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Showing posts from August, 2019

Writings about the strange dark area in the clouds of Venus, communication with Lunar probe and orange mineral on the Moon

Writings about the strange dark area in the clouds of Venus, communication with Lunar probe and orange mineral on the Moon 1) Two theories about the mysterious dark area in clouds of Venus A) Could those dark area caused by some primitive bacteria? In some images has been seen the strange dark areas in the clouds of Venus. That dark area form is given many theories, and one of them is that there is still bacteria in the clouds of that planet. In those theories, those bacteria are so primitive, that they would not have own mitochondria, and they would take the energy what they need from the Venus atmospheres high temperature. So those hypothetical primitive bacteria would be like the first organs what were living near the volcanic eruption holes on Earth, before the cells connected with mitochondria. And in some theories, those proto-nucleus cells could live also in other planets. At the beginning of the Cambrian period, the cells needed volcanic heat for getting energy for thei

The sharpest clock in the world has been activated

The sharpest clock in the world has been activated The sharpest clock in the world is the thing, what might be called the "time probe". Absolute stable conditions and minimum effect of radiation and gravity field would help to find the answer to one question. And that is are the gravity waves possible and is the mystery transfer particle of the gravitation only the one form of lepton would get answers by that kind of system. The metering bases the idea, that when the gravity wave is facing the atom clock there would be little difference in the action of that system. But the problem is that also the electrons or electromagnetic radiation what hits the core of those extremely sharp metering tools might cause the increasing the mass of the probe, and the gravity wave would be extremely weak. That means that any radiation, what might come as an example some neutron star or black hole can disturb the atom clock that it cannot notice the gravity waves, what are covered by the r

The life on Pluto

The life on Pluto Pluto is an icy and small dwarf planet, which might have primitive lifeforms. Those lifeforms would live conditions, where is no sunshine, and the temperature is near zero kelvin degrees, which means that the lifeform must be far away from the lifeforms of Earth. But are those suspected lifeforms so different than we think or want to think? Those lifeforms, what we might meet in the absolute cold and dark worlds might use volcanic temperature for creating energy for their metabolism. And an idea for those lifeforms has been given the bacteria and worms, what are living near the black smokers on the bottom of the Ocean. In those conditions, the lifeforms don't have sunlight for the photosynthesis, and the thing, what gives energy for their chemical reactions comes from the volcanic Geysir at the deep underwater, where is either free oxygen on the water. The organisms that are found from those "black smokers" are an example for cases, where lifeform

Quantum teleportation and nanotechnology brings quantum computers closer

Quantum teleportation and nanotechnology brings quantum computers closer Nanomachines can be used as qubits In the qubits, what are transporting data in the quantum computers has three values 0, 1 and 2. That means that those qubits can't be translated to data by simply cutting the electricity in the wires, but I will return that thing later. There are two ways to create qubits. One version is to create the molecule by using the nanotechnology. This molecule would be a combination of the metal and some other atoms what are not conducting electricity. The mission of the atoms, what is between the metal atoms is to isolate them from each other. In this scenario, the "Y" shaped molecule would create the qubit in a very simple way. But creating those molecules is quite difficult. One of the most promising version could be combined iron and some big sized atoms, and the magnet field would pull that molecule through the sensor, what detects the voltage or the position

The interstellar version of "Project Orion" would use antimatter bombs for accelerating its speed to interstellar level.

The interstellar version of "Project Orion" would use antimatter bombs for accelerating its speed to interstellar level. "Project Orion" was the attempt to create nuclear-powered spacecraft by using the method, where the nuclear bombs would give punch to that spacecraft. Those nuclear bombs were planned to detonate behind spacecraft, and that thing would give extremely great punch for the spacecraft, what would travel in our solar system. If those nuclear bombs would be replaced with antimatter bombs, that system would be used to create the interstellar version of the "Orion" spacecraft. But the stars would be a little bit too far away. The punch of that system would be extremely tough, and the system was planned to use many small-sized nuclear detonators, what size would be something like between one or two kilotonnes. Those bombs would be detonated as the salvo behind the craft, and that thing would happen by using frequency about one nuclear bomb pe

Every single particle in the universe has pair as the anti-particle except photon, and the question is: is the antiphoton also existed?

