Saturday, August 31, 2019

Writings about the strange dark area in the clouds of Venus, communication with Lunar probe and orange mineral on the Moon

Writings about the strange dark area in the clouds of Venus, communication with Lunar probe and orange mineral on the Moon

1) Two theories about the mysterious dark area in clouds of Venus

A) Could those dark area caused by some primitive bacteria?

In some images has been seen the strange dark areas in the clouds of Venus. That dark area form is given many theories, and one of them is that there is still bacteria in the clouds of that planet. In those theories, those bacteria are so primitive, that they would not have own mitochondria, and they would take the energy what they need from the Venus atmospheres high temperature.

So those hypothetical primitive bacteria would be like the first organs what were living near the volcanic eruption holes on Earth, before the cells connected with mitochondria. And in some theories, those proto-nucleus cells could live also in other planets. At the beginning of the Cambrian period, the cells needed volcanic heat for getting energy for their metabolism, and until the rickettsia called mitochondria advanced, and connected to those cells, the life could start to suffuse to oceans.

B) Could some kind of radio waves, what is coming from Earth cause the mysterious dark area?

There are other theories about the forming of that area, and that thing is that those areas are forming because of the radio-radiation what comes from Earth causes chemical reactions in the clouds. The radio signals would come from the extremely powerful radars or radiotelescopes what are metering the winds and geological processes of the Venus.

Every radiotelescope can also transmit radio waves and those systems are used for mapping the surface of other planets. Those VLF-radars sees geological structures, what are below the surface of other planets like Venus and Mars. Those radio transmitters are installed to the radio telescopes like VLA, and they can also be used for searching the promising areas for the landing of space probes.

The explanation has been given in the article below the whirlwind of the atmosphere of Venus, but the thing is that if the radar signal hits the cloud, it would start the rise of energy in that point. That will warm the atmosphere, and cause the rising wind. But if we would face the primitive lifeforms on that planet, it would revolutionize the science.

2) Communicating with probe what is behind the Moon.

There is a theoretically simple way to communicate with probe what is behind the Moon by using another lander. That lander would use seismic waves to communicate with the probe, what the straight radio signals cannot reach. The thing is that even if there is no atmosphere on the Moon the stone itself conducts voice as the seismic shocks, like every other stone in the world.

So those seismic shocks, what would send by the resonator could be used to communicate with the probe, what is another side of the moon. And if the Moon conducts electricity, the radio signals can be sent through that particle by using high power radio signals, what are send through the Moon. But that needs very high power radio transmitter, and also the frequency must be right, that the high power radio signal would travel through basalt without disturbs.

If we want to communicate with spacecraft, what is landed behind the Moon we could use two ways to communicate with that probe. Another way is to use the communication satellite, which orbits the Moon and records the mission what is sent to the orbiter, and then releases that data, when it passes the probe. And in that case, the memory of that probe would be sent to a communication satellite.

Or there would be other communication satellite behind the Moon at Lagrange point L-2 where the stable satellite would be anchored, and then the data would send to the orbiting satellite, what orbits so-called "saint trajectory", what means that it would orbit in the polaric trajectory of Moon like it always sees Earth. That allows the communication between the probe by sending the data first to the orbiting satellite, and that satellite would transfer the data via the stable satellite to the probe.

3) Strange orange mineral on the Moon

Chinese rover, what travels behind the Moon has faced the small impact crater, where is the orange mineral, what looks like some kind of make-up. That origin orange mineral is a mystery. The thing is that that mineral, what has founded from Apollo 17 mission (or at least the image in the source has been taken in Apollo 17 mission), is interesting because of the findings of those minerals are found in the small impact craters.

There is a question that does it suck the meteors to it. Or as Apollo 17 astronauts suspected, the form of the mineral caused by the volcanic eruption? Or is there some other origin? When we are thinking about some kind of antenna or something like that like lightweight space probes, destroying those sites would be easy by shooting them by using a high-power air rifle, what is loaded by stones.

In this case in the chamber would burn or explode the hydrogen and oxygen. And after that the stone, what would be the chalk, what is used at the schools, would hit the target. But who would use that kind of things, and what could be the destroyer things. This is the big question, and that's why this kind of things would be really interesting.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The sharpest clock in the world has been activated

The sharpest clock in the world has been activated

The sharpest clock in the world is the thing, what might be called the "time probe". Absolute stable conditions and minimum effect of radiation and gravity field would help to find the answer to one question. And that is are the gravity waves possible and is the mystery transfer particle of the gravitation only the one form of lepton would get answers by that kind of system.

The metering bases the idea, that when the gravity wave is facing the atom clock there would be little difference in the action of that system. But the problem is that also the electrons or electromagnetic radiation what hits the core of those extremely sharp metering tools might cause the increasing the mass of the probe, and the gravity wave would be extremely weak. That means that any radiation, what might come as an example some neutron star or black hole can disturb the atom clock that it cannot notice the gravity waves, what are covered by the radiation, what increases the mass of the probe, but also causes the errors in the radioactive splitting of the cesium atoms, what are used as an oscillator in normal atom clocks.

NASA's JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) has been sent the atom clock to the deep space, and that system is the sharpest clock in the world. The thing what makes that clock so sharp is that system is far away from the gravity fields, what are curving the universe and slowing the time. That phenomenon proved the time-slowing near the gravity points real as Einstein predicted.

The thig what proved that thig was that the GPS-satellites clocks were working different pace than the atom clocks on the Earth. And that thing is one of the most remarkable proves, what has found in history. That thing causes problems with the very sharp metering on the Earth, and the thing is that forces to adjust or synchronize the clocks on the earth and orbiter frequently, what causes the problems to use GPS or GLONASS system with extremely high accuracy.

The things cause problems to meter extremely large areas like chancing the altitude of the mountains, or the vertical and horizontal movements of the tectonic plates in the short period. The idea of those meterings is that when the earthquake or eruption of the volcano is starting, there would increase the speed of vertical movements of the tectonic plates or volcanoes. The thing is that before the volcano starts to erupt, the mountain starts to rise faster because the magma is coming up, and pushes the top of the mountain upwards.

And the lack of horizontal movement means that the tectonic plates are locked, but before the earthquake starts the lock must be broken, and that might cause that in the place of the fault lines the land is starting to grow or fall because the lock of the basalt must break before the plates start to move, and that jerk is the thing, what we know as earthquake.

But the problem is that those systems need extreme accuracy. So if NASA uses that deep space atom clock for adjusting the GPS satellites clocks that would give that system the most extreme accuracy, what mankind has ever got in any large-scale metering system. But that system can also be used to meter as the gravity waves, what are expected to travel around the universe.

The deep-space atom clock is extremely sharp, and it detects the smallest changes in the space geometry, by following the slowing the time. The idea of the gravity waves is coming from theory, that every basic force at the universe has the transmitting particle. For electricity that particle is the electron or lepton in this case.

The weak nuclear force carries by Z or W bosons, the strong interaction is transmitting gluons, and the gravity is transmitting by gravitons. The idea of the graviton is that every force in the universe can transform into another force. That means that the graviton must have existed because other base forces have transmitting particles. And if we would transmit the energy like high-power radio waves, that increases the mass of the targeted object. So that means that the graviton could have existed. But nobody has ever seen that particle yeat.

Monday, August 26, 2019

The life on Pluto

The life on Pluto

Pluto is an icy and small dwarf planet, which might have primitive lifeforms. Those lifeforms would live conditions, where is no sunshine, and the temperature is near zero kelvin degrees, which means that the lifeform must be far away from the lifeforms of Earth. But are those suspected lifeforms so different than we think or want to think? Those lifeforms, what we might meet in the absolute cold and dark worlds might use volcanic temperature for creating energy for their metabolism.

And an idea for those lifeforms has been given the bacteria and worms, what are living near the black smokers on the bottom of the Ocean. In those conditions, the lifeforms don't have sunlight for the photosynthesis, and the thing, what gives energy for their chemical reactions comes from the volcanic Geysir at the deep underwater, where is either free oxygen on the water.

The organisms that are found from those "black smokers" are an example for cases, where lifeform doesn't need free oxygen for living. Bacteria, what lives deep undersea are different than other organisms because the oxygen is poison for those organisms, what synthesizing the oxygen from the chemical combinations of sulfur or other molecules, what involve oxygen. There is also higher lifeforms like worms near those black smokers, and that thing has brought a new type of theories of the life in Universe in the mid of cosmologists.

