
Showing posts from August, 2019

Writings about the strange dark area in the clouds of Venus, communication with Lunar probe and orange mineral on the Moon

The sharpest clock in the world has been activated

The life on Pluto

Quantum teleportation and nanotechnology brings quantum computers closer

The interstellar version of "Project Orion" would use antimatter bombs for accelerating its speed to interstellar level.

Every single particle in the universe has pair as the anti-particle except photon, and the question is: is the antiphoton also existed?

New kind of magnetic layers would allow making new kind of nanomachines.

The small electric motors can move nanomachines, but they can make many other things.

Could it be possible to grow the tree in second?

The writing about stable carbon ring, medical technology of tomorrow and nano-submarines

Is the story of Atlantis only the ancient SciFi tale? And could it be possible that Plato's home language other than Greek?

Kuiper's belt and its influence on the magnitude of stars.

About Apollo-program, scientists, and science

Cosmic mysteries and discoveries by using the most modern technology

Why asteroid Haumea in Kuiper belt has rings?

The problems with benefiting the asteroids, what are locating in the asteroid belt

The planet hunter's problem

More about magnetars

Magnetars, neutron stars, what have an extremely powerful magnetic field.

Gravity and the limits of Einstein's theory

Methuselah, star what seems being older than Universe, or is it just traveled through the jettisons of a supermassive black hole