Every single particle in the universe has pair as the anti-particle except photon, and the question is: is the antiphoton also existed? Almost every single particle in the universe has a pair. That pair is the anti-particle. Only photons have not noticed to have this kind of pair. Electrons antiparticle is positron, what has the same role in the world of antimatter what electrons have in regular material. The protons pair in antimatter is antiproton and neutrons pair is antineutron. The last one just rotates in the opposite direction than"normal" neutron. And this thing has brought in my mind one very interesting question about particles. This thing is, is it possible that also photon has a pair in the group of antiparticles? Could there be possible to find anti-light in the universe?  Photon is the particle what forms the light, and this thing makes it a very special thing because it's only known particle, what can reach the speed of light. When particle pairs like

New kind of magnetic layers would allow making new kind of nanomachines.

New kind of magnetic layers would allow making new kind of nanomachines.  One of the most interesting ideas of nanotechnology is the device, what bases the similar technology, what is used in LCD or flat screens. On the screen is a layer, what is equipped small size magnets, what would create the physical image on this layer. The idea is that the physical form would be created by small electric magnets that are installed on the layer, and this screen would move magnetized dust on it. That kind of system makes possible to create forms by simply drawing them. The system would work that the drawer just draws the image on the screen. And then the electricity would be connected to the layer, and after that, the image would be forming by the dust, what is on this system. This kind of systems might be used to create things like microchips, and other electric circuits. The person who makes those things would just draw the image, and then put the dust, what reacts to the magnet field on the

The small electric motors can move nanomachines, but they can make many other things.

The small electric motors can move nanomachines, but they can make many other things.  The bacteria have very small size electric motors, which makes them move by rotating the small protein fibers. This same system can put in the nanomachines by simply cutting those electric motors away from the layer of bacteria, or making the small-sized ring by using metal molecules. Then inside the ring would put the molecule, where is metal atoms around it. And then this system would transport the nano-machine in liquid. But if we would benefit the small molecules, what would look like dumbbells, we would create new kind of varnish, what could be more dirt ostracising than any varnish before. The idea of this structure is that the molecules can be in a certain direction, which makes the layer slippery only when the person or particle is moving in a direction, where rolls are heading. The problem with nanoballs is that the layer is slippery in every direction. and if the particles of this nan

Could it be possible to grow the tree in second?

Could it be possible to grow the tree in second? I just watched the short film from YouTube, where the spacecraft would land on some planet and starts to create a tree, what grows in seconds, and the thing made me think, could it be possible that this kind of thing can be done in the real life. The link to that film named "Abiogenesis" is below this text. This thing is very interesting to think and the thing that we could make this kind of operation in real life would be a quite complicated process. The idea of this process is to use cell cultures, where are stored cells, what is genetically manipulated for the divide in extremely fast speed, and that thing could be made by turning the genomes to the ring-shaped form, and increase the sequences, what makes those cells divide. That would cause the very much biomaterial would be created in a short period. Then the cell culture would take to high altitude and after that, the cells would be driven through the system, what l

The writing about stable carbon ring, medical technology of tomorrow and nano-submarines

  The writing about stable carbon ring, medical technology of tomorrow and nano-submarines  The stable carbon ring would make a revolution in nanotechnology because this technology can be used to create smaller and smaller nano-size microprocessors, where the transistors are created by using three atoms. That means that the base, collector, and emitter would be created by using single atoms, and the atom-thin fibers, what are created by using carbon or carbon atom lines would make possible to create the systems, what are more effective than we ever imagine. But the carbon ring would be possible to create more effective instruments for nanotechnology, and they can be used to take samples from the human body from the places, what are unable to catch by normal instruments. The thing is that those nano-sized rigs can capture single molecules or cells from the body, and if it is connected to the miniaturized submarine, it can bring the samp

Is the story of Atlantis only the ancient SciFi tale? And could it be possible that Plato's home language other than Greek?