That means that the primitive lifeforms can exist even the asteroids like Ceres, and those archeon bacteria can live in the ice of those asteroids, and the metabolism of those organisms is very slow, what means that they might be hard to detect. That kind of things might not seem important, but if there are some lifeforms on the Universe, the bacteria could be more dangerous than intelligent lifeforms. If we would face intelligent lifeform, we could at least try to discuss with that organism, but the bacteria what would come from the space inside some ice bite would be an organism, what only eats.

And we cannot communicate with those bacteria, what can infect people or vegetables, and there are theories that some of those bacteria would be like the silicon alga, and they could make the core, what protects them against cosmic radiation. So that means that those bacteria could have sleep form, what could live almost forever. The risk is that those hypothetical bacteria might seem a little bit like anthrax bacteria, which can create the germ, which can be dangerous after a very long time.

That ability to cut their metabolism makes the natural bacteria like anthrax very dangerous because those bacteria can wake up after a long time, and start the epidemic. It doesn't make impossible that some bacteria could come from somewhere at Universe during history because we don't at least officially have DNA molecules from another planet.

The thing is that the spectrometers can see amino acid, or actually, they see the elements, what can form the amino acids. And if we want to make sure, that there is DNA on some planet, we must send a probe to that world, and then search the cells, what can be under kilometers bold ice below the surface.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Quantum teleportation and nanotechnology brings quantum computers closer

Quantum teleportation and nanotechnology brings quantum computers closer

Nanomachines can be used as qubits

In the qubits, what are transporting data in the quantum computers has three values 0, 1 and 2. That means that those qubits can't be translated to data by simply cutting the electricity in the wires, but I will return that thing later. There are two ways to create qubits. One version is to create the molecule by using the nanotechnology.

This molecule would be a combination of the metal and some other atoms what are not conducting electricity. The mission of the atoms, what is between the metal atoms is to isolate them from each other. In this scenario, the "Y" shaped molecule would create the qubit in a very simple way.

But creating those molecules is quite difficult. One of the most promising version could be combined iron and some big sized atoms, and the magnet field would pull that molecule through the sensor, what detects the voltage or the position of that molecule.

 If one side of this molecule would touch the sensor or the gate the value of that molecule would be 0, if two heads of the molecule touch the gate, the value can be 1 and if the all heads of that molecule would touch the gate, the value of that molecule would be 3. This would be the nanotechnical version of qubits, and those molecules can be recycled.

The thing is that the molecule or later hydrogen atom must touch the gate for being registered. And that would make some problems for that kind of things. The value of the qubit would be determined with the level of voltage of those qubits, and if only one head of qubit touches the gate the voltage would be lowest. And the lowest voltage in that gate would be translated as 0.

Use of hydrogen atoms as the qubits

If we think about the short-distance quantum teleportation, we must realize that thing can move very small particles in the extremely high speed, or the speed what would ever reach before. And how this thing is connected with quantum computers. If we think the most complicated part of the quantum computers the forming qubits, the particles what are transporting data inside the computer and processors, we are facing the new opportunity for creating the system, what uses qubits as the information transporter.

The problem with qubits is that it has at least values 0,1 and 2 or even more, and the problem is that this kind of thing needs other ways to send numbers than just cutting the electricity of the wire. In normal bit computer, the system can just cut the electricity in the wire, and that causes the effect, where the break in the electricity, what takes a certain time is translated to 0. And in normal bits, there are two layers 0 and 1. But how we could create the qubit or particle, what has more levels than zero and one?

That thing would happen by using hydrogen atoms. If the atom comes to detector the electron ahead it, the atom would get value 0, if it comes to the sensor or the gate proton ahead, it would get 1 or if it comes that way, that both electron and proton would touch the sensor or gate in the same time, this data transportation particle would get value 2, what makes it operate as the qubit.

But the problem is that we cannot calculate the place of the electron when it orbits the nucleus sharp enough, that the hydrogen atom would reach the gate in a certain position. And that thing would be an extremely difficult and slow method to shoot hydrogen through the gate in the precise right time. But if we could stop the electron, while it orbits the nucleus, that thing would make possible to create the qubit. This thing means that we could simply shoot or transport the atoms through the gate by using extremely high speed, which means that the electron would not have time to move in the orbiter, while it would face the sensor.

So this sensor would be like the gate and the position of the hydrogen atom would determine the level of the qubit. This is one very interesting method to make the quantum computer, and if we could create the singularities across the microprocessor, that thing would make the moving those hydrogen atoms or qubits in the processor easy. But that thing would need little bit advantages, because of the system, where small size black holes are creating the wormholes would be hard to make.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The interstellar version of "Project Orion" would use antimatter bombs for accelerating its speed to interstellar level.

The interstellar version of "Project Orion" would use antimatter bombs for accelerating its speed to interstellar level.

"Project Orion" was the attempt to create nuclear-powered spacecraft by using the method, where the nuclear bombs would give punch to that spacecraft. Those nuclear bombs were planned to detonate behind spacecraft, and that thing would give extremely great punch for the spacecraft, what would travel in our solar system. If those nuclear bombs would be replaced with antimatter bombs, that system would be used to create the interstellar version of the "Orion" spacecraft.

But the stars would be a little bit too far away. The punch of that system would be extremely tough, and the system was planned to use many small-sized nuclear detonators, what size would be something like between one or two kilotonnes. Those bombs would be detonated as the salvo behind the craft, and that thing would happen by using frequency about one nuclear bomb per day.

Another thing what the system would use in those purposes is the series of neutron bombs, which would make the accelerating process softer. In that case, the Orion spacecraft would start the accelerating by using small nuclear detonators, and then the craft would turn to use bigger nuclear bombs and then the last used system would be 50 mt. hydrogen bomb.

This thing has given ideas to create the interstellar version of the Orion spacecraft. In that case, the detonated nuclear devices must have extreme power. The one way to use "Orion" spacecraft is to replace the normal nuclear bombs with hydrogen bombs as I just wrote or even antimatter bombs, what would give that spacecraft even greater punch, what nobody expected.

But what kind of system would be the interstellar version of Orion spacecraft be? That hypothetical long-enduring version of this nuclear-powered version of "Orion" spacecraft might be a hybrid version of solar sail and nuclear detonation using spacecraft. The solar sail would give the first acceleration, and then the craft would start to use antimatter bombs, which will create an extremely high punch.

The problem with antimatter bombes is that if something goes wrong, and they will explode, the detonation of those devices would destroy the entire planet, or turn some moon away from the trajectory. That's why those antimatter bombs must be created outside of our solar system by using the particle accelerators.

Form of the antimatter bombs is very simple. They are magnetic chambers, where the antimatter or antimatter ions has been stored. And when those devices would be detonated the magnet field, what denies those particles to touch the core of those magnet chambers or bottles just removed. The antimatter particles would touch the core, and then the system would be exploded. The name of that device is also "Teller's bomb", which is the most powerful explosive device, what mankind has ever invented.

When the interstellar "Orion" craft would be loaded by those bombs, that operation could be very complicated. Those devices would be created outside the Kuiper belt, and in this operation, the "Orion" spacecraft would travel outside our solar system as the normal solar sails or the device what would get speed from the particle accelerators, what will target their sails.

And when that probe would be in a safe distance, the stages, where those bottles of antimatter have been stored would dock with the probe. That means the stages would be driven to the probe with a very high speed, and then those antimatter systems would be ready to use. The thing is that the breaking the "Orion" would need as many antimatter bombs as the accelerating, that the project would be extremely difficult to make. But maybe in one day, this kind of devices would take mankind to another solar system.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Every single particle in the universe has pair as the anti-particle except photon, and the question is: is the antiphoton also existed?

Every single particle in the universe has pair as the anti-particle except photon, and the question is: is the antiphoton also existed?

Almost every single particle in the universe has a pair. That pair is the anti-particle. Only photons have not noticed to have this kind of pair. Electrons antiparticle is positron, what has the same role in the world of antimatter what electrons have in regular material. The protons pair in antimatter is antiproton and neutrons pair is antineutron. The last one just rotates in the opposite direction than"normal" neutron.

And this thing has brought in my mind one very interesting question about particles. This thing is, is it possible that also photon has a pair in the group of antiparticles? Could there be possible to find anti-light in the universe?  Photon is the particle what forms the light, and this thing makes it a very special thing because it's only known particle, what can reach the speed of light.

