. And that massive gravitation slows light. 

So the reason why gravitational waves arrive on Earth before light could be that the gravitational wave source is in a different place than visible light. Another reason for that thing could be the pressure or shockwave that travels out from Kilonova. In that case, the shockwave forms a bubble that travels slower than light. In that case, the shockwave closes the light inside it. The shockwave will not close gravitational waves inside it. And that causes a situation, where light comes to Earth after the gravitational waves. 



Biomimetics makes Star Wars-type robot hands and terminators real.

Bio-hybrid robot means a system, covered by human tissue if the system is human-shaped. The biohybrid system can mimic animals. Those biomim...