Is the story of Atlantis only the ancient SciFi tale? And could it be possible that Plato's home language other than Greek? Is so-called "real philosopher" person, who has lived in ancient Greece, and write nice texts about the people, who have sitting in the cave all their lives. When we are thinking the difference of the book writer philosopher, we must realize, that the knowledge and way to get information is a little bit different in the modern life than in the time of Plato. And that makes philosopher of the modern time a little bit different than some ancient Greek master, whose writings and stories would repeat again and again through the millenniums. Maybe some modern philosophers would be found the millenniums later when their texts would be found from some database of the Internet. Maybe that thing happens, when the data of the Internet would transfer to quantum computers. When we are thinking about persons like Plato and Aristotle, we must realize that wo

Kuiper's belt and its influence on the magnitude of stars.

Kuiper's belt and its influence on the magnitude of stars.  Magnitude is the term, which means the brightness of the stars. The term "relative magnitude" means that the star, what is closer than some star, what is in a greater distance seems to be brighter than this farther star. The absolute magnitude means how bright the star is, and the metering that absolute brightness happens by using the spectroscopy and infrared metering to determine the surface temperature of the star. And here we must remember, that the just-born white dwarf can be very hot, but it is not necessary very bright. Also, some stars are sending the most of their radiation by using the frequencies, what we could not see in the naked eye. There are also stars what are sending the most of the radiation in the infrared area, and the black holes and some neutron and quark stars are sending gamma and X-ray bursts to space.  And the neutron star would send also high power radio impulses. But when we

About Apollo-program, scientists, and science

About Apollo-program, scientists, and science We have spent the 50th. anniversary of the moonwalk and that thig would bring in the front of our eyes visions what are full of the most impressive images of the rockets, what are 110 meters long, and the landing crafts what are flying over the strange landscape. TV and today the internet are full of images of the impressive moonwalk, and impressive technology behind that thing and the Moon mission was a very good image for NASA and other kinds of organizations. But when we are thinking about science, scientists, researchers, and developers, what are making science and machines every day, we are facing the thing that their work is not very impressive, if we would look at those people, while they are working. When we are thinking impressive science, we might think would Darwin's theory of evolution be so popular, if that man would make his invention about the advancing of the species in Great Britain in his backyard? The "Beagle

Cosmic mysteries and discoveries by using the most modern technology

Image I Cosmic mysteries and discoveries by using the most modern technology This is the writing about one of the biggest mystery of the universe, and that thing is the "big silence". Why does nobody answer to the radio signals, what SETI-program has been sent to the sky? When we are getting new and more powerful tools for discovering mysteries of the universe, we must realize, that in that work the old discoveries are replacing by the new mysteries. And the thing is that every time, we think that we solve some problem, that problem changes its form. The term dark universe consists the dark matter, but also things that are invisible for us in space. And one of those things is the dark side of the moon.  How our moon can be so different on another side? That thing is the same way fascinating as the quasars and extreme powerful radio bursts, what are making the universe more interesting than we are ever expected. When we are researching things like Moon, the differ

Why asteroid Haumea in Kuiper belt has rings?

Image I Why asteroid Haumea in Kuiper belt has rings? One of the most interesting particles of our solar system is the asteroid named Haumea. The thing what makes it interesting is that this asteroid has rings, and that's why it could be named as the "Saturn asteroid". But how those rings might form? The explanation for this strange asteroid would be that the solar wind at the outer solar system is so weak. If the asteroid is a very magnetic particle, that means that it could capture the small dust particles around it as the same way, what bigger planets are making. The rings are actually in the place, where the Van Allen zones or plasma rings of the planet are. The thing is that the rings of Haumea are forming the same way with the other planetary rings, and one thing what is a mystery in the case of Haumea, is how it has got this magnet field? Has it travel through the magnet field of some planet of our solar system, being part of some other planet ring s

The problems with benefiting the asteroids, what are locating in the asteroid belt