When particle pairs like electron and positron would touch together, this thing causes very high energy reactions, what is called as the annihilation. This reaction is one type of lightning, which is released because the charges or polarities of those particles are neutralizing. Because every known particle or at least stable particles have pair, what is an anti version of this particle like an electron has anti-version the positron, the question is can the photon has the anti pair?

But what kind of thing would be the antiphoton? This thing is connected to the one theoretical particle, what is known as "Tachyon". This hypothetical particle could travel faster than light, and if there is a possibility to create "Tachyon" artificially, those particles could revolutionize the space travel, but only in the case that those particles exist. The reason why those particles have been believed is the theory that they are simply too fast to react with other particles.

This is one version of the explanation, why we cannot observe or capture those particles, what might be extremely lightweight, but at the same time very high-energy particles. In those theories, tachyons would be transferrer particles as another hypothetical particle what is called as the graviton. The graviton would take so-called fiber to the target, and then gravity would pull the particles together with structures, what are called as super springs.

Those energy formations would form the things like quarks, and the idea would be that the tachyon would act like the graviton, but the influence of that particle would happen between the dark matter or dark particles.  But why some engineers and researchers are interesting about the tachyons. The idea would be using tachyon as the propellant for the rocket engines because the rockets cannot travel faster than their exhaust gasses.

So if the exhaust gas would reach the speed of light the spacecraft would also reach that speed. This is why the scientists are interested in things like the photon rocket. The thrust of those machines would be extremely weak, and if this solution is wanted to use, the acceleration for the speed of light should use some other kinds of engines. The antimatter engine would be a very interesting solution. But if we would like to create a rocket, what will cross the speed of light we should create the new type of technology. And the success of those systems is not sure.

The thing what we should keep in mind when we are thinking about the ultimate spacecraft, what would take sometimes people to the other star systems is that the technology, what will be used in those missions is only theoretical level. And if we would create something like WARP or photon rocket, we must realize that this kind of systems is the most interesting, but in the same way dangerous. If something goes wrong, the best thing what we can hope is that the craft would not move.

But then the scenario, what we can face is that the antimatter would explode near the sun. If we think the situation that the about 100 grams of antimatter impact the sun or some planet, that would cause terrifying detonation and impulses, what might affect the entire solar system. One gram of antimatter would destroy the entire Earth and transform our home planet as the interplanetary nebula.

So the one hundred grams would have one hundred times bigger effect than one gram of that material, and that mass could destroy even entire Jupiter. When we would return to the hypothetical particle antiphoton, we might think that if that particle would annihilate with the photon, would that impact release the tachyon beam, what will work like any other propellant in the spacecraft.

So the antiphoton would be like anti-light. Something, what people would think one of the most fantastic versions of dark matter. When the photon would impact with anti photon it would create tachyons or gravitons, what might be the same particles. But we ever have seen one single tachyon or either graviton.

Monday, August 19, 2019

New kind of magnetic layers would allow making new kind of nanomachines.

New kind of magnetic layers would allow making new kind of nanomachines. 

One of the most interesting ideas of nanotechnology is the device, what bases the similar technology, what is used in LCD or flat screens. On the screen is a layer, what is equipped small size magnets, what would create the physical image on this layer. The idea is that the physical form would be created by small electric magnets that are installed on the layer, and this screen would move magnetized dust on it. That kind of system makes possible to create forms by simply drawing them. The system would work that the drawer just draws the image on the screen.

And then the electricity would be connected to the layer, and after that, the image would be forming by the dust, what is on this system. This kind of systems might be used to create things like microchips, and other electric circuits. The person who makes those things would just draw the image, and then put the dust, what reacts to the magnet field on the layer, and then the magnets what have used the same form with pixels on the computer screen would activate. After the dust is forming the wanted image, the system might glue those particles together.

But when we are thinking the use of this kind of systems in other purposes, we would think the cases, where the bacteria or some cells must be grown on a certain form. The system would use the small bites, what are looking at miniaturized channel, and then on those extremely small channels would put the bacteria, what starts to grow in the right direction. This would allow creating a new type of biological batteries, where bacteria are creating electricity.

And the question is, where that kind of systems are needed? The thing is that nano-sized submarines, what are used to observe the human body would use those bacteria as the power source. The nano-subs are needed very small-sized batteries, that they could operate independently.

Those systems can also use external power sources like radio waves, but the problem is that the long-term being in the influence of the high-power radio waves would not be healthy. There are two ways to use bacteria as a power source. One is that the electricity, what the bacteria is itself creating when those cells would put between electrodes, what conduct the electricity to nano-sized microchips.

The second method would be to use the bioluminescence of bacteria. In that system, the bacteria would send the light to the very small photocell, which will deliver electricity to the electric system of the nano-submarine or extremely small computers. The problem of those ways to create electricity is that if the bacteria would accidentally deliver to the human body, that thing might cause infection. The extremely small machines need extremely small power sources.

Making chemical batteries what are smaller than bacteria is difficult, and the problem is that they are so short living. So if we would create extremely small machines and microchips, we must make new kind of solutions for production. That thing is that if the system would get too much electricity, the small, molecular or even atom-sized connections in the machines or microchips can be melted, and that thing causes the need to use so-called "bioelectricity" for creating energy for that kind of system, what are the smallest machines, what mankind has ever created.

The small electric motors can move nanomachines, but they can make many other things.

The small electric motors can move nanomachines, but they can make many other things. 

The bacteria have very small size electric motors, which makes them move by rotating the small protein fibers. This same system can put in the nanomachines by simply cutting those electric motors away from the layer of bacteria, or making the small-sized ring by using metal molecules. Then inside the ring would put the molecule, where is metal atoms around it. And then this system would transport the nano-machine in liquid.

But if we would benefit the small molecules, what would look like dumbbells, we would create new kind of varnish, what could be more dirt ostracising than any varnish before. The idea of this structure is that the molecules can be in a certain direction, which makes the layer slippery only when the person or particle is moving in a direction, where rolls are heading.

The problem with nanoballs is that the layer is slippery in every direction. and if the particles of this nano-layer would look like rolls they might to be different ways, when the layer would not be slippery. But when those rolls would turn to the same direction, that will make the layer slippery in a certain direction, and that would help to carry or pull heavy particles on this layer.

And the thing is that the layer would have one quality, what the ordinary material would not have. It can be collected from the floors automatically. That means that when the cleaner wants to remove the varnish, the only thing, what must be done is to bring very powerful magnet in the middle of layer, and it would pull the rolls in the chamber.

But this is the solution, what bases the passive nanotechnology. Active nanotechnology would create even more interesting things and in this structure, each nanomachine has a very small size microchip, which controls its movement. The system uses the small-sized electric engines, what are similar, what I mentioned at the beginning of this text, and the system would operate the same way with the side wheel electric scooter, what has been quite popular in some time.

The system would control each nanomachine separately, and the electricity would conduct those nanomachines by using electromagnetic radiation. The system might also use bacteria for creating electricity, and each of those robots would have bacteria in them.

But also silicon light cells or the radio waves can be used in that system. The idea of nanotechnology is that those machines would operate as the group. They can form great layers or travel inside the human body for searching the abnormal cells. And they can create structures, what is forming and disassemble themselves automatically.

That makes them effective for many purposes like removing cancer or creating other things. Nano-submarines can slip in the machines, and search things what happens in motors and hydraulic systems.

But they can also be used in intelligence operations at some highly secured areas. So, they can also be used for surveillance and attack instruments, what are the most effective tools, what military has ever created. The dust what is forming by nanomachines can slip in the human body and cut the ends of neuron synapses, or simply rip the veins. And those robots can leave from the body without a trace. This is the dark side of the most brilliant technical advantage after the internet.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Could it be possible to grow the tree in second?

Could it be possible to grow the tree in second?

I just watched the short film from YouTube, where the spacecraft would land on some planet and starts to create a tree, what grows in seconds, and the thing made me think, could it be possible that this kind of thing can be done in the real life. The link to that film named "Abiogenesis" is below this text.

This thing is very interesting to think and the thing that we could make this kind of operation in real life would be a quite complicated process. The idea of this process is to use cell cultures, where are stored cells, what is genetically manipulated for the divide in extremely fast speed, and that thing could be made by turning the genomes to the ring-shaped form, and increase the sequences, what makes those cells divide.

That would cause the very much biomaterial would be created in a short period. Then the cell culture would take to high altitude and after that, the cells would be driven through the system, what looks like the shower. That would drop those cells down, and if the cells would be equipped with genomes, what makes them make chains and then touch together, that would allow creating vegetables in seconds. The cells need genomes, which allows them to create chains very fast and in theory those genomes can be taken from the mushrooms, and after that, the tree should be ready.

But of course, genetic engineering is not so easy, as we want to believe. The thing in genetic engineering is that when the regular engineer is operating with metals and microchips, the genetic engineer operates with genomes. That means that when the researcher, who wants to create new species starts to operate with genomes, that person makes the list about things, what the artificial organism needs or should do, and then the engineer would search the species, what have those certain features, and then the operators will isolate the DNA sequences of those organisms, what could be vegetables or animals.

Then the lasers would cut those sequences away, and then the nanomachines would take those sequences in the certain place of the targeted DNA, what makes this thing very effective. But there is a one really interesting problem with that technology. Each organism or the genomes of the organisms consists the billions of base pairs and being effective this technology needs the complete mapping of genomes of the every each organism on earth.

And after that researchers could locate the certain base pairs of each DNA. After doing this a fictional person would connect the cut bite of the DNA to a certain point of the targeted DNA. The connection would be made by using laser, what cuts the DNA to a certain point, and then the new bite of DNA would connect to that DNA molecule. This is the operation in theory, but there is, of course, some kind of problems with that technology.

First, the mapping of the genomes of the every each organism on Earth would take an extremely long time, and then cutting the DNA must happen at a certain point, and finding that point is a little bit complicated. But if we would someday create this kind of technology, we could store the DNA bites in the laboratory, and multiply them by using the PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction), what could make possible to create the changes in the wanted DNA.

And this makes possible to make children, who have the wanted quality. This thing would allow us to modify the DNA and that would bring the fascinating but at the same time terrifying images in the front of our eyes. Maybe in the land of tomorrow, we could create "super scientists" as well as "super soldiers", and that thing makes us face the new kind of social and communal pressures and the problems with legislation and many other things. One of the biggest problems is the moral and ethic problems what are causing problems with the juridical position of that kind of projects.

There is also shown futuristic and yet fictional drones, what are based flapping wing technology, and in the real-life, those drones could search hydrocarbons by using mass-spectrometers. The thing is that those wings can operate the same way as the wings of bugs. This means that they could be stored in the small space, and when those wings are needed, the small tubes inside them would be filled by using the liquid, what allows to create wings, what can store in the small space. The same technology could be used in the rotor wings of the helicopters of tomorrow.

The lightweight flexible carbon fiber would allow creating rotor wings, which can put in the pocket. And then the wings would be blown in the right form by using pressurized air or liquid. That thing might make possible to create the helicopter, what can carry in a backpack, and what is invisible on the streets. Then the operator would blow those wings to form when that person needs them. The system might use a rotating rotor. And that structure would be suitable for small size nano-bugs, what must operate in narrow conditions, and what should fly away after the operation.

The writing about stable carbon ring, medical technology of tomorrow and nano-submarines

 The writing about stable carbon ring, medical technology of tomorrow and nano-submarines 

The stable carbon ring would make a revolution in nanotechnology because this technology can be used to create smaller and smaller nano-size microprocessors, where the transistors are created by using three atoms. That means that the base, collector, and emitter would be created by using single atoms, and the atom-thin fibers, what are created by using carbon or carbon atom lines would make possible to create the systems, what are more effective than we ever imagine.

But the carbon ring would be possible to create more effective instruments for nanotechnology, and they can be used to take samples from the human body from the places, what are unable to catch by normal instruments. The thing is that those nano-sized rigs can capture single molecules or cells from the body, and if it is connected to the miniaturized submarine, it can bring the sample to the researchers.

The nano-submarines are the future version of the endoscopes, and they can swim inside the veins of the patient, and search non-stop the influence of medicine and also find the suspected cells and other things like viruses from the body. The nano-lasso can also take viruses to the laboratory, but it can also help the human own immune system to fight against other organisms. In this scenario, the nano-submarines would take the T-cells to the bacteria and another infected place in the human body. That will make possible to teach the immune system to fight against those cells, what might harm the body.

But the nano-lasso can also use with the miniaturized trawls and those systems might be used to remove the dangerous bacteria from the body. The thing is that caries bacteria would cause Alzheimer disease because it would create plaque in the nervous system. If that bacteria is released in the blood system, it can deliver plaque, and the problem is that plaque would be effective even if the bacteria would die. And the nano-trawl would release those cells from the body.

The thing is that even we would use antibiotics, those cells would be dangerous because some bacteria would start to create plaque and divide if they are treated by using some harmful chemicals. I don't know is the caries bacteria one of those organisms, but it would be one of the organism, what should remove by using some other method than the chemical destroyer. The thing is that the trawl can transfer the bacteria out of the body without waking its defense is fascinating.

But when we are thinking about those nano-submarines, they might also involve small laboratories and the submarine can pull a single bacteria or virus in its chamber, and then it would introduce that organism to immune cells. The size of those submarines would be extremely small, and they might make by plastic silicone, which allows them to change their form. And the detectors would see, how the cell is handling the harmful organisms.

That means that the immune cells would be chosen for the battle, the way that the submarines will transfer only the cells what are effective to the infected area. But this kind of things are visions of tomorrow medicals, what are basing the nanotechnical solutions and the use of state of art computer technology, what would control those machines in the body. In the most fascinating ideas, the systems would get their electricity from the human nervous system, which makes them operate very independently.

The thing is that nanomachines and observation systems might operate inside the body even a person is out of the hospital. And the system can communicate with the mobile telephone by using miniaturized WLAN-and computer technology. They could use the mobile device for communicating with the medical team, and external computers can give calculation assistance to the nano technical robots, which are operating inside the human body.

Is the story of Atlantis only the ancient SciFi tale? And could it be possible that Plato's home language other than Greek?

Is the story of Atlantis only the ancient SciFi tale? And could it be possible that Plato's home language other than Greek?

Is so-called "real philosopher" person, who has lived in ancient Greece, and write nice texts about the people, who have sitting in the cave all their lives. When we are thinking the difference of the book writer philosopher, we must realize, that the knowledge and way to get information is a little bit different in the modern life than in the time of Plato.

And that makes philosopher of the modern time a little bit different than some ancient Greek master, whose writings and stories would repeat again and again through the millenniums. Maybe some modern philosophers would be found the millenniums later when their texts would be found from some database of the Internet. Maybe that thing happens, when the data of the Internet would transfer to quantum computers.

When we are thinking about persons like Plato and Aristotle, we must realize that would it be possible that those persons were so-called "ordinary storytellers" in their lifetime. If we would think writings, what are consist of things like Atlantean story, we might think that Plato wrote the SciFi novel of the city, which was very powerful and advancing. But what sunk in the waves.

We don't know did Plato knew some words, what are in common use in modern language. And one of those words is "memory". Is it possible that Plato just didn't know that word, because he didn't have school-type education? Maybe he replaced the word "memory" by using the word "water". And "city, what lost below the waves" would just mean "forgotten city". This thing would tell one thing, what we have ever thought before, and that thing is that was the home language of that philosopher some other than Greek? But this is only the hypothesis about the strange words.

Maybe the idea of that story was given to Plato the destruction of the lost culture of Crete. The ruins of that civilization are in the coastline of the Crete, what might mean that the Minoan culture would just come to that island when the eruption of Santorini or some other volcano just whip that culture away.

The thing is that the eruption of Santorini Island would destroy even the large city, and then Plato used that happening as the source when he created a story of Atlantis. And in some stories, some other storyteller has created topics that the spirits of ancient Atlanteans would still live in the caves of the sunken city.

But Plato didn't mention, where the Atlantis was sunken and was that thing where the city was lost water, volcanic ash or lava? I don't know what kind of education was in the time of Plato, but sometimes I have wondered, was he knew the things like volcanic ash or lava? Today many people see those things on the television or the internet, and we all know what those things are. But did Plato knew those words?

Or was he even see the erupting volcano in his life? If he traveled around the Mediterranean as he claimed, there is a possibility, that he has ever seen a single eruption or probably he didn't know the words like volcanic action. There is also the possibility to think that Plato just didn't know the words like lava. Or maybe somebody else has been written some of the texts, what is believed to made by Plato.