The problems with benefiting the asteroids, what are locating in the asteroid belt If we would want to benefit asteroids as the mineral sources, we would have one problem. The cost of those materials like gold, manganese and other minerals would drop if we would bring an asteroid to the Earth orbiter, and start to benefit it for the industrial purposes. When we are thinking the asteroid mining in the point of view of technology, basically we have that technology existed, what is needed in those projects. The thing is that we would use robots in those projects. Lasers and ion spectrometers along with highly sophisticated artificial intelligence would help those robots to find a suitable asteroid. When we are thinking about that system, we could send the data-unit, what could be a group of satellites, what mission is to assist those robots with the calculating capacity, and they might be inside the asteroid belt. The energy source could be the solar panels, and they could communicate

The planet hunter's problem

The planet hunter's problem Planet hunting is the thing, what might help humans to find another civilization, and that is the thing, what makes this science so interesting. And the planet hunters have many problems in their work, and one is that the stars, what is capable to have the planet, what have similar lifeforms with Earth are quite bright. The reason, why we are looking for similar lifeforms is that those aliens could communicate with us easily if they have a similar form as we have, but the thing is that even if those hypothetical humanoids are looking like us, they might not be like us. The problem is that we cannot even think where to find those humanoids. We don't have a single observation of the other planets, what are in the habitable zone near the star, what is like our sun. If humanoids would be different than we are, we might not understand them, if they would even want to make contact. Or if they would be similar to us, there is a possibility, that they co

More about magnetars

More about magnetars The extremely strong magnetic field with the quite small mass of this strange neutron star type is interesting the astronomers and other researchers. And as I wrote before there could be many reasons for the power of the magnetic field, what is about 1000 times more powerful than the regular neutron stars. One of the explanations might be that the quite small mass of the magnetars is causing the effect, where the core of the neutron star would rotate faster than other neutron stars. The magnet field of the neutron star is forming by the same way with a generator, and the fast rotating core of the neutron star is causing the high-power magnetic field. The rotation would happen because the material would drop to the surface of a neutron star, and because of the high-gravity level, the mass is touching the surface of the neutron stars with very high speed. And that releases very much impact energy, what is causing the heating of the mass, and also the high tempe

Magnetars, neutron stars, what have an extremely powerful magnetic field.

Magnetars, neutron stars, what have an extremely powerful magnetic field. At the beginning I must say that there could be many explanations for magnetars, the neutron stars, what are sending soft gamma- and X-ray radiation. And those objects are also giving information about the forming the black holes. There is a possibility, that also white dwarfs and neutron stars can transforming to black holes. The image of a black hole is extremely interesting because it shows where the material will be pulled in the black hole. If the track what material follows is similar, with the material, what drops to neutron stars and forming the pulsar, it would tell that the black holes are also accelerating material to very high speed, but also tells, that does the all pulling the material limited in the transition disk? So does the black hole pull the material inside it only in a certain area, what is the equator, or the area what is between the poles of black holes? And it tells about the magnet

Gravity and the limits of Einstein's theory

Image: NASA Gravity and the limits of Einstein's theory One thing what we must understand, when we are creating texts and thoughts about black holes and forms of material behind the event horizon is that we can write and talk almost everything we want about that phenomenon. We cannot visit inside that object, because we don't have a single one near us. And because we cannot get any observations behind the event horizon, we cannot deny or prove a thing, what happens behind that point. The observations are things that are proven or abandon theories. That is the thing, what we must realize when we are thinking about theories and scientific facts. Fact is the thing that gravity influences every object with the same way, and in the empty or vacuum chamber plume and bites, what are made of iron are dropping with the same speed. And why the light doesn't drop to Earth. That thing is so fast, that Earth has so minimum influence to light, that we just cannot meter that

Methuselah, star what seems being older than Universe, or is it just traveled through the jettisons of a supermassive black hole

Methuselah, star what seems being older than Universe, or is it just traveled through the jettisons of a supermassive black hole Is it possible that there could be material before the big bang? There is a strange object in the sky. The star what is called as Methuselah seems to be older than the Universe, and that thing brings very interesting things in my mind. The thing is that if there has been another universe before our universe has been born, that means that there could be some stars and planets left behind that ancient universe. This theory is connected with the so-called "parallel universe" theory, where is introduced the theory, that there could be other universes existed. The thing is that those other universes might be in different places, different dimensions and different times. Or they can also be the inside other universes in the giant black holes, and some cosmologists are thinking, that in every each black hole there could be a small universe with plane