There is a possibility that there was more than one man who used the name "Plato", which is very easy to write and remember. Of course, Plato could change the word "lava" to the "water", because the person, who he told about the tale of the Atlantis because the opponent would nor know what "lava" means.

And when we are thinking about that Plato heard that famous story from some Egyptian priest would be the product of imagination. Plato didn't mention where and when he heard that story. There is a possibility, that he heard it at a very young age. The other version would be that he spent the night in the temple, and eavesdrop the discussion between two or more priests.

That thing could cause problems for him, and that's why he wrote that thing a long time after that happening. Or maybe Egyptian priest was away from the home at some Greek city and told that story to Plato, maybe after drinking too much wine. Or there is the change that Plato heard that story from some Egyptian sailor, who has claimed to hear that thing from the Egyptian priest.

Kuiper's belt and its influence on the magnitude of stars.

Kuiper's belt and its influence on the magnitude of stars. 

Magnitude is the term, which means the brightness of the stars. The term "relative magnitude" means that the star, what is closer than some star, what is in a greater distance seems to be brighter than this farther star.

The absolute magnitude means how bright the star is, and the metering that absolute brightness happens by using the spectroscopy and infrared metering to determine the surface temperature of the star. And here we must remember, that the just-born white dwarf can be very hot, but it is not necessary very bright.

Also, some stars are sending the most of their radiation by using the frequencies, what we could not see in the naked eye. There are also stars what are sending the most of the radiation in the infrared area, and the black holes and some neutron and quark stars are sending gamma and X-ray bursts to space. 

And the neutron star would send also high power radio impulses. But when we are thinking about the stars, what is visible in the naked eye, we must remember that there is one thing, what is common with every star. The Kuiper belt of the Sun is not a unique structure in the universe. Most of the stars are surrounded by nebulas, what are forming the molecules. And those clouds or nebulas are decreasing the brightness or level of the visible radiation of the center star.

Of course, most of the people know that stars real brightness is different than we see it because of the atmosphere. The way how the atmosphere influences the brightness is a quite complicated thing because some stars are sending their radiation by using the frequencies, what is filtered or absorbed by the atmosphere, and that's why we can meter the real brightness from the Earth orbiter. Or this is what we believe.

But there are also many more things what influences the brightness of the stars. Many stars are brighter, what they seem from Earth because they are inside the Kuiper's belt or ball, of the interplanetary molecular nebula. And if we are thinking carefully, those Kuiper belts or bubbles might be different in every star. That means that some of those belts are larger and thinner than others. And the thing, what influences those balls is that the star can travel through nebula and capture it to orbiting the star.

Interplanetary nebulas and cloud layer along with great water areas can also decrease the temperature of the planets. That means that liquid water can exist also in planets, which is quite near to the center star.

This is the reason why also old stars might have large nebulas around them. The surface area of those nebulas is much bigger than the planetary systems, and this is the reason, why telescopes are seeing the dust but not planets, and that is one thing what makes those interplanetary clouds of dust problematic. The thing is that those nebulas are necessary for forming stone planets like Earth.

And that thing is a very interesting detail in the planetary hunting because otherwise looking for the Earth-size planets is like looking the nail in the cosmic haystack. The scientists need something, what could make those Earth-sized planets possible, that they can start to search those planets with the most powerful telescopes on the Earth.

If that telescope would turn a little bit wrong direction, it might not notice even the large objects like brown dwarfs. But if some star is surrounded with nebula, what has silicon and iron, that would help scientists choose the most promising stars for those extremely large telescopes, which are also needed for other kinds of deep space observations like quasar research. 

Also, objects like surfaces of the moons and planets of our solar systems might be wanted to look at those powerful telescopes, what are excellent tools for searching the details of the canyons of Europa moon of the Jupiter. The interplanetary nebula can also dim the star if it is between the planet and the star, and in those cases, the planet what has the liquid ocean on its surface can orbit closer the center star than if it would not have interplanetary nebula between it and the center star.

The giant water planets what are covered by the oceans might be cooler than rocky planets, which has less water. The Earth itself would not orbit the Sun in the most favorable zone around the Sun. The oceans would decrease the temperature of the planet, and form the clouds what could cover the surface from the Ultraviolet radiation.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

About Apollo-program, scientists, and science

About Apollo-program, scientists, and science

We have spent the 50th. anniversary of the moonwalk and that thig would bring in the front of our eyes visions what are full of the most impressive images of the rockets, what are 110 meters long, and the landing crafts what are flying over the strange landscape. TV and today the internet are full of images of the impressive moonwalk, and impressive technology behind that thing and the Moon mission was a very good image for NASA and other kinds of organizations.

But when we are thinking about science, scientists, researchers, and developers, what are making science and machines every day, we are facing the thing that their work is not very impressive, if we would look at those people, while they are working. When we are thinking impressive science, we might think would Darwin's theory of evolution be so popular, if that man would make his invention about the advancing of the species in Great Britain in his backyard? The "Beagle" ship made Darwin's journey around the world very interesting, and the findings, what that man did in the Galapagos islands very interesting.

We have forgotten that probably Darwin would get the same results by researching the flowers and bugs like earwigs in his home yard. When we are looking at the impression, what things like Apollo-program made, when Neil Armstrong put his steps on the Moon, we might forget that the thing, what Armstrong made was to bringing some stones and dust to the Earth. 

That thing was very good for laboratories, but we have forgotten that the unmanned probes would do the same thing, and bring similar samples to Earth. And the thing is that those probes would not risk human lives. The risk is the thing, what makes explorations impressive. If we would send the robot to another planet, there is no drama, if the mission fails.

 But when we are thinking about explorations to the jungles, we ever hear those people, who are at least so brave as Neil Armstrong was, except if those explorers would be missing in the jungle. In the jungle, those explorers might be eaten by some snake, but the thing is that they are traveling to their operational area by using DC-3 or some jeep, and that is not very impressive. That's why nobody even sees the lifting off those jungle researchers. But everybody saw the lift-off of the giant Saturn-V rocket in Cape Canaveral.

When we are thinking about people, who are selecting the career as the scientists, we are facing the thing, that those people have very little attention in their private life. If we would observe people like Cosmologists in their work, we would see people, who are writing something on the paper, or who would use some laptop computer and write something. And that thing is not very impressive.

That's why we would not respect those people because they are not using CAD-programs or make some computer software. When people are talking about the influential professions they are always mentioned people like computer programmers, because they are writing some nice codes, what are collecting data from some large areas. 

But has anyone mention persons like conference translators or other language scientists as influential professionals. In almost every publication is mentioned how poor salaries the humanists would get in comparison to engineers. This is the problem with the people like translators, and then we forget to ask, what is the salary of archeologists and egyptologists? Do those persons ever get salaries?

And if they are not getting salaries, how they would live? Then we are facing the fact, that somehow we don't respect people, who are translating other languages, and things like words, what are written by some rock artist. Have we ever ask a single thing about the work of those people? Or have we ever asked things, what people like the translator of the sign language must handle?

I think that we ever spend a single thought about those kinds of people when we are looking at some document of science, or actually, those documents are almost every time made to handle the scientific instruments. The thing is that things like web-cameras and message solutions are vital systems for deaf people when they are wanted to communicate with other people. This kind of things is really interesting to think when we are going out and talk about Neil Armstrong and other interesting people.

Cosmic mysteries and discoveries by using the most modern technology

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Cosmic mysteries and discoveries by using the most modern technology

This is the writing about one of the biggest mystery of the universe, and that thing is the "big silence". Why does nobody answer to the radio signals, what SETI-program has been sent to the sky? When we are getting new and more powerful tools for discovering mysteries of the universe, we must realize, that in that work the old discoveries are replacing by the new mysteries.

And the thing is that every time, we think that we solve some problem, that problem changes its form. The term dark universe consists the dark matter, but also things that are invisible for us in space. And one of those things is the dark side of the moon.  How our moon can be so different on another side?

That thing is the same way fascinating as the quasars and extreme powerful radio bursts, what are making the universe more interesting than we are ever expected. When we are researching things like Moon, the difference between the side, what is to the Earth, and the side that is away from us is really interesting, because the Moon seems to be the wrong side to Earth.

If the meteors, what are pulled by the Earth to the Moon would come from the space, that will happen to another side of the Moon, but there are not "oceans" or magma plains. That means that the meteors or the forces, what were forming the "oceans" of the Moon would come from the Earth. There are meteorite craters also on the other side of the moon, and the theory is that is the side, what is turned to Earth faced impacts with a large number of small size meteorites, what was melting the basalt? Or was the reason for forming those oceans the ion eruption, what came from the Sun, and turned to the Moon from the Earth magnetic field, where those ions influenced like some ion cannons in the SciFi movies. That thing is a very big mystery but the solution would be that the Moon is turned to another direction. 

But when we are thinking that the things what we cannot observe would be the entirety, what we would call as "dark universe", because we cannot get observations from the objects, what are at the other side of the planets, or too far to see. That thing would be highlighted in the cases, where the people are hunting planets, what might be in the habitable zone.

The thing is that the star candidates, what would maintain the life, which is similar to us would be very bright, as I have written earlier. That means that we cannot get straight observation from those planets, and if the planetary system is inclined in the angle that planets would not travel over the star, that means that there are no changes in brightness of the star.

That means that we cannot get observations from those planets if we would search them. And as I have written before, there is a limited number of high power telescopes on Earth, and any of them cannot observe the single star years waiting that some planet is traveling across the star, and causing the change of brightness. This kind of things is very problematic.

And one thing, what we always forget, when we are thinking about the SETI-program is that even some aliens would have similar chemical structure, what we have, that doesn't mean that those aliens would be like we are or they would act like us. Sometimes we are facing many kinds of theories about why there has not been a single answer to the messages, what we have sent to space.

There is, of course, a possibility, that we have got messages, but we cannot open them. If those messages have made by using the quantum computer, we could not open them, even if we would know, that they are messages. There are also many other theories about the great silence, and one of them is that the Earth would be the cosmic zoo or some kind of experiment, how the species are forming and acting.

And that might feel a very uncomfortable thing. SETI program is the most fascinating and dangerous program in human history. The truth is that even if we would find alien civilization, we might not know, how to communicate with it. The messages what those aliens would make would have created by some other system than our binary numbers. In our computers has two sets in the binary numbers. The one and zero, and the last one means that there is no electricity in the wire.

But maybe those aliens would have computers, what has three or more rooms in the processors, and that means that those hypothetical processors would register many other voltages in the wires than the human-made microprocessors have. Maybe those microprocessors have nanotechnological sub-processors inside them, and those nano-processors would act like sub computers.

The problem with SETI-program is to recognize the synthetic messages, what might be done by using a different kind of technology or systems what we use.  And that means that we could not open the messages even we have recognized them. There are many mysteries in space, and one of the greatest is the "big silence". Why we haven't found other civilizations? Would we be so boring species, that nobody wants to make contact with us? Or is the numeric or coding system of the humanoids so different, that we cannot open those messages.

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Why asteroid Haumea in Kuiper belt has rings?

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Why asteroid Haumea in Kuiper belt has rings?

One of the most interesting particles of our solar system is the asteroid named Haumea. The thing what makes it interesting is that this asteroid has rings, and that's why it could be named as the "Saturn asteroid". But how those rings might form?

The explanation for this strange asteroid would be that the solar wind at the outer solar system is so weak. If the asteroid is a very magnetic particle, that means that it could capture the small dust particles around it as the same way, what bigger planets are making.

The rings are actually in the place, where the Van Allen zones or plasma rings of the planet are. The thing is that the rings of Haumea are forming the same way with the other planetary rings, and one thing what is a mystery in the case of Haumea, is how it has got this magnet field?

Has it travel through the magnet field of some planet of our solar system, being part of some other planet ring system, and the colliding would throw that particle to Kuiper belt. Or could it come from another solar system, and the sun could capture it to the Kuiper belt at the outer solar system.

The thing is that if Haumea would be closer to the sun, the solar wind would blow those rings away immediately. And this thing is why the inner planets have not visible rings. The solar wind would blow those particles away immediately, and the thing what makes Haumea interesting is that the magnet field of that asteroid must be very strong if we would compare it to other asteroids. 

And the thing how small asteroid would get the magnet field would happen that it would travel through the powerful magnetic field, what will turn the bite of iron to a magnet and the reason why the magnet field would not get weaker is that the electricity what causes this phenomenon can conduct anywhere. If we would someday send the probe to search asteroids like Haumea, we must realize that if we would touch that particle, we would conduct the electricity away from that particle.

If Haymea would be in the superconducting condition, we would send probe near it and then follow the actions like the oscillation of the magnet field of Haymea, and that would help us to find, where that asteroid has got this strange magnet field. Has it just being a member of the asteroid cloud of the rings of Neptune and Uranus, or does it come from another solar system?

The idea is that the oscillation of the magnet field of the particle, what has given that field to Haymea has been stored in certain form, what is similar to the oscillation of the magnet field, what has magnetized Haymea, and that thing benefit by comparing those oscillations to the magnet field of the planets of our solar system. And maybe that would tell, where that strange particle is coming from.

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Friday, August 16, 2019

The problems with benefiting the asteroids, what are locating in the asteroid belt

The problems with benefiting the asteroids, what are locating in the asteroid belt

If we would want to benefit asteroids as the mineral sources, we would have one problem. The cost of those materials like gold, manganese and other minerals would drop if we would bring an asteroid to the Earth orbiter, and start to benefit it for the industrial purposes. When we are thinking the asteroid mining in the point of view of technology, basically we have that technology existed, what is needed in those projects. The thing is that we would use robots in those projects. Lasers and ion spectrometers along with highly sophisticated artificial intelligence would help those robots to find a suitable asteroid.

When we are thinking about that system, we could send the data-unit, what could be a group of satellites, what mission is to assist those robots with the calculating capacity, and they might be inside the asteroid belt. The energy source could be the solar panels, and they could communicate with robots, what are operating in the asteroid belt. The purpose of those data satellites is to compensate for the errors what is caused because of the distance to the asteroid belt is so long.

The radio signal would travel between those probes about 3-22 minutes, and that means that those systems must operate independently. The time what I used is the time, what radio signal travels between the Earth and Mars, and the asteroid belt would be farther than mars. That's why there should send the data processing assistance units to the asteroid belt, which can assist those probes when they need more "brain capacity". 

When we would think about the benefitting process of the asteroids, there would travel mini-size probes, what would search asteroids, what seems interesting, and when they are finding suitable and right size particle, they would mark it for bigger robot probes, what mission is to benefit that asteroid. One of the possibilities of the form of those robots would be X-37B type small size shuttle, what has one or two assistant robots.

Maybe those assistant robots are looking like some flashlight with manipulator's hand, and when those systems are finding the right size and other ways suitable asteroid, the asteroid could put in the mylar bag and pull to the earth orbiter. There are, of course, other ways to do that thing, and one is just building the spacecraft, what looks like Saturn V-rocket, what have feet at ahead it.

An idea in this system is that the rocket would push the asteroid to Earth, but the problem is that if the breaking would fail, the asteroid could hit to the Earth. But there are other possibilities to make that kind of operation, and one of them is breaking the asteroid in pieces with lasers or ion cannons. Of course, the system would shoot the asteroids by using rail guns. 

The idea is simple, the railgun would be also shooting ions to target, and it can also be used as ion motor. The railgun mode would consist of the centrifuge sling, what is the rotating plate. That system would be loaded with small iron bites, which are collected from the asteroid belt. And then the system would shoot those iron bites through the magnetic accelerator, which will increase the ammunition to very high speed.

A small piece, what is shot through accelerator would crush the targeted asteroid, and the pieces can collect to the mylar bag, what will pull over those particles like a giant trawl. And in this version, the spacecraft would act like a trawler. Those spacecraft might use ion motors, which allows them to operate freely in the asteroid belt. The idea of those motors is that they could use vaporized iron for making thrust. An energy source would be nuclear reactors, which can also give energy to the lasers and other systems, what are needed to benefit the asteroids.

The thing is that the same system can operate also as the ion motor if there is connected the chamber, where electric arc would turn the iron dust to vapor, and that vaporized iron will shoot through the magnetic accelerator, what operates as well the motor and railgun. But also lasers can be used for cutting that targeted asteroid in pieces. The thing would be done like the rail gun would crush the asteroid first in the smaller pieces, and then lasers would handle those pieces in right size particles.

The idea is that if there would be problems in the transportation process, the pieces what would be in the mylar bag would be so small, that they cannot cause danger on Earth, and if there is the problem, the mylar bags can just open. Of course, that causes problems with satellites, but it would be safe for humans on Earth. And in the skies would be seen only the nice meteor shower. This is why the asteroids should cut in pieces before they will send to Earth.

This kind of technology is a little bit complicated to create because many people see only the covert project for military operations, and developing military technology. Of course, we could wait for that suitable asteroid will come near the planet Earth, but the problem is that if something goes wrong, and we would accidentally drive the asteroid to the wrong track, it would make terrible destructions on the Earth.

Which is one very big problem for benefiting asteroids. If some corporation would start to operate in those mining areas, it would get a monopoly in those products. And also it can get ultimate power because the asteroids can shoot as the ammunition, and the defense against hundreds or thousand small-sized asteroids would be difficult.

In the cold war, there were plans that the asteroids would be used as the ammunition by pushing them against Earth by using rocket engines. And sometimes were plans to make artificial meteorites by using Apollo capsule-type craft which is filled with concrete, what would use Moon as gravity sling, and then that kinetic energy ammunition would hit to target at very high speed.

The planet hunter's problem

The planet hunter's problem

Planet hunting is the thing, what might help humans to find another civilization, and that is the thing, what makes this science so interesting. And the planet hunters have many problems in their work, and one is that the stars, what is capable to have the planet, what have similar lifeforms with Earth are quite bright. The reason, why we are looking for similar lifeforms is that those aliens could communicate with us easily if they have a similar form as we have, but the thing is that even if those hypothetical humanoids are looking like us, they might not be like us.

The problem is that we cannot even think where to find those humanoids. We don't have a single observation of the other planets, what are in the habitable zone near the star, what is like our sun. If humanoids would be different than we are, we might not understand them, if they would even want to make contact. Or if they would be similar to us, there is a possibility, that they could be hostile.

In some theories, the humanoids could even act here as European colonialists act in South-America and Polynesia. But we don't have a single officially confirmed attempts to be contacted by aliens, and if we would someday get a message from the other civilization, we must think very carefully, what we will do? Do we answer or play def? And who we would inform at that moment?

Would it be the President Of The United States or would it be the general secretary of the United Nations? And should we tell that thing to a great audience, and how we would guarantee, that some people would not send some "practical joke" to those hypothetical humanoids. And the thing is that every astronomer would want to find another civilization, but at the same time, the thing causes horrible visions about this kind of scenarios.

What if humanoids would take Earth under their control and start to use humans as cattle. Or what if the humanoids would use our planet as the zoo, where other species could observe primitive life forms. That scenario introduced on the Internet, and that brings interesting things in the mind.

The bright star blinds the telescopes when they are searching planets, and if the Earth-sized planet travels at the front of the bright star, the changes of the brightness of that star are so minimum, that it is difficult to notice. The artificial intelligence might search for the planet by observing the changes of brightness, and then if the changes of brightness have sequences, that thing tells, that there is the orbiting planet in that solar system.

That is a thing, what would be a problem if the star is like our sun. If we think about the planet, what has a similar atmosphere with Earth, the orbiting time would be quite long and finding those changes of brightness would need very intensive search and observations of that star, and when the star is very big, there would not be any changes in its trajectory, when it travels through galaxy. This is the reason, why we have found many solar systems what are orbiting the red dwarfs, but we have problems to find planets in the near of the yellow stars.

The solar systems would not cause errors in the specific movement of the star, and that's why we have problems to choose targets for intensive observations. When we are thinking, what we should find near those stars, we must find so-called "favorable Jupiter". That means that if we are looking for small planets near some star, we must find a bigger planet, calculate its mass, and then start to search other planets in the distance of Kepler's radius.

The thing is that we should not look for the copy of Jupiter and if the mass of the planet is two times Jupiter's mass, the distance of the planet must be two times of the distance of Jupiter if we would think, that it might have the same effect, what the Jupiter has in our solar system. And in fact, the red dwarf or some other star would act as the "favorable Jupiter" in that solar system. The planets would form in the Kepler's radius or Lagrange points between the star and "favorable Jupiter".

And at the first is forming a planet, which makes two other Kepler's radius to the star and the "favorable Jupiter. The forming of the solar system is not so easy to explain. And the stars can also pull or rob the planets from other solar systems, while they pass each other. But the "favorable Jupiter", what might be the brown dwarf is telling that there could be planets in that solar system because the object would not send light all the time.

But if that massive object is too heavy, it can turn the entire solar system to orbit it. And this thing has caused the idea of "Pandora", the Earth-size moon, what might orbit some brown dwarf in the habitable zone. But this thing is the topic of some other writing. Here I just wanted to tell, that also the moons of the planets might have living habitats.

If we would find that kind of moon, we might be closer to find another intelligent civilization. But the thing is that if we would find it someday, the Earth would not be the same place anymore. And that thing could be the threat and opportunity at the same time. But the thing is that we should search that species very careful because the situation would turn dangerous.

More about magnetars

More about magnetars

The extremely strong magnetic field with the quite small mass of this strange neutron star type is interesting the astronomers and other researchers. And as I wrote before there could be many reasons for the power of the magnetic field, what is about 1000 times more powerful than the regular neutron stars.

One of the explanations might be that the quite small mass of the magnetars is causing the effect, where the core of the neutron star would rotate faster than other neutron stars. The magnet field of the neutron star is forming by the same way with a generator, and the fast rotating core of the neutron star is causing the high-power magnetic field.

The rotation would happen because the material would drop to the surface of a neutron star, and because of the high-gravity level, the mass is touching the surface of the neutron stars with very high speed. And that releases very much impact energy, what is causing the heating of the mass, and also the high temperature with pressure, which is forming because the strong gravity would there also be the nuclear reactions in the material, what is touching the surface of this giant neutron.

The gravity field of this article would be extremely strong because all the mass of the star has been pressed to the particle, which is about 20 kilometers size. Sometimes some scientists have thought that the neutron star would turn to black holes in every case. But the magnetars might make an exception. Very high power bursts of gamma, X-ray and radio waves would cause that the magnetars would vaporize in a very short time. So what makes those magnetars so special?

The idea is that maybe magnetars are the collapsed stars, what mass is the border case. The star is just too big to create the white dwarf, and hardly enough to create the neutron star after the supernova. So the magnetars might be the "light neutron stars". Too heavy to be the white dwarf, but too light to create the stable neutron star, and this borderline case would create magnetar, the short-living neutron star, what might also have a goal to transform to a black hole.

Another explanation for magnetar is some of those neutron stars are collapsing to quark stars, and then to black holes. That means that there could be many types of magnetars, light and heavy versions of that phenomenon.

The radiation transforming from gamma- to X-ray tells about the change of the form of a magnetar. 

There are explanations that the magnetars would vaporize, but the changing of the radiation from gamma to X-ray tells that there would be changes in the form of the object and the changes of the energy level of those violent reactions. There have been theories that only black holes can send X-rays and the transformation of the radiation tells that the power of reactions would increase.

The X-ray impulses would tell that the magnetar is transforming into another type of object, where reactions would release even more energy than the bursts of magnetars.  And maybe the object is turning to thinner particle, what has more powerful gravity and magnet field than some neutron star.

Because "light" magnetars have the mass about 3-4 times the sun, that would make the outer layer of the neutron star rotating faster than a normal neutron star, where the gravity field would press the neutron star very thin, and that would slow the rotation speed of the outer layer. And the rotation speed of the outer layer determines how strong would the magnet field.

Even if magnetars have weaker gravity field than normal neutron stars the speed of the outer layer would increase to the levels, what we ever could imagine. And that thing causes that the star would pull plasma on its surface by using magnet field. When the material would hit to the surface, it would push the outer layer of the neutron star to rotate, and every each particle what will touch the neutron star would increase the rotation speed of this object.

When the material would touch the surface of the neutron stars, that would cause a similar fusion reaction, what happens in the normal star, but it happens on the surface of a neutron star. Then the ions would start to travel to the polar of that object, and those particles are forming electron or proton jettisons, and this is making them pulsars. But a small part of material would stay on the surface of a neutron star, and sooner or later that plack would collapse causing the thing, what is called as gamma- or X-ray bursts.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Magnetars, neutron stars, what have an extremely powerful magnetic field.

Magnetars, neutron stars, what have an extremely powerful magnetic field.

At the beginning I must say that there could be many explanations for magnetars, the neutron stars, what are sending soft gamma- and X-ray radiation. And those objects are also giving information about the forming the black holes. There is a possibility, that also white dwarfs and neutron stars can transforming to black holes.

The image of a black hole is extremely interesting because it shows where the material will be pulled in the black hole. If the track what material follows is similar, with the material, what drops to neutron stars and forming the pulsar, it would tell that the black holes are also accelerating material to very high speed, but also tells, that does the all pulling the material limited in the transition disk? So does the black hole pull the material inside it only in a certain area, what is the equator, or the area what is between the poles of black holes?

And it tells about the magnet fields of the black holes. The thing why this is conducting with white dwarfs and neutron stars is that if another part of the double star is a white dwarf or neutron star, it would transform to the black hole and during that transformation process the high level of X-ray and gamma-ray radiation would send to universe.

There are two ways to forming the black holes. The first one is that when the heavy and large star explodes as the supernova, it would turn to black hole immediately. That would be called as the fast process. But the slow process is that the white dwarf would increase its mass, that it would collapse in stages to a black hole, and this version is that the increasing mass would transform the star to neutron star, then to quark stars and the final collapse would turn the quark star to a black hole. 

If magnetar would not transforming to the black hole, it would just vaporize in the powerful and violent eruptions. So the lifetime of magnetars is the only couple of ten thousand years. There are other explanations for this violent phenomenon, and one is that magnetar is the neutron star, what is collided with a black hole or quark star, or maybe magnetar is the quark star itself. That means that the small black hole cannot break the extreme stiff neutron or quark wicket, which means that it cannot pull that object in it, and that causes an extremely powerful magnetic eruption.

The thing is that the magnetars could be the neutron stars, what is transforming to quark stars, and that collapse or transformation process, where neutrons are giving up to gravity, and during that process star would send the gamma-ray bursts.  So if we think carefully the double stars like Sirius, where the second part is the white dwarf would cause that the mass of the white dwarf is increasing and the process, where the white dwarf is transforming to a black hole is in running right now.

When we are thinking about things like magnetars, the extreme neutron stars, what have the magnet field, which is a thousand times more powerful than normal neutron stars, we are facing the neutron star, what is collapsing to the black hole. The extreme powerful magnet field and violent eruptions of this object means that the neutrons, what are forming neutron star are starting to give up for the gravity, what is increasing, because the material, what is falling to surface of the neutron star is leaving on the surface, and increase the mass of this star.

At least even neutrons cannot resist the gravity, and the star is turning to the grey hole or quark star, and sooner or later the gravity would increase to level, where even the light cannot escape from the star. So if we think the advancing the star after the nova- or supernova eruption, the white dwarf can also advance to the neutron star, and then through the stage oof quark star to the black hole.  

That happens because the white dwarf is pulling material to its surface, and that would start the process, where the gravity will sooner or later turn the star to a black hole. Before the black hole is forming, the star drops in the limbo, where the escape velocity from its surface is the same with the speed of the light, and at this moment the black hole would pull everything into it, and then it will collapse to the black hole.

And another thing in the black hole is when the neutron star is turning to the black hole, it would turn to dimmer and dimmer, what means that the gravity field would drop more and more light inside it. At first, the photons, what are coming straight to the surface cannot snap back to space, but then the photons that are traveling through the star start to drop on the surface of the star, and then it would transform to the black hole.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Gravity and the limits of Einstein's theory

Image: NASA

Gravity and the limits of Einstein's theory

One thing what we must understand, when we are creating texts and thoughts about black holes and forms of material behind the event horizon is that we can write and talk almost everything we want about that phenomenon. We cannot visit inside that object, because we don't have a single one near us. And because we cannot get any observations behind the event horizon, we cannot deny or prove a thing, what happens behind that point.

The observations are things that are proven or abandon theories. That is the thing, what we must realize when we are thinking about theories and scientific facts. Fact is the thing that gravity influences every object with the same way, and in the empty or vacuum chamber plume and bites, what are made of iron are dropping with the same speed.

And why the light doesn't drop to Earth. That thing is so fast, that Earth has so minimum influence to light, that we just cannot meter that difference. The black holes have so powerful gravity field that the escape velocity is higher than the speed of light, but the thing is that the transition disk around the black hole is so bright, that it denies making observations of the distant objects behind the black hole. The thing is that the gravitation lenses are proven that the gravity influences to light, but the thing is that also galactic molecular nebulas are causing the changes to the trajectory of photons. 

That's why the scientists must confirm that the errors or changes in the trajectories of photons are causing by gravity, not molecular nebulas. And that means that there is needed extreme sharp telescopes, what can eliminate the possibility, that the interstellar nebula is influencing the trajectory of light. Of course, there is needed enough massive target like galaxy, what is in the right angle, and in the point of the sky, where are only a few stars. That makes possible to search the double image of some quasar, what is in the same line with this galaxy.

If we would want to see what happens inside the black holes, we must travel inside them. This is the reason, why the theory of relativity is so confirmed. But there is one aspect, what we ever thought, and that is that inside the black hole might be multiple internal spaces, where the gravity is getting different geometrical forms. So what that thing, what I just wrote means?

The idea of the black hole is that the material would be pressured to the extremely tight, and that means that the form of a black hole is not material in the form how we understand the material. In the mind of some cosmologists, the black hole is only the gravitational field, what is firming in the giant energy burst, what releases when the giant star is blowing as a supernova. This is the normal black hole, buts then we must think how the supermassive black holes are forming? 

Those objects are forming that the interplanetary or interstellar molecule cloud is collapsing straight to the black hole and the thing what we are looking for in this thing is what is behind the event horizon? After that point, we cannot get any observations, and the only thing what we know is that the black holes are not growing.

Or do we know even that? When we are thinking about the supermassive black holes, what mass is about millions or even billions of masses of the sun, we might think that the black hole is growing but the increase of the size of this extreme object is so small, that we cannot even meter that thing. So this is about the growing black holes.

But there is another thing, what is ever thought when we are talking about black holes, and that is the powerful radiation zone around this object might blow a large mass of material away from the black hole. That thing is making one thing clear, and that is that there is a possibility to use black holes as a gravity sling. But we don't have a single one near us. So this makes that kind of things pure theory.

Methuselah, star what seems being older than Universe, or is it just traveled through the jettisons of a supermassive black hole

Methuselah, star what seems being older than Universe, or is it just traveled through the jettisons of a supermassive black hole Is it possible that there could be material before the big bang? There is a strange object in the sky. The star what is called as Methuselah seems to be older than the Universe, and that thing brings very interesting things in my mind. The thing is that if there has been another universe before our universe has been born, that means that there could be some stars and planets left behind that ancient universe. This theory is connected with the so-called "parallel universe" theory, where is introduced the theory, that there could be other universes existed. The thing is that those other universes might be in different places, different dimensions and different times. Or they can also be the inside other universes in the giant black holes, and some cosmologists are thinking, that in every each black hole there could be a small universe with planets and stars. But that thing is theory. One version of this theory is that the universe is thing what would collapse and expand simultaneously. The idea is that when the last star has been run out of it's fuel the expanding of the universe would be ended, and the material will fall in the one place forming the giant black hole. And when the last particle of the universe has been dropped to that black hole, the thing is that there would be nothing to feed that giant black hole, what would be larger, whatever seen before. And when there is no material, what could fall, the giant black hole would start to lose photons, and then it would start to vaporize. After that, the vaporizing would start to increase its speed, and then the black hole would explode in the new big bang. The thing that some star or molecular cloud would leave out of this stage and form the star outside the giant black hole and the big bang is fascinating. For some theorists, this kind of case would explain the existence of God, that this creature is an alien, what is from the Universe, what is preceded this our universe. This thing is very interesting and at the same time very little known. And it is conducting from the theory that God is some kind of alien. Well, the world is full of theories, and maybe this is one of the most extraordinary visions, what we might even think. Could Methuselah just travel through the jettisons of a supermassive black hole? But the possibility that there is the star, what is elder than universe would prove at least partially the theory that the universes have existed between big bangs true. But even if that theory would be proven not to be true, that thing would make interesting visions that there would be material in somewhere else than in the place of the material, what caused a big bang. There is also a possibility, that the time would travel faster or some reasons caused that the material or particles are acting differentially in the Methuselah than other stars. The thing is that there could be some kind of radiation, which would make the particles acting differentially, and destroy the radioactive particles and creates heavy particles faster than in other stars. And that thing could be the very high power gamma- or X-ray radiation, what comes from black holes or some neutron star, and is it possible that the Methuselah has traveled through the jettisons of the supermassive black hole, what causes changes to its isotope structure